A New Life - Supernatural Fan...

By leoxdicaprioo

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UNFINISHED FOR NOW!! Whilst working a normal day, Jessie becomes involved in a demon fight. Sam and Dean Win... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - The Saloon
Chapter 2 - The bunker
Chapter 3 - Bacon and feelings
Chapter 4 - Hell
Chapter 5 - Ask her out!
Chapter 6 - She's beautiful
Chapter 7 - Date
Chapter 8 - Sex
Chapter 9 - Can we go bowling?
Chapter 10 - Crowley
Chapter 11 - Bowling
Chapter 12 - Morning sickness
Chapter 13 - I'm pregnant...
Chapter 14 - Demon Blood
Chapter 15 - I love you
Chapter 17 - Fuck me
Chapter 18 - Cas spills the truth
Chapter 19 - Charlie
Chapter 20 - Baby kicks!
Chapter 21 - Telling Shannon
Chapter 22 - It's painful
Chapter 23 - It's a girl!
Chapter 24 - Meeting Bobby
Chapter 25 - Sammy's home
Chapter 26 - Last few weeks
Chapter 27 - Birth
Chapter 28 - Visitors
Chapter 29 - Crowley again
Chapter 30 - The first week
Chapter 31 - It's about Shannon...
Chapter 32 - The boys take Amelia
Chapter 33 - Captured
Chapter 34 - Fear
Chapter 35 - Making the plan
Chapter 36 - The plan

Chapter 16 - We're having a baby, Sammy!

60 2 0
By leoxdicaprioo

4 weeks later

The first trimester had passed. I was now 13 weeks pregnant. Things had calmed down a little the remaining four weeks. The swell in my stomach was now visible - barely, but it was still there. I'd been hiding it with baggy flannels. Sammy had spent these past few weeks with me. He had even abandoned any new hunts to stay with me. He was still under the illusion that I was unwell.

Cas had been doing weekly checks on me. He'd always light up whenever he felt the heartbeat, but I could always sense there was something more he wasn't telling me. I knew that he would tell me in time though.

Dean had been like a very over-protective big brother since I told him - always making sure I was comfortable, bringing me food and drink when I felt too ill to get out of bed, talking to me when I needed it, and making sure that Sam was looking after me. It made me smile. We're like the sibling that both of us always wanted.

Jack doesn't know yet, of course. I have a feeling he can sense it, you know, through his powers. But he hasn't said anything, so I can't be sure. I've got to tell him and Sam soon though.

I lay on the bed, waiting for Sammy to return, when Cas appeared next to me.

"Cas, hi". I jumped.

"Sorry Jessie. I'm always startling you". I chuckled, frowning.

"I need to do my weekly check again. You're about 13 weeks now, meaning you are into the second trimester". I nodded. "And I've noticed you're making less frequent and sudden trips to the bathroom". He was right. The sickness had mostly worn off, which I was very happy about.

"Of course. Check away." I lifted up my top slightly, before adding "but oh- be quick. I think Sam will be back soon" he nodded, placing his glowing hand over my tiny bump. His face lit up again.

"All is well" he smiled "the baby is safe. Congratulations Jessie, you made it through the first trimester, so I think I can say that you will be carrying this baby around for another 27 weeks". I felt my insides jump as my mouth turned up at the sides. I began beaming, happy tears springing to my eyes. I reached out, embracing Cas. I felt his arms wrap around me. We hugged silently for a few minutes. He had this comforting aura about him. He could always make me feel safe. I loved him. Not in the way that I loved Sammy, but in a platonic way. I could always count on him.

I heard Sam's voice from behind me. He sounded concerned.

"Jessie, you okay?"

I let go of Cas as he rushed to my side and knelt before me. Rubbing my eyes, I looked ahead at Cas. He nodded once and silently left the room. Raising my head back down, I met Sam's puppy dog eyes and held his gaze.

