Wrath, Violence, and Love. (I...

By cheerfulreaper

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Izuku Midoriya. Quirkless. Has been his entire life. Always will be. And yet, that's not all. He's bullied... More

Гнев: Origin: Part 1: A day to live in Imfamy
Гнев: Origin: Part 2: A new path
Гнев: Origin: Part Three: Convictions
Гнев: Origin: Finale: First Blood
Hero Killer: Prequel: Ally
Hero Killer: Part 1: One Coin
Hero Killer: Part 2: Dead Men
Truth and Lies: Part 1: Who am I, really?

Truth and Lies: Part 2: Secrets

204 7 4
By cheerfulreaper

"Vigilante гнев: Who is he really? With the recent broadcast that somehow took over our own Hero News Network systems, he has raised dozens of questions, little of which were actually answered in this...manifesto speech of his. Along with threatening all of Japan, more specifically the heroes and police....it's a bold statement to say the least. Here we have Tokyo Police Chief Tsurugamae, here to speak on the investigation, as well as the claims from гнев." The head reporter for the HNN says as Izuku idly listens to the speech as he sits at a table, on his lunch break. 

"Of course, woof. Thank you for having me on here. First things first, I want to assure every single person in Japan that the police force is dedicating it's every resource to finding гнев. This dangerous villain has been designated priority 2. As it rests, he will be pursued until he's brought to justice, woof" Izuku scoffs lightly as he sips on his coffee, sharply breathing out as he tastes the hot, still bitter black coffee, even with the sharp burn of vodka on the back end of it. Ikkaku's 'Miska special'. Why the old man drank his black coffee with two shots of Beluga Vodka, he would never understand. But shit did help settle nerves at least. 

"Is there any news about any hero deaths he's caused?" The reporter asks, and Izuku groans lightly, standing up slowly as he packs up his trash, throwing it away

"No, he's been quiet in terms of that. He has been spotted no less than a dozen times in the week since, and while he has killed multiple villains and thugs, no hero incidents have been reported yet. However, we are more than certain that he will continue to fight back and attack heroes. If anyone has nay information, please, relay it to the police force." Tsurugamae says, and Izuku snorts as Julia mimes picking up a phone. 

"So...you got busy, hm?" Ikkaku asks, and Izuku shrugs.

"I mean, yes and no. Nothing too special, really. Just working on my next speech, kinda. This one will be a lot of fun." Izuku says, picking up a pen and twirling it around his fingers

"Oh? How so?"

"Other than spilling some secrets? Just.......making a splash, I suppose. More....concrete calls to action." Izuku shrugs, smiling lightly

"...Are you going to incite a revolution?" Ikkaku hisses, and Izuku snorts

"I don't have the time, resources, or patience for that. I just want to....ah....make it tough for the heroes for a minute or two." He replies, as the door 'dings' and a few familiar faces to Izuku walk in

It's some of the UA students from before. Sato, Kaminari, Hagakure (who seems a little too on edge) and Mina, a bubbly smile on the latters face. 

I feel the scar tissue on my face stretch as I give a small smile and wave to the four hero students, who recognize me quickly, and wave me over

"Hey, Alex!" Mina says, a bright smile on her face. I don't bother correcting her. It's close enough to my cover

"Hey. I heard about the business in Hosu. You guys all end up all right?" The lie tastes bitter

"I mean, most of us weren't there....Tooru was..." Mina trails off, and I wince. 

"Stain was....terrifying...but гнев was just...terrifying. He was so...just good. I don't even know how else to describe it. but he saved me and Joke, so..."

"Well, wait, didn't you almost capture him?" I raise an eyebrow at Denki's question

"Well...I mean..yeah, but like...not really. I got handcuffs around him, but he just managed to break them. I think he used a knife. Endeavor was so pissed he got away." Hagakure admits

"You managed to cuff him? Isn't he like...super deadly and stuff?" Kaminari asks

"Well, yeah. He racked up like....what was it, 80 kills or something?" Sato questions, and I have to physically hold back my smile. 

"Honestly, he's such a danger. I don't know how he hasn't been caught."

