A Young Kim Rok Soo

By Kore1simp

291 17 6

It's a few stories about a young Kim Rok Soo in his original earth and his new Caretaker. A dimension crossin... More

Timeline of KRS?
Draft. Rok Soo gets sick.
Draft. A kidnapping?
β”— Addition to"A boy's First Crush."
Draft. Kai's 'disappearance'?

Draft. Someone breaks in.

33 2 5
By Kore1simp

   Kai gets territorial.

  + It was a peaceful day with Rok Soo and Kai, the only speed bump they had had all week was a crazy man a few days ago and even that man hadn't stayed in mind long.

  + Kai had just finished helping KRS with his homework as she made dinner and they set the table up for dinner. They chatted over what KRS did at school and what Kai did at work, as well as the new books or stories they had found and had read or started reading. Kai had been reading little short stories online where humans were considered the boogyman of the galaxy while KRS had found a fun little storybook in one of his schools book corners.

  + Once it was time for bed the two of them washed up and changed for bed. Kai, in loose comfy clothes and KRS in Finding Nemo pajamas that Percy had gotten him before. Percy had given them to him for one of his birthdays and had gave him a pillowcase and sheets with blue cookie designs for Christmas. Kai burst out laughing when she saw the present and thought it was hilarious. KRS used them often because he liked how her expression seemed to lighten with amusement whenever she saw them. She had also put her hair into a loose braid that draped across her shoulders.

  + Kai sat near the edge of KRS's bed as she leaned against the headboard of the bed. She snuggled with KRS as she held a storybook open on her lap. The small book was in English because Kai had been teaching KRS English.

  + She cuddled close to KRS as she read aloud the storybook in both Korean and English, tickling him and messing with him as she compared him to the main character of the book.

  + When she read in English, KRS would ask questions about what some of the words were and she would explain them patiently. She gave kind smiles in response to KRS's questions and gladly taught him what he'd wanted to know.

  + In fact, the reason Kai was teaching KRS English in the first place was because KRS often saw Kai talk in English to either herself, the air, or her brother Percy, and he wanted to be able to do it to. He wanted to be able talk to her in english like her brother did.

  + Just as Kai was nearing the end of the story and had started to exaggerate her retelling with her movements, at sort of the fourth fifth of the book, all of a sudden. Her senses intensified and she had thought that she'd heard something. She stopped reading for a moment as her body tensed instinctively, her eyes widening as her ears perked up and she focused on KRS's door. KRS was confused for a moment why Kai had stopped reading as he was on the verge of sleep, kept only awake by Kai's excitement in telling the story as he laid on the bed space next to her while watching her through half closed eyelids.

  + KRS started to get up and ask what was wrong when he realized that Kai had stiffened and was staring warily and intently towards his bedroom door. Just as he rose to prop himself up with his hands and opened his mouth to speak. Kai heard something and she quickly shushed him.

  + KRS had also heard the unidentified sound and so he quickly and obediently stayed quiet. He was confused as to what the sound was as well as why there was one. Sure, they had often heard the neighbors sometimes shout down the halls and run and bump into the walls. Or even stomped around like they were having a party upstairs. But, the sound they had heard this time was different.

  + It didn't sound like it was from outside, in the halls, from the walls, or from upstairs. No, it sounded like it was from inside their apartment. They had not invited anyone and no one besides them should've been inside their home. And yet they heard something.

  + Kai whispered to the now awake and alert KRS to stay quiet as she checked it out. She carefully got off the bed as she stalked towards the closed door. For a moment she stood by the door to double check that she'd actually heard something and after only a second she heard a heavy footstep and strange shuffling sounds.

  + From the very first instant that Kai suspected that someone had entered her home, her Domain, her TERRITORY. She had become silently livid that someone had actually dared to come into her home uninvited. She kept a calm facade on her face and in her demeanor as she turned back towards KRS.

  + She tossed her phone at him and told him to call the police. He fumbled as he caught it. "Hey! You remember how to call the police right?" She whisper yelled at KRS. He nodded as he clutched the phone in his hands with widened eyes. "Remember to sound extra scared and innocent." She gave him a playful smile as she held a finger to her lips. "And don't forget to tell them that I went out and you don't know what's happening, ok?" "Yes, Noona..." KRS responded with a hesitant but slow and determined nod. With one last look back she said one more thing. "I'm gonna leave the bat with you, I'll grab the other one outside. Use it if you have to, alright?" Once again KRS gave a determined nod as he responded resolutely. "Yes, Noona."

  + Kai then slowly opened the door as she peeked out to survey the outside, KRS had the phone at the ready to call (911?) once Kai left the room. She stepped out and carefully closed the door behind her as she looked around with the eyes of a predator. 'Let the hunt begin.' She thought to her self.

