' Broken Image ' (boyXboy)

By Fangkun6

1.3K 44 6

(This is targeted for people 16+) "Same with hurting you. Or marking you.." He slid his arm gently down to hi... More

Prologue: - Whitedail -
- evil v.s good -
- brutal acquaintance-
- crazy urge -
- close addiction -
- cold and alone -
- a sip of caffeine -
- over the phone -
- losing focus -
- return the favor -
- wanting more -
- addictive poison -
- the hero is selfish -
- very unpredictable -
- instant regret -
- get out -
- flames that destroy -
- a burning memory -
⚠️ - fighting for no end - ⚠️
- breaking with every breath -
⚠️ - holding evil back - ⚠️
- love intensifies -
- taking the burden -
⚠️ - forget hope - ⚠️
- outrunning problems -
- who is the villain -
- letting rage control -
- deep rooted killer -
- the hero & the villain -
⚠️ Epilogue - Away - ⚠️

- love hits like a truck -

18 1 0
By Fangkun6

~The Grubs, the warehouse~
Pierce stood over the dead body, he breathed out a sigh as he watched blood flood the floor. His eyes glitched around, his body completely tense. He felt the adrenaline begin to fall, his energy and rage was slowly dying. He felt ready to collapse. It's been a long time since he lost that much control before.

The last time he went that crazy was when Rosamee had died. Oxzy had came and fought him during that time which made the destruction less bad. Speaking of Oxzy, the villain turned his head. He met eyes with the hero, the man looked back at him, his body slightly shaking.

Pierce smiled, breathing out slowly. He turned, taking small steps forward before he was in front of the hero. Oxzy didn't move, he didn't flinch away from the bloody villain. The man was in front of him, looking down at the shorter male.

Since the hero hadn't walked away, Pierce felt the need was "comfort him". It was clear in the look in his eyes that he felt unsafe. But the villain wont hurt him, not anymore. Pierce wanted to tell him that. To promise the man safety, he wouldn't be able to hurt him...

The villain's hand traced the side of Oxzy's jaw. The bloody finger felt warm, leaving the blood to drip on the hero's pale skin.

Oxzy had lost himself, he wasn't gonna try and deny what he was feeling right now. There was too much in front of him that told him what he was doing was bad, he knew it was bad.

...But he had already done it. So why would he move away now?

The hero gently held the villain's arm, guiding the man to caress his face. It was warm, soothing and gentle. The hero leaned into the touch, sighing in pure comfort. Pierce chuckled, rubbing his thumb on the bottom of his jaw below his lips.

"You don't seem 'drugged'..." The man hummed, watching as the hero sank into the touch. The deep red blood on his pale skin looked beautiful as it dripped down his chin.

"I didn't breathe it in.." The hero mumbled a response, only focusing on the soft touch. The butterflies running circles in his chest, the radiating heat from his body as it sank into Pierce's fingertips.

Pierce chuckled, leaning his head forward to look deep into the hero's eyes. "Clever hero."

Oxzy smiled, eyes dropping as he was embraced by the man with stained red clothes.

It felt safe. It shouldn't feel safe, but it did.

It was wrong. All so wrong, the villain had killed over 20 men and his own little brother in cold blood. But he looked at the hero with softness in his eyes, a new found love and focus of his affection.

At least, that is what Oxzy was feeling. What he had noticed, but he had no idea what Pierce was thinking. The unpredictable man could do anything to him.

Yet he chose to embrace him with a gentle touch.

A distant chatter sounded from outside, sirens and shouting of men and women were all around the warehouse. The pair understood that it was the police, the door was smashed open, Milo and men behind him with their guns drawn ran in.

The two didn't flinch, Oxzy looked over to Milo, making eye contact with the stunned officer. Pierce didn't even turn around, he knew that guns were aimed at his back, that the blonde male could order his death within a minute.

The warmth from Oxzy was too distracting, the hero leaned against him, hiding the man from the police behind. It was too comfortable to run. So he didn't move, he held the man tightly.

Milo couldn't understand what he was looking at. His jaw hung open, the bodies of men and blood, the smell of burnt flesh couldn't compare to the shock in the middle of it all. The hero and villain together. Just them...

"Oxz..." Milo whispered out, the gun in his hand began to shake in shock. The men behind him looked at on in confusion, they waited for his orders.