"He's not a level 1 or 0 threat." Izuku shrugs, looking away from the group as a group of college-age students walk into the shop

"I mean, still! He's killed so many people!" Mina insists

"People, Mina. Not heroes, right?" Izuku notes, and the table in front of him blinks

"....Why does that matter?" She asks

"Stain was a 0 level threat because he killed heroes so efficiently, right? гнев has, at least so far, only killed Death Arms. A lot of villains and criminals yes, but I am willing to bet public opinion is much more.....blasé to that fact. They 'deserved' it. So to speak, of course. But killing heroes is what gets people to think you're a threat." Izuku says simply

"....So.....you think hero lives are worth more than villains?" Kaminari asks

"I believe every life is important. No matter who you are, what you choose to do. But there are certain occupations that give more importance to your survival. Everyone is human. But not all people are born equal. Simple fact of life." Izuku shrugs

"....I'm just confused. Are heroes more important than villains, or not?"

"A bodyguard is going to prioritize the life of their employer over a random civilian, right? Everyone has goals, has rules. Simple as that." 

"Every life is important though. You said so yourself. Why does a person's occupation, or life choices change that matter?" Hagakure counters, her eyes boring into Izuku. Or so he assumes

"It doesn't."

"So what are you saying?"

"The HSPC, and Japan at large, prioritize heroes over villains. Nobody is holding a national funeral for a villain." Izuku says easily. 

"....So that's why people care more about Stain being captured than гнев?" Sato asks, and Izuku points a scarred finger at the boy

"Exactly. Public opinion and interest play a huge role in politics. Thus, the priority of a threat." 

"That's stupid." Hagakure says

"It is. But, realistically, гнев hasn't been shown to be much more than a mid-level villain bringing in territory or a particularly violent vigilante." Izuku says

"Hmph. I still think it's dumb."

"And you have every right to think that." Izuku smirks

"But...it was weird, honestly." Hagakure mutters, crossing her arms

"What do you mean?"

"He...гнев...saved, me and Joke. He said something about...minor crimes...but that we didn't deserve death. He willing dove into a fight with Stain....and didn't really seem to think twice about it." Hagakure says, and Izuku stays silent as Mina grows a Chesire grin

"Do you have a vigilante protector Tooru-chan? Maybe he's sooooo deeply in love with you he just wants to keep you safe~" Mina teases, and Izuku is sure if the girl could blushing she would be. 

"No no no no no no! No way!" She says, waving her arms back and forth, making Mina burst out laughing as Izuku smirks slightly at her discomfort. 

Mina isn't right.

He thinks. 



Hero News Network Main Studio

"Okay, we good for the broadcast?" A producer calls as the main anchors for the HNN, both retired heroes, get their makeup done. 

"We're ready whenever you are!" The male anchor, a retired Pro Hero by the name of Itushi Nakagame, former hero Gangway, a tall man with a large eyepatch over one eye, calls, giving a thumbs up

The female anchor, the retired Pro Hero Junction, Mikara Notiroshi, a smaller woman with a bright look in her eyes, smiles, nodding to the producers. 

As they begin the talkdown, Notiroshi looks over the script. As expected, the top story is of гнев taking down Stain. The HSPC, which had direct oversight of the HNN wanted to suppress this. But video footage had been obtained and everyone could clearly see the vigilante demolish Stain with relative ease. But something about the encounter was still odd to the woman. He hadn't severely injured either. It was odd to see a vigilante protecting, but even saving them when гнев had already proven that he was willing and able to kill. But she supposes it was in line with his whole deal. 

As the producer gives a countdown to the two former pros, Notiroshi and Nakagame both take slow breaths, then put on bright, smiling faces

"Good evening! I'm Itushi Nakgame and this is the HNN Nightly news!"

"And I'm Mikara Notiroshi, and tonight's headline, гнев! This vigi-" Suddenly, the broadcast cuts, and every single screen flickers. The producer curses under his, and feeling of familiar dread spreads over the studio. 

"Ah....it's good to be back on the air. Hello, Japan! As you all know...my name is гнев." The familiar mask, the familiar table, sword, and unidentifiable background. And that mask. The black mask, with those dark green marks. 