"Nothing's wrong Sammy" I laughed sweetly as a few drops fell from my eyes.

"Then why are you crying pretty lady?" he cocked his head to the side, joining me on the bed. I sighed and flopped back. Sam mimicked me, making me laugh. Silence fell over us for a moment. I could feel him watching me out the corner of my eye.

I took a deep breath. "Sammy I have something to tell you". I closed my eyes. He moved closed beside me.


I lifted my top up slightly, exposing my stomach and opened my eyes. I watched Sammy's pupils trace down to my stomach. I saw his face turn from confusion to understanding to awe and then to excitement. He began grinning.

"Are you-?" I nodded and laughed. He quickly engulfed me in a hug, rocking me from side to side.

"Oh Jessie! This is amazing" he cried out. I felt a few tears hit my shoulder. I pulled away to look at his face. His eyes were wet but he had the biggest smile on his face. He slowly moved his hand down to my stomach and gently pressed against it. His palm felt warm to the touch.

"Hey there little one" he whispered. My heart melted. I placed one hand on top of his and rubbed my thumb. Sam looked up at me, his eyes turned puppy like again. A strand of his hair had fallen into his eyes.

"But how?"

"I don't know. I think that first time weeks ago, the condom must have split or something. But it's okay because I'm ready for it"

"You are amazing" he enclosed his lips against mine. I placed my other hand on his cheek. We both still had one hand on my belly. He rubbed my back with the other, pulling me closer to him. Our lips separated. We sat there, gazing into each other's eyes and smiling. Sammy was still beaming.

"So all that time I thought you were ill..."

"I wasn't" I finished for him. He laughed and booped my nose.

"You tricked me"

"I know" I smiled. His mouth fell straight again.

"How did you know? I mean, how far along are you? There's a lot of questions Jessie" he said, quickly. I placed my hand on his chest.

"Sammy it's okay. I'll give you the run down"

We lay down together, heads touching as I spoke.

"Cas first noticed it right at the beginning. He was the one who told me and he's been checking up on me ever since. In terms of the timeline, I've just finished the first trimester. So I'm about 13 weeks. I was so desperate to tell you, but Cas told me to keep it from you until the first 12 weeks were over-"

"Why?" he frowned.

"In case of a miscarriage". He fell silent. I could see him thinking. I continued.

"But seeing as I made it through the first trimester, a miscarriage now is extremely unlikely. It was so hard keeping it from you Sammy. So hard. All these weeks I had to pretend I was ill with some bad ass flu. I mean, it really did feel like that sometimes. Those first 12 weeks were no joke."

His eyes watched me as I spoke, taking it all in.

"Who else knows? Is it only Cas?"

I hesitated before answering. I had told Dean but not Sammy. But that wasn't on purpose.

"Dean. He knows"

"Why did you tell him and not me?" he didn't sound angry, just curious.

"It was the morning after I'd found out and I was shaken up already. He could tell I'd been feeling sick for the past week. I think he knew I was keeping something from him. I was eating breakfast before work. We started chatting and he caught me in the lie. I couldn't hold my tears back and ended up crying and telling him everything. You were still asleep. That's why he's been extra protective of me recently."

Sam nodded and closed his eyes. He placed one hand on my hair and ran it up and down.


"So" I said back.

"What now?" he opened his eyes again.

"Well uh... I just carry this baby around for another 27 weeks according to Cas. He'll do weekly check-ups. Dean will be his big brother self to both you and me, as usual. And I've uh... got to tell Jack. I haven't told him yet. But I think he suspects. At least a little anyway."

Sam smirked and yanked me up. "So then, let's go and tell him". I laughed and followed him out of the room.

We made it to the living room where Dean was already sat with Cas. He eyed us. Cas was watching a bug run around on the table.

"Sit there. I'll go get him" Sam said. I smiled and obeyed.

"I see you told him. He looks like he could explode with happiness Jessie" I laughed and nodded. Dean got up and rubbed my hair.

