๐ƒ๐„๐‚๐Ž๐ƒ๐„, the vampire dia...

By stverlig

815 24 5

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The Return
Kill Or Be Killed
The Sacrifice

Brave New World

66 4 3
By stverlig


"Katherine looked just like you, it was freakish" "Yeah, but like a hotter version," Vivian said, earring a disgusted look and a scoff between her sister and her friend. "Really Vivian?" "Seriously that was weird Viv"

She rolled her eyes at the girls "I didn't mean I would hook up with her. That would be weird. I just met you and her are very different" Stretching the very."Like you have things that make you attractive to people and so does Katherine" She had seen the two girls with streamers in their hands, confusion written on their faces.

"Nevermind, forget what I said" She decided to give up on trying to explain herself. "Anyways," Elena said drifting the conversation back to Bonnie's question. "I don't know, I can't explain it. It's creepy, that's all I got." Elena said shrugging, there wasn't much to say about the situation.

"How do you know she's not still out there pretending to be you?" The girl was freaked out more than the two sisters were. "I don't but I could sit here and be tortured by the not-knowing or I could get these prizes to the ring toss."

It was obvious Elena did not want to talk about it. So Bonnie changed the subject to something Vivian wasn't wanting to talk about at all. "Have either of you talked to Damon since the... you know, thing? the thing. The thing Bonnie is asking about is how last night Damon killed Jeremy.

"No Bonnie, And I don't plan on it. Now let's just focus on getting this carnival done." "Okay, I'm sorry, I'll focus. We have to make Caroline proud or she will kill us. I don't know how she does all of this." Bonnie said finishing with a chuckle wishing their blonde friend was there.

"Cause she's badass" Vivian smirked at the thought of her friend.


"It protects me from compulsion?" Stefan had thought it was time to get Jeremy some vervain."Vervain is toxic to vampires." "Like poison?" "Yeah, it's very poisonous. It keeps them out of your head." "Why, vervain?"

"Certain natural herbs and roots and other elements are just harmful to vampires." "Like a stake to the heart?" "Right, but it has to be wood." Jeremy chuckled looking at the bracelet "You're pretty confident in yourself telling me all the different ways I could kill you." the young Gilbert said raising an eyebrow at the vampire.

Stefan chuckled, "Jeremy, if I thought you wanted to kill me we would be having a much different conversation." "Yeah, Damon is the one that deserves it." "I want you to forget about Damon, all right? He's a hundred times stronger than you and right now he's not stable. I know it's hard forgiving him for what he did to you."

"I had my neck snapped by a vampire and was brought back by a magic ring. How do you think I can move forward from that?" Jeremy had him quiet. "Hey, Jer, did you..." Vivian had cut their conversation short. "Yeah, yeah, I set up the goldfish toss of all three hundred goldfish. It's gonna be epic!!" He rolled his eyes and left. "Well...he's a ray of sunshine," Vivian said turning to Stefan "But I guess I'll go easy on a guy who died and came back to life" Vivian lightly chuckled.


Vivian paused before speaking "I wanted to ask you a crazy hypothetical question"

"Hey, you!" The voice of Elena interrupted the words of Vivian.

Vivian rolled her eyes, she wished her sister would stop doing that.


She watched as Elena came into Stefan's arms smiling up at him.

"Did you talk to Jeremy about the goldfish toss?"

"Yeah it's all taken care of"

"Good, well we will see you tonight Viv?"


Vivian watched the two walk away laughing but in the back of Stefan's mind, he was wondering what Vivian was going to say.


Vivian was watching Tyler arm wrestling, even though she didn't want to. She believed it made people's egos bigger. And Vivian was finding it suspicious that Tyler kept winning. Don't get it wrong she thought Tyler was strong but not that strong. And she wasn't the only one to notice it, she saw Stefan and Damon whispering to each other watching Tyler.

