iris | one tree hill

By madupnh

76.6K 2.1K 180

── irisㅤ/ ─── ❛ you're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be❜ ── ❛ and I don't want to go home right now... More

0. before
1. pilot
2. places you have come to fear
3. are you true?
4. crash into you
5. all that you can't leave behind
6. every night is another story
7. life in a glass house
8. the search for something more
9. with arms outstretched
10. you gotta go there to come back
11. the living years
12. crash course in polite conversation
13. hanging by a moment
14. i shall believe
15. suddenly everything has changed
16. the first cut is the deepest
17. spirit in the night
18. to wish impossible things
19. how can you be sure?
20. what is and what should never be
21. the leaving song
22. the games that play us
2. truth doesn't make a noise
3. near wild heaven
4. you can't always get what you want
5. i will dare
6. we might as well be strangers
7. let the reigns go loose
8. truth, bitter truth
9. the trick is to keep breathing
10. don't take me for granted
11. the heart brings you back
12. the hero dies in this one
13. quiet things that no one ever knows & unopened letter to the world
14. somewhere a clock is ticking
15. something i can never have
16. the lonesome road
17. i'm wide awake, it's morning
18. what could have been
19. the tide that left and never came back
20. the leavers dance
1. like you like an arsonist
2. from the edge of the deep green sea & first day on a brand new planet
3. an attempt to tip the scales
4. locked hearts and hand grenades
5. champagne for my real friends & the worst day since yesterday
6. how a resurrection really feels & brave new world
7. return of the future & i've got dreams to remember
8. the wind that blew my heart away
9. all tomorrow's parties

1. the desperate kingdom of love

1.3K 44 5
By madupnh


(based on season 2)

Ethan and Keith were on a beach in Charleston going after Luke, who had told themwere he was of in his call. Ethan spotted Luke and nudged his father to point in the boy's direction as they walked towards Luke.

"Holy cow!" Ketih said looking at Luke's figure.

Ethan and Keith laughed.

"What happened to your head?" Ketih asked Lucas.

Lucas had shaved off all his hair, and the boy smiled at the man's question, running his hand over his head and said.

"I figured new town, new look." Lucas said.

"You know, Skills would probably say that you don't look good in his look." Ethan said, making Lucas laugh.

"Okay, whatever you say, felicity." Keith said. "At least the town looks nice."

Ethan ended up snorting, still struggling to accept his new reality. A reality without being able to be with or see Emma at any time, or to go to Karen's café in the middle of the day. 

"Yeah, it does." Lucas said. "I think we're gonna like it here." Lucas said and saw the look of annoyance and sadness on his cousin's face.

"Say it for yourselves." Ethan muttered.

"Ethan, we're on a beach. Go swimming, make friends or talk to girls. But give the city a chance." Keith said, slipping his arm around his son's shoulders and pulling him close.

"No, no and no. I already have a girl, Dad. And it's the sight of her in a bikini that I'd like to see right now." Ethan says.

Lucas put his hand to his face to stop himself from laughing in front of Keith at the way Ethan had ended up talking. Keith sighed, knowing how sad the boy was about leaving Emma behind.

"You didn't say 'no' about giving the city a chance." Keith nudged his son.

It wasn't about Ethan giving a chance for the city. For Ethan, standing by his father even though he wanted to stay in Tree Hill was about loyalty, about love. He just needed some time to better mask his discontent for the sake of his father's happiness.


Tree Hill

Emma was lying on the bed in her sister's room, listening to Yellowcard's Empty Apartment while Peyton pasted a drawing of Jake and Jenny on the wall. When Brooke walked into Peyton's room saying hello.

"Doesn't anyone ring the doorbell in this town?" Peyton asked.

"I think we should learn to lock the door, sis." Emma said.

"I just don't do it." Brooke said about the fact that she never pressed the doorbell or even knocked on the door.

"Let's go, girls." Brooke said, looking at the Sawyer sisters.

"And where are we going?" Peyton asked.

"It's day two of the Brooke and Peyton Hoes Over Bros Reunion Tour." Brooke said.

Emma sat down on Peyton's bed and looked at Brooke.

"And where do I fit into that?" Emma asked.

"Well, you've always been Hoes Over Bros. You're the president of Hoes Over Bros, Emma Violet Sawyer." Brooke said.

Brooke left the room, and Emma followed right behind the girl with Brooke pulling her hand to see the ring Ethan had given her.

Brooke had taken the girls to the docks, where they were passing several speedboats.

"Brooke, what are you up to?" Peyton asked.