  + She made her way down the short hallway as she crept along it. It took her only a few seconds to do so as she had many years of practice. She was a Demigod of course and she had done many missions that involved hiding from monsters or sneaking around them. Humans/Civilians/Mortals were also some of the beings that she used those skills against.

  + Kai started to hear talking as she made her way to the doorway going to the living room. It sounded like just one man talking to himself but the things he was muttering to himself and the way he was saying it made her stomach churn in disgust.

  + Kai walked past her own bedroom and reached into the closet full of blankets and towels, pulling out a half wood half metal bat that was rather solid. She called it Luke, out of habit and perhaps on reflex since it was the first thing to pop in her head when she saw it.

  + She held the bat in her hands as she scanned the living room and kitchen from the hallway. In the living room she saw as a man stood in front of a shelf with pictures of herself and KRS. He was talking to himself and as he looked at the pictures in the frames, then he started touching them and petting them.

  + "We'll be a perfect family! She'll be my loving wife this time. And this boy, we don't have to keep him for long. Just until she and I have our own son! But what if its a daughter? That's fine! Hehehehe...! I just I'll just have to keep trying~~! Ah~ shes so beautiful~ My love, darling, dear, honey, baby, mine, mine, mine! She's the one I want!" The man wore a long beige coat and in his other hand held a gun. At his feet was a bag with duct tape, rope, and zip ties sticking out of it. His eyes held a lecherous gleam as he spoke in a greatly possessive way. He danced around giddily as he fondled Kai's picture. His face was red with a bright flush as he ran a finger along a framed picture of just Kai at the beach. He picked it up and held it close to his face. The man had closed the front door but it had traces of being broken along the frame and edges of the door.

  + "Hey creep." Kai spoke in a harsh tone as she walked into the living room. She was well aware that the man had a gun in hand but she didn't really care about it as it wouldn't be much use if it didn't hit her. She walked in with her bat at the ready and of course still in her sleep clothes. The man's face broke out into a creepy and lecherous grin at the sight of her.

  + "What the fuck do you think you're doing in my house?. I don't think I ever fucking allowed you too. I'll give you one chance to get the hell out!" Her eyes gleamed with anger and hatred and in all honesty didn't think that this crazy man would leave peacefully. But that was fine.

  + "HONEY!" The man shouted in seemingly glee when he turned around still holding the picture in hand. He gave a bright smile to Kai who was disgusted by the sight and the half hidden intentions in his eyes and demeanor. "Oh how wonderful! You're already greeting me when I come home! Of course I should be here darling~ I'm your husband! And your my BEloved wife~ I–" The man was cut off. He had stared walking towards her with his arms wide open, hands each holding something, one held the photo and the other held the gun, finger hovering over the trigger.

  + "SHUT UP! I DON'T KNOW YOU, SO BACK THE HELL UP! IF YOU TAKE ANOTHER DAM STEP I WONT HESITATE." Kai growled in a warning tone as she readied her bat in a sword stance pointed at him. The man disgusted her to no end. Daring to call her with affectionate words and even having the audacity to think he was her "husband" her mind shuddered to even entertain the thought and a grossed out chill ran across her body as a grimace appeared on her face.

  + The man tried to speak again in a placating and comforting tone as he took another step towards Kai. This time Kai did not give him a chance to speak anymore. She simply sprang towards him and nailed him in the stomach with a crushing blow, causing him to lose his breath and double onto his knees. His grip on the gun tightened as the look of "love" in his eyes changed to anger. He started to say something about how dare a mere decoration go against its master but at that point Kai had kicked him across the room and he rolled into the wall. He tried to rise again and take aim at Kai but she wielded the bat skillfully and knocked the gun out of his hand also breaking his hand in the process. It started turning purple and becoming swollen as he screamed in hatred and pain. He tried lunging at Kai to throw a punch but Kai just dodged and threw her own punch, knocking him to the ground again.

  + They were tussling on the ground when the police came a few minutes later and saw as Kai beat up the man with a furious look gracing her face as she rolled around trading blows occasionally but mostly giving a one-sided beating. She had a bump on her forehead, a cut on her cheek, a bloody nose, ripped and dirty clothes, bruised knuckles, and frizzed out hair that had become even more loose, her hair tie had almost slipped off when the man pulled on her braid earlier in the fight.

  + The delusional man on the other hand came out much worse. His hand had broken several bones, his face was bruised in a myriad of colors, from green to purple, so were various places on his body, his hair had been viciously pulled out in tuffs, and finally, he had broken a few of his ribs from Kai's ruthless kicks. 