Jamisen hesitated to step forward, the blood bath and villain scared him too much. But he made it behind Milo, nudging him. "Milo... Sir, don't hesitate again..."

The words were heard, but Milo kept his eyes on Oxzy. The hero was shielded by the villain, blocking his figure from the police. Only the hero looked back at Milo, eyes landed on each other.

Milo didn't know how to react. His vision was growing blurry, his hands with the gun in it shook. He wanted nothing more than to shoot the villain, to tear him away from the hero's arms. He didn't, watching the hero eye him from the comfort of the villains' hold. Milo didn't shoot.

Oxzy closed his eyes, opening them with a slight expression on his face. A small thanks, some small amount of understanding passed them.

Milo closed his eyes, his gun lowering. He hid the tears back, trying hard to fight off the urges. It wasn't right. What was happening in front of him was wrong, what he was thinking was wrong. He isn't that type of person, he won't try to be them.

With slow, steady movements, Milo lowered his gun. He put his hand up, ordering his men to do the same. They looked at him, then back to Pierce, confusion and fear clear on their faces. Even so, they did what they were told, lowering their guns.

Oxzy gave a small nod, holding tightly onto the villain's arm. Pierce lowered his head on top of Oxzy's, closing his eyes as he forced himself to use his last remaining energy. Black dust emerged under their feet, rising steadily up until it consumed both the hero and villain.

The warehouse was shadowed, the dust flew past the officers, giving the room a more clear appearance. The men looked shocked, there were much more bodies than they expected.

~The Grubs, Pierce's home~
The hero crashed into the bed, Pierce had managed to carry the man into the room from outside his home. The teleportation had worked for him, yet due to his dimming energy, he could only portal outside.

He leaned forward, panting at the amount of energy he used. When he opened his eyes, he stared at the unconscious hero. The man had teleported with him, Pierce normally doesn't do it with others. It messes with their mind, not being able to control the overwhelming amount of darkness like Pierce.

So, he made sure the hero was asleep, he would be out for a few minutes. The villain sighed, he felt his bones ache and his arms sore. He had to gain some energy, that would call for a comfortable space to be in for that. Pierce couldn't help but look back at Oxzy, it looked warm in between him.

He remembered the feeling of sleeping next to him, the warmth and comfort. He wanted to feel that again, but he realized he was still covered in blood. The hero would be horrified to be woken up and seeing the blood. Pierce sighed, knowing what he had to do before getting comfortable.

The villain washed himself up quickly, he made it quick even with his energy slowly dying. The man had finished, drying off his hair when the strands stuck to his tan skin, he shook it off.

The villain pulled a pair of gray sweats on, grabbing one of his non burnt T- shirts before pulling that on as well. He was about ready to collapse, his legs shaking from beneath him. He walked back into his room, looking at the hero laying on his bed.

The man was still sleeping silently, eyes closed and face giving a calming look. The man looked so at peace, so comfortable.

As gently as he could muster, the villain lifted the coves to lay next to him. He spread the sheets over him and the hero, making sure that the man was comfortable and not completely dressed down.

"Hahh..." Pierce signed out in comfort. The man was warm and cold at the same time, it gave him a sense of relief. He felt safe, comfortable..

The hero pushed his head up, leaning slightly so his face was stuffed in the bigger man's neck. They moaned lightly, it made the villain feel possessive. He wrapped his arms around the man's waist, pulling the man's slim body up to his chest. He laughed lightly, he felt completely comfortable, at ease.

He didn't have to do anything else besides hold him, the hero. His energy felt completely restored. His breathing was silent, the man in his arms was warm, keeping him safe with a soft touch.

It was nice. It was what Pierce used to do with Rosamee after a rough fight. When he was drained and ready to collapse. It felt different, something much stronger was given to him by Oxzy.

Something he wanted more of.

~Formay, Police station~
Milo's mind was lost, he was distracted the whole time his men and himself had cleared out the warehouse. They evacuated any survivors in handcuffs, searching the place for more things, they found a whole bunch of drugs in the basement. It seems to be where the gangsters had stored their operation.

It took a while, but the police had figured more on their plan. There was no one to get in their way of the search. Thanks to that, they searched the office where they later realized it was a young man that was actually, Pierce's brother's office. He was the leader, hiding all the information of his plan in there.

Milo and Jamisen took action immediately, they found the little man's home where his parents and siblings were present. They arrested them, taking the drugs they had on hand before taking them in for questioning. The father immediately spilled everything he knew, the police had to work harder on the mother who knew almost everything about their young son's plan.

