Feather Bound

By Unearthlycanine

26.9K 1.1K 478

In the bustling world of heroes and ordinary people, Y/N, a humble barista and inspiring artist, struggling t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 30

467 20 15
By Unearthlycanine

"So the expectations for the Gala are pretty straightforward," Mamoru said, shifting in his chair as Hawks blinked at him from across the desk, trying his hardest not to show his annoyance. When Haruki had mentioned sending him the dress code later, he hadn't realized it meant showing up at the office. And of course, he'd timed it just right so Haruki wouldn't even be there to run interference.

She had gone out to help Y/N and never came back. She had later texted him to let him know she wasn't feeling well and had just gone home, which made him feel bad. If she wasn't feeling good, he would have taken Y/N himself after work; there was no reason for her to be pushing herself like that, which he made sure to remind her of in his reply.

"Hawks, are you even listening?" The other man groaned, and he quickly refocused on him. Shit, he had zoned out, so used to escaping Mamoru's endless lectures that he hadn't actually been paying attention this time. He let out a small sigh before giving a sheepish shake of his head.

"Sorry, I got distracted," he said, reaching onto the desk to grab a paperclip to fidget with as Mamoru sighed in annoyance.

"If you're so bored, maybe we can switch topics," he started with a small smirk. "How was your first night together?"

He clenched his jaw as they stared at each other, a strange mix of annoyance and anxiety twisting his stomach. He should've expected something like this to happen, especially with Haruki's phone conversation with him this morning. At least now he knew why he'd shown up in person instead of just emailing him. He was here to dig for anything he could report back to the President.

"It was great," he said through his teeth before sucking in a small breath. "Now, the expectations for the event—"

"Hey now," Mamoru interrupted, crossing his arms, his smirk never fading. "We can talk about that shit in a minute. It's time for some guy talk because I want details. Was it good? You know where to finish to make a baby though, right?"

"Jesus!" Hawks exclaimed, his face burning as his wings flared behind him. This conversation was not only completely embarrassing, but totally uncalled for. "I'm not talking about my sex life with you, and I'm certainly not dignifying that question with a fucking answer!"

"Come on, it's a fair question. Some people really don't know—"

"Mamoru," he hissed out, trying to take steady breaths through his nose. "I've been through that training course, I've seen the videos, I'm twenty-two years old for fuck's sake. That is my personal life, end goal or not. You will not get a single detail from me about it. You'll just have to wait for your answers when you test her every month."

"I'm not stupid, Hawks. Refusal to have sex isn't an option here," he replied with a huff, crossing his arms as his eyes narrowed dangerously.

"I'm not refusing to do it!" he declared, his temper starting to flare. Why couldn't they just talk about this stupid gala so he could finish this paperwork and go home to see her? Strangely enough, she had been all he'd thought about all day, and the idea of sitting in this office for another minute instead of being by her side was enough for him to say and do whatever it took to get out of here, even if it meant lying.

"In fact, if you really must know, we already started. Last night," the lie flowed from him easily, years of spy and press training making it possible. "Look, I know how to do this, and I know how it all works. So just let me work on it and don't ask me stupid questions. I don't get a lot of privacy as it is, and this is something I'd very much like to keep between the two of us. It's degrading enough you'll be testing her every month in some lab instead of just letting her report the results to you herself. I won't even know I'm going to be a father until after you. So please, just tell me the gala expectations."

Mamoru smiled, leaning back into the seat with a soft sigh. "Well, I'm glad to hear you at least actually started the process, so I guess I'll let it go for now. As for the gala, the Commission wants her measurements for an outfit they're going to have ordered. Something pretty grand from what they were saying. They want to make a statement, make you guys the talk of Japan. You're expected to mingle, introduce her to people as your girlfriend, and take pictures. It's a networking event, so make sure she interacts with the other heroes."

"Perfect," he muttered, grabbing the stack of paperwork and pushing his chair back. "Sounds easy enough, now if you excuse me." He was beyond done with this conversation. He was ready to go home, and this had wasted more than enough of his time. He would have to finish the paperwork there, but at least he would be with her. He stood, shoving the paperwork under his arm as Mamoru blinked at him in confusion.

"Where the hell are you going?" He asked, quickly standing up to follow him as he walked towards his office door.

