๐Ÿค˜๐ŸปRockstar and Metalhead Im...

By _Faster_Pussy_

566 19 177

I guess I'm doin' this. These are gonna be little things that I guess come from my twisted ass imagination. T... More

๐ŸŽธCathouse - Brent Muscat๐Ÿ’™
๐ŸŽธRiot Act - Gary Holt๐Ÿงก
My Apologies ๐Ÿ˜ž

๐ŸŽธYou're All I Need - Nikki Sixx๐Ÿ’š

161 7 79
By _Faster_Pussy_

"C'mon man, you gotta get over her."

I said to Nikki, who just sighed on my couch for probably the 100th time today. He was my friend, and I loved him. Maybe too much. More than a friend should. But it's fine, I've been able to keep my wits about this silly crush I have, and now I'm trying to support him after a breakup with a dumb blonde bimbo, Stacy, he's fucking infatuated with.

"But, I don't get it, Roxanne! I loved her, and she said she loved me!" He complained, shaking his head and taking another swig out of the Jack Daniels bottle he's been coddling all day.

I didn't wanna tell him that I had a feeling she didn't really love him, and was just using him for his really good looks, money, and fame. I mean, Motley's gettin' there. Maybe not as big as he, or the rest of the band hopes yet, but they're gettin' there.

"It's been a month Nik, how are you still so caught up on her?" I asked, slightly disgusted at the thought of her dumb pretty face, her great body, dumbass huge rack, no wonder he fucking likes her.

He shook his head again. "She was just really sweet. And beautiful, and great at sex. Y'know, this one time-"

"No! No no no no no, I do NOT wanna hear about any of that!" I cut him off, slapping my hands against my ears. I've heard some of the shit Motley Crue has done. I do NOT wanna hear any more.

"Fine." he said, rolling his eyes sarcastically. He sighed yet again, before a look other than sadness appeared on his face. Like he was thinking, for once.

"Uh, you know about that party Saturday? The one at Jerry's house?" he asked. Jerry is Stacy's brother, he's pretty cool. Cooler than Stacy at least. He's a huge party animal, which just makes him even cooler in my opinion.

"Yeah, and you know how Stacy's gonna be there?" I raised an eyebrow at him. Surely he knows, right?

"Well, yeah. I was thinking, do you wanna maybe come along with me? As my... date?"

"What?! The hell are you talking about Nikki?" I asked. The thought of coming with him to a party as his DATE was enough to bring butterflies to my stomach. But I was so confused.

"To make her jealous, y'know? Maybe she'd see us together and realize what she's missin' out on." he said, raising his eyebrows in a "whaddya say?" type of way.

"Oh. So USE me to get her back?" I rolled my eyes. It came out a bit harsher than I expected, but I don't care. I may not exactly value myself that much, but at least I'm not an annoying blonde slut like that! Again, harsh, I know. But I don't care.

"Oh come on! It's not like that!" he said, as he put his arm around my shoulder. I was fighting hard to keep the blush off my cheeks.

This time, I was the one to sigh before saying, "Fine. But what will I have to do?"

His face brightened at my words. "Well, fake dating. You'll just have to pretend to be my girlfriend for the night, holding hands, staying close, maybe kissing a little?" he said with a smirk on his face. Oh, this little shit. By this point my face was bright red.

"Umm. Yeah. Sure, I'll do it." I didn't wanna sound too nervous, yet too excited for it. Jeez, my dream's coming true. I get to kiss the man I've been crushing on for years now. But it won't mean anything.

"Yes! Thanks Rox, it means a lot." he said, giving me a tight side-hug. God, this is not helping the blush on my face.



I sighed from my bed. I have to make a decision. What do I do? After sleeping on it, I'm not too sure about this whole "fake-dating" thing. I know me and Nikki aren't, and never were anything, but it still feels wrong to me that I'm being used by him to get that bitch back. The words, "maybe kissing a little?" were burnt into the back of my brain. After thinking about this for probably a good 4 hours, I came up with the perfect, yet idiotic plan.

I jumped up and ran to my closet. After making a mess of every article of clothing I own, I got the perfect outfit. I'm gonna dress very... let's say risque, to make her AND him jealous. Y'know, maybe I'll be hotter than her if I put some effort into it. Maybe it'll work, maybe I'm just an asshole.

I put on an old torn-up Dio shirt that had the sleeves and neck off, some short ass shorts with fishnets underneath, black combat boots, a bullet belt, a leather vest, and lots of spiky jewelry and chains. I curled my hair and put a lot of glittery makeup on. I'm definitely not the most conventionally attractive person, but I love my eyes. Bright blue. Like the sky, or the ocean on a sunny day. I put on a butt-load of eyeshadow that really made the color pop. After some bright pink lipstick was slapped on, I looked myself over in the mirror. Not bad. I should be in a band, my voice may suck but I could pull the looks off. (I know that was a lot, but I love describing outfits, idgaf😭)

Then, I heard a knock at my door. I took a deep breath before heading to the door. I opened it and saw Nikki, dressed the part as well. A leather jacket and ripped black jeans, a chain wallet on the side. An old red tank-top with a couple necklaces and bracelets on the side, and a pair of sunglasses on his head. Why the hell did he look exceptionally hot today?

"Hey, good-lookin'." he catcalled from my porch, looking me up and down. I rolled my eyes trying not to smile.

"I could say the same about you." Oh my god, why did I say this?

"You ready to go?" he asked.

"Yep." I answered, walking down the concrete steps of my porch with him.

