The return of the ex

By Chenfordedits

9.4K 110 58

Isabel returns and tries to break Tim and Lucy up. But will there be more ex's along the way??? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 12

535 5 5
By Chenfordedits

Grey: "Bradford a word!"

Angela: "Good Luck!"

Tim sighed and walked over to Grey's office, knowing what was going to happen.

Tim: "Yes sarg!"

Grey: "Come in, close the door!"

Tim walked in and shut the door behind him.

Grey: "Chris told me you punched him!"

Tim: "Ye because he was being rude to Lucy, commenting on her body, and he was stood in front of our shop , for what reason!"

Grey: "Well, there has been a complaint about the officers from this station are unhealthy, and abusive, so Chris is defending us against it!"

Chris scoffed under his breath: "Thought the detectives would have told you!"

Tim: "What was that Chris?"

Chris: "Oh nothing just Detective Lopez and Harper already did some digging into why I'm here, so they told Lucy and not you huh!"

Tim: "What!"

Grey: "Tim calm down, please apologise to Chris. We don't want the public to hear about this!"

Tim: "Im not apologising to this sick bastard. No way you can forget it!"

Chris scoffed.

Tim: "Oh Chris if you ever say anything negative about Lucy again. You won't see the light again. Understood?"


Chris: "No its fine sergeant Grey, he probably abuses Lucy too!"


Chris: "Its not like she tells you everything, she probably keeps tons of secrets from you, just like this one!"


Tim walked out of Grey's office and slammed the door behind him, Grey sighed and Cheis walked out shortly after.

Tim walked over to Angela and Nyla.

Tim: "So you guys knew why he was here and didn't bother to tell me!"

Nyla: "Woah Tim hey. Lucy didn't want to worry you, and I suggest you calm down before you stress her out!"

Tim took a breath and waited for Lucy to come back from the bathroom. Lucy walked over and noticed how mad Tim was.

Lucy: "Hey babe, are you okay. What happened?:

Tim: "Lucy I need to speak to you Privately!"

Tim walked off to his office.

Lucy: "What happened?"

Angela: "He erm found out we were keeping why Chris was here from him and got mad, we don't know what else happened!"

Nyla: "Hey Lucy, whatever he says, it's not your fault!"

Lucy nodded and went to Tim, she wasn't sure what he was going to say but knew he was going to be mad.

Lucy got to his office and walked in, Tim was sat at his desk looking madder.

Lucy: "Hey Tim I'm sorry!"


Lucy started to cry at seeing Tim so mad, she had flashbacks from before but tried to ignore them.

Lucy: "T...T..Tim im so sorry. I never meant to h..hurt you or make you m..mad, I didn't want to worry you!"

Tim: "No Lucy I'm sorry, I shouldn't have lost my temper with you it's not your fault, but why did you ask them to do it?"

Lucy: "I just felt uncomfortable with him being around again, so I didn't tell anyone I just said I was being nosey!"

Tim: "Lucy I had no idea you were feeling like that. You should have come to me, we're a team remember, you can tell me anything!"

Lucy: "I..I know but it's hard to talk about and i hate to talk about it so can we just leave it there!"

Tim: "Okay sure!"

Lucy: "What else did you talk about?"

Tim: "Oh just Grey heard I punched Chris!"

Lucy: "Oh is everything okay?"

Tim: "Yep nothing for you to worry about. Just worry about our baby!"

Tim walked over to Lucy and put his hand on her bump and kissed her. He pulled her in for a hug and she instantly felt safe in his arms.

Tim: "Okay let's get back out there. You still training Hawley?"

Lucy: "Ye I am!"

Tim: "Cool well stay safe out there don't be running into anymore burning buildings!"

Lucy: "I won't I promise!"

Tim smiled and opened the door for her. They both walked out holding hands smiling. Angela and Nyla noticed and smiled at them.

Later after their shift

Lucy: "Ready to go home?"

Tim: "Technically it isn't our home it's your apartment."

Lucy: "I guess, maybe we should start looking at houses?"

Tim: "We could take the day off tomorrow to look?"

Lucy: "Why not!"

Tim: "We can call Grey in the morning. Let's get you to bed!"

They both walked out the station and Tim drove them back to Lucy's apartment.

Tim opened the door for her and they both walked in. Tim put his bag down on the floor and went to hug Lucy from behind.

Tim: "Heyy!"

Lucy turned round and smiled at him.

Lucy: "Why aren't you as soft as this at work?"

Tim: "Then people won't respect me and think I'm too nice!"

Lucy: "But you are a big softie!"

Tim: "Only for you!"

Tum kissed Lucy and went to her bedroom.

He tapped the bed and Lucy went in behind him and layed down.

Lucy: "Ugh today was such a long day!"

Tim: "I know!"

Lucy: "Oh I was thinking about this house shopping, we might need to add another room for Tamara!"

Tim: "Of course we will if that's what you want and her walking in on us!"

Lucy laughed and hit Tim on the chest.

Tim: "Ow!"

Lucy: "You're not funny!"

Tim smiled at her and she layed on his chest.

Lucy: "You know we never did think of a baby name!"

Tim: "True!"

Lucy: "Have you thought of any yet!"

Tim joked: "What about boot!"

Lucy: "What so she can get triggered everytime she goes shoes shopping. Not happening!"

Tim: "Then I'm lost!"

Lucy: "Me too, why is it so hard to choose!"

Tim: "I know, this is the hardest part!"

Lucy: "For you!"

Tim: "All i know is she is going to have the best mum. And annoying roomie!"

Lucy: "She isn't that bad!"

Tim: "She bullies me!"

Lucy giggled: "Aw she loves you!"

Tim: "She is a bully!"

Lucy: "You used to be a bully!"

Tim: "Hey I was just training you. I had to be hard, you were too nice!"

Lucy: "Ye we were totally mismatched!"

Tim:  "Well obviously not totally!"

Lucy: "When did you start to have feelings for me?"

Tim: "When you were kidnapped, I realised how much I cared for you and them obviously us going all undercover I realised there was something there and everyday since then!"

Lucy: "Awe that's so cute!"

Tim: "What about you?"

Lucy: "About the same. But I'm too tired to fully explain let's get some sleep!"

Tim: "I love you!"

Lucy: "I love you too!"

They both got changed into their pj's. Lucy wearing Tim's top and they both got back in bed, Lucy cuddled up to Tim and he wrapped his arms around her.

Lucy smiled thinking about all the times she knew she had feelings for Tim and was so happy they were starting their own little family after Tim said he always wanted one.


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