triangular temptations. |the...

By exotic_aurelia

24.5K 724 153

y/n Salvatore, a hot-headed girl who keeps to herself. how do those go together? she's shy and doesn't talk a... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 18
chapter 19

chapter 12

948 39 6
By exotic_aurelia

i woke up to the loud beeping of my alarm with a groan. i looked at the clock and sighed. i got only 30 minutes of sleep. i haven't been able to sleep lately because i've been getting scared. my phones been blowing up with more and more threating texts.

and they've been getting more...put together. i guess you can use.

"LA? really. that place is so polluted and disgusting. ever single person who lives there is made from sin. but i guess you fit in there."

i got that text from Diane. i decided today i'd talk to Grey about it.

hopefully it goes good.


"So, according to Carson, Vance is most likely located at a warehouse facility in South Gate at this address." Grey said as he pointed to the white bored which read *2311 bailey ave*

"All right, Detectives Wolfe and Vestri will stake it out with patrol units from that division, while you guys will head over to Bronson Estates, where Carson says Vance's girlfriend, Cesiah Olivo, lives." Grey began waking around handing out a photos of vance's girlfriend.

"But Carson doesn't know which apartment she lives in, so we'll have to do some knocking on doors." wolfe said.

"All right, listen up. This has the potential of being a very dangerous operation. Vance is a heavy hitter. He has a well-armed crew. So he won't go down easy. All right, watch each other's backs out there, and be careful."

everyone began leaving and once they cleared out; i turned to Tim.

"Hey, I'm so sorry about Isabel." i said.

"Yeah. Thanks. Go kit up our shop. Ask Mike for the Bradford Special." he said.

"What is that?"

"You'll see."


"Let's gear up. Got your backup piece?" Tim
asked as we stepped out the shop as Bishop, Lopez, and West stepped out of theirs.

"Uh, yeah, of course." i double check my ankle where my backup was strapped around it.
Tim then hands me a metal plate. "What's this?"

"Trauma plate for your vest. Little extra protection."

"Oh. Bradford Special. You really think we're gonna need this?" i asked as i unbuttoned the first half of my shirt and sild the plate down.

"You know why they call this place the Bronson Estates?" he asked as he did the same.

"'Cause a guy named Bronson built it?"

"No. Back when you were in short pants, there was a movie called "Death Wish."
Starred Charles Bronson." Lopez said.

"Yeah. For a long time, responding to a call here meant that you had a death wish." Bishop added.

"But it's better now, right?" West asked.

"It's no longer the wild, wild west. Lots of low-income families live here. But it never hurts to be cautious." Lopez said.

Tim then bends down and gets something from the trunk. a large rifle.

of fucking course.

"Let's go." he said.

"A little extra shock and awe?" Lopez said.

"Damn straight."

"We're here to talk to people, not scare the hell out of them." Bishop said.

"Speak for yourself." he looked at us and sighed putting the rifle back. "All right." he said and shut the trunk. "Let's do this. This'll go faster if we split up. You all right riding solo?" he asked bishop.

"Have you met me?" she said.

"Okay. salvatore and I will start on three. You take two. Jackson and Lopez will ground floor it. Stay in constant radio contact." he said as he grabbed the door and held it open for the rest for us.

"What a gentleman." Lopez said.


after a long half hour of knocking on doors and getting them shut in me and Tim's faces, he knocks on an apartment door.

"Who's there?" a girl asked from inside.

"Gas company." Tim lied.

a girl opens the door, revealing cesiah, who is vance's girlfriend. she opens the door, then tries to shut it when she sees us. Tim stops her and steps inside.

"Cesiah Olivo. Just the woman we're looking for." he said.

"Marcus isn't here." she said.

"Yeah, we're gonna need to be sure." i said as my grip tightened on my gun as i entered what i can only assume is there bedroom.

"Hey, you can't -" she started.

"Sit!" Tim yelled then, after a moment; "Clear." i assume he checked the kitchen.

"Clear." i said as i finished looking at the room and walked back out.

"When's the last time you heard from Vance?" Tim asked as we both put our guns away and stood in front of her as she sat of the couch.

"Yesterday. He was supposed to come over last night. He never showed up." she said as she rested her hand on her baby bump.

"You know who he is? What he does for a living?" i asked.

