Feather Bound

By Unearthlycanine

27K 1.1K 478

In the bustling world of heroes and ordinary people, Y/N, a humble barista and inspiring artist, struggling t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 48

343 11 4
By Unearthlycanine

He clenched his jaw as he watched Y/N's mother walk out of the room before letting out a disgusted tut, leaning back into the sofa with a sigh. This had already been an absolute shitshow, and they hadn't even made it to dinner yet. He was honestly glad that Haruki had told him to drop his expectations for the evening because if she hadn't, he couldn't imagine how disappointed he would feel right now.

Y/N's mother certainly was something, though she did have a pretty nice smile; it reminded him of her. She behaved like most fans did, fawning over him like he was something incredible. She went as far as ignoring her daughter to try and make him comfortable. There may have been a time in his life when that had been nice; he would've felt special, appreciated, seen. However, that was before he had actually learned what it was like to be cared for, to be loved for real. No, now it just felt cheap and forced, and he absolutely hated it.

Y/N gave his hand a gentle squeeze before standing, and he watched with interest as she stealthily made her way to a small cabinet near the kitchen door. His brows furrowed as she opened it, swiftly grabbing a bottle from inside before downing a few gulps. He smirked, shaking his head at her antics before his feathers picked up on the sound of footsteps. He let out a low, quiet chirp, making a rare exception of never making bird noises in public. She glanced at him, tilting her head in confusion, and he jerked his head toward the kitchen. Thankfully, she seemed to get the message; her eyes widened in understanding, and she swiftly capped the bottle, returned it inside, and sat back on the sofa just before her mother returned, holding two glasses of water.

He took his glass before frowning as Y/N took hers. That wasn't what she had asked for, and a sudden idea came to him. He was starting to suspect this evening was already doomed, so he might as well see how much fun he could have. He quickly downed his water, grabbing her glass and exchanging it with the empty one. She blinked at him, taken aback, and he gave her an awkward smile.

"Sorry, just really thirsty all of a sudden," he said, watching out of the corner of his eye as his feathers swiftly opened the liquor cabinet. It only took a second before they were floating back towards them, holding a dark brown bottle. It was different from the one she had just been drinking from, but it would have to do. He grasped it from his feathers, fingers wrapping around the smooth glass as her mother started to protest.

"Hawks, she honestly doesn't need-"

He opened it, ignoring her altogether as Y/N stared straight at him, her eyes as wide as he grabbed her wrist, pulling the empty glass towards him. He poured in the whiskey before pushing the glass back towards her, his eyes never leaving hers.

"Ah, that's much better. I swear, sometimes water and whiskey must sound the same, don't you think?" he asked her with a smile, her breath catching in her throat as her eyes sparkled at him, her amusement obvious. Fuck, she looked so beautiful right now, it took everything he had not to lean over and kiss her until he could figure out what liquor she had been drinking. Instead, he turned back towards her mother, keeping a warm smile on his face.

"I get them messed up all the time myself, so easy to confuse the two," he added with a sarcastic shrug, recapping the liquor and allowing his feathers to take the bottle and put everything neatly away. She took a sip, and her mother gave him a tight smile in return.

"Ah, yes, that was silly of me," she said, her words strained, and Keigo almost laughed as Y/N let out a content-sounding sigh.

"Very, but I am sure a mistake like that won't happen again. I'll make sure Y/N gets whatever she asks for, though, don't worry," he said with a smile, blinking his eyes at her innocently as she just stared at him. He watched as she clutched her fists so tightly her knuckles were turning white. He was starting to bother her, good. Just how far could he push this? He was just about to open his mouth when another set of footsteps drew his attention back to the doorway that led to the kitchen, his heart pounding. Fucking around with her mother was one thing, but her father was an entirely different matter. Her hand found his as her father appeared in the doorway, making Keigo blink in surprise.

He was large, muscular in a way he hadn't fully expected. He looked older than he would have thought, tired, with dark circles under his eyes. His hair was graying at the temples, a sign of the weight of responsibilities he carried. Y/N's grip on Keigo's hand tightened slightly, a subtle reassurance that left him strangely comforted. The air in the room shifted, tense and expectant.

"Ah, Hawks, It's lovely to meet you finally," her father's voice was measured, a touch of weariness evident in his tone. Keigo nodded, feeling a bead of sweat forming on his forehead. Why the hell was he suddenly so nervous? Her dad turned his head to gaze at Y/N, his eyes sad, like he was upset. He gave her a small smile before opening his arms.

