The Pan of Neverland

By TRNewhouser

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Lord of the Flies + Game of Thrones + A little Pixie Dust = The Pan of Neverland Unravel the backstory to the... More

Chapter 1: Make Believe
Chapter 2: Gone Boy
Chapter 3: Second Star to the Right
Chapter 4: The First Lost Boy
Chapter 5: Nibs
Chapter 6: Slightly
Chapter 7: Curly
Chapter 8: The Twins
Chapter 9: The Cousins
Chapter 10: The Note
Chapter 11: Sidewing
Chapter 12: Into the Kingdom
Chapter 13: Through the Castle
Chapter 14: Arrival of the Infamous
Chapter 15: The Fairy Council
Chapter 16: Tom Morgan
Chapter 17: The Wood Nymphs
Chapter 18: The Meet Cute
Chapter 19: The Lost Boy Invasion
Chapter 20: The Years Between
Chapter 21: Into the Cave
Chapter 22: Lamia
Chapter 23: From Below the Swamp
Chapter 24: The Queen's Gambit
Chapter 25: The Funeral
Chapter 26: The End of the Beginning

Chapter 19.5: The Lost Boy Invasion

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By TRNewhouser

Peter, Tink, and Sidewing veered left at the market square, venturing closer to the heart of the mountain. With relief, they approached the entrance to the well, finding it unguarded. Passing through a tunnel adorned with a mesmerizing array of vibrant flowers, Sidewing the improbable colours and varieties.

And there it stood before them—the Well of Essence. A sight that steals one breath away, a spectacle of unrivalled beauty that leaves you awestruck. Nestled within a deep, wide cave with a low ceiling, the Well comprised a broad, shallow pool glistening like liquid silver. The delicate shimmer on its surface reflected the flickering light emitted by countless candles and enchanted dust lining the cavern walls. Hovering above the pool, a white mist shrouded the area, heightening the already potent atmosphere of enchantment.

The Well appeared deliberately carved into the mountain floor, defying any natural explanation. Its mere presence of the liquid within exuded an otherworldly aura as if it held the very fabric of the universe within its depths. Adorned with intricate decorations and ornate patterns etched into the surrounding walls, the front portion of the pool was bathed in the warm, flickering glow of small flames, illuminating the entrance.

Standing there, utterly captivated by the grandeur of the scene, they couldn't help but feel a profound sense of respect for this sacred place. It was as though they had stumbled upon a sanctuary, or a place of worship reserved for a select few deemed worthy of its presence. The vast expanse stretching into the dark recesses of Mount Dust only intensified the air of mystery and wonder that enveloped them. They stood on the threshold of something extraordinary.

As they stood at the edge of the well, enveloped in wonder, their gazes fixated on the mesmerizing liquid within. It seemed to emit an inner glow, casting its own stunning radiance. They could almost sense the power emanating from it, capable of altering the destiny of their world. Exchanging glances, they shared a deep understanding—they stood on the threshold of ushering in a new era.

But their moment of contemplation was abruptly shattered by a voice that sliced through the darkness of the vast cavern, sharp and commanding. "Did you really believe we would allow you to pilfer the essence and escape unchallenged?" The words reverberated, instilling a sense of unease, and they instinctively tensed, ready for whatever might unfold. The voice seemed to emanate from every corner and crevice, filling the cavern with an eerie dread. The three exchanged wary glances.

A figure emerged from the shadows, soaring over the Well with an air of authority. It was a heavily armoured sprite, donned in gleaming full-plate, that reflected the soft glow from the walls. In one hand, he carried a helm bearing the marks of countless battles fought and won. However, it was the sword that captured their attention—a weapon too massive for a fairy to wield. Yet, he swung it through the air with effortless grace, showcasing a true mastery of his craft.

