TMNT Season 4: Sweet Little S...

By AnimeKokoroLover100

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The turtles, Myra, and the others set out into space with the help of a being named Fugitoid to go back in ti... More

Chapter 1: Beyond the Known Universe
Chapter 2: The Moons Of Thalos 3
Chapter 3: The Weird World Of Wyrm
Chapter 4: The Outlaw Armaggon
Chapter 5: Riddle Of The Ancient Aeons
Chapter 6: Journey To The Center Of Myra's Mind
Chapter 7: The Arena Of Carnage
Chapter 8: The War For Dimension X
Chapter 9: The Cosmic Ocean
Chapter 10: Trans-Dimensional Turtles
Chapter 11: Revenge Of The Triceratons
Chapter 12: The Evil Of Dregg
Chapter 13: The Ever-Burning Fire
Chapter 14: Earth's Last Stand
Chapter 15: City At War
Chapter 16: Broken Foot
Chapter 17: The Insecta Trifecta
Chapter 18: Mutant Gangland
Chapter 19: Bat In The Belfry
Chapter 20: Super Shredder
Chapter 21: Darkest Plight
Chapter 23: Tokka VS The World
Chapter 24: Tale Of Tiger Claw
Chapter 25: Requiem
Chapter 26: Owari

Chapter 22: The Power Inside Them

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By AnimeKokoroLover100

It started out as a rainy night up on the surface while we were down in the lair. The harsh thundering and rain patter could almost be heard from underground if you listened hard enough. Donnie is preparing to examine April and I in regards to our recent increase in psychic powers as Leo watched.

I scowled as I had to wear that psychic neurotransmitter Donnie had created which I wasn't fond of. He even created an extra one for April to wear.

"Donnie? Are you sure this is a good idea?" Leo asked worriedly.

"Um, yeah. Last time you hooked me up to this thing, it made me blind and mentally connected to a giant fish-bird-worm thing and I also tried to eat Leo." I stated.

"And the fact that I didn't agree to this." April glared.

Yeah, we were still stuck in our old fighting ways and they weren't getting better. Harsh words were always thrown back and forth at each other whenever we got the chance.

"You think I like this? If I have to suffer then you're going down with me, O'Neil." I glared at her.

"I'll take you down first." She retorted.

"Weak comeback. I'll pound you into the ground like dust. I'll vaporize your mind." I threatened.

"Girls!" Donnie intervened. "See? This is why I have to do this. You both have been getting hostile lately and it makes sense considering you both started acting out when your powers suddenly grew stronger. I just need to see what's going on." Donnie said.

"Ugh, fine. But make it quick." I huffed.

"Don't worry. I've upgraded the transmitter since last time. It's perfectly safe, I promise. Your psychic powers have been expanding rapidly since you both were given the Aeon crystals. It's imperative I test its limits. For both your own sake." Donnie continued.

"We have it under control. Besides, if it weren't for my powers, we never would have gotten away from Shredder. You saw what I did to that mutated freak." April stated.

"And I was able to throw him around like a rag doll." I added.

"That's what worries us." Leo spoke up.

"Don't be. I'm perfectly fine. It's April who was going crazy that one time Donnie tried to test her crystal. And now she won't even take it off for anything. You'd probably sell your dad's soul before you ever give it up." I said, glaring harsher at her.

"I would not!" She yelled.

"Hmm. If I can replicate how this crystal increases y'all's powers, that could provide a frame of reference." Donnie suggested.

"Increase their powers?" Leo questioned worriedly.

"Don't worry. Only slightly. By maybe three percent?" He replied before turning on the machine and adjusting the frequency. "April, Myra, let me know if you feel anything. Okay? Tingling, headache."

"Donnie, we're fine." I reassured.

"Just leave the crystals- AHHHH!" April suddenly yelled crazily as her eyes went white and her hair began to flow up into the air.

Her Aeon crystal glowed brightly, its electrifying powers surging over to me which affected my Aeon crystals. My mind turned into a white haze as my eyes changed, but I could clearly see everything still. My hair fell out of its braid and flew around my figure like waves in the ocean.

April and I both stood up, whipping our heads around to face each turtle as they backed up in shock.

"I knew this was a bad idea!" Leo shouted before they both ducked for cover.

A bright light surrounded the lab, engulfing us in a fog of power before it imploded and dispersed into the air. The guys were knocked back and the lab was now a mess just as April and I collapsed and fell unconscious.


After hearing all the loud commotion, Raph and Mikey rushed over and entered the lab, looking shocked at the massive mess and seeing his brothers were laying on the ground, groaning in pain.