"Come here, Cricket," he said warmly, and Keigo blinked in surprise as Y/N suddenly turned, thrusting her drink into his hands before running into her father's arms. "I'm so sorry for everything that's happened. I'm so glad you came home." He whispered into her hair before kissing the top of her head, and Keigo felt his chest tighten at the scene before him. Why was he thinking about his own parents right now? It wasn't like they'd ever welcome him back like that; it was pointless to even think about.

They broke their embrace, and Keigo swallowed as her father walked towards the sofa, his footsteps heavy, causing him to clench his teeth. He now stood before him, his arms crossed, before leaning down and plucking the glasses out of his hands. Keigo couldn't help it, shrinking back into the couch slightly as his anxiety threatened to suddenly overwhelm him, visions of his own father glaring over him running through his head. He suddenly found himself wanting Haruki or, strangely enough, his mother, and it was almost enough for him to open his mouth and beg for him not to hit him.

Just as he was about to speak, Y/N's father took him by surprise, pulling him into a tight hug. The unexpected warmth caught Keigo off guard, and for a moment, he stiffened in surprise. Gradually, his anxiety yielded to confusion as he realized this was a gesture of comfort, not confrontation. His arms instinctively raised to return the hug before he was gently released and held at arm's length by Y/N's father.

"Thank you for taking such good care of our girl," he said with a smile, and Keigo nodded.

"Of course, sir. I'd never let anything bad happen to her."

"Good," he replied with a chuckle, giving Keigo's shoulders a rough pat. "Like you a lot better than the last one, for sure. Never really liked that guy. It was a mistake to let Cricket leave with him." He whispered under his breath before sighing and shooting a glare towards Y/N's mother. She narrowed her eyes at him in response, before rolling them and looking away, crossing her arms angrily. He let out a sigh before reaching back over and handing the glasses back to Keigo. "Come on, it's time for dinner."

They all shuffled, following her father into the dining room. Despite her father seeming like a decent guy, Keigo couldn't ignore the tension between her parents. It left him wondering about the events that transpired years ago. If her father hadn't wanted her to leave, why did he end up kicking her out?

"So," her mother said as they got settled, a smile creeping onto her face as she passed a bowl of rice. "The number two hero, that's just absolutely Incredible. What is it like to be so famous?"

"Exhausting," He said honestly, grabbing the rice and quickly putting some onto his plate before handing it to Y/N with a smile. "But I enjoy helping people, so it's not an issue."

Her mother's smile didn't waver, but there was a glint of condescension in her eyes. "Helping people? Is that what they call it these days? I'm sure the flashy costume and constant media attention have nothing to do with it."

Keigo resisted the urge to roll his eyes, was she secretly a hero hater, was that the reason she was coming after him for his profession all of a sudden? "It's more than just a costume and media attention. It's about making a positive impact, inspiring hope, and protecting those who can't protect themselves."

Her mother chuckled, a sound that was really starting to grate on his nerves. "Such noble aspirations. I suppose that's what draws people to heroes like you. But let's be real, it must be nice to have everyone fawning over you."

"Mom, Hawks works hard to save lives. It's not just about fame or attention." Y/N interjected, frowning as she stared at her in confusion. Her father watched the conversation in silence, his gaze stern as he also looked at his wife with a frown.

But her mother wasn't done, her tone now dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, I'm sure it's a real sacrifice, flying around, getting adored by fans, and having your face plastered on every magazine. Must be a really tough life."

Keigo gritted his teeth, staring at Y/N's mother, outrage pouring through him. Who the hell was she to tell him that his job wasn't a sacrifice, like she knew anything about him or his past? He'd sacrificed quite literally everything to become a hero. He put his life on the line daily, could've died multiple times, yet because he also modeled and did fanservice, it seemed to just cancel all those other things out.

Before he could say anything, call her out on the absolute bullshit that had just come from her mouth, she turned her gaze to Y/N with a smile. "And what are you doing these days, dear? I can't imagine it was easy after you left Kuro and had to figure out money on your own."

"I worked at a coffee shop for a while, but I quit my job there, and now I'm... painting," she whispered the last word, like she was ashamed of it, avoiding her mother's gaze as she pushed around the food on her plate. His heart absolutely broke for her, watching her be ashamed of her passion. He loved watching her when she painted; that warm look she got on her face was amazing. It excited him to see her excited, and that often led to him yanking her away from the canvas and into the bedroom before she was even halfway through.