"Master Montoya?" Peter's voice quivered with a mix of respect and shock at the unexpected arrival. "Kael," Tink interjected, her tone oozing with disdain. Any remnants of her previous admiration for the sprite had long withered, replaced by a deep-rooted disgust. Her narrowed eyes told of her suspicion as she regarded him.

Kael Montoya, despite his weathered appearance, exuded authority, and command. His eyes held the weight of battles fought and sacrifices made, and his demeanour spoke of a lifetime steeped in experience. He stood tall, his shoulders propped back, and chest puffed out in a intimidating display. His sword gleamed with lethal intent, defying its wielder's diminutive stature. Throughout Neverland, tales of his skill with a blade were told and sung. As he surveyed the group before him, his expression remained inscrutable, revealing no hints of his intentions.

A heavy tension hung in the cavern, the air pregnant with anticipation. The unexpected intrusion of the knight sprite had thrown their plans into disarray, now facing an adversary who seemed to hold all the cards. Peter's respect mingled with concern, while Tink's disgust fueled her determination to stand her ground. They were keenly aware that a formidable opponent stood before them.

"Miss Bell, do you grasp the extent of your boy and his companions' actions to save you?" Kael Montoya's voice reverberated around the walls of the vast cavern. His words lingered, laden with unspoken implications.

Clad in his battle-worn armour, Kael moved with an agile, restless energy through the sacred space. His wings fluttered softly, their gentle rustle blending with the clank of his armour—a jarring contrast to the reverential stillness that enveloped the surroundings. Flickering shadows danced across his face, casting highlights on the lines of fatigue and determination that marked his weathered features.

"They did what they had to, Kael. Nothing more sinister than your own past, I'm sure," she replied, her voice tinged with unease as she contemplated the potential consequences of their actions.

"Why should I be surprised that you don't care for your own kind?" he shot back, bitterness lacing his words.

Tink's eyes blazed with anger, and she retorted, "Don't you dare lecture me about caring for kin, you traitor." Her voice crackled with emotion as she confronted the sprite warrior, unearthing a deep-seated grudge. "My mother told me everything about the revolution."

Kael's expression hardened, and he squared his shoulders. "Then she must have told you it was I who secured victory for the Kingdom against Thom and Puck," he retorted, a touch of pride in his voice.

Tink scoffed, her lips curling disdainfully. "Oh, yes, she did mention that, among other things," she said, dripping sarcasm. "Peter, end this guy so we can go home."

She turned to Peter, who stood motionless, lost in contemplation of their predicament. "I can't, Tink," Peter confessed, his voice laden with hesitation.

Tink's frustration surged, and she muttered in exasperation, "Oh, not this again," her words barely audible. She regarded Peter with a mixture of annoyance and disbelief. "This guy isn't your father, Peter. He merely taught you how to wield a sword. That's all!"

She anticipated a response from Peter, a decisive action, but he remained rooted to the spot, seemingly paralyzed by internal conflict. Tink scoffed once more, her annoyance evident. "Fine, I'll take care of it myself," she declared, determination resounding in her voice.

She reached down towards the mystical pool, her hand hovering above the shimmering surface, ready to replenish her diminished dust.

But before she could take a sip, Kael Montoya darted towards her with the speed of lightning. With a swift and powerful strike, he swatted Tink out of the air, sending her tumbling toward the wall, and she landed on the ground with a resounding thud. Dazed and disoriented, her wings fluttered weakly as she struggled to regain her bearings.

Sidewing, who had observed in silence until now, could no longer contain his fury. With a sharp cry, he launched into the air, soaring straight at the knight sprite with his sword unsheathed.

"Sidewing, no!" Peter urgently called out, but it was too late to stop him.

In mid-air, Sidewing and the Montoya engaged in a breathtaking aerial sword fight, their blades slicing and dicing with a blur of motion. Despite his relatively short time in Neverland, Sidewing fought with a frightening mercilessness, his raw skill and finesse shining through in every deliberate movement and vicious strike. The clash of steel and the rush of adrenaline permeated the air as Sidewing and Kael weaved and dodged, each vying for the upper hand in a gravity-defying duel.