"Sorry buddy" She heard Tyler say as he won again. "Hey, as much as I love watching you get off on winning an arm wrestle contest, I'm gonna go check on things for the carnival and go see Bonnie and Elena." "Come on Vi, I just got you" he groaned "I know but I promise I'll come find you later" "Fine" he rolled his eyes playfully at the girl.

"Okay, I love you you're the best" she finished with a kiss on the cheek. As the Salvatores watched Tyler, Vivian caught their attention. Especially the kiss. "What's going on between...Tyler and Vivian" Stefan asked his brother, his eyes still on the two. "Why Stef? You jealous" Damon said trying to be funny.

"You're not funny" Damon knew his brother like the back of his hand. And he saw how his brother looked at the Gilbert sister, how he cared for her. It's like how Damon did for Elena.

"Hey, um have you noticed anything weird with Tyler?" Vivian asked Stefan specifically, due to her silence towards the other brother. "What do you mean?" Stefan asked confused. "I mean..." She was trying to find the right words."He's stronger" The brothers looked at each other in speculation.

"I mean Tyler has always been strong but, he's stronger" "Okay! Who wants to go next?"  The words of Tyler cut in. "Stefan does" His brother offered. "Damon, what are you doing" Stefan asked. "Go with it" Damon whispered to him.

"Yeah, sure, I'll...give it a shot."Vivian watched Mason and Stefan say a few words before they started. As they started both were struggling but Mason had won in a landslide. Stefan had joined the two, "Stef, no offense but what the hell was that" Vivian was shocked he let Mason win so easily.

"Seriously man. You didn't even try" "No, I did" The three had just stood looking at each other not knowing what this meant. "Come on," Damon said motioning them in the hallway. "What is up with that family? They're not vampires, what the hell are they?"

"Ooh, ah, maybe they're, um, ninja turtles!" Vivian cracked a small smile with eyebrows raised cause Stefan wasn't the one to make jokes but Vivian thought he should do it more.
"You're not funny," Damon said to his brother with a gaped mouth.

"Maybe zombies or um werewolves" Damon scoffed "Don't be stupid" "Well, why can't it be werewolves?" Vivian cut in "Um maybe because no one has seen one in decades"

"But there are witches and vampires, there could be things we don't even know about" Vivian finished sharing the idea. "I have a better way to test it, Hey! you" Damon said looking around for someone and that someone was Carter. "Damon..." Stefan trailed off.

"I have a name" Carter responded. "Yeah don't care." Damon speeds to Carter. "I need you to pick a fight with Tyler Lockwood" Vivian cut in when he mentioned Tyler "Damon leave Tyler alone." "It's just an experiment. Get him mad, don't back down no matter what he does, okay?" Vivian shook her head "No, Damon I'm serious leave Tyler alone."

"Don't make me snap your neck next" Vivian was shocked to hear such a thwart come from Damon so she reacted a little late but a certain someone didn't. Stefan grabbed Damon throwing him against a car and holding him by his jacket. "Don't ever. Threaten her again."

Damon laughed "Come on Stef, don't get your panties in a twist. I won't hurt your little girlfriend. Not unless you can't keep her under control." He finished pushing his brother off him.


Vivian found her sister but so did Damon. He had pulled the two away from the ring toss.

"I need you both" "What do you want Damon?" Elena responded for both knowing Vivian wanted nothing to do with Damon.

"I know I'm the last person you want to see right now but I need you to come with me." Vivian turned towards Damon, "Whatever it is Damon, we're not interested."

"It's Caroline"


Elena, Stefan, Damon, and Vivian. Where sat in a classroom with the news that Caroline was a vampire. "How did this happen?" "Well, I fed her blood and Katherine killed her, and A plus B equals..."

"But why?" Vivian asked. "Because Katherine is a manipulative, nasty, little slut." "And she said "game on"? I mean, what does that even mean?" Stefan was thinking out loud. "It means she's playing dirty. She wants us to know." "You would know wouldn't you Damon" Vivian was losing her patience with Damon.