Her mother scoffed, her dad glancing up and narrowing his eyes in warning, but it wasn't enough to stop her. "Quitting your job to paint pictures, huh?" she remarked, a sly smile playing on her lips.

"Hawks said if that's what I wanted to do, he would support me. I'm pursuing my passion."

Her mother tutted, "How many times have I told you that passion won't pay the bills, dear? Must be nice to be able to leech off another hardworking man, though. Just like you did with Kuro."

Keigo clenched his jaw; her mother was really starting to irritate him in a way he'd rarely felt before. She'd never once taken advantage of him or his money. In fact, she'd tried on multiple occasions, after they'd found a lawyer, to give him the money she'd saved before he convinced her to save it for Himari's furniture. Though he eventually took it, promising he'd use it to furnish her room, he'd put it into a savings account for Himari instead.

"She's not leeching–" he tried arguing, only to be cut off by her mother, who apparently was not done running her mouth.

"But now it makes more sense as to why you threw Kuro to the side so quickly. Wanted someone who would let you sit at home and play with your finger paints. Tore apart your entire family to play house with a hero who will probably leave you the second he finds a hotter piece of ass."

"Doubt that is possible. She's just about the prettiest woman I've ever known," Keigo responded, his teeth clenched, and her mother let out a huff as her eyes were drawn back to him. He straightened himself up, his wings fluffing slightly, making himself appear larger than he was. She wasn't going to intimidate him; he wouldn't allow it. He'd faced much scarier opponents than this.

"Oh, come on," she said with a smile, her voice silky as she blinked at him innocently, but the venom in her words was obvious. "We all know the number two hero gets around. Your reputation precedes you. Y/N is simply just a stop on the ride, right? Thought you'd have some fun and play stepdaddy for a while?"

"Emi," her father warned, his voice low as Keigo watched Y/N sink back into her seat, her gaze fixed on the floor, and it wasn't hard to tell she was on the verge of tears. The stupid fucking Commission and his goddamn playboy image. That shit was going to be the death of him. If only he could just shout that he'd never had sex before Y/N, maybe then she'd back off. But this hardly seemed like the appropriate time for such a revelation. Her mother frowned, turning to look at her father with a huff before turning back to look at them through narrowed eyes.

"Always chasing fantasies, Y/N. First, it was wanting to go to art school, and now this 'I'm a hero's girlfriend' bullshit. Throwing away everything you had with Kuro for a fleeting moment of excitement. I just hope he doesn't wake up and realize he's wasted his time on you, and it's too late for you to get Kuro back, or will you baby trap him too?"

"You read too many gossip columns and blogs if that's really what you think of me," Keigo finally snapped, returning her mother's stare easily. "I'm not going anywhere; I will love her until the day I die. Unlike you, some of us appreciate the richness of life beyond dollar signs and societal approval. Y/N is worth more than your petty judgments and hollow success. Her paintings are incredible; in fact, she's opening her own gallery." He said, the lie rolling off his tongue easily. As soon as this hell of a dinner was over with, he'd be texting Haruki to find a gallery to buy immediately. It had been something he'd been thinking about doing anyway; this just simply sped up the process. "And she isn't going to baby trap me! How dare you suggest she would ever stoop that low. She deserves better than this!"

Emi rolled her eyes at his words, letting out a disgusted snort before she turned to her father, "Well, I hope you're content watching your daughter ruin her life with the playboy hero."

"Her life isn't ruined; it's liberated from the toxic expectations you've imposed. And unlike you, I'm here to build her up, not tear her down," Keigo said, speaking before her father could even say anything.

Her mother's face twisted into a scowl, and she pointed emphatically towards the door, "If you're going to defend this nonsense, then maybe it's best you both leave. I won't have it in my house."