"What are you guys- huh? Oh, no. April! Princess!" Raph rushed over, looking down at the two girls who were knocked out cold.

"They're out, but they seem okay." Leo sighed with slight relief as he rushed over and lifted Myra up in his arms as Mikey checked over April.

"We've got to get these things away from them!" Donnie quickly took off both crystals, going to place it down on his desk but the crystals rebelled.

It was like they had a mind of their and wanted to stay attached to their owners. Raph quickly grabbed the two flying crystals by their strings that was tied around them. "I got em." He grabbed a hammer and had to nail the two crystals down to the desk as they tried to go flying back to their owners, but couldn't.

"What happened in here?" Splinter asked, having heard all the destruction but gasped when he saw the two girls. "April? Myrina?"

"It's those alien crystals. It's been messing with their heads." Leo explained.

"Those crystals have a strong hold on both of their mind and spirit. It has become too dangerous." Splinter stated.

"Sensei's right. I need to break its connection with them. Somehow." Donnie replied.

"I will tend to them both in the dojo. Perhaps the mantras will help." Splinter said.

"I got Myra, Sensei. Mikey, get April." Leo ordered.

The two turtles carried both girls over to the dojo, laying them down on the mats that Splinter had set out for them. Leo looked down at Myra and gave out a small sigh before he and Mikey left Splinter to tend to the girls in peace.

Raph peaked through the sliding doors to the dojo, worried for both his girlfriend and friend. His phone ringing suddenly caught his attention, looking down to see the familiar caller ID, answering the phone.

"Mutagen? Okay, sit tight. We're on our way. And don't do anything stupid like trying to take them on all by yourself again." He answered.

"Casey Jones makes no such promises." Casey replied before Raph hung up on him.

"We gotta move. Casey spotted Shredder's goons wrestling up some mutagen from an old Kraang lab." He explained to the others.

"Let's go. Donnie?" Leo back at his brother who was heading back to the lab.

"I need to keep an eye on these crystals. It's too dangerous to leave unattended. And I have to find a way to sever its connection to April and Myra." He stated.

"Alright then. We'll be back." Leo ordered his two brothers to move out, heading up to the surface as Raph led the way where he was tracking down Cassy's location.

Not knowing that worse events lie ahead.


I stirred around, whimpering and groaning as visions of alien creatures filled my head. Demons. Many demons surrounded me. I couldn't fight them off. And just as I thought I was about to be eaten... my eyes shot open. I looked around to see where I was and noticed I was in the dojo while April laid next to me, knocked out cold.


I whipped my head around and saw I was face to face with my father. I felt frantic. Like... something wasn't right. And that's when I noticed that my neck felt bare besides my mother's necklace I kept hidden. "My crystal! My necklace! Where is it?!" I began to panic before turning around, noticing that April had also just woken up. She also looked frantic as her neck was also bare. She didn't have her crystal either.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY CRYSTAL?!" We both shouted at each other simultaneously, blaming the other for taking our valuable possession.

"Girls! Calm down. Donatello is examining them while you both rest." Father stated.

"NO! NO, IT'S MINE!" April screamed, trying to run free but father stopped her.

"I NEED IT!" I yelled, trying to make my escape but father quickly grabbed me by my hand and pulled me down.

"You both are addicted to those alien stones. You do not need its power. You must break its hold on you! Now!" Father demanded.

But anger only fueled us, turning us back into our possessed selves. April levitated my father into the air, using her powers to simply bend his body at her will. Her usage of her power caused our crystals to be summoned right back to us, now back in our hands once more.

"April! Myra! What are you two doing?!" Donnie exclaimed as he was dragged in by the power of the crystals.

I only turned around and slammed him back against the wall, keeping him hovering in the air as I glared at him with my hazy white eyes, my long hair flowing elegantly around me.

"April, Myrina, you must hear me! These beings want to control you! Fight it!" Father tried to reach out to us.

"M-Master Splinter, I...I can't fight her. She's too strong!" April groaned as she desperately tries to fight against its power.

"A weak child you are. Embrace the power!" I shouted at her in a distorted voice, using my powers to push her back.

Her eyes turned hazy once more before letting go of her hold on Splinter, the both of us rising into the air before we headed up to the surface.

There we saw all of the city below us, everything now a microscopic view to us in the sky.

"I'm free! I can feel the power of this city. So many lives. Look at them. Like insects." April laughed, only her voice was now not her own.

"Lowlife servants of this cruel world. Now we are free, sister. You and your pathetic plan took us ages to get here!" I yelled back, my voice also not my own and communicating with the being that's possessing April.

"Silence! Look at us now. Now we are where we were meant to be, among the stars." She smirked.