  + KRS, on the other side of things had dutifully carried out his orders once Kai left the room. He called the number and when the person on the other side picked up a second later and asked him why he was calling. He broke out into a nervous explanation, telling the woman on the other side that someone had broken into their house and that his Noona had gone out to stop them or something. He told the woman that they had heard something when they were about to go to bed and his Noona had gone out to check it.

  + She asked KRS about his address and he gave it to her. He started speaking in a rushed and fearful tone as he asked how long it would take to help his Noona. The woman tried to soothe KRS and praised him for being so brave and helpful for his older sister. She asked a few  more questions about the situation and he gave her as much as he could. She'd asked about Kai, her age, and if she had anything to defend herself when she went out.

  + A dozen or so minutes later the police came and stopped the wrestling between Kai and the man who had formerly could've been called ok looking. KRS had been standing in the doorway of the hallway holding both Kai's phone and the light bat in hand when the police had walked in through the front door. They took statements and brought Kai and KRS to the hospital as they took the man away separately.

  + For a moment one of the policemen needed to clarify that the man actually hadn't been her lover because the entire way to the elevator/stairs the man had been referring to her with things like 'honey' and 'wife'. Kai very clearly clarified to the police officer that she and KRS had absolutely no connection with that man before that day's encounter.

  + Kai gestured to the pictures of herself and KRS that were on many of the flat surfaces against the walls. She told the police man that she hadn't had a lover or boyfriend for a long time and she certainly wouldn't have anyone like that crazed man for anything like a friend or acquaintance, much less for a lover.

  + The matter was settled after some investigation on the man. He had been charged with quite a few restraining orders against women as well as assault charges against their boyfriends or husbands. He had apparently been quite infamous for his behaviors.

  + In a stroke of rare luck that graced the 'young?' female demigod child. She and KRS had a security camera set up in the living room that recorded video and audio.

  + They had first gotten it to record their funny accidental moments. It would only record when it saw movement though. At the end of each week they would go through the footage and either save or delete the data. Whenever they wanted to save a particular scene they would upload/download it on a data bank (or account? online?). And, as lady luck would have it, their 'secret' camera, which was kinda hidden in a fake plant in the corner of the room, had caught the entire incident. From beginning to end. From the time he forcefully broke open the front door, to when he oogled at the shelf holding pictures of Kai and KRS and had even, and especially, recorded the audio and sight of the man talking to himself about the things he would do to Kai and KRS.

  + Kai, having an idea of the sort of things the man had said, made sure that KRS didn't see the video when she was retrieving the video for the police department. She didn't want KRS to see it, at all if possible. He was still young of course so he should only see good things. There wasn't a need to expose him to those types of people and she hoped that he would be able to go a long long time without ever seeing that side of people.

  + She knew that KRS held a strange Fate. One influenced by a curse and possibly another soul or a gods intervention. It would cause him to become apathetic about many things because it would train him not to care for anything or else he'd get hurt. As part of her help she would do her best to ensure that he had a happy childhood, one where he didn't need to worry about the icky dark side of people or what they were capable of.

  + He didn't need to see it. He shouldn't have to. ..But she would still teach him. Hopefully he wouldn't need to use the knowledge taught to him but should the case ever arise, she would ensure that he would come out on top.

+ Their evidence was so perfect that everything was resolved smoothly afterwards. The touch of Mist that'd been added hadn't hurt either. The man had finally been put into a mental asylum and was not scheduled to be leaving any time soon.

  + While Kai was staying at the hospital (again?) KRS was allowed to stay with her. The official reason was that he couldn't be considered safe by himself, since the apartment's door had been broken and his uncle wasn't in town at the moment. The unofficial reason was that he was cute when he fretted over Kai and asked the staff questions in a darling innocent way. Kai had been the one to teach him that.

  + Kai only stayed at the hospital for a night though because her injuries in comparison were light.

  + When their impromptu visit to the hospital was finished Kai and KRS headed back to their apartment.

  + Once back, they burned the photos the man had touched, along with their frames and had thrown away a variety of other things.

  + Soon enough they replaced their front door and started making preparations to move houses. They basically immediately started packing once they got home, after a small "bacterial extermination".

  + They spent the next few days in their apartment on break from school and their job, focusing on finding a good place to move to that was still near KRS's school and nearby enough to Kai's workplace.

  + Eventually. After very careful consideration and scrutiny on both Kai and Rok Soo's part. They had finally found a new place to live.

  + And after all their recent troubles they moved houses and moved in and settled back into their regular daily activities, away from their small apartment and the troubling events that took place just a short while ago.

  + It worked out in the end though, since they had already talked about moving closer to KRS's school and her workplace.





3190 words (⁠☉⁠。⁠☉⁠) Mmm.. many words.

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