Keigo stood, his wings twitching in anger, refusing to let them spread like he wanted. He was just about to open his mouth, to tell her that it would be his absolute pleasure to leave, when her father slammed his fist down on the table, causing him to jump slightly. He swallowed nervously, turning his gaze to look at him. Had he gone too far with her mother? But her father was staring straight at her mother, eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Emi, that's enough," he said, his tone cold as he glared across the table at her. "You've done enough damage to this family with the toxic shit that comes from your mouth. I've missed out on years with my granddaughter because you forced your ideas of success onto Y/N. You kicked her out, despite me telling you that's not what I thought was the right choice. I went along with it then because I'm a fool. I let you get into my head. I expected her to come back within a week, but here I am seeing my daughter again for the first time in six years. I didn't even know Himari existed until a few weeks ago because you never told me about any of it! Who cares if she wants to be an artist, and who cares if she is dating Hawks and not that absolute fucking idiot your best friend calls a son?!"

Keigo blinked in surprise, her father's words putting everything into perspective for him. Kuro was the son of her mother's best friend. That is why she'd spent the entire dinner acting like he wasn't an absolute fuckwad. Why she seemed to be so angry about her leaving him and being in a new relationship. Her father sucked in a breath, standing up now as he looked at her mother. "That young man is a hero. A damn good one at that, to be number two, and he just told you that he would love your daughter until the day he died. That he wants to support her and help her be happy. He is making sure your granddaughter is safe and loved. Why isn't that enough for you?!"

He turned to look at Keigo, his eyes softening slightly as he took a deep breath. "I don't think you're playing games with my daughter at all, and I appreciate the way you've supported her dreams and been there for Himari. I should have done the same thing, instead of letting her mother take control. So no, there is no way in hell that I'm kicking you out into that storm tonight. You two go ahead and finish eating, then head to your rooms for the night, and leave in the morning when the weather has cleared. I'm so sorry you had to deal with this; I'm ashamed the number two hero had to witness my family in such a state."

He turned to Y/N, his eyes sad as they blinked at each other. "I love you, Cricket. The next time I see you, it'll just be me, okay? You call me when you've got Himari so I can come meet my granddaughter."

Her mother let out a disgusted snort, shoving her food away and stomping out of the room. Her father quickly excused himself, swiftly following after her. Keigo took in a breath, slowly steadying himself before sinking into his seat with a sigh.

"What a fucking mess," he muttered under his breath. The quiet in the room was broken by the soft sounds of Y/N's sniffles, and Keigo's heart ached at the sight of her in distress.

"Oh, baby bird," he said softly, drawing her into his arms as she cried against his chest. He hated seeing her like this, and it hurt him deeply. "What can I do to make it better?"

"I just want to go to bed, Keigs," she whispered, and he nodded, helping her out of her chair. He held her close, assisting her as she led the way towards the bedrooms. She stopped, opening a door in the hallway with a sigh before stepping inside.

"This is my room. You're right across the hall," she said, and he frowned, tilting his head.

"You're seriously not going to sleep with me?" he asked, and she gave him a sad smile in return. She looked tired, drained, and he wanted nothing more than to hold her against him tightly until her pain was forgotten.

"The last thing I want is to provoke her any further," she sighed, reaching up and kissing his cheek gently. "It's just one night. I'll see you in the morning, and then we can finally just go home."

She bent down, unzipping the duffle bag and grabbed the clothes she'd packed for him. She handed them to him with a soft smile, and he frowned as she swiftly shut the door. His stomach twisted as he glanced behind him at his own. She had just been through a lot; she needed time, he understood that, of course. But the thought of sleeping by himself for the first time since she had moved in with him filled him with dread.

He let out a soft sigh, moving across the hallway into his own room. The space was nice, with a large bed adorned with soft blankets, but it felt emptier without her comforting warmth. After changing into his comfortable clothes, he couldn't shake the lingering thought of her being just a door away. Pulling out his phone, he quickly shot a text to Haruki, asking for her assistance in finding a property to turn into an art gallery. He added a wish for her to have a good evening. Though she didn't respond immediately, he understood; it was, after all, Christmas Eve. With a sigh, he crawled into bed, flicking off the light, and closed his eyes.

He lay for what felt like hours, tossing and turning before eventually giving up on the idea of sleep. It was useless without her next to him. He sighed as he watched the snow fall gently outside the window. He wondered how Haruki's Christmas Eve had gone, if Chiyo and Himari were snuggled into bed, anxiously awaiting a visit from Santa. He sure hoped Himari was; Kuro couldn't really rob the magic of Christmas from his daughter, could he? His phone lit up, drawing his attention. Haruki had promptly fulfilled his request, sending him a listing and telling him they missed him too. He couldn't help but acknowledge that she deserved another raise; she consistently came through when he needed her

He sat on his phone, trying to take care of everything when a sudden sound from the kitchen drew his focus back, his feathers rustling slightly as he tried to figure out who might be awake. He glanced at the clock on the nightstand with a frown; it was nearly three in the morning. The footsteps were too light to be her father, which meant it was either Y/N or her mother in the kitchen. He listened for a bit, the sound of water running before his curiosity got the better of him.