"Listen to those pathetic people. I can hear them mentally crying out, begging for help. There are so many more who need to be punished. They are causing endless pain and suffering. Get rid of the pain, and this world will flourish. Right, sister?" I cackled evilly before I felt a familiar presence down below. I saw a white van that Casey was inside of, my smirk widening as I looked back at the girl. "Starting with him. Now don't screw up this time!"

We both went flying after the van that Casey was driving in, noticing he was being chased after by Shredder's goons. The van went swerving and crashed into an alleyway and Casey escaped only slightly injured.

Just as Tiger Claw, Fishface, as Rahzar landed in front of him, that's when April and I arrived. Or should I say, my sister and I?

"This menina will be no problem." Fishface chuckled before he came charging at her but she quickly used her powers to easily rip off his robotic legs.

I sensed a presence from behind me and easily manipulated the van to go crashing down onto Rahzar who tried to sneak up behind me.

"Your parlor tricks won't stop me, girls." Tiger Claw growled and came charging at us before he was stopped in mid air.

I cackled evilly as I sent him crashing back against the brick building harshly just as Casey saw who helped rescued him.

"April?! Myra?!"

And to make things more interesting, the turtles have just arrived, aside from Donatello. They all looked shocked to us both here in our possessed forms. But they were in for a much deeper surprise.

"What happened here? Myra! April!" Raph exclaimed.

I noticed that my sister had lost her connection to April, allowing the girl to speak freely.

"Where am I? Why am I here?" She questioned.

"That's what I was gonna ask you." Mikey replied.

"Stop playing games, sister! Your hold on this girl is pathetic! Which is why I've always been the stronger one!" I shouted.

The spirit inside April possessed her hold onto her again before she responded. "I am still just as powerful as you!"

"ENOUGH! Leave these lowlifes. They aren't worth it. Not now, at least." I took to the air with April's possessed self tagging along, leaving the turtles and human behind but they went chasing after us and leaving the knocked out goons behind.

"MYRA! APRIL!" The blue cad turtle called out, making me smirk at how he and the others foolishly followed.

"Look at them. They are so in love, it's sickening. They care so much for this mortal girl. And you're only seen as a sidekick to them. Poor you.~" I taunted at the girl but she didn't give me a reply.

We freely flew across the city, enjoying as the night grew darker. We headed over to the Channel 6 news building where the turtles and human followed after us. Such pathetic creatures.

I rolled my eyes when I saw that my sister's hold on the girl was gone again, allowing April to regain her senses.

"What's happening to you two?" Leo asked, his eyes mostly trained over to me.

"I thought Donnie and Splinter were looking after you." Mikey said.

"I guess. I don't remember! AHH!" April groaned in pain as the being tried to take its hold back on her.

"It's those crystals! It has some seriously bad juju, dudes!" Mikey shouted.

"It's changing you both! Come on, fight it!" Leo urged.

"Princess! Come on! I know you're strong enough!" Raph pleaded.

"Fools! There is no April or Myrina! There is only Za-Naron!" April shouted, now back to being possessed.

"And Zorkara! Your princess as you call her is no more! Her mind is mine! As for my sister, she's not as powerful as I am." I smirked, sassily flipping my flowing hair.

"Why, you-" She was about to retort back but she was cut off.

"What do you mean, you're not April and Myra? Who is Za-Naron? And Zorkara?" Leo asked.

"I am the soul of an Elder Aeon, one of the First Seven. My sister here is the youngest out of us both. After a hundred millennia our physical forms had disintegrated, so our spirits were each placed into the Soul Star, to exist forever. I have been transplanting my mind into her consciousness slowly. Both of us corrupting these childrens' minds. But the Aeons did not know how corrupt this planet could be. I intend to save it." I explained.

"No you don't! You want to destroy this planet for your own gain! I've always tried to stop you and your pathetic schemes! It's why we never pair together!" She shouted at me.

"Because you're too simple minded like these creatures to understand anything. You want to save this wretched planet? Fine. But I will run things my own way while you stick with your ideas. Then, we will rule together!" I replied with a sadistic cackle.

"That I agree with you on, sister."

We both activated our powers and levitated the turtles and human up into the air, knocking them far off from the building. However, one turtle had made an appearance. The purple clad one.

"April! Myra!" He called out.

"Foolish mortal. Stay out of our way!" April telepathically pushed him back.

"April, Myra, it's me, Donatello! Listen to me. Give me the crystals. Just give me the crystals and everything will be okay." He slowly approached us when I whipped my head around, my glowing white eyes glaring at him.

