A Wallflower's Bloom

By enaganda

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"Are you mad? I would never dream of courting Penelope Featherington." Brokenhearted from the words she heard... More

Chapter 1: London 1815
Chapter 2: Bridgerton House
Chapter 3: Cowper's Ball
Chapter 4: Twenty-four Letters
Chapter 5: Danbury Ball
Chapter 6: The Dances
Chapter 7: The Confrontation
Chapter 8: Calling Hours
Chapter 9: Unexpected Tutor
Chapter 10: A Suitor's Gift
Chapter 12: Realization
Chapter 13: Bridgerton Ball
Chapter 14: Lesson Learned
Chapter 15: An Invitation and A Letter
Chapter 16: Tea Party
Chapter 17: Confession
Chapter 18: The Queen's Ball
Chapter 19: Public Confession
Chapter 20: The Aftermath
Chapter 21: Royal Retreat
Chapter 22: A Brawl
Chapter 23: Repercussions
Chapter 24: A Vulnerable Gentleman
Chapter 25: The Long-Awaited Response
Chapter 26: Secret Revealed
Chapter 27: Welcome Back
Chapter 28: Bonding with the Mother-in-law
Chapter 29: The First Kiss
Chapter 30: The Honeymoon
Author's Note

Chapter 11: Lesson One

2.2K 58 7
By enaganda

Lesson One

It was afternoon tea time when Colin Bridgerton took his steps across the street to reach for the Featherington estate. He was welcomed by the butler Briarly from the door, and had been led to the gardens where the youngest ginger of the Featheringtons were staying. She was sitting at one of the garden chairs whilst busily reading a book.

"Miss Penelope, a Mister Bridgerton has come for you." Penelope looked up from the book she was currently reading to see Briarly bringing up their guest. Having a glimpse at the Bridgerton boy, made the ginger head lady exhaled as she braces herself for the inopportune visits she and her mother arranged with the man.

"Thank you, Briarly. If you can kindly ask a servant to bring a cup for Mister Bridgerton."

Colin felt a lump on his throat as once again, he heard his friend address him not by his Christian name. But it is not what made him stand like a toad even after Briarly left. Colin Bridgerton was unable to take a step forward, as he felt like he was seeing a different version of Penelope Featherington. The ginger head lady's appearance as he saw was very alluring. The sage green color of her dress compliments Penelope's porcelain white skin. Her curls are long gone, as it was freely flowing down from her neck to her back in waves. The pink tint on her lips were so captivating that he felt like he is being seduced. Colin blinked twice as he felt his last thought improper. But boy, his good friend Penelope had surely changed for this season. He now truly believes that she is serious in securing a husband for this year.

"Are you to stand there the whole time, Mister Bridgerton?" Penelope asks the nobleman. Colin could see a hint of annoyance on the young lady's face. He could still feel her animosity towards him.

But Colin had expected for her to not easily forgive him, and so he smiles and walks closer to the young Featherington lady. He could see her maid Lily on a corner of the garden which is obviously, to watch and chaperone them for this afternoon.

"Pen. What a lovely afternoon to spend it with you." Colin took the seat on one of the garden chairs just in time when a servant brings them another cup and pour him tea.

"Well, I just hope to complete the lesson so I could retire for the day. Surely, you could make this quick Mister Bridgerton, can you not?"

"Pen.. I..." Colin felt his chest tighten a bit. He is not used to having his friend treat him coldly as she does now. All he could think of is to apologize and get her to smile at him once again. "Listen, about what I said last year, I am truly sorry. Believe me.."

Penelope could only hear the plead coming from Colin's voice. His sincerity is echoing from his hoarse whisper and the sad look in his eyes. However, no matter how the man begs her for her understanding, Penelope Featherington could not absolve him from his actions. She was truly hurt by what happened last year. How could she not? Just right after Colin promised that he will protect her, he came running his foul mouth disparaging her in front of his friends.