"Home," he responded with a shrug, opening his office door as Mamoru followed him, laughing.

"Look at you. One good lay, and you're already rushing home for dinner with the Mrs." He chuckled before shaking his head. "Alright then, I won't argue. Just keep your phone on in case they need you. Goodnight."

That was all the goodbye he needed to speed through the office, ignoring Manoru's laughs behind him. He quickly waved goodbye to the night staff before bursting through the doors of the agency and taking to the sky. It only took a couple of minutes before he was landing outside his apartment, psyching himself up to walk inside. It was the first time anybody would be there to greet him; why did that make him so nervous?

Steeling his nerves he opened the door, calling out a greeting as he stepped inside. He wasn't quite sure what it was, but the apartment felt...different. Warmer in a way it hadn't been when he left plus it certainly smelled cleaner. He blinked around, noticing the small odds and ends that weren't there in the morning, things she must've brought back from her own apartment.

"Welcome home!" She called out in return, her voice tugging the corners of his mouth upwards. "I'm out in the living room. I've got something for you!"

He smiled, clutching the paperwork to his chest as he made his way into the living room, freezing at the sight that greeted him. The lights were off, but the room was illuminated completely by the TV and the string lights she'd hung up around the room, giving it a cozy atmosphere. She had moved the coffee table out of the room, leaving the floor wide open. It was there that she sat on a large blanket she had spread out, various bowls of snacks and other things he'd never dare to buy himself sat out next to her. She smiled as she looked up at him, before holding out something towards him.

"What've you got there?" He asked, eyeing the device in her hand in curiosity. It almost looked like a Joy-Con for a Nintendo Switch; he'd seen them a few times when Endeavor's son and his friends had visited with Tokoyami at the agency, but that couldn't be right. He didn't own–

"It's a Joy-Con," she said sheepishly, confirming his suspicions, and he suddenly turned his gaze toward the TV. His eyes widened as he looked at his PlayStation plugged in and sitting under the TV, with the Switch dock right next to it before turning back to her, furrowing his brows in confusion.

"Where did you–"

"I'm so sorry, are you angry?" She asked suddenly, her own eyes widening. "I found it in the closet, and I remembered at the restaurant you started saying you weren't allowed. I didn't really get it then, but I do now. And well, it really pissed me off, so I brought it out and hooked it up because this is your home. You should be able to do and eat whatever you want here, and if they've got a problem with it, then they'll have to take it up with me." She added with a huff, crossing her arms as she looked at him.

His chest tightened, his eyes suddenly blurry with the threat of tears as he gazed down at her. She looked so nervous, her body tense as she blinked up at him, and it made him sad in a way he hadn't expected. She really thought he'd be mad at her for trying to stand up for him? He shook his head with a sigh, blinking back his tears as he handed the paperwork to his feathers to carry off towards the kitchen.

"Of course, I'm not mad. And the apartment looks really nice, thank you. But where the hell did you get a Switch from?" He asked, settling down next to her on the blanket she'd set up, and she gave him a shy smile.

"Well, Haruki was telling me about the PlayStation, that she'd bought it for you for Christmas because you'd never played games, and since the Commission broke my lease and paid the fees, all the money I had put aside for rent was freed up," she explained, looking down to play with her fingers.

"You didn't have to do that," he said quietly, frowning slightly. "You don't have to spend your money on me like that."

She blinked up at him before looking back down at her fingers. "It wasn't that much, and I had plenty saved up. The rest went into my savings for the lawyer. I just wanted to do something together. Every single time we've been out on a date, it's gone wrong somehow. Between you pretending to be a jerk and my ex showing up and ruining it all. I thought maybe we could just do a date here where we hang out, eat stupid junk food I'm like ninety percent sure you've probably never had, and play some Mario Party. Haruki helped me set it up, that's why she didn't come back to the office. I'm sorry."

He stared at her dumbfounded before excitement welled within him, unable to stop the wide smile that split his face. His wings ruffled, each feather seeming to vibrate with excitement at the prospect. He felt like a child on Christmas morning, his eyes darting between the bowls as she watched him with interest. He already knew he owed Haruki a thank you tomorrow for all this as well.