"NEVER!" I levitated him up into the air, flying back to allow April to take hold of him instead. "Now I will watch you suffer as the one you so foolishly love will be your demise!"

"This isn't you! Neither of you! Those crystals are changing you! You need to break free!" Donnie pleaded.

"Ah!" April yelled, having broke her possession for the moment. "It's too much power! I-I can't control it anymore!" She struggled to keep herself sane.

"Fool! Get a hold of yourself! DESTROY! DESTROY AND CONQUER!"

April screamed before she was back to her possessed self, using her powers to intensify her hold on Donnie.

"APRIL! MYRA! PLEASE!" Finally having enough with Donnie for interfering her plans, Za-Naron clenched her fist as Donnie's body begins to reduce and scattered through the air like dust. All that's left was his purple mask flowing down to the ground where the rest of the turtles stood as it suddenly began to rain harshly.

They all looked horrified to see that their beloved brother was now gone as Leo grabbed hold of the bandana mask.

We laughed through the dark and rainy night, yelling with triumphant as our powers electrify the cell tower which the turtles and Casey were climbing before they were blasted back. Everyone stood up as Raph growled angrily, but by the time they recover, they notice that we had vanished from their sights.

"YES! You did it, sister! For once, you weren't a screw up! Your pathetic soul might be worth keeping a part of the plan after all!" I laughed in her face, noticing that her hold on April had vanished and she went crashing down on a rooftop.

She began to cry and sob, blaming herself for what she did to Donnie which was a pleasurable sight to see and entertain my black soul. "NO! DONNIE! I can't believe it. How could I?!" She sobbed.

I forefully lifted her chin up, making her blue eyes stare right into my glowing white ones as her look of fear and terror filled me with more power. "You made your choice, and you chose the crystal. Let go of your connection to these sub-life forms who pollute this planet. We must cleanse it, starting with this city. And you will help me, sister."

Her hold on April regained and her possessed eyes stared back into mine, her wicked smirk matching mine. We shook hands in agreement, which we haven't done in millennia. Fighting was our normal as we both were different Aeon beings with different goals in mind. But we could always agree on one thing. Power. Full power and control! And now we were getting it.

We headed back down into the city where we saw the Purple Dragons causing problems like always. But unfortunately, the turtles and the human had to step in.

"You can't do this, April, Myra! Or Za-Naron, Zorkara, or whoever you are!" Leo shouted.

"Do not stand in my way, or you will be cleansed just as Donatello was!" My sister threatened.

"We have to stop them!" Leo said to his brothers.

"Dude! What about Myra?! And April?!" Mikey exclaimed.

Leo and Raph both lowered their head, the look of heartache and sadness written on their faces.

"No. You can't do it. You don't want to do it. You care too much for us. For theses girls. For me. Your love for Myrina burns deep within you both. It doesn't take a psychic to know. Such silliness, really." I laughed.

Raph looked up with an angry expression before he came charging at us, quickly tacking us both down and pinning us down to the ground. "Do it! Hurry!"

"I can't hurt them, dude!" Mikey refused.

I growled and tossed Raph off, holding him up in the air as I used my powers to bend his body at my will before letting him go. He fell to the ground in pain as Casey rushed over to his aid.

I was about to power up another attack when Mikey's kusarigama chain wrapped around us both, restraining us. "Come on, guys! We know you're still in there! We're your friends! Your family!"

"Remember who you are! You are April O'Neil and Myrina Hamato! Remember everything we've been through together!" Leo pleaded.

She groaned in pain, falling to her knees while I easily used my power to break free from the chains. "Such a weakling you are, sister! I'll finish these freaks myself!"

I tossed Leo and Mikey aside before knocking Casey back, lifting Raph back up into the air as I got ready to cleanse him.

"MYRA!... Remember us! Remember Donnie! Remember me and Leo!" He shouted.

I gasped when my head began to pound, old memories of all of us resurfacing which caused me to falter. The being tried to keep its hold on me, but April seemed to be fighting against it more and more.

"We don't have the power to destroy the crystals! Only you two do!" Leo stated.

April teared the Aeon crystal from her neck and with a final, furious yell, she threw the crystal to the pavement, shattering it. However, this resulted in Za-Naron being exorcized from April's body now that her link to April was destroyed, and reassuming a physical form as the Aeons' corrupted form seen back on Xaava-Dal while I remained the same.

"Foolish creature! You could have had all the power of the universe!" Za-Naron yelled, flying down and went charging at April.

April draws her tanto blade, charging at Za-Naron and when the two collide, April slays Za-Naron once and for all, ripping her physical form to shreds and leaving Za-Naron's energy to disperse as the demon lets off one, final anguished scream of defeat before being silenced for good. April fell to the ground, panting heavily as they all gathered around her.