"You guys have been on my dad's boat before." Brooke spoke as calmly and naturally as possible.

"Yeah, with you and your dad, B. Davis." Emma said, walking behind the girl and alongside her sister, climbing into Brooke's father's boat.

"Details. It's like driving a car. It's just on water and without a speed limit." Brooke said.

"Yeah, and jetski's are like motorcycles, swimmers are pedestrians and we're going to die." Emma replied.

Peyton pointed at her sister in agreement.

"Girls, look at us. Look at this day. We are practically a beer commercial. It would be wrong not to take it. So let's go." Brooke said as she finished getting into the boat, causing Peyton and Emma to follow her.

"If I die and you live, can you tell Dad and Ethan that I love them and will come back to haunt Brooke if she survives?" Emma said to Peyton, who laughed at her sister's drama.

The girls got into the boat alongside Brooke, who began to steer the boat, making Emma hold on tightly to her sister's hand.


Ethan and Lucas went after Keith along the beach, considering that the man had been missing for a considerable time after answering a phone call.

"Dad?" Ethan called out to his father when he found him standing in a corner looking out to sea.

"Jeez, who died?" Luke asked, seeing Keith's expression.

"It's Dan. He had a heart attack." Keith explained and left, leaving the boys alone.

"Are you all right, Luke?" Ethan asked his cousin, watching him remain silent.

"I don't know." Luke said.

The boys went to Keith, who was on the balcony of their new apartment. Keith asked if Luke wanted to talk about it, but Luke didn't know what to think and asked Keith if he thought Karen already knew the news.

"Maybe, she and Deb are friends." Ethan said.

"Do you think my mom cares?" Luke asked, thinking that maybe Karen still cares about Dan.

"I don't know. Do you?" Keith asked Luke.

Luke remained silent, not knowing what to say or how to respond. Keith said that even if Dan was only Luke's sperm donor, Luke could still worry about him. Ethan decided to leave the two of them alone and went to the kitchen to get some water.


Brooke, Emma and Peyton were lying on the boat, in the silence, with the sun touching their skins.

"Listen, do you guys hear that?" Brooke asked.

"Hear what?" Peyton asked without understanding.

"Silence. It's nice." Brooke explained.

"Yeah, we were. Until a B. Davis interrupted." Emma said, slapping the girl on the belly, causing the other two girls to smile.

"So what do you guys want to do after this? I was thinking maybe some ice cream, little lingerie, facial." Brooke said.

"It's okay to miss him, Brooke." Peyton said, turning to look in Brooke's direction.

"Miss who?" Brooke asked, pretending not to know.

"Lucas." Peyton said.

Brooke then explained that she didn't miss the boy, then went on to say that maybe she just missed him a little, then said that the situation was whatever and that there were other fish in the sea.

"We'll find new boyfriends. It shouldn't be hard considering it's us." Brooke said.

"Hey, you can get me out of this. I already have a boyfriend." Emma said looking at Brooke.

"Yeah, I hope he keeps his word or I'm going to Charleston to kick his ass. Right, Peyton?" Brooke said.

"That's right. We don't help him tidy up your room so he can give you an promise ring, so he can be an asshole in the end." Peyton said.

"But... If he goes, and you're single again, E. Sawyer, it won't be hard at all to find a new boyfriend." Brooke shrugged.

"Wanna know a secret, Peyton?" Brooke questioned. "I was secretly pulling for you and Jake." Brooke told Peyton. The two made jokes about the situation.

Suddenly, the three girls saw a boat full of boys passing by. Brooke smiled and flashed her breasts at the boys. Emma and Peyton's wide eyes caught Brooke's attention, Emma even pulled Brooke's blouse down.

"Emm's, you already did that with me once." Brooke pointed at the girl laughing.

"Yeah, I was drunk, B. Davis. And reminding you again, that I have a boyfriend who is the only one who will see my breasts." Emma said.

"Oh my god! Is Ethan finally seeing your boobs?" Brooke shouted and Peyton started laughing.

Emma put both hands to her face.

"Please, someone kill me." Emma muttered.

Brooke decided not to kill the girl with shame, saying that they could go swimming, but that they weren't wearing their bikinis, Peyton then reminded her that this had never stopped them before. Just like that, the three teenagers were swimming naked.


Ethan and Keith were carrying the boxes into the apartment when Ethan grumbled.

"Hey, Luke. Can you explain to me why it's just me and my dad carrying the boxes while you stand there like a greek statue?" Ethan asked.

"Well, it seems like a waste." Luke said. "We're going back, right?" Luke asked.