He got out of bed, tiptoeing towards his door and cracking it open. He blinked in surprise, Y/N's bedroom door wide open, answering his question about who was in the kitchen. But why the hell was she up this early? He couldn't stop himself, his body leading him towards the kitchen, leaning in the doorway as he watched her work.

Her parents hadn't come back to clean up dinner, so she was throwing away the food that had been left out and washing the dishes. Despite everything that happened, she was being kind to her mother. It didn't take her long before everything was neatly put away, the dishes dripping onto the drying cloth. He thought for sure that would be the end; she'd turn towards the doorway and see him, but instead she grabbed the teakettle and filled it up.

He watched quietly, unable to stop himself from appreciating her form. Despite the weather outside, she wore a tank top, and it was easy to tell she wasn't wearing a bra, her nipples hard against the fabric. Her shorts were tight and hugged her ass in a way that just wasn't fucking fair, and he couldn't help but wonder if she'd decided to forgo panties too. He sat quietly, his heart and dick absolutely throbbing as she suddenly started humming "Carol of the Bells."

She really was fucking perfect.

Unable to resist, he entered the kitchen while she worked on grabbing the tea bags from a cabinet. She was on her tiptoes, her hand reaching, but it seemed futile. Well, he would just have to help her now, wouldn't he? After all, what kind of hero would he be to let her struggle like that?

She squeaked in surprise as his arms wrapped around her, pulling her flush against him as a feather retrieved the tea bags from the top shelf for her. She sucked in a breath as he pressed his erection against her, turning her head to look at him like he was crazy.

"Why're you awake?" She hissed at him, her brows furrowed in confusion. "And what the hell are you doing? We can't do that here."

"You know," he said quickly, stepping back so he could grab her and turn her to face him. She blinked up at him, gasping as he swiftly deposited her on the counter, his arms boxing her in as they stared face-to-face. He could feel her breath against his lips, and he smiled. "I'm getting really fucking tired of being told what I can and can't do."

And it was the truth. The Commission had enough control over his life; he absolute fucking refused to give up any more of that control. Being told he couldn't share a room with his girlfriend had really pissed him off. So, what better way to prove a point than doing this. She opened her mouth to respond, and he kissed her, cutting off her retort completely. He couldn't help himself, his tongue dipping into her mouth as he deepened the kiss, her groaning against him before he suddenly broke it.

"Now, I've been a very good boy this year," he started, giving her a quick peck before moving to trail kisses towards her chin and neck.

"I eat all my vegetables," he said, nipping her chin slightly, the sound of her gasp shooting through him. "I brush my teeth and make my bed every day."

"You definitely don't make the bed every day," she giggled before sucking in a breath when he decided to bite down on her neck roughly, sucking a mark into her skin as she let out a low moan.

"And I've stopped so many bad guys this year," he whispered against her, his tongue moving to lap at the mark he'd just made before he moved, looking her straight in the eyes. "It's officially Christmas Day now, and I asked Santa for one thing, and dear god," he said, his hands sliding under her shirt, pushing it above her head. He moved, placing delicate kisses along her chest as she wiggled under him.

"Did he fucking deliver," he finished, sucking a nipple into his mouth, using his tongue to swirl around it as she gasped. The sound was perfect, and he wanted nothing more than to make her cry out for him fully. He wanted to be slow, to take his time, but she wasn't wrong. Out of all places to do this, this was probably not the most appropriate, which meant they'd have to be quick.

His hand moved, dipping into the waistband of her pants, realizing she was, in fact, wearing panties, and he groaned in appreciation to find her already wet for him. Guess she wanted it just as bad as he did, huh? He quickly kissed her again, swallowing her noises as he pushed a finger inside her, swiftly followed by a second. He rocked inside of her, his fingers crooked as she cried out. It was hot, warm, and she felt so fucking good, but it wasn't nearly enough.

He stopped, feeling her whine as he removed his fingers, licking them clean before helping her down from the counter. He needed to be inside her before he lost his goddamn mind.

