TMNT Season 4: Sweet Little S...

By AnimeKokoroLover100

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The turtles, Myra, and the others set out into space with the help of a being named Fugitoid to go back in ti... More

Chapter 1: Beyond the Known Universe
Chapter 2: The Moons Of Thalos 3
Chapter 3: The Weird World Of Wyrm
Chapter 4: The Outlaw Armaggon
Chapter 5: Riddle Of The Ancient Aeons
Chapter 6: Journey To The Center Of Myra's Mind
Chapter 7: The Arena Of Carnage
Chapter 8: The War For Dimension X
Chapter 9: The Cosmic Ocean
Chapter 10: Trans-Dimensional Turtles
Chapter 11: Revenge Of The Triceratons
Chapter 12: The Evil Of Dregg
Chapter 13: The Ever-Burning Fire
Chapter 14: Earth's Last Stand
Chapter 15: City At War
Chapter 16: Broken Foot
Chapter 17: The Insecta Trifecta
Chapter 18: Mutant Gangland
Chapter 19: Bat In The Belfry
Chapter 21: Darkest Plight
Chapter 22: The Power Inside Them
Chapter 23: Tokka VS The World
Chapter 24: Tale Of Tiger Claw
Chapter 25: Requiem
Chapter 26: Owari

Chapter 20: Super Shredder

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By AnimeKokoroLover100

It's been a few days since what happened with Mikey taking April's crystal. We haven't been getting along but at least we're not fighting as much. Mostly because she hasn't been around in those few days. We took the time to just cool off until the guys felt that we were civil enough to just stay calm and stay out of each other's way.

I let out a deep breath, feeling much calmer as we all were in the dojo meditating with father.

"Focus. Do not let your attention flitter away from you. All random thoughts are transitory, like dreams. Let them disappear. Bask in the emptiness of the void." Father told us.

I felt myself fall deeper into the trance of darkness, feeling all that tension and anger I've been feeling towards April slipping away. That was until we were stopped.

"That is enough for today..." Father said.

"Really, sensei? Cause we only meditated for, like, ten minutes." Donnie stated.

"I am... not feeling very well." He replied.

"Father? Are you ok?" I asked. "You seem worried about something."

"My dream last night, it was very powerful. I fell into a vast pit, where I fought the Shredder. My memory is hazy, but I did not survive." He explained.

My eyes widen, not wanting to think of what horror he was thinking off. "But it was nothing. Just a dream. Right, father?" I asked, hoping that he would reassure me.

"Do not fret, my family. Dreams are often symbolic, not literal. I am not going anywhere." He stated with a smile.

I let out a sigh of relief and nodded my head before we all stood up and left the dojo, allowing father to meditate in peace for the time being.

We spent the rest of our time doing a few chores until the decided to watch that stupid tv show. I just got out my laptop and hung out with them in the living room, just enjoying the peace of the moment.

That was until father came storming out of the dojo and immediately turned off the tv, much to my confusion.

"Aw, Sensei! You're ruining our cartoon-a-thon!" Mikey whined.

"We're missing the best part!" Raph added.

"No, the best part is when you get your lazy shells off the floor and do something! Too much television is a poison that ruins both body and mind!" Father stated.

"We already cleaned our rooms and took out the trash. What do you-"

Leo was cut off when the lights in the whole lair suddenly went off and my laptop even powered off. I groaned in frustration and set it aside.

"Oh, great. Now what?" April groaned.

"I bet it's Donnie messing with some kind of experiment. Come on." Raph headed inside Donnie's lab as we tagged along to see what the scientist was up to. But to my surprise, he wasn't doing anything.

"I didn't do it. I'm checking the grid now. There's a pretty big power outage over ten square blocks, all the way up to Shredder's old lair." Donnie explained, checking over his still working computer.

"Sister!" I gasped.

"Go. See if she is alright." Father urged us.

"We will, father." I nodded before we all went running out of the lair and boarding inside the Shellraiser while I took Vectra, making our way to the familiar eerie old cathedral.

But I skid to a stop with the Shellraiser right behind when I saw something that I would never be able to forget. Karai was captured and chained with Bradford and Tiger Claw behind her. It was who was in front of her who had me shocked. It was Shredder. But he was.. stronger. Bigger. He was... a mutant! He has become everything he's ever loathed and hated.

His full appearance is that he has green veins glowing on his body with his black helmet that has fused into his face and his mouth can be seen on each side. He was a monster. A demon.

"It.. can't be..." I gasped in horror.

"Myra! Get outta here!" Karai urged.

I was about to protest when Leo started up the Shellraiser again, planning to ram Shredder down but that obviously didn't work when Shredder easily lifted the vehicle up and tossed it aside.