"We're going?!" Ethan asked, looking at his father without being able to contain his joy.

Ethan looked like an abandoned puppy who had just been adopted. But then he looked like an abandoned puppy again when he heard his father sigh deeply.

"Why? You a heart surgeon?" Keith asked Luke.

Luke didn't answer, he just scoffed. Ethan went to sit next to his cousin.

"Luke, I want Dan to get better too. You know, I'm really pulling for him, but you guys know that my future's here now. I can't just....go back." Keith explained.

"We get it, dad." Ethan said to his father.

"Yeah, I don't wanna go back either, but... It just doesn't feel right." Luke explained.

"I want to go back. Why don't we make a list of pros and cons?" Ethan suggested.

Keith took a pen and made a pros and cons chart on a large cardboard box from the move that was next to him.

Keith made the board.



Keith's job.

Luke screwed Peyton and Brooke, and didn't even say goodbye.

Fresh start.


Killer view.

Keith had written it down, and then said.

"Just to recap on the reasons to stay side we got: Dan's an ass, Luke was an ass, my new teaching job, we get a fresh start, Karen annihilated my heart and this apartment has a killer view." Keith said. "Want to add anything, Ethan?" Keith asked.

"No, let's go to the reason side to go to Tree Hill." Ethan said excitedly.

Keith laughed at his son's excitement, already knowing that his answer would be 'EMMA'.

"Anything else?" Keith asked.

"Nathan." Lucas said.

Keith turned to write on the side of reasons to stay, and Ethan shook his head in denial.

"Yeah, that marriage thing must have been tough for you." Keith said.

"Uh? What marriage thing?" Ethan asked, glancing quickly at Keith and Luke.

"Nathan and Haley got married." Lucas said.

"What? Why doesn't anyone tell me the gossip?" Ethan said after snorting.

"Are you worried that no one told you instead of worrying that your teenage cousin just got married?" Keith asked his son, noticing the boy's priorities.

"And what could I have done? Lock Nathan or Haley in a basement to stop them from getting married?" Ethan asked, making his father and cousin laugh.

"Well, you and Nathan are fast." Luke joked. 

"I gave Emma an promise ring, Nathan got married. I don't think it's the same thing. Nathan just accelerated a process that I want to enjoy every step of with my girlfriend. Do you have a problem with that, Lucas Eugene Scott?" Ethan said, pointing a finger at his cousin, who raised his arms in surrender.

"Nops. And Keith, Nathan is on the board of reasons to come back to Tree Hill." Lucas said, taking Keith by surprise.

"Finally on the list to go back to Tree Hill. Dad, write it down. Emma and Karen." Ethan said smiling.


"My mom?"

Keith and Luke questioned, looking at Ethan.

"Yeah, Karen is my mother figure and I'd like to be close, okay. Do you guys have a problem?" Ethan crossed his arms, Luke smiling at his cousin. And this time, Luke and Keith raised their arms in surrender.

"No problem, son." Keith replied, going over to the boy to ruffle his hair.

Luke explained that Nathan was a good guy, that he was wrong about Nathan. Luke said that he found Nathan and Haley a little strange, but... that he wanted the best for both of them.

"I'm proud of you two for getting to know Nathan. And Luke, if you think you should go home, then you should." Keith said. "But there are things in Tree Hill that I'm not sure I can face." Keith told the boys.

"Like what?" Luke asked.

Oh, Luke, if you only knew. The day before, when they arrived, Keith took the opportunity to talk to his son and ended up telling the boy that he had been with Deb. Ethan's first reaction was to shout Ew, then he pretended to vomit and then asked his father if he was insane, because Dan Scott would certainly retaliate.

"Something I'm not proud of." Keith disagreed.

Keith asked the boys for a moment, saying he was going for a walk.





Ethan and Lucas gave Keith space until they went after the man. The boys found Keith in the classroom where Keith was going to give his lessons.

"I was standin' here listening to that voice in my head." Keith said to the boys.

"What's it sayin'?" Luke questioned.

"It's saying if we leave this place today, we may never come back." Keith said.

"And what's the voice in your heart telling you?" Luke asked.

"That's not fair. You two know that Dan's a, he-he's a bad guy." Keith said.

Ethan looked at his cousin.

"Give me a moment with my father, Luke." Ethan said quietly.

Lucas left, leaving Ethan and Keith behind.

"Son..." Keith looked into his son's eyes.

"You can't use this to run away, Dad. Dan may be the worst man in the world, but I know you love your little brother, and I know you regret what you did." Ethan said.