"Mister Bridgerton. I wish not to speak of this matter anymore. I was made to believe that your visit will only comprise of the lessons you are to give on courtship. Nothing more." Penelope's tone remained cold and uninterested. She looked at the face of her childhood crush and she could see how he look dejected from her words.

"Then at least, can you call me by name again? You are my best friend. And I feel it weird hearing you address me by my family name." Colin tried pushing his luck to see if he can put a crack on Penelope's defense wall, but to no avail.

"I do not think it would be appropriate Mister Bridgerton. As you see, it would not be in our family's best interests if I were to get into a rumor or scandal of any sort. I would appreciate if you would refrain from calling me by my given name as well." Miss Featherington expressed sternly. Colin could no longer refute as her words were all truth. Even his own mother, Mrs. Bridgerton had advised him as such. And so, after hearing that, Colin set aside the issue and pursue the important matters at hand.

"Very well, as I promised the Baroness. I will give you guidance on how to be successful in a game of courtship, Miss Featherington."

Penelope's eyes showed a bit of concern. Never have she heard that courtship is just being referred to as a game. Is that how men perceive this thing and process? Were the ladies just a prize for them to bag if they win this so-called game? Before any other ideas confuse her more, Penelope Featherington grabbed her ink and a piece of paper that has been prepared beside her.

Colin was surprised to see her holding a quill and paper as she tries to write something. His curiosity overpowered him and asked the young lady.

"Are you writing?"

Penelope shot back a look of confused face at him. "Is this not a lesson I should have to remember?"

Colin Bridgerton inhaled deeply as he tried to contain his laughter inside of him. He could not explain but he finds the ginger head adorable on that note. He coughed himself and started to start their supposed "lessons".

"Well, I am sure you are aware that the purpose of courting is for you to spend time with a suitor and get to know him. That way, both of you would truly know and see if you are compatible as a match."

As he started his speech, Colin could see a slight change on Penelope's facial expressions. Before she was very stiff as she had this icy cold look on her eyes. But as they start their class, he could see her shoulders relax a bit and a determination building up on her face.

"Now in courting, it is expected for the man to give all his best efforts in securing a yes for a marriage proposal. That, however, is not entirely the case."

"What can you mean?" It was the first question Penelope asked for their discussion.

"Well, your suitor might probably bring you flowers and gifts every day, dance with you at balls on every chance and promenade and recite poetry for you to confess his interest. That is the obvious thing to come when in courting."

"What is the not so obvious thing, then?"

Colin Bridgerton smiles at Penelope's innocent question. He could not help but compare his sister Eloise to their good friend Pen. When speaking such matters, Eloise will just be quick in brushing off the idea of suitors and all, making it heard that she had no interest in marriage. Whilst for Penelope, he could see her curiosity, and her inquisitiveness is showing on every question she would raise. How terribly opposite they are.

"That you, Miss Featherington, as the one being courted, has a big role to play."

Penelope's brows furrowed as she does not have an understanding of what the Bridgerton meant. Seeing this, Colin continued to give her pointers.

"You must make sure, that your suitor will not lose interest on you until you get them asking for a marriage proposal. We do not want them to stop calling after just a few weeks or so, is that right?"

The youngest ginger head looked down a second and tried to process the thought. She then agrees that it makes sense.

"So how I can do that, Mister Bridgerton? Keeping their interest on me, I mean."

Colin felt himself relaxed as he grabs a bite of his sandwich before taking a sip on his cup. He knew very well what things are needed to do on this part. After all, he has been one of the most charming men in London and knows a good number of ways to flirt.

"Not to worry Pen. There are a lot of ways I will teach you."

"First, though it is not the most imperative, it would be on your best interest to be most presentable at all times. You may just be receiving your suitors at home during house calls, but it would not hurt to dress up beautifully." He could see Penelope Featherington started to scribble the things he says.

She stopped a bit to re-read what she had just jot down. And a bit of disappointment showed on her eyes. Colin was quick to notice it and tried to uplift her mood.

"I see you have already taken care of that first item. You look so beautiful on these light colors Pen." Colin smiled as he compliments his dear good friend. There was a bit of blush that appeared on the Featherington miss as she hears his words. Penelope was just quick to dismiss it.

