Only you

By formula_one_addict

161 16 27

"Growing up having racing at the centre of your family, isn't always as exciting as people think. My father l... More



8 1 0
By formula_one_addict



Violently sick.

All the way in through the car ride.

Any minute now, I was going to be sick.

I think even Charles had noticed, but I really wasn't in the mood to have a therapy session with him about being nervous about the event.

Instead, I just stared out the window.

Lost in my own thoughts, I hadn't noticed that Charles had placed his hand on my knee to top it from jumping up and down.

"Why are you so nervous?"

He paused, waiting for my response, and when he didn't get one, he continued.

"Haven't you gone to lots of these events before? If anything, I should be the one who is nervous."

Still, I did answer.

"Wow, the silent treatment. Real mature Lucia."

I couldn't help but bite back.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I couldn't hear you from over here, stuck in Romero's shadow; plus my father's got a real tight grip on me, ya know."

He clenched his jaw so tightly, I thought it was going to pop. He was not expecting me to say that.

"Lucia. I- I- I didn't mean any of that. I was saying..."

"What? You were just saying the truth?"

I interrupted him.

"No. I was saying those things because fuck."

He lifted his hand, the one that was resting on my knee and ran it through his hair. I felt cold when he removed his hand and I'm struggling to know why.

"I was upset and angry."

He blurted out, like he was trying to hold it back.

My whole body turned to him, from hearing this revelation.

"Why were you even upset?"

I whispered, looking right up at his green eyes. I could see him fighting against himself. Like he didn't want to say what he was really thinking. Like he was scared.

I thought to myself, just say what I think you are thinking, Charles. Tell me that you were upset that I didn't go to congratulate you. Tell me it's not in my head and that there is a spark. That you are drawn to me as I am drawn to you. That I'm not crazy to think that we can be more.

Tell me, Charles...


He looked away from me, mumbling his answer.

"I was upset that I finished second."


Is he serious right now?

"You're upset that you came second and not first?"

I said a little too harshly. Partly because I was hurt he actually might not feel what I am feeling, and partly because I know he is refusing to admit that he feels something between us.

"Lucia you wouldn't understand."

Hell, maybe I don't understand but I did know he was being ridiculous, if that was his real reason.

"You're upset that Carlos came first at his home GP? You're upset that you came second to your teammate? Come on, you know that's not true. I refuse to believe that. You aren't that self-absorbed."

"I saw- Lucia it's complicated."

He said yelling.

"It doesn't have to be."

I yelled back.

We both knew we were trying to say things we couldn't say out loud. We were hinting at what we wanted but were too scared to say it.

I leaned over the middle seat and put my hand on his shoulder, grabbing his attention.

I was looking into those green eyes again, and they softened.

"We've arrived."

I pulled my hand away startled by the driver's voice.

Suddenly, all my nerves came crawling back, and I froze.

This was my chance to show everyone how far I had gotten on my own, and I wasn't prepared.

"Hey, I'm right here. We will go together. Ok?"

Charles said squeezing my hand.

Taking a deep breath, the car door opened, and I got out with Charles following right behind me. We were immediately swarmed with camera flashes and people screaming at us to look their way.

I squeezed his hand tighter, and he moved to walk in front of me and face everyone first.

When we reached the red carpet, he whispered.

"It will only take 2 minutes, and then we will be inside."

Nodding my head in response. I closed my eyes and flicked a switch in me, tuning everyone out. I remembered all my modelling training and just did what I did best.

I was so zoned out that I didn't even notice that our time in front of the cameras had finished and we were walking into the venue.

"See it wasn't that bad now, was it?"

He said, laughing, and I couldn't help but laugh as well.

Now it was time to greet Rocco Lannone, Ferrari's Creative Director and his team. Walking towards his table, Charles grabbed 2 champagne glasses from a passing waiter, then handing me one once he reached the table. I quickly whispered a small thank you to him and he smiled in return.

"Ah, you must be Lucia."

A man said to me, who I assumed was Rocco, but I wasn't quite sure and it was event to him as my face betrayed me and he saw that I didn't know who he was.

"Where are my manors. I am Rocco, Creative Director here at Ferrari."

Yep. Completely embarrassed myself in front of him. The one person I needed to impress.

"Oh I am so sorry, I didn't recognise- I mean we have never meet before. But I should have known. I am so sorry-"

"Lucia, it's my fault that I didn't introduce myself, please it's ok."

He said whilst laughing.

Oh thank god one of us found this amusing.

"And you must be The Charles Leclerc."

Rocco said as he extended his hand out to Charles to shake.

"Ah yes, it's nice to meet you."

"No the pleasure is all mine, meeting Ferrari's golden boy has been at the top of my list for a while now."

Charles nervously laughed at hearing himself being referred to as Ferrari's golden boy.

"Lucia my darling, my dress looks absolutely stunning on you and I knew you'd be able to pull it off. I designed it only for you to wear, you know."

My jaw hit the floor in record speed. I had never had a dress designed only for me to wear before. I was speechless. And Rocco knew it.

"Don't be so shocked Lucia. A beautiful young woman deserves to have a gorgeous dress on to compliment her and enhance her own beauty. Wouldn't you agree Charles?"

My eyes almost flew out of my head.

"I couldn't agree more."

He said looking into my eyes, whilst smiling. It was like Rocco wasn't even there.

It was just us.

Rocco quietly coughed which gabbed both my and Charles' attention.

"Sorry to interrupt but I'd love for you to meet some more members of the team. Partly the guy who brought you to our attention, we are very thankful to him."

"Oh, yes of course. I'd love too."

Charles and I followed after Rocco as he led us further into the function. We walked past the runway aisle and it looked spectacular. I could wait to see all of the beautiful designs.

I was in my own world as I was in awe of all the beautiful people and dresses in the room that I hadn't realised that the team was standing right in front of me now.

"Lucia, this is the team. Marco our senior designer, Martina our social media manager, Rebecca our junior stylist and the man who made it all happen and who we couldn't have brought you here without-"

I was shaking the team members hands and saying hello to Marco and Rebecca, when my eyes met his.


Rocco and I said at the same time. But mine was a whisper.

"No need for introductions 'il mio tesoro'."

He particularly boasted to everyone around us, as he had a devilish grin plastered across his face.

I was too shocked to speak. It's like every memory came flooding back to me in that moment. My heart was racing a million miles an hour.

Charles could sense that there wasn't something quite right, because I practically looked like I'd seen a ghost.

No, it was much worse.

I'd thought I'd escaped him.

But I should have known...

You can't escape the devil.

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