"Ethan, you know you can go back to Tree Hill. I didn't want to force you to move, I know how happy you were there and..." Keith said, but was interrupted by his son.

"I don't mind moving in with you, Dad. As long as I have you, I'll be happy. Yeah, I miss Emma, but we'll manage. But it's not about that." Ethan said.

"Will you forgive yourself for the mistake you made? But more importantly, will you forgive yourself if you don't go back to help look after your brother?" Ethan asked and hugged his father when he saw that his words hit his father hard. "Dan has done so many bad things, but you've never stopped loving and worrying about him. Think about it, Dad. I don't want you to decide something based on your fear of the mistake you and Deb made, but to decide with the consequences of not doing what you think is right in mind."

Keith hugged his son a little tighter, kissing the top of the boy's head.

"When did you become so wise?" Keith asked.

"I got it from my dad." Ethan whispered.


"Having fun, Sawyer's?" Brooke asked as she dried her hair and approached the Sawyer sisters.

"Hell, yes, B. Davis." Peyton said.

"Sure, and you?" Emma asked Brooke.

Emma felt that the girls' fun day was a way for the three of them to escape, but also a way for them to connect after these troubled months. Brooke and Peyton were hurt by the same guy, and he left without saying goodbye to them. The friendship between the three girls has been shaken by the love triangle involving Peyton, Brooke and Lucas. While Emma missed Ethan, the two girls, even in denial, perhaps missed Lucas, not the version of recent times, but the version they met first.

Brooke said she was thinking about Lucas, and how he left without saying goodbye to her and Peyton. Peyton then said she needed to show Brooke something and pulled out a letter. Peyton explained that it was on the front door of her house. Brooke and Peyton got into an argument about Peyton hiding the letter from Brooke.

As soon as the girls arrived at the dock, Brooke left quickly with Emma and Peyton going after the girl.

"Brooke, wait up." Emma and Peyton shouted to the girl.

"You should have told me about the letter, Peyton." Brooke said without turning to look in the girls' direction.

"I know."

"She knows!"

"Why didn't you tell me, Peyton?" Brooke asked, stopping moving.

"Because we were having fun again. Brooke, having our friendship back has been really great.I figured, Lucas is gone so it didn't matter what was in the letter because it was just gonna come between us." Peyton explained.

Emma stepped back a little to let Peyton and Brooke sort themselves out. Before long, Emma saw Brooke and Peyton hugging.

"Come on, Emm's." Brooke called out to the girl, who jumped up to the two girls and got in the middle of the hug.

The day was ending and the three teenagers were on the beach around a bonfire. Emma looked up at the stars in the sky, wondering if Ethan could see them too and if he was thinking of her. Emma noticed the shade of blue in the night sky, and remembered how the shade of blue in the early morning sky reminded her of Ethan's eyes.

Emma knew that Brooke and Peyton were talking when she heard her cell phone ring. Emma saw Ethan's name on the display and moved a little away from the girls to answer it.

"Hey, pretty boy." Emma said smiling and looking up at the sky, taking the opportunity to sit down on the sand.

"Hey, Pompoms." Ethan said.

"I missed you today, E." Emma murmured as she drew a heart on the floor.

"I missed you too. I don't like to see you sad, Emm's." Ethan said.

"I'm not sad, E. I had a fun day with Brooke and Peyton." The girl said while adding E.S + E.S inside her heart.

Emma smiled when she saw the initials repeated.

"That's how I like to see you, Pompoms. Smiling." Ethan said.

Emma stopped looking at the ground, took her cell phone out of her ear and looked at it, feeling confused. Emma got up from the floor and quickly looked around.

"And how do you know I was smiling, Ethan Scott?" Emma asked.

"Magic." Ethan laughed into his cell phone. "God, have I mentioned how sexy you look in those miniskirts?" Ethan asked.

Emma jumped and turned around to see her boyfriend standing in front of her now, Emma turned off her cell phone and Ethan did the same.

"Are you really here?" Emma asked as she touched her boyfriend.

Ethan nodded and went to hold his girlfriend for a hug, but the girl jumped into his lap and Ethan held her so she wouldn't fall. Ethan took care to use his arm to cover the part where Emma's skirt might have lifted. Emma kissed Ethan as if she hadn't seen the boy for years, as if Ethan had been in the military and sent off to war and then returned years later. Ethan was relieved to see that Emma missed him as much as he missed her.

Emma slipped out of Ethan's arms slowly, Ethan closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against his girlfriend's.

"Don't leave me anymore, E." Emma whispered.

"I never want to go again, Pompons." Ethan whispered, hugging the girl tighter.

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