The clash of swords between the sprite and the flying Lost boy unfolded in a spectacle of breathtaking proportions. Sidewing was taken aback by the surprising strength in the Kael's swings, reminiscent of facing a fully grown man. Their blades collided in a symphony of metallic clangs and clatters, sparks flying through the air. Sidewing's black blade, devoid of reflection, stood in stark contrast to Kael's, shimmering softly in the ambient light, adding to the mesmerizing display.

Despite the knight's formidable skill, Sidewing held his ground, parrying and thrusting with the grace of a seasoned warrior. For a fleeting moment, it seemed as though Sidewing might gain the upper hand. However, a slick maneuver from the knight caught him off guard, nearly ending the battle right then and there. Peter, torn between his past and present feelings, could no longer stand idly by. He swooped in, interposing himself between Sidewing and Kael, abruptly halting the intense sword fight.

Kael sneered at Peter's arrival, causing the sprite to back off from Sidewing. "So, you finally muster the courage to face me, huh?" he taunted, a wicked gleam in his eyes. "Knew you wouldn't have the nerve to take me on in a fair fight. At least your friend here has some guts," he jeered, motioning disdainfully toward Sidewing.

Peter's gaze narrowed as he locked eyes with Kael. "Sidewing, leave him to me. Go check on Tink," he commanded, his voice resolute with authority. Sidewing hesitated for a moment, then nodded, sheathing his blade, and darting off toward the fallen Tink. Peter squared his shoulders, ready to confront Kael head-on and put an end to their long-standing rivalry once and for all.

Kael Montoya and Peter Pan met each other's gaze, master and apprentice facing off in a dazzling spectacle of skill and determination. Their swords blurred with speed and agility as they spun and twirled through the air. Kael's strikes were sharp and precise, while Peter's were swift and calculated, leaving trails of golden light in their wake.

With each clash, sparks erupted, illuminating the cavern's dark ceiling. Their swordplay was nothing short of mesmerizing—a lethal dance of parries, thrusts, and cunning feints. Peter's years of experience outside the kingdom had honed his skills in unexpected ways, catching Kael off guard. Yet, as the Pan Lord knew all too well, Master Montoya's malevolence and guile made him a formidable foe.

They circled one another, their swords meeting in a breathtaking display of expert maneuvers. Peter's speed and agility allowed him to elude Kael's savage strikes, while his own attacks were formulated and precise. Kael, on the other hand, relied on his cunning and ferocity, ruthlessly targeting Peter's vulnerabilities with unyielding accuracy.

Mid-air collision after mid-air collision, till eventually, Peter managed to land a glancing blow on Kael's wing, drawing blood. Kael hissed in pain, yet his tenacity only seemed to intensify as he lunged forward with furious rage, driving Peter back against the unyielding rock wall.

Their swords met with savage intensity, the resounding echoes reverberating through the sacred Well. Peter's movements became more fluid, his strikes more incisive. He deftly ducked and weaved, evading Kael's relentless onslaught with a grace that bordered on the supernatural.

Growing increasingly desperate, Kael unleashed a flurry of wild attacks, attempting to overwhelm Peter with sheer aggression. But Peter remained composed and focused, countering each strike with meticulous precision. Seizing an opportune moment, Peter capitalized on an opening, delivering a swift and powerful strike that sent Kael's sword spiralling from his grasp.

Kael's eyes widened in shock as he realized his defenselessness. Peter, determination burning in his eyes, pressed his advantage. Closing in on Kael, Peter delivered a series of rapid and forceful strikes to the knight's armour, driving him against the wall. Peter's sword was poised menacingly at Kael's throat, poised to end the life of his former mentor.

Kael looked up, a wicked smile spreading across his face, his fingers curling around something concealed in his palm. With a sudden flourish, he opened his hand, revealing a small purple orb that emitted a pulsating, eerie light. Peter's eyes widened in surprise as he watched the orb expand, its glow captivating his attention.