"GUYS!" I screamed out before turning back as I saw that Shredder was making his way towards me.

"Tell your Master I have my daughter back. If he desires to see her one last time, come to where I last defeated him!"

I revved my engine, wanting to do nothing but run this freak over when Leo suddenly called out over my com. "MYRA! Head back to the sewers! Now!"

I groaned and turned around, looking back at Karai. "We'll be back sister! I promise!" I then sped off before Shredder had the chance to come after me.

The others exit the vehicle and dived into the sewers, just before the Shellraiser is set the Shellraiser ablaze. I had returned just a few moments after, noticing that some of them were slightly injured.

"Are you guys ok?!" I asked, rushing over to look over each of them.

"My children! What happened?" Father asked worriedly when he came out and saw that they were weakened.

"Shredder, he used mutagen." April stated.

"He's turned into some kind of Super Shredder! He's got huge muscles and blades everywhere, like a buff cheese grater!" Mikey exclaimed.

"He has Karai." I added, feeling guilt ridden that I had to leave my sister behind.

"He said he wants to meet you in the last place that he beat you. The sewers." Leo stated.

"Then let us make haste." Father said determinedly.

"Father, no! You didn't see him! He-he's a demon! An akuma! A being of your worst nightmares! He'll probably kill you!" I panicked.

"I have no choice. I will not leave my daughter behind." He stated.

I sighed, knowing that I too would never leave Karai behind. I hated that I had to do so and leave her in the hands of that monster but I was going to help her. I simply just nodded before we headed off down further into the sewers. The last place he was beaten was when the invasion happened. The sewer drain.

Father led the way, heading down into a tunnel where an opening to the sewers were. "Stay diligent. The Shredder is clearly baiting us into a trap." Father warned.

But I couldn't help but have the feeling that we were being watched as we entered further inside. I used my powers to scan the area, making sure no one was there before we continued on. When we got to the water basin, we all looked at the surroundings in shock. There are pictures of him, Saki, Shen, Miwa when she was a baby, and my mother. Most of the pictures even had father's eyes slashed out. This was slasher horror movie style.

"Ok, this is weird." Mikey gulped nervously.

"Psycho is more like it." Leo stated.

"This... is... sickening..." I muttered in horror.

"Gaze upon these images, rat. First you take Tang Shen away from me, and then you steal my daughter!" Shredder shouted, his voice echoing all around the sewers.

"She was never YOURS!" I shouted back, my voice echoing louder.

The bars suddenly closed down behind us, trapping us inside the water basin. Mikey and Raph struggled to pull them apart, much to their dismay.

"Show yourself, Saki!" Father demanded.

But I gasped when I felt a horrible feeling settle in. I rushed back over and pulled Mikey and Raph back. "Look out!"

A blazing fire came rushing down from the tunnel and we jumped down into the water to evade being set on fire. When we surfaced, we watch in horror as the photos that were hanging down from the ceiling were now being burned to a crisp.

"This way! Hurry!" Donnie urged us, following him out from the water and up until we made it to a familiar subway station. Even more photos were strung down.

"This is such a sick game." I shuddered.

"This is the same station Karai held us captive. Remember? When she poisoned us." Donnie stated.

I remember that day vividly. But I would never hold a grudge on Karai over it. It's wasn't her fault. I looked around, the level of craziness growing into insane as the photos began to burn down again.

"You turned her against me. You brainwashed her! Karai is my daughter!" Shredder's echoing voice boomed out loud.

"How many lies can you tell yourself, Saki?!" Father shouted.

A sudden scream caught our attention as the flames created a trail down the subway where I heard a familiar voice.

"Just wait until I get free, Shredder!"

"Sister!" I shouted, rushing down the tracks and not realizing that Leo tried to stop me.

Father rushed beside me as the others followed behind. But the ended up getting cut off when a train started coming their way. I didn't notice and father and I continued making our way to an opening where more photos were burning and Karai was chained up, hanging down from the ceiling.

"FATHER! SISTER! It's a trap!" Karai warned.

"I will not leave you!" Father replied.

"I'll get you free, Karai!" I was about to rush to her aid when she stopped me.

"Behind you two!"

Father and looked back, seeing the monster that was approaching us. In the darkness, Super Shredder slowly strode through the corridor while dragging his mutated claws on each side of the walls. Super Shredder emerges from the darkness as father is horrified by what his rival has become.

"Saki? What have you done?!"

"I have moulded myself into perfection, rat man. Look upon me, and know fear." He growled.

"You must be proud, Shredder. You are finally a monster, both inside and out!" I shouted at him.

"I want her to see you fall. Then, finally, your brainwashing will disappear, and she will remember that it was I who raised her, it was I who made her who she is. I sacrificed everything for her. Out of absolute love!"

"