"Shut it all off! Shut him down!" An angry HSPC agent says, bursting into the room

"So, I assume you all are wondering why I'm here so soon. It's simple. I know I mentioned talking about my reasons being justified for killing Death Arms....I suppose this is my proof...I advice parents to cover their children's eyes." гнев says, tilting his head

As the studio, and Japan watches in horror, a video clip plays on the jacked broadcast. A video of Death Arms....viciously....oh god. Notiroshi hears someone throw up as her and her co-anchor both go stone-faced at the horrific video. 

"Not-so-innocent now, hm? Death Arms had been doing this for years, unfortunately. I have terabytes of video footage show casing the horrific crimes of this....hero, and his gang. I, thankfully, put an end to that, but clearly...it's not exactly legal, or ethical, to show it all. However, every single video had been posted to a website. I will show a QR code at the end of this broadcast. Scan it, see the horrors of Death Arms. But enough of that.....now to address some other news." гнев says, sighing lightly as he pulls out a bottle of Vodka. Some brand called 'Beluga'

Pouring himself two shots, гнев down both shots, barely raising his mask in order to hide his face. Smart kid.....

"Gah...still strong. Anyway....the news I want to address. It seems to me people have been making assertions. That I haven't killed anyone....at least according to the police. Hah.....what bullshit." гнев snarls, looking directly into the camera. 

Notiroshi feels the power behind that stare. A stare that held nothing but death...pain....rage. It was something she had felt dozens upon dozens of time as a pro.

The stare of a man with nothing to lose. A man who could burn the world at his feet, and smile as he did it

"Along with fudging the number of kill I have, they have downplayed my danger. I have killed over 200 villains in the past few weeks. And I will keep going. So, tell me, Japan. Why are these poor heroes, these poor police so scared to admit how dangerous I am? I have a theory. I'm quirkless. And we can't be dangerous. It's not allowed. It's not supposed to happen. Quirks are supposed to rule all, right? Heh...funny." гнев laughs, pouring 7 more shots, walking out of frame for a minute, and coming back a few seconds later, sitting down heavily

"Now, I suppose I have one more thing to address. The heroes who are coming after me.....if you're not scared, that is....be prepared to meet the same fate as Death Arms. Your secrets bared to the world. Your body, left to rot where I killed it. Your image, tarnished. Your legacy, destroyed. I will kill, I will maim, I will hurt to get my point across. But I won't touch those you love. I refuse to become a force of solely vengeance." гнев smiles, pulling back the slide on his pistol again, pressing it to his head. 

"My name is гнев. Until next time...." гнев pulls the trigger, the gun 'clicks' empty, and the broadcast cuts, showing the promised QR code. It holds for a few minutes, before the screens go black. 

A silence falls over as their systems kick back in, resuming viewing on the anchors, who are still frozen, stony faced. 


At U.A. 

Principal Nezu's office. 

"Well...it seems the ball is still in our court, hm?" Nezu ponders out loud, as the other figure in the room scoffs

"I don't see why it's our problem. Or more specifically, my problem. I haven't done anything wrong." The figure sighs, shaking their head. 

"It isn't. It's for the HSPC to solve, really. But it does affect everyone in Japan. Much less you Pro heroes." Nezu muses, and the figure glares at him, shaking their long hair. 

"It's not that simple, rat, and you know it. This kid is calling out thousands of Pros, with no concern for the consequences. It's not like Death arms was particularly powerful or anything." The figure sighs

"It's never simple, but that's what makes it fun! Of course, I feel compassion for Death Arms victims, not the man himself, but it refreshing to see гнев attack a pro hero like this. It's powerful and unique to be willing to call out a dead man for his crimes. Takes a special level of loathing." Nezu says, his beady black eyes locking with the red ones staring at him

"...Crazy rat.....look. I get what you're trying to do. I get your point. I'll find him. Talk to him. One-to-one. Nothing more, nothing less." The Pro in front of the Rat sighs, walking out of the room, instead of leaping out the window like they normally would. 

Nezu stands up, walking to the windows of his office, studying the Tokyo skyline. He feels like he could maybe see the vigilante, running across roofs. 

I wonder, гнев....what secrets do you still hold in your deck? 

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