His sword slipped from his grasp, clattering to the ground, fear etching itself onto his features. Taking a step back, Peter's heart raced in his chest as he regarded Kael with a mixture of disbelief and apprehension.

"You've lost it, Kael," Peter said, his voice trembling slightly as he hovered backward, maintaining a cautious distance from the sprite.

"It's Master Montoya to you, boy!" Kael yelled, his voice tinged with madness, brandishing the glowing orb. It had grown significantly, now dwarfing the sprite's hand. The violet light cast an ominous glow on Kael's contorted face, adding to his deranged appearance.

Desperation seeped into Peter's voice. "Kael, you'll bring the kingdom to ruins and doom us all if you continue!" he pleaded, fixated on the large pulsating orb in Kael's grip.

Peter's heart pounded in his chest as he assessed the dire situation. With Kael's unpredictable behaviour and the threat posed by the orb, he had no choice but to defend himself. Gripping his dagger tightly, he raced through possible strategies in his mind.

Kael's laughter reverberated through the air as he taunted Peter. The purple orb began to shrink, returning to its original size in his palm.

"I suppose you're right, Peter," Kael sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "I only have to dispose of YOU!"

Suddenly, Kael's triumphant laughter came to an abrupt halt as he uttered his final word. In an instant, a blinding ray of pink light engulfed him, resembling a fairy bolt but with a radiant aura that completely enveloped the armoured sprite. Peter watched in shock as Kael, once a mighty knight, disintegrated into nothingness, leaving only a delicate trail of sparkling dust behind.

As the blinding light faded, Peter blinked, allowing his eyes to readjust. He turned his gaze toward the Well's shore, where Tink floated, her arms lowered after delivering the devastating blast. Peter stared, impressed at her immense magical might.

Tink appeared drained, washed of colour, but unharmed, a faint glow emanating from her tiny form. Her wings flapped gently as she hovered in the air, her expression a mix of purpose and gloom. She had used a tremendous amount of power to protect Peter and defeat Kael, and the toll was evident.

An overwhelming surge of appreciation washed over Peter for Tink, his lifelong ally and confidante. She had always been by his side with unwavering loyalty and strong magically abilities. He knew he could never repay her for all she had done, but he would do anything to ensure her safety.

As the reality of Kael's defeat settled in, conflicting emotions swirled within Peter—relief mixed with sorrow. Kael had been more than a mentor and friend; he had once been a figure of admiration. The weight of his fall from grace hit Peter hard. Kael's descent into madness and his acquisition of twisted power had transformed him into an evil foe that Peter had no choice but to vanquish. Yet, even as he acknowledged the threat Kael had posed, Peter couldn't help but mourn the loss of the sprite he had once revered. With a heavy heart, Peter turned away from the spot where Kael had once hovered, his mind consumed by a sea of conflicting emotions.

. . .

Peter's heart weighed heavily with sorrow as he, Tink, and Sidewing emerged from the darkness of the Well's chamber. He had done it. He'd accomplished the daunting task of defeating his once-revered mentor, a bittersweet triumph that left a lingering bitterness in his mouth. Stepping out into the open, they were met with a sombre sight—the Queen, the fairy council, and the insignificant remnants of the once-mighty Fae Forces stood before them, a diminished and dishevelled group.

The night air bit at their skin, its briskness intensifying the gravity of the situation. Peter couldn't help but shiver, not only from the chill in the air but also from the weight of the impending confrontation. He exchanged wary glances with Tink and Sidewing, the unspoken tension thick between them. A silent challenge hung in the air, waiting for someone to make the first move.

Anticipation crackled in the atmosphere as both sides locked eyes, neither willing to back down. Finally, Tink broke the silence, her voice infused with confidence.