"Yeah." she said.

"And you're okay with that?" i asked.

"No. But I was pregnant by the time I found out. And he made me move in here so his guys can keep an eye on me. Make sure I don't go anywhere." she said.

"So you're a prisoner." Tim asked.

"No. But he had a son who died in a car accident. He needs to make sure nothing happens to our baby." she said.

"You want out, we can get you out." Tim said.

"Only if I give him up. Forget it." she said.

"If we -"

"Cesiah, do you really want a guy like that taking care of your child? There's no guarantee that he'll keep you around after this baby is born. and there even less of a chance he'll be one-hundred percent nice to your son. do you want your son growing up with an abusive dad? probably mom to if he finds another girlfriend. i know what abuse is like and its not fun." i cut Tim off.

"All you have to do is call him. Say you're not feeling well. You're worried about the baby." Tim said as he looked at me with questioning eyes. probably at the last part.

"I can't." she said.

"It's one call." Tim picked up her phone and held it in front of her. "We get him out of your life for good, make sure you and the baby are safe."

she scoffed "You promise?"

"He hurt someone I care about. He's going away forever." Tim said.

she hesitated and looked down. Tim gave her a "do it." look and she sighed and grabbed the phone, dialing in what i can only assume is vance's number.

"Hello?" he said through the phone.

"It's me." she said.

"Why are you calling?" he sighed.

"You need to come over. I- I don't feel right. I-I'm worried that there's something wrong." she stuttered.

"I'm sure everything's okay. You're probably just overreacting."

"I'm not. What if there's something wrong with the baby?" she pushed.

"Okay, okay. Stay put. I'll come over as soon as I can." He ends the call.

everything was silent for a moment until gun shots were heard. we both drew our guns and waked to the door. Tim looked out the peephole.

"7-Adam-19. Shots fired at Bronson Estates." Tim said into his radio.

"Control, respond." he said after a minute of no response.

"Marcus has a frequency jammer in the basement. One of his guys brought it back from Iraq." cesiah said.


"we don't have time for packing. we gotta go" Tim said as i was helping cesiah pack some of her things.

"shut up." i said as she cut me off from saying more with a yell "i need things for the baby. i can't leave here without them." she said.

"it's okay. we're gonna get you to a safe place. when are you due." i said.

"a week ago." she said. my eyes widened but before i could speak Tim yelled from the living room. "boyfriends here."

i walked out seeing him looking out the peep hole then, there was a knock. "To the police officers inside, I'm here for Cesiah. She walks out, you walk away. Otherwise, we're gonna come in and take her." vance said.

"No, you're not. 'Cause you can't risk her getting hit in the crossfire. You give up, we'll make sure she goes to the hospital when the baby comes." Tim said

"Forget it. I'm not leaving here without my kid."vance said.

"Then I'd say we're at a stalemate." Tim said.

"What are you doing?" i asked.

"I bought us a little time, but they're coming through that door soon enough. And I'm not sure we can stop them."


"You okay?" i asked cesiah as she let out a groan. "A contraction." she groaned. "Okay." i said as i walked to where she stood. "Maybe you should sit down." i grabbed both of her arms gently and walked her over to the chair beside her.

"How long until somebody knows we're missing?" i asked.

"It might be a while. We're on special assignment here. They don't expect us to check in regularly." Tim looked back through the peephole. "They blocked the peephole."

"What, so we're blind?"

"No, we're not. Find me some tape." he commanded.

"Cesiah, do you have any tape?" i asked her.

"Front, front. Just -" she gestured to a drawer.

"Give me your body cam." he said as i walked to him. i did as he said. "Put tape right here.
There's a body-cam app on your city-issued phone. Open it." he said as he tapped my body cam. i went on my phone and found the app. i looked at tim as he held my body cam up to the window. i show him my phone. "They're getting ready to come in. Help me barricade the door."

"y/n?" i heard Cesiah asked.

"Yeah?" i turned around.

"My water just broke." She sinks back onto the couch in pain.

"What are we gonna do? If they break through the door, we're gonna get overrun." i ask Tim.

"Gotta get to them first. Okay."

i held my  phone for him to see the hallway outside on the body cam. he crouches in front of the door with two handguns aimed at it. When he sees the men in the hall come at the door, he fires a row of shots through the door and the wall, bringing down at least one of the gunmen. They return fire and Cesiah screams from the couch.

