Only you

By formula_one_addict

160 16 27

"Growing up having racing at the centre of your family, isn't always as exciting as people think. My father l... More



5 1 1
By formula_one_addict


I briefly got the chance to watch the podium. Knowing it would take a while for me to get ready with the stylists because I was lucky enough to be able to wear one of their main pieces for the runway, and it had to look perfect.

I wanted to look perfect, not just for Ferrari Fashion...

But because I was going to be standing by his side.

I couldn't feel prouder watching all 3 of them up on the podium. I watched Max receive his trophy for finishing 3rd. He smiled, raising it in the air; as he pointed down at me, I couldn't help but jump up and down for him.

"Lucia, we must go now, or you're going to upset all the stylists for being late."

Bella whispered next to me.

"Can't we just wait for a minute until the podium is over?"

Just as I had whisper yelled back, who I knew to be Charles' athletic trainer, Andrea bumped me as he and another Ferrari official stood just in front.

It looked like Andrea was in a very serious conversation, too, and I knew it was bad to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help myself.

"I told him to snap out of the bad mood; for Christ's sake, he came second behind Carlos, his teammate. He should not be upset."

"But why would he be acting like this?"

"Not a why, it's a who."

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't you hear him, he said he doesn't want to see this 'her' at the bottom of the podium, or he won't walk out"

"Do you think she is here?"

"If she had heard what he had said about her, then she wouldn't."

"Well, what did he say?"

"He was mumbling a lot, but he said something like, 'Why would Romero's shadow be at the podium if he didn't even place? Her father needs to keep a tighter grip on his runaway daughter.' And then something like, 'She isn't welcome here'. He was very upset."

I wanted to run as soon as the words came out of Andrea's mouth.

He really thought of me this way?

Suddenly, I heard them call out Charles' name on the podium. I didn't have time to tell Bella I was ready to go, I just turned and walked away. If he didn't want me there, then I would be.

I'll apologise to Carlos and Isa later. I just had to get out of here before he saw me.

As I pushed through the crowd with Bella holding my arm behind me so we didn't slip up, I felt eyes watching me. But I refused to turn around, I refused to see that smirk on his face. Like had one some battle, because I was leaving.

I don't know why this bothered me so much.

Maybe I was starting to enjoy his company. He was different to how people described him.

Was it all a facade?


There were probably fifty million people running around me, trying to fix my hair, make-up, or dress.

I was starting to feel the pressure of the whole event. I had done runway events before...but nothing like this.

My dress was ready for me to put on and wow, was it beautiful. It was going to be a part of their summer collection.

They told me that this dress was chosen because it emulated the Ferrari tifosi, because it was red, and the floral fabric represented the beauty of women.

Looking in the mirror, I couldn't help but adore this dress. I'd never worn something so beautiful and be able to show everyone its beauty.

"You look stunning Lucia."

I heard Bella say behind me as I looked at my reflection.

"Thank you mio caro."

"He won't be able to take his eyes off you now."

I knew who she was talking about, but frankly, I didn't really want to see him. Not after what I had heard him say. Bella hadn't heard what his trainer said, so she kept bringing him up every chance she got.

"Why do you keep talking about him, he's just a random ragazzo?"

"Tell me that there wasn't an instant spark between you too, and I'll stop"

I opened my mouth to respond, but I paused. I couldn't even start my sentence because I felt the spark in my gut. I knew it was there, and I knew I felt it, but I've realised how much I feel it.

"See, I told you, you like him and want to get to know him more. That's not a crime."

Maybe it's not a crime, but am I really ready to open up emotionally to someone new? I can handle being involved with someone new physically but emotionally is a different story.

"I just don't want to get my hopes up or finally emotionally be ready, and he won't be on the same page."

"Trust me, I can see he is on the same page."

She said as she held my hand comforting me.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Our heads turned to the door, and it slowly opened just enough for someone's head to pop through.

"Lucia, the car is outside, and everyone is waiting, ready for you downstairs."

One of the Ferrari Stylists said. I turned to Bella who gave me one last reassuring smile, letting me know that everything was going to be ok.

"Ah yeah, I will be down right now."

She held opened the door for me and I quickly headed for the stairs. It felt like a mission to just put one foot in front of the other. I started to hyper-fixate on my breathing, I could literally feel every breath I took.

I had my head down the entire way to the staircase, I could hear everyone talking but I didn't dare look at how many people were there.

I knew everyone had stopped to look my way, because the room went completely silent. Gripping the rail, I started to head for the crowd.

Slowly raising my head up as I started to hear people whispering, which I only assumed to be about me, I couldn't help but scan the room.

There had to be at least 200 people in this room and we weren't even at the venue yet. I couldn't believe the amount of people that were here, I guess it was some sort of pre viewing or event Ferrari was holding.

I could feel my hands starting to shake a little and I was scared I would fall any minute. I didn't want to embarrass myself so I picked my pace up a bit. God, I've never been this nervous before, I don't know if it's the amount of people here or the fact that he is here somewhere in this room.

As I reach the bottom of the stairs, I had my eyes focused on my feet, just making sure that I didn't fall face first onto the floor.

I was so distant from reality that I hadn't noticed a figure come up and greet me at the bottom, holding his hand out for me to grab.

Subconsciously, I reached for his hand and he pulled me towards him, moving his hand to rest on my waist. I looked up and was greeted by those green eyes.

"I've got you, ma chéri."

And suddenly it was just me and him in the room. Like everything that had happened before had faded away.

I'd never felt safer, than having him next to me.

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