"We have to find her," Stefan said getting off the window sill. "Yep, and kill her," Damon said like it was obvious. Vivian got up from her chair getting in Damon's face, "You touch her Damon, and you'll have more than Katherine to worry about" He stepped forward closer "Oh yeah?" "Yeah"

The two stood there eye to eye. They were broken apart from Stefan. "Need I remind you of a tragic little story of a girl named Vicki Donovan? Caroline, of all people, will not make it as a vampire. Her mother is a vampire hunter. Guys come on, we all know how this story's gonna end, just flip to the last chapter and..."

"Need I remind you caused that tragic story?" She said flipping her head to the side with her lips in a line."It's not an option Damon," Elena told him."Vivian's right, not happening," Stefan said coming to stand on the side of Vivian. This action did not go unnoticed by Elena. "Whatever," Damon said leaving the classroom.


The three decided to find Caroline before Damon did. "Stefan?" Vivian noticed Stefan look up and look around. "What's wrong?" "Blood. I smell blood" As the two sisters follow Stefan they end up at a trailer, seeing Damon hugging Caroline while him raising a stake. Stefan rushes to Damon throwing the stake on the ground.

"Stefan!" Damon whines out. Elena comes to Caroline, "Get away from me! You killed me!" Elena reassures her, "No, no, no, no, Caroline, That wasn't me. You know that. That was Katherine." Vivian steps into Caroline's point of view, "Viv?" Vivian approaches the girl and the girl lets her come closer, "Hey Care. It's okay, why don't we get you inside? Okay?"

Caroline took the girl's hand she had reached out to her. Elena looks at the two watching, "Stefan we have to get her inside" Stefan backs up to where Caroline is holding onto Vivian's hand with so much force. "It's okay Caroline, come with me" "She will die. It's only a matter of time."

"Yeah, maybe so, but it's not gonna happen tonight." Stefan had reached for Caroline's other hand to bring her and Vivian inside."Oh yes it is"

Elena saw Damon grab the stake and charge jumping in front of her sister, gasping when she saw how close the stake was to her. "Damon please she's my friend" The two goggled at each other before Damon lowered the stake "Whatever happens is on you." "Come on Care," Vivian said walking with Caroline and Stefan.

Bonnie Bennett had come into the picture, "Caroline. No, you're not, you can't be" Bonnie Bennett saw one of her best friends with blood covering her mouth. "Bonnie?" Caroline pleaded with Bonnie. She didn't want her to be afraid of her. The two pulled Caroline to a bathroom, Stefan sat her down while Vivian got tissues to clean her up.

"She hates me. Bonnie hates me." "No, no she was shocked. We all are" "I'm a murderer. I'm a monster." Caroline mumbled through tears. Vivian crouched down to where her friend was wiping her face, "Caroline no you're not" "Yes, I am. God! What is happing!" she was freaking out. Vivian grabbed her friend's face in her hands, "Care. Caroline look at me!"

The Forbes girl looked up at her friend with wet eyes."You're gonna be okay. Stefan will help you... I will help you. Caroline, you are not a monster, you are my best friend. Caroline, you're strong, if anyone can fight this...it's you."

Caroline broke down in her friend's arms, clenching onto her. Stefan was getting deja vu because when Vivian found out about him. She was just as comforting towards him.

That was one thing he loved about the girl.


Vivian had taken Caroline home, making sure she was okay. "Thanks, Viv, but I don't need a baby sister" she laughed. "I know that. I just wanted to make sure you're okay" There was a knock on the door and they saw Matt Donavan through the glass. "Do you want me to deal with him?"

"No, I got it" Caroline opened the door and saw a worried Matt. Vivian decided she should head out, "I'm gonna head out but call me anytime Care" "I will Viv, thank you."

The girls hugged each other, knowing they would always have each other to count on.

"Remember...control" Vivian whispered to Caroline before leaving.

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