"Why, thank you Mister Bridgerton. Can we proceed to next?"

"Alright. Secondly, you must always smile. Smile when you speak with them and they to you. There is no other way to augment their ego and pride, when they see their lady enjoying their company and to whatever boring things they must be saying." After saying this himself, Colin recounted memories of him having this kind of situation. He tried to remember all his causal talks with Penelope and was reminded of her smiles from all their conversations. And so, he realized, that this step is something Penelope will not have a problem doing so.

"Lastly, it might be a little advance and improper but this will surely work.." Colin took a gulp as he hesitates to state the next step. He then sees Penelope's expectant face waiting for him to spill whatever information he is holding back.

"As I said, it might be improper..."

"Well, say it still." Penelope was starting to get impatient. Her quill had already absorbed some of the ink and she was getting ready to write on her paper the step Colin Bridgerton had been trying to withhold.

Colin could see his friend's intent gaze as she tries to pry him off for an answer. He tried to take a glance at her maid Lily, who was still a meter away from them. Colin tried to lean in closer as to whisper the last step he will be teaching today.

"Skinship. You might have to relent a bit of physical contact for your suitor.." Colin was whispering the words as he does not want Lily to hear them. Heaven knows, Lady Portia Featherington will have his head on a platter if she comes to know what improper things, he had just been teaching her youngest.

"B-But that is.." Penelope could not fathom how she can do such a thing. She could not even imagine what improper acts and behavior she can pull of without having her honor ruined.

The third Bridgerton saw how perplexed Penelope became when she heard what he just said. Colin guessed that there might be several thoughts playing on her mind. And so, he continued to enlighten her what kind of contact is just needed that would not besmirch her reputation.

"I bet you are thinking about worst case scenarios. Not the kind of physical contact that can ruin you, of course. I will not teach you anything that can hurt your reputation, Pen."

A small sigh of relief escape Penelope's lips. She was starting to worry if this lesson is really of help.

"Then what kind of skinship do you mean?"

"Just simple ones. For example, an accidental touching of hands. Men would feel electric when we feel the warmth from a lady's touch."

Penelope's eyes widen as she finally comprehends what skinship meant. She dutifully writes it on her piece of paper and smiles. Her cheeks and ears became red as she finishes the scribble. The sight made Colin curious. Was there already a suitor that she had been doing this? Penelope should not be blushing on her cheeks if there was none. Somehow, Colin started to feel irritated. He quicky regretted to share this step with her. He silently hopes that Penelope will try to avoid committing this little act, as he knows how proper and innocent Penelope Featherington is.

Little did he know, Penelope just had a certain earl on her mind as she wrote the lesson on skinship. The ginger head now finally realized why Lord Debling's cheeks reddened during his call earlier. As they had accidentally touched with her ungloved hand at that. The thought of Debling getting excited with their contact made the ginger head blush by herself.

"Well, I think these steps makes sense, Mister Bridgerton. I would try my best to follow and act on them when I see a chance." Penelope blows on her paper to dry the ink as she gathers her things ready to call off their session to an end.

Colin, feeling that he was about to get ushered out, tried to ask Penelope about her progress. He is just not ready to leave yet. He wanted to talk more with the Featherington miss as it has been months since they have a leisurely conversation.

"May I ask, how have you been faring with the suitors? I feel it best to know so I can guide you most effectively." Colin tries to come up a lame excuse for wanting to know about his suitors.

"It has been well so far, Mister Bridgerton. My mama is happy that we have not missed having a caller from these recent days."

"Do you.. Ehem. Do you have someone that interests you?" Colin's voice was cracking. He does not mean to invade her privacy but he was really curious about the status of his friend. This season was quite a surprise. Penelope had returned with a different but much better version of herself, and had bagged the Queen's favor by becoming the emerald of the season. Surely, there will be a number of suitors that will try to take her hand.

