To Be

By trintheebrat_

5.7K 297 50

a traphouse production #4 "Let love set you free, to fly your pretty wings." More



600 37 9
By trintheebrat_

been a bit busy!



My headphones blasted music as I typed away on my computer. I was in the student center doing some work. I finished all my classes for the day and had decided to get some Chick Fil A.

My attention shifted up seeing Tahir walk past me with Maya. Me and him hadn't spoken in a few days since GHOE night. I knew putting him in my past was the only way I could continue to grow here.

He looked at me and I gave him a small smile. He nodded before they walked out of my eye sight.

I was starting to develop real feelings for Corey now. We were getting closer too. We spent a lot time together but it wasn't always fireworks, sometimes it was just boring.

"Wassup." I heard before feeling a kiss on my cheek.

Corey set some pink roses in front of me before sitting down next to me.

"Awww thank youuu." I kissed him.

He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me to him.

"How was your day my love?" I asked him taking a sip out of my water.

"It was good, had practice and a lab." He nodded.

"I missed you." I smiled.

"I missed you too." He ran his hand across my cheek.

It's almost as if he changes around other people, especially his friends. He was the best when it was just us.

"Come on pack up." He tapped my thigh.

"To go where?" I grabbed my bag.

"My room." He grabbed my hand as we stood up.

We hadn't done anything sexual yet. We would kiss and cuddle like we were in middle school. The timing was never right, and I told him he had to officially make me his girlfriend before I slept with himm

"Hm gimme your bag mama." He took my tote out my hand.

He opened the door for me as we started the walk to his dorm. I wrapped my hand around his upper arm tracing his tattoos.

"I can't stay the night though, I have a test tomorrow." I told him.

"That's okay, I'll walk you back to your dorm tonight." He said making me nod.

We walked in silence making me get into thought. Sometimes I felt like Corey wasn't even my type. He was attractive and everybody said we looked good together. But my heart didn't necessarily skip a beat when I saw him.

On the other hand, I couldn't keep talking to Tahir or guys like him. I always ended up hurt after a terrible few months. My normal type gave me a headache to be honest.

Corey was boring, calm, but maybe that's what I needed. Something slow and steady, some calm after the storm that was Tahir.


I got out the shower stepping onto my bath mat. I walked over to the mirror before starting my night time skin care.

Corey had dropped me off a few hours ago. We spent the afternoon together just talking and watching a few movies. He got me some dinner and then brought me back.

I tried my hardest to hint at him. I wanted to pick the pace up just a tad bit. We were just spending time together but weren't making any real progress.

And in all honesty, I was ready to take it to the next level physically. I tried to be super touchy and clingy today but he didn't get it.

My phone rang breaking me out of thought. I swiped over the facetime call from Madesyn.

"Hi Maddy." I smiled.

"Hiiiii." She waved.

I walked out my bathroom putting her on my bed before getting some clothes out to sleep in. She started rambling about TJ and how he only ever texts her when he needs something.

"You know, Tahir just like him." She said.

"Yea I get it." I nodded slipping on some shorts.

"I just wish he'd grow up." She shook her head.

I took a small sigh of relief knowing I didn't deal with that anymore. Corey wasn't childish, he was consistent. I even saw he keeps one flower from the bunch he gives me, to know when to replace them.

"When the nigga won't change, change the nigga." I shrugged plopping on my bean bag.

"Speaking of, how's Corey?" She asked.

"Good." I trailed off looking at the flower vase on my desk.

"So are we really done with Tah?"

"Yea, I don't think there's any coming back from what happened at our grad party." I explained.

"There's always some coming back with you and Tahir." She shrugged.

"I like Corey." I told her.

"I hear you Tahlia, but you always sound like you're trying to convince yourself you like him."

I nodded a bit seeing where she was coming from. I hated the lows of messing with guys like Tahir and TJ. The highs were the best part.

Some of my best memories from highschool are with Tahir. He's who I spent the night with after I got my full ride. We were good, when we were good.

With Corey there was no high or lows. There was just middle ground. No guessing or arguing or not speaking for days at a time.

He texted me every morning at 8 am like clockwork. He always walked me to and from class when he could. He called me to check up on me at least once a day.

He was a sweetheart and a gentleman. He took me on proper dates and just spent time with me. The middle ground I had with Corey was starting to grow on me.



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