"April! You're ok!" Casey ran to her side, helping her up.

"But, Myra!" Leo looked back, slowly approaching me when I whipped my head around, startling him he realized my possession wasn't broken.

"FOOLS! I knew my sister was never cut out for this job! She was always the weakest! Dragging me down with her constant failures! I'll rid this planet myself!" I yelled loudly, creating a massive energized force field around us all and a massive part of the city.

Leo looked devastated at the sight, thinking he might have to take down his sister for good if he didn't come up with something. "Myra! Please! We're your brothers! You're family! You've been with us for so long! We were raised together! Don't forget those memories!"

"Princess! Please!... We can't be a team without you!" Raph weakly called out, being held up with Casey's help.

"Please! We love you, Myra! Raphael loves you! And I love you! Come back to us! FIGHT THIS DEMON!" Leo yelled.

His words managed to make its way deep into my head, jumbling up all inside of me as I struggled to free myself from the demon's grasp. But for once, I was able to at least speak on my own free will.

"L-Leo! H-help me! AHHH! I-I can't! TOO STRONG! I-I'm sorry! For everything! I LOVE YOU ALL! I LOVE YOU! AND I LOVE YOU, RAPH! I don't- I can't- BEAT IT!" I screamed in agony.

I had to grab my own hand and force it down, struggling to grab my own crystal and rip it off as I was constantly fighting back and forth between the possession. I was weakening and with my last final amount of strength, I managed to rip the crystal off of my neck, tossing it to the ground. But unlike April, I wasn't strong enough to shatter it.

I collapsed as the demon was now exorcized from my body, feeling how weak I was. The pain was unbearable, and I was barely clinging onto consciousness.

"NO! NOOO! I HAD YOU! I HAD YOU IN MY GRASP! I AM THE MOST POWERFUL SOUL OF AEONS! YOU WILL NOT DEFEAT ME LIKE MY SISTER!" The demon came flying down at me at rapid speed, but I sneakily unsheathed my wakizashi, holding it up and stabbing the demon in the chest just as it was about to attack.

The demon let out a loud scream of pain before its body disintegrating into dust and she too was silenced for good. Now even more weakened, I dropped my sword as I was slowly succumbing to darkness.

"MYRA!" I heard the faded voice of Leo shout out my name as I was lifted up into his arms. And all I could see from my blurry vision was his vibrant blue eyes and mask before I finally passed out.


"Myra? Sweetheart..."

"Princess... wake up."

I groaned and slowly started to come to, noticing that both Leo and Raph were hovering above my figure. The first thing I noticed about them was how bruised and beaten they were. It made me want to cry.

I wasn't in control, but I could see everything I was doing. It was my fault they were in this position. "G-guys..." I weakly called out, noticing how hoarse my voice was. "I... I'm so... sorry... if I hadn't kept... the crystal... none of this would've... happened..." I quietly sobbed.

"No. No, baby. It's not your fault." Raph gently held onto my hand, placing a kiss on my head.

"But it is! And, Donnie... Donnie is now..." I stuttered over my words, only able to choke out sobs.

"Donnie... is alive." I weakly turned my head, noticing that April was fully awake and standing. But my eyes widen in shock when I saw that Donnie was back and perfectly fine. "He wasn't really destroyed, just molecularly scattered. I used the broken Aeon crystal pieces to bring him back." April explained.

I sighed in relief, letting out more sobs as tears fell from my face. Leo leaned in and gently wiped away my tears, nuzzling his cheek against mine as Raph placed a gentle kiss on my lips which I weakly returned.

Raph pulled back and the two helped me sit up, before hugging me tightly. I hugged them both back, glad that I was now back to normal and back with my two boys.

"You and April can't harness the power of the Aeons anymore, but you're both still just as powerful. And now, hopefully, you two will go back to being friends." Donnie stated.

I smiled over at April who gave me a smile back. We both nodded in mental agreement then fist bumped. "Girl power."

"Ugh, I'm just glad it's all over. I'm beat." Raph groaned as he leaned back against my chest while Leo was seated behind me. I smiled and played with Raph's mask tails as Leo ran his fingers through my hair, brushing it back and feeling him start to braid my long locks.

"There. Back to normal." He finished braiding my hair then planted a kiss on my lips which I returned.

I stayed on the couch with both of them as the others just rested with us. Father had come over to make sure we were both alright and we both apologized for not listening to everyone about the crystal. However, I still had the intact crystal in my hand.

I wonder what I'll do with it now that it's no longer being possessed by an alien demon?

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