"So, I'll take that as a yes?" She asked cautiously, and he laughed, snatching the Joy-Con from her without a second thought.

"Fuck yes, but don't cry when I kick your ass," he said with a grin, quickly reaching into the bowl holding potato chips and nearly groaning as he popped one into his mouth. He'd only really had them once or twice, but it was so perfectly salty he couldn't help himself, reaching into the bowl to grab a handful. Mamoru would have an absolute shit fit if he could see him now, and that thought just added to the satisfaction. She started laughing, grabbing the other Joy-Con before narrowing her eyes at him playfully.

"Bring it on, Bird Brain."

They played for hours, starting with a couple of small rounds so they could both grasp the concept of the game before diving into one last long round. Nearly two hours had passed since they began, and things were getting intense, with his competitive nature finally emerging in full force. She took it in stride, giving him a hard time right back, and even he had to admit it was incredibly fucking hot that she was willing to play dirty.

As they approached the end, she was dominating him in the minigames, but he had just one more star than her. The only issue was that she was just a few spaces away from buying another one, tying their star counts and putting her in first place due to her coins. He held his breath as she hit her button, making Rosalina jump to hit her dice.

"Fuck yes!" she exclaimed, and he groaned as he watched her character land on the star space. She quickly purchased her star, laughing at him as he glared at the screen.

"You're only winning because you totally screwed me with that Bowser space," he grumbled, grabbing the controller to take his turn. Quickly pressing the button, Yoshi jumped up and hit a fairly solid number. He watched the little green dinosaur move, sucking in a breath as he realized the space he had just landed on.

"Don't you fucking dare," she hissed next to him, and he started to laugh in response, unable to help himself.

"What do you mean, 'don't I dare'? I'm just playing the game," he replied innocently, using the controller to hover above the options that Boo gave him. He had the choice to either steal her coins or steal the star she had just bought, potentially throwing him back into first place. He began to chuckle evilly, and she moved, attempting to grab the controller from his grasp.

"Absolutely fucking not!" she declared with a playful growl, reaching out to snatch the game controller from his grip. He chuckled, skillfully evading her attempts by leaning backward, prompting her to release a huff of frustration. Undeterred, she shifted forward on her knees, displaying commendable determination to prevent him from stealing her star. However, in her next attempt, she overreached, losing her balance and inadvertently causing both of them to crash to the floor.

Laughter echoed in the room as they landed in a tangle of limbs. For a fleeting moment, their giggles filled the air until their eyes finally locked, his breath catching in his throat. Her eyes held him completely captive, radiating happiness and beauty. It had been a perfect night, an experience he never thought possible, and in that moment, he realized this had to be his forever. The idea of returning to an empty apartment was inconceivable. Unable to resist any longer, he reached up, gently tucking a strand of hair that had fallen forward behind her ear, before leaning forward and capturing her lips tenderly.

It was softer than their kiss in the alley, slower, and far more passionate. After a few seconds, he could feel her moving, her hands coming to cup his face. She broke the kiss first, blinking down at him for just a second before she began to move, catching him off guard as she placed a kiss against his chin before using her nose to nudge his head, exposing his neck. A gasp escaped him as she leaned down, kissing and nipping a small trail down it, his body starting to react despite his best attempts to stop it.

Suddenly, he felt her hands slide under his shirt, running up his abdomen, her fingers stopping to play in the hair of his happy trail. His hips involuntarily bucked forward at the touch, overwhelming him. He moved, gently grasping her wrists to stop her. Her little nips and kisses against his neck stopped, her head moving so she could look at him in confusion. He let her wrists fall, scooting out from under her as he tried to calm himself, the throbbing between his legs ungodly. He'd never been so aroused in his entire life, but uncertainty clouded his thoughts. Sucking in a breath, his face burning, he cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry... I just... I haven't..." he trailed off, unsure of what to say as she stared at him, embarrassment starting to take over. How pathetic was he? The number two hero, Japan's most eligible bachelor, and the biggest teen fantasy, yet here he was, stopping a beautiful girl from touching him, all because he was a scared little virgin.