"I'm glad that you told him Jessie" Cas said, still intently watching the table.

"Cas why are you watching a bug?"

"I'm trying to communicate with it". I shook my head and gave Dean a look. He shrugged his shoulders and sat down in a seat opposite from me.

Sam returned with Jack in tow. I gave him a wave and patted the empty seat beside me. He sat down next to me, Sam on the other side.

"Hello Jessie. What is the meaning of us all meeting in here?"

"Well Jack, I have something important to tell you" I smiled. He eyed my stomach.

"Is it the baby inside of you? Because I already know."

I paused, wordless.

"Nothing like getting straight to the point is there" Dean laughed.

"So you did know?" I asked.

"Yes. It's presence is very strong"

I looked towards Sam who laughed.

"Well then. That's that sorted" he said, looking over to Cas and then me again with a confused expression. I shrugged my shoulders.

"How do you feel about it Jack?" I returned to him. He beamed.

"Very very happy. There's going to be a little one running around the bunker!!!" he exclaimed and hugged me. I hugged him back before hearing Cas' voice.

"Congratulations on telling everyone Jessie" he was still eyeing the bug.

"Thank you Cas". I looked around at everyone, who was smiling at me encouragingly. This had gone well. Everyone knew and was on board with it. I had to tell Shannon now. I'll probably just mention it after work next week.

"And Jessie-" Dean began. I looked over. "Anything you need, we're here for you" he finished. Sam took my hand and gazed at me. I looked over at him happily. "I second this"

"I third this" Jack said beside me.

"You've already got my full support Jessie" Cas said, finally standing up and pulling his eyes away from the bug.

"Thank you guys". I placed my hand on my stomach and rubbed it. They all nodded in agreement.

"I think this calls for a family movie day! I'll be on the drinks and snacks" Dean shouted.

Jack jumped up. "I'll help!"

"Seeing as Jessie is the special one today, she gets to pick the movies" Dean continued "Sam is just in charge of being all loved up with Jess Jess, and Cas... you just be Cas" he left the room with Jack in tow.

Sam left the room and returned with a bundle of blankets. He snuggled down next to me on the sofa and wrapped one around us. Cas chose a seat next to the sofa and sat bolt up right. I glanced at him.

"You know you can sit on the sofa and be comfortable Cas"

"No thank you Jessie. This chair is comfortable for me". I nodded and returned to the TV, which was now on and waiting for something to play on it.

Dean and Jack returned with a crate of beer (for himself I assume), popcorn, heaps of bacon, and many other snacks.

"What drinks would everyone like?" Jack asked, watching Sam and I adoringly.

"I'll have a hot chocolate with everything on top please" I grinned.

"Just some water for me" Sam said.

"Cas? What about you?" I asked.

"Nothing for me thank you. Angel's don't need to fuel our bodies with food or water"

"I know that Cas, you can still eat and drink just because you like it though" I suggested. He shook his head again.

"I'll stick with my beer and bacon" Dean said and sat down next to Sam. Jack nodded and walked off. He returned with a large cup of hot chocolate which was toppling over with cream, marshmallows, chocolate sprinkles and melted chocolate spread. My mouth watered at the sight of it.

"I've even added a chocolate bar next to it" Jack stated proudly.

"Oh wow! That's great, thank you" I took the cup from him. He handed Sam his water and sat down next to me.

"We need to choose the DVD" I made my way over to the stand and picked one out, pushing it into the player before sitting back down. I rested my head on Sam's shoulder, pressing play and snuggling down. I felt him place his soft palm against my stomach. I brought my hand up to put it on top of his. Out the side of my eye, Dean looked over and smiled. I turned my head to his and smiled back.

I felt a warmth spread inside of me. I was so happy. I had told everyone and it went okay. They were all looking out for me. I finally had a proper family. Everything was going to be alright.

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