"Turn around," he whispered, thankful when she didn't argue. His fingers hooked her bottoms, removing them along with her panties in one swift motion before pulling down his own pants just enough to release his cock from its confines. He stroked himself a few times, groaning as his thumb swiped the liquid beading at his tip. It was only then that he paused, swallowing as a sudden realization hit him.

He didn't have a condom.

"Shit," he cursed, clenching his jaw as he blinked at her. Her head turned, her brows furrowed in confusion as she looked at him.

"What's wrong?" She finally asked, and he sucked in a breath before sighing.

"You didn't happen to bring a condom, did you?" He asked, hoping at least one of them had some type of common sense, but she frowned before shaking her head. She straightened up, turning back around, and he nibbled his lip, trying to run through possibilities in his head. How long would it take a feather to get from here to their apartment and back? This was just supposed to be a quickie; they couldn't really stand around naked for half an hour in her parents' kitchen.

"No, but we can finish this another way," she started, reaching for him, and he grasped her wrist to stop her. No, it wasn't the same. He wanted her wrapped around him, wanted to lose himself in her completely, so he shook his head. Pulling out couldn't be that hard; he could do it. Besides, they could always stop for Plan B on the way home if they needed.

"I'm fine if you're fine," he whispered, surprising himself with his words. She blinked up at him, her brow furrowing as he sucked in a breath, "I'll just pull out. We can even get the morning after pill on the way home if you're worried. I just want to be with you."

She paused, sucking in a breath as she looked at him before sighing. "I mean, it should be okay. I'm only a few days away from my period, so in theory, it should be fine. But are you sure about this?" She asked, nibbling her lip as they stared at each other. For some reason, he'd never been more sure about anything in his entire life. He pulled her in for a kiss, before turning her around again, her hands grasping the counter before he lined himself up and quickly pushed into her.

"Holy fucking shit," he hissed as she gasped out his name, his eyes widening as he bottomed out. "It's so warm." They'd had sex dozens of times by now, but none of it compared to how good it felt at that moment. It was almost like he was having sex for the very first time again; everything felt so different than it had before. Did the condom seriously dampen that much of the sensation? He could feel the two halves of his brain fighting for control, biting his tongue to keep his instincts from taking over.

Besides, he argued with himself, she was close to her period. She wasn't even fertile, and that thought was enough for him to regain control of himself, moving his hips as he started thrusting into her. One hand moved to cover her mouth, her moans starting to grow louder as he picked up his pace.

"Shush," he whispered against her ear, warmth already starting to pool in his lower stomach. He was so close, but he wanted nothing more than for her to finish first. He was going to need his hand to do that, so he sucked in a breath before sighing, "Gotta be quiet, okay?"

She nodded, and he removed his hand from her mouth, snaking it around her hips to rub at her clit. She jolted forward, breathy whines and moans escaping her as he moved inside her. He was so close, his hips starting to stutter as he wondered if he was going to even last long enough to actually get her to finish, but thankfully she was closer. She let out a breathy moan, her walls clenching around him so tightly he had to force himself to pull out before he climaxed inside her. She whined pathetically at the sudden lack of sensation as he brought himself to completion, spilling onto her lower back with a quiet grunt.

They both took a moment, struggling to catch their breath before his feathers went into action, flying around and grabbing items to help clean themselves up. He wiped her back off, quickly burying the washcloth he used in the trash can before having his feathers take the trash outside completely. They got dressed, and Y/N quickly grabbed the kettle she had started filling, putting it onto the stove to boil. She swiftly made them each a cup, and together they moved into the living room, settling on the sofa and enjoying the view of her parents' Christmas tree. She was sprawled out lazily, her legs across his lap as they chuckled together before she sucked in a breath.

"Thanks for everything you did last night. It was nice of you to stand up to my mom like that. I can't believe my Dad even told her to fuck off. But, you didn't have to lie about the gallery. Her hating my artwork doesn't bother me anymore."

He smiled in return before shaking his head. "But it wasn't a lie," he said, watching her blink at him in confusion. At least, it wasn't anymore. One quick email was all it took, and the property that Haruki had sent him earlier was secured for closing after the new year. He grabbed his phone from his sweatpants pocket, handing it over to her as she stared at the listing in shock and then back at him. He smiled, taking a sip of his tea before running a hand through his hair with a content sigh.

"Merry Christmas, love bird."

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