"If you don't want to, we don't have to," she said quietly, avoiding his gaze. He couldn't help but notice the flush that spread across her own face. "I'm really sorry. I just thought you might want to, but-"

"I do!" He interjected, his heart pounding as the confession slipped from his lips. "I do, at least I think. It's just that I..." He hesitated before sucking in a breath, gathering his confidence to tell her the truth. Being a virgin wasn't a big deal; many people hadn't experienced sex, and it was normal. He was normal. "I've just never done this before."

"What?" She replied, confusion evident, and he grimaced, casting his gaze down at the blanket, picking at a loose string.

"I've never done it before," he admitted, taking another breath. "I've never done any of this before. You're the first person I've ever even kissed..."

It took a moment, the silence between them seeming to stretch for hours before her eyes suddenly widened. "Oh, Oh my god," she gasped in surprise, her hand coming to cover her mouth as she looked at him. He looked away, wanting nothing more than to bury himself under the floorboards, his wings flexing and wrapping around himself before he could stop it, hiding him from her view. "Oh wait, no, no!" she said gently. "Don't do that, I'm so sorry. Oh Keigs..."

His heart pounded at the sudden nickname, and he had to bite his lip to stop a groan from escaping as she slowly moved her fingers through the feathers covering his face, finally managing to peek in between them. "You don't have to be embarrassed, Keigo, I swear. Fold these things, and let's just talk," she said softly, and he swallowed his nerves, forcing his wings back.

"I wish you would've told me. I never would've been so forward if I had known," she said gently, moving to hug him. "That explains so much, but I never would've guessed. Not with the way they portray you in the media."

"That was the Commission's idea. I turned out to be a looker, they said. Sex sells, and they weren't wrong. I'm stupid popular with teenage girls and women; it's a huge part of my popularity rating. Hence the playboy image despite the fact I've never..." he trailed off, his embarrassment obvious, and she gave him a soft smile.

"Hey, there's nothing to be upset about. It's really okay. Plenty of people have never had sex, its totally normal. Look," she reached over, grabbing the Joy-Con from the floor and handing it to him with a gentle smile. "Steal my star, win the game, and let's put on a movie. Gives us a good reason to finish all these snacks."

"You don't want to, uh, finish?" He asked, unable to ignore the throbbing of his dick against his zipper, but he took back the controller from her without hesitation. He wasn't really sure he was ready, but if she wanted to, he would at least try.

She let out a small chuckle. "I mean, we could," she started with a shrug, "But this gives you a second to cool off, think with the right head, ya know? If you decide you still want to do something after, then yeah, sure. But we definitely don't have to go all the way. We can take things slow, Keigs. You're in control of this, I promise."

"Thank you," he whispered, his chest aching at her kindness. It wasn't often he got a say in anything, and the fact that she was so completely willing to give him that control meant more than he ever realized. They turned their attention back to the game, laughing together as he finished stealing her star.

They had just finished the final round, with him in first place when they started to give away the bonus stars. He swallowed nervously as he watched the screen; he had totally forgotten all about the stupid bonuses. He threw his head back in defeat as she was awarded a star for winning the most minigames, officially making her the victor.

"You got lucky," he said, rolling his eyes as she took the Joy-Con from him to reattach them to the switch on the dock.

"Don't be mad because I destroyed you," she laughed, grabbing the TV remote off the stand and switching to Netflix. "Now, what do you want to watch?"

"You pick," he said, grabbing the bowl with the rest of the Kit Kats and other assorted candies. She settled down next to him, his arm snaking around her waist to pull her closer against him. She let out a content-sounding sigh, melting into him as she threw on a random movie, and they settled in together, his head resting on top of hers, his eyes growing heavy as he gazed at the screen.

"So," She said about halfway through the movie, breaking him from his daze. "Do you want to do anything or are you okay for tonight. No hard feelings either way."

He swallowed nervously before letting out a soft breath. He was torn, because he really did want to try it, but this moment was so perfect, he didn't want to ruin it with his inexperience. No, this wasn't the right time and he shook his head, his wing unfurling to wrap around her, keeping her pressed against him, almost afraid she might leave because he was turning her down.

"No, not tonight." he said softly, pressing a kiss to her temple. "But thank you. Seriously."

"Of course," she whispered, leaning back against him. She was warm, her weight soothing against him as he felt his eyes begin to grow heavy again and it didn't take much longer, eventually their breathing growing even, as they both succumbed to sleep.

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