Penelope tried to think of an answer to his query. It has never occurred to her for Colin to be interested in her affairs. After all, she was just a friend. A friend whom he would never dare think of courting. But then his reasoning has a valid point. He had proclaimed he would help her secure a husband, so it will just be fitting if he knows the status of each of her suitors.

"Well, there are three that I seem to enjoy spending a conversation with."

Colin could not hide the expressions from his face. He was taken by surprise with Penelope's unexpected answer. Not just one, but three! There were three men that caught her attention. With unknown reasons to him, he felt his heart rate increased and his body restless. He then inquired about these three men that started to border his best friend's attention.

By good fortune, Penelope Featherington had started to describe the men, saving Colin from having thoughts of launching an investigation on those suitors.

"Hmm.. Mister Anderson has quite the charisma. It seems he lightens up the room whenever he enters. There was also Mister Harry Dankworth. He may not be that wise and intelligent in speaking but, he makes up for it with his good looks." Penelope picks up a smile as she tries to remember the charming face of Dankworth.

Colin notices the grin on Penelope's face as she tries to share information of her suitors with him. He then realized that she stopped talking for a minute before telling him about the third one.

"You said there were three." Colin says as he waits for another description. He could see the expression changed on Penelope's face. She was grinning previously but now; it was more like glowing. Her cheeks reddened a bit and there was a twinkle in her crystal blue eyes. She has not said anything yet, but whoever that third suitor is, already had this effect on his friend Penelope.

Penelope took a sip of her cup before she finally returned Colin's question.

"There was this lord. He has golden hair, he speaks very nicely and has a beautiful face, even more than Mister Dankworth. He is such a fine man.." Penelope had not even noticed herself, but she was smiling affectionately when she talked about this suitor. This did not escape Colin of course. He had been staring intently at Penelope as she describes the man. She may not have said the name, but he already knew who she had been referring to.

"Lord Debling." Penelope looked up to Colin Bridgerton as he said the name. She purposely did not reveal the name as she felt uncomfortable telling Colin about this suitor. She had spent years silently loving Colin Bridgerton. She never had the courage to like other men as she is very loyal to her feelings. But just as the season changed, her heart had started to waver.

Surely, Colin still has a hold on her heart. However, his hold was not as strong anymore; for whenever she sees him, she could just feel her disappointment and hurt going back again. But with Lord Thomas Debling, she finds a new kind of light. Penelope knows it is not on the level of love like what she had for Colin yet, but it was something promising that makes her doubt her feelings for the Bridgerton boy.

"I do not remember saying the name." Penelope Featherington awkwardly says.

"Well, the golden hair gave it away. And I remember him, taking your hand for a dance." Colin briefly smiles.

"Oh." Penelope had realized that out of the noblemen in the ton, there were only a few that has such distinct color of mane. There was nothing else she could say.

Before anything becomes more awkward between the two, the arrival of the dowager baroness broke their ice.

"Ah. Mister Bridgerton, I have heard you were here." Portia says as she steps inside the gardens to see them.

Colin and Penelope stood as they both welcome the presence of the Featherington matriarch.

"Lady Featherington." Colin nodded as to give a proper greeting.

"Mister Bridgerton was just about to leave, mama."

"I am?" Colin asks which made Portia's eyebrows rise up. Penelope just gave him a side eye.

"We have just finished our lessons and I am to retire for the day." The youngest Featherington miss added.

Portia looked at her youngest daughter and seemed to accept. "Very well, I know you had a truly busy day since this morning. Up you go and rest, my child."

Penelope nodded to her mother and bade Colin a formal goodbye as she takes her leave.

"As for you Mister Bridgerton, I am pleased you hold on to your offer. Hopefully, my Penelope will secure a match after this lesson."

"Of course, Lady Featherington. I will see to it. You have my word."

"Your words, are not something we hold dear. If you understand what I mean. Good night, Mister Bridgerton. Briarly will see you to the door." And with those spicy words, Portia takes her leave.

Colin once again felt in low spirits. He can only hope that both mother and daughter will find it in their hearts to forgive him.

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