"Montoya is no more," she proclaimed, her words rippling through the ranks of fairies before them. "We have defeated your greatest warrior. All that remains is this motley assembly of farmers and tradesmen." Tink gestured toward the inexperienced soldiers standing behind the fairy council.

Ember Bane, the formidable leader of the forces, bellowed with authority from the forefront of his army, his voice resonating with seriousness. "Do you truly believe we will let you depart unchallenged?" His words held the weight of a direct threat, embodying the fairies' determination to stand their ground.

The Queen Lady, radiating regal presence, pleaded with Tink, her voice tinged with desperation. "Tink, I implore you. Surrender. Let there be no more bloodshed." Her words carried a sense of urgency, a plea for peace amidst the turmoil of conflict.

"Surrender?" Tink scoffed, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "How amusing. I thought it was you who should be kneeling in surrender." Her laughter pierced the tense air, a display of her carefree defiance. "Tonight, only one side has shed blood, and unless you wish to continue that trend, your grace, it is you who should be begging for mercy." Tink's words were bold, challenging the Queen's authority.

"You truly believe the three of you can take on all of us, Tinker Bell?!" Ember, the guardian fairy, exclaimed, his anger simmering as he unsheathed his sword. While his weapon lacked the grandeur of Montoya's, it still appeared larger than what one would expect a fairy to be able to wield, a testament to the immense strength that the sprite kind possessed. As Ember raised his blade, the other sprites in the fairy army followed suit, brandishing an assortment of blades and bows, readying themselves for battle. The pixies, comprising the other half of the forces, charged pink orbs in their palms, preparing their magical attacks.

"Survival isn't guaranteed for the three of us, Sir Bane," Peter spoke devoid of fear or worry, his voice betraying his usual untroubled demeanour. "But I'm willing to bet that we can take out enough of you to make it easy for Nib's and my other boys to come back and finish you off. And believe me, they will." Peter emphasized his words by drawing his sword from his belt, the gleaming gold blade catching the moonlight now setting in the night sky. Sidewing followed suit without a word, his fingers twitching frantically around the hilt, displaying his readiness for battle.

The Queen, with her superior presence, raised her hand calmly toward the troops, who obediently stood down at her silent command. The resounding clatter of sheathed weapons and the fading glow of extinguished pink lights dissipated the tension, at least for the moment.

"Agree to a truce, and you shall be free to depart," Lady Bell, the Queen of the fairies, spoke in a ceremonial tone, her voice resonating with authority. "Leave the Well and this kingdom, never to return." She held herself with grace, her stature demanding respect as she addressed Tink.

Tink locked eyes with Lady Bell, her determination unwavering, as she flew closer to her estranged mother. "I commit to your cease-fire," she declared, ensuring her voice carried to all who were present. Her words held a sharp edge, her eyes ablaze with resolve. Tink's tone then softened, though the sharpness remained, as she spoke at a volume only audible to the Queen and council. "But I'll return to the fountain whenever I please, as is my birthright. I'll take what I need, when I need it." Her words were a challenge, a bold declaration of her intentions.

The tense standoff between the two factions hung heavily in the air, and Lady Bell remained outwardly composed, though her eyes darted warily to the rest of the council, who reluctantly seemed to agree with the demands being made.

"Very well," Lady Bell finally conceded, her voice calm but firm. A wave of silent relief rippled through the crowd.

"Perfect," Tink sneered, flashing a cocky grin. "Well then, until next time. It's been lovely as always, Mother." She turned back to Peter and Sidewing. "Shall we, boys?"

With a flourish, Tink ascended into the sky, signalling for them to follow. The two boys obediently sheathed their swords before taking off after her, slicing through the air with their bodies. As they soared higher and higher, they glanced down at the little fairies below, who had now become mere specks in the distance. The morning had begun, and the rising sun painted the sky in hues of gold and pink, casting a warm glow over the landscape as they embarked on their journey back home—the Hangman's Tree. Their hearts were heavy with the weight of the truce and the uncertainty that lay ahead.

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