"Stop, stop! You're gonna hit Cesiah!" i heard vance yell.

"Hold it! Hold it!" someone else yelled.

"Should we move her to a different room?" i asked Tim as he was clearing some stuff out the way in the living room.

"No. Looks like we're clear for now."

"I need to go to the hospital. The baby's coming." she said.

"Yeah, no, I know, I know. But that's not possible right now." i said as i grabbed a towel off the counter.

"wait. So, what? You're gonna deliver my baby?"

i turned to look at Tim and he nodded. "Uh - Yes. Yes, I guess I am."

"It's okay. Just - Just breathe. I know that sounds cliché, but I promise it does work." i said as i heard her breathing pick up and she let out i scream. i assume she's now in labor.

fuck me.

"Have you done this before?" she asked as i kept putting up towels.

"No, no. But I aced it at the Academy. I know Your birth plan didn't involve a cop and your couch, but I promise you, I will protect you and your baby. Okay?" i tried to reassure her.


"I'll be right back." i said.

"okay." i stood up and walked to fetch another towel from the kitchen.

"I assume this is another test." i asked Tim.

"They don't stop just 'cause we're pinned down. And let's face it, you'd think less of me if they did." he said.

"Yes. Okay." i sighed.


The baby has arrived; i hand her to Cesiah wrapped in a towel.

"It's a girl." i smile.

"Good job, Boot." Tim says. i stand up and walk over to him, immediately noticing how he's looking at my phone.

"What's wrong?" i ask worried he saw a message.

"Something's not right." he said.

The sound of crashing comes from the next room.

"Look out!" Tim yelled as he drew his gun.

a man comes through the door behind me, i turn, draw my gun but before i could shoot, i get shot by him. i fall to the floor and my gun goes flying. Tim knocks Pony down and fires at the other gunman.

i'm knocked out. i wake up and everything's disoriented. i then heard Cesiah yelling.
"No. No!! No!" i take off my chest plate seeing a stick bullet. i quickly become aware of everything and draw my gun at vance.

"Hey!" i yell.

"Come on!" vance yells as he runs back in the other room. i see Tim struggling to fight the two men so a take out my baton and slam it against the back of the guy closest to me knee and he falls down with a scream.

"Get him!" Tim yells. but before i could run to vance; the guy i hit grabs me and pulls me down.
i pepper-spray him. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney present. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you." i heard Tim yell over the guys scream. i stand and point my gun at him.


i walk beside a gurney carrying Ceshia and her baby.

"They're gonna take you to the hospital, make sure everything's okay." i say.

"Then what happens?"

"Whatever you want. You're free now, Cesiah. You and your baby. I'll check on you later." i say as they put her in the ambulance.

"Thank you." she whispers. i smile and nod.


"sergeant. can i talk to you for a minute, please?" i ask as i knock on the door way of Greys office. he looks up at me and nods. "yes. of course, come in." i nod and walk in, shutting the door.

"so,what's the problem?" he asks. i hesitate and look down taking a deep breath.

"s-so. i don't believe you know this about me but...I'm a run away, sir. i ran away at 18 because my parents were...abusive. i found a...boyfriend. about a year later. he was...also, abusive. we broke up but now...i've been getting very threatening messages from my mother, Diane and ex, Trey. i talked to officer dante and he told me it would be save to tell you."

i took a deep breath after that long sentence and looked down. Grey let out a hum and nodded.

"well, thank you. for telling me. officer dante is right, it is save to let me know. if i could ask to see the texts?" he asks.

i nod and take out my phone, pulling up Treys messages first and handing it to him. he scrolls through them for a moment. "your mother's?" he asks holding out my phone.

i nod and take it opening hers and hand it back to him. he scrolls through them again and hands me my phone. "i'd suggest we get a cruiser to drive by your house every now and then." Grey said.

"officer Dante said the same thing." i nod "ok then. if you get anymore let me know. dont delete the messages and don't respond." he said.

"thank you, sir." he nods. i nod as well and walk out closing the door behind me with a heavy sigh. that was so nerve racking.


what would yall think if i made a supernatural fanfic? should i?

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