Within a few minutes, we were there. This place was a mess, even just on the outside. Beer bottles and crushed red solo cups littered the yard, music was blasting from the inside as drunken teens and young adults staggered inside and outside. Jerry's parties are kind of easy to crash. If you just show up, no one will question it, cause everyone's too wasted to realize they're even existing.

I was about to open my door, but then I heard Nikki say, "No no, wait a second."

He stepped out of his door and went to mine, opening it for me.

"Oh, what a gentleman." I giggled, grabbing his hand as I climbed out.

"Anything for my girlfriend." he smirked. If only.

We walked inside, and looked around. I spotted Stacy sitting on a small sofa in the corner, shooing away some greasy, weird looking dude that was trying to make a move on her. I tapped Nikki on the shoulder and pointed to her. He nodded once he saw her, then took my hand and walked past her to another couch where we sat down together. When she saw me, a look of disgust crossed her face. I mentally fist-pumped the air.

We sat on the couch pretty close. Close enough to where our sides were touching. I wanted to try and act like this was normal, y'know? We were just being a normal couple. But my cheeks were as red as fire. I couldn't help it. He was acting like this was normal between us, he had his arm around me, slightly playing with my hair. I decided to take advantage of the moment and leaned my head on his shoulder.

The entire time, Stacy was giving us MAJOR side eye. Like she was trying to explode my head with just her vision.

"What do we do now?" I whispered in his ear. I really wanted to make her pissed off.

"I think I have an idea." he said, looking down at me.

"What is i-"

I was cut off my his lips softly pressing against mine. My eyes flew open in surprise before they fluttered shut again. He turned my body towards him more, and softly placed one hand on the side of my face. My heart felt like it stopped, but like it was going a million miles per hour at the same time. He deepened the kiss as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I couldn't help but let out a soft sigh, that almost sounded like a moan. When he pulled away, he looked at me with almost a look of shock. His cheeks were red, as well as mine, and he bit his lip slightly as he looked away. I took a deep breath before smiling and saying;

"I'm gonna head to the kitchen and get some more drinks."

He nodded his head before I walked off. I could feel his eyes burning into the back of my head, and maybe some parts of my revealing outfit as I walked off to the kitchen. I grabbed a couple shot glasses from the cabinet with shaky hands, and filling them up, still trying to comprehend what the hell just happened.

When I walked back into the living room, through the sea of drunks I saw Nikki still on the couch, but with Stacy by his side. Shit. She was sitting there, a pleading look on her face as she rested her hand on his leg. She was clearly begging him to get back together with her. I could tell. I tried to hear their conversation over the loud music and drunken babbling of everyone there, and heard;

"Please Nikki! I'm sorry! I didn't even love him, I swear! I miss you."

Oh, this bitch. Her voice sounded sweet, like poisoned honey, lies laced throughout her words. She fucking cheated on him months ago. Many times. And NOW, she's trying to sweet talk him by saying she didn't mean it.

"I uh... C'mon, Stacy. I-I mean, I don't know." he stuttered out.

What? I thought he wanted this, the hell? I tried catching his attention by waving my arms up in the air so he would see His eyes caught mine, and I gave him a thumbs up, as if to say, "Go ahead!" He looked at me with a torn expression on his face, then looked back at her. I was expecting him to go, "Sure, Stace! Follow me to the skanky bathroom so we can hump!" or some bullshit like that. But instead, he just looked at her sadly and shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Stacy. But I don't see us getting back together. This was your fault. I can't."

He abruptly got up and quickly walked over to me, taking my hand and leading me outside, leaving Stacy with a dumbstruck, speechless look on her face. The shots from my hands fell to the floor, adding onto the mess that was already there. I looked up at him in shock.

"Nikki, what the hell happened? I thought you wanted this to go that way!" I asked, completely dumbfounded.

"I-I can't really tell you, Rox." he shook his head, looking just about as confused as me.

"What!? Nikki, you dragged me along to this shit-hole so I could be your fake girlfriend to get her back! Was it all for noth-"

"I don't know, Roxanne! I wanted to at first, but then I started thinking more about it and realized how awful she is. Besides her great body, she's annoying. And unloyal. I can't trust her again. And, after I kissed you, I just got even more confused." he shook his head, looking away up at the sky.

"What do you mean?" I asked, in a much more softer tone. He stopped in his tracks and turned to face me.

"Roxanne, you've been nicer to me than she ever has. We have so much more in common, and you've been so much more supportive of me and the band, unlike her, who just kept nagging me on how much money I made! I couldn't go with her, after just kissing you, and really enjoying it. I don't wanna be with her, Rox. I wanna be with you."

"Wh-what?" I froze, looking him in the eye with a look of confusion and shock on my face. I was finally hearing the news I've been waiting to hear for years, but for some reason it felt wrong.

"Shit. I knew I was making a mistake, I'm sorry, I shouldn't've opened my mouth." he said, shaking his head and walking off again. I was still frozen in place, trying to process his confession. I snapped out of my trance.

"Nikki, wait!" I yelled, running after him. He turned around and I ran into his arms.

"I love you too." I whispered into his ear. He tightly wrapped his arms around me and pressed his lips against my hair.

He smiled down at me, letting out what sounded like a breath he's been holding in for a while. He put his arm around my shoulder as we walked off towards his car. I couldn't control the smile on my lips. My dream finally came true. I could confess my feelings that I thought were bullshit. And the good thing is, he feels the same way.

I think things are lookin' up for the two of us.



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