The siblings gave all the information in the end, explaining where they could stop the drug trafficking. It was quick action, taking place in about a day, finding where the men were ending up was quick since they hadn't gone far when the police searched the grubs.

With the drugs in hand, they searched the grubs in peace to put things in order. The sheriff finally found out the mystery of Randy and the other killings. They were all in Felix's hands. The man who was now dead, killed by his own brother.

The police, of course, didn't have all the information. They didn't know what had happened during the beginning of the search. On why the hero steered them away from the truth. Why did the villain massacre the whole warehouse with ease?

Milo had decided to interrogate the villain's own family for his whereabouts, to know more about the evil man and his plan. He rushed in with Jamisen following behind, he started with the older sister first.

"I-..." The older woman hesitated, looking down. Milo yelled at her again, demanding an answer. The woman huffed, keeping her eyes closed. "I don't know.."

Milo left, intending to get the answer from anyone of his family members. They must know, and they are going to tell him.

"I swear I have no idea! I swear!" The old short man began to weep as an answer.

"Why would I know? He kept it a secret!" The young man turned his head away at the answer.

"..." The older woman with a face of stone gave no answer.

"Don't fucking lie to me! Tell me where the man is hiding!" Milo yelled out, crashing his hands on the metal table.

The woman glared at him, her eyes murderous. No answer, just silence swept past the two in the room. Milo glared back, hitting the table when he realized he was going to get no answer.

The sheriff rushed out the room, walking past his men in the hallway with a stone cold expression. Jamisen was following behind him with quickening steps, he called after his officer. "Milo! Milo calm the fuck down-!"

"Shut up Jamisen," Milo growled back without turning around. He pushed his office door open, before he could close it, Jamisen swung it open from behind.

Milo rolled his eyes as the man shut it with a slam. "This is about Oxzy isn't it?"

The anger in his voice was clear, but he didn't responded. Jamisen felt fed up, his sheriff was losing himself to a man. It was getting in the way of everything, making him and his other officers' jobs impossible. Jamisen decided that he had to get this over with, to bring back Milo's senses or.. He would have to lose his position.

"That man already made it clear the feeling between you two!" Jansen yelled in rage, "he caused too much trouble. That made an undercover gangster steer his way in here to get information that not only put his life in danger. But everyone else in the station!"

Milo gave a glare his way, with a hollow growl he couldn't fight back with that information.

"He is with the villain. The man that we ought to get rid of once in for all. He fucking gave him a clear way, they fled together!" Jamisen watched Milos' reactions. Even with his friends growing red eyes, Jamisen kept going. "Oxzy is on the villains side, they are a threat to the town. The town that YOU are supposed to protect. Yet you haven't protected shit.."

Milo felt tears in his eyes, he couldn't respond with anything. All that his man was saying was true. It was right, even so, it still hurt him. Hurt in his heart with the overpowering evidence of the hero's betrayal. The hero that he was in love with.

"You know that if you continue this, it will be the end of you. The end of your job and passion.." Jamisen felt choked up, it hurt to say these things. To say what his friend needed to hear. "Don't let that so-called 'love' you feel for a man that doesn't even like you back blind you."

Milo sobbed, hiding his face as it hung from the desk.

It was all true. All a sickening truth, how he has been acting, how he has been changing due to himself. He hadn't realized how much of a bad person he had become. How bad he was from the beginning, the actions and the hero brought that to light for himself.

Jamisen shook his head, watching the man he called his friend. The best sheriff in town crumble. He walked forward, a hand on his shoulder. "Don't let a man make you feel this way.."

"I-It's not about him.. Not anymore-!" Milo choked out sobs. He looked up in anger. "It's about me. I didn't even realize how bad I am, how I have become."

Jamisen looked at his man, Milo turned to look back, a look of defeat in his eyes.

"I'm a horrible sheriff.. I'm sorry Jamisen..."

Jamisen embraced him, hugging him tightly with a heavy heart in his throat. "Don't think that way, you made a mistake. Everyone does."

They stayed quiet for a while, waiting for the sheriff to finish sobbing before they pulled away. Jamisen had never seen his higher officer break down, Milo was good at hiding himself. It was until now that Milo let himself go, breaking down and giving his most trusted man something to look at.

It really didn't change much. As long as the sheriff could understand more of what he did wrong, on how he had done it wrong.. Jamisen will go back to the way it was. To make it seem like nothing had happened, all the man wanted was to work with his friend.

The work they had to do came knocking back on the door.

The men that were parted nodded to each other, walking back outside to finish their work with a new understanding of each other.

~The Grubs, Pierce's home~
It was oddly bright, the sun had a full view on the hero's face from the open roof above. Oxzy moaned in annoyance, intending to move the sun away with his hand. But he realized that he was trapped. That, and it was warm from his back.

With a slight move, the hero was pulled back against the villain's chest. Oxzy looked down, seeing the villain's arms around his chest. He tried to struggle a little out of the man's grip, only it got stronger. Pierce squeezed the hero, pulling him back against his chest.

Oxzy rolled his eyes, growling in annoyance at the man. "L-Let go..!"

He struggled again to break free, the struggling seemed to wake up the villain. Pierce opened his eyes to be met with a mass of black curls. The hero was struggling to get out of his grip, pulling at his arms that were tangled around his waist.

"Pierce, let me go damnit-!" Oxzy began to protest, he hadn't realized that the villain was now awake. He tried to pry the man off him, pushing his back against the man's chest.

The villain smirked from in the man's hair, with a strong pull he moved up, bringing the hero with him. Oxzy yelped in surprise, being lifted from the bed from behind. He was turned around, his back hitting the sheets before he met the villain's face.

Pierce had a smile on his face, moving himself forward so that his knees were under Oxzy's legs. The villain was now in between Oxzy's legs, looming over with a playful look in his eyes.

Oxzy was a hot red, he tried to keep a cold expression, but touching the villains body with this position made him burn.

"Good morning sweetheart," the villain said with a cheerful voice.

He was leaning closer to the hero's face. Oxzy turned his red face away, his hand up to push the man's face away. "We are not a couple..!"

Even so, his face was a bright red as the villain flirted with him. Pierce shrugged his shoulders, letting the hero push his face away. "I mean we did sleep together more than once-" Pierce held onto Oxzy's hand that was once on his chin.

Oxzy watched in shock as the villain brought it to his lips. He kissed the hero's hand, making eye contact with the blushing male. "-And not to mention the sex..."

The hero growled at him, rolling his eyes with a pouty face. He knew not to say anything back, that, and because he had no idea what to say. The villain was weird, he had no idea what the man was thinking. The man was insane sometimes..

"Let's do some other couple things." Pierce suddenly sat up, giving the hero room to breathe. Oxzy looked at him like he was joking, Pierce only smiled back. "You're probably hungry."

"No-" The hero started but his stomach chose the most comedic moment to growl. The hero shut his mouth, turning cold with his expression.

He earned a giggle, the villain shook his head. "Body doesn't lie Ox," the villain turned to the side of his bed, standing up from the comforter. He seemed to get all the energy he lost yesterday back within a few hours. He was up and ready, ready to make food for the hero.

He ruffled the hero's hair, smiling as he left the room.

He left the hero in his room alone again. This time, the hero wasn't at a lose. He had his powers, the energy to leave if he wanted to.

Yet he kept asking himself.


Where would he go?

The sun hitting his face soaked deep into his skin. It was suddenly clouded by a cloud, surfacing the warmth into a cold rush of air.

Oxzy opened his eyes, looking up into the darkening sky.

He knew where he had to go.

The villain didn't know exactly what the hero enjoyed. He never bothered to ask, he was debating on going back up to ask him, but he decided against it. He decided that the second best choice was to make what he fed the hero when he was sick.

He made it quickly, a simple soup that the man enjoyed. It was all that mattered to him. Weirdly enough, Pierce felt controlled by the man. It wasn't a bad feeling, but it was a bad thing.

Him being controlled, it was more dangerous for the other person. No one could handle him, his love Rosamee barley could.

But love for the hero. Could the man handle it?

Did the villain even care if he did or not, that was the real question on his mind. He did intend to try and ask, only he didn't know how he could. The hero was there to ask, it was enough for him to touch and smother the man with affection, but to try and understand these feelings?

It was hard to control his emotions in general. So something so foreign like love to him to understand was even more difficult. Pierce hoped to ask for something out of Oxzy to confirm it. To confirm it for him, the villain was desperate to know.

But as the villain opened the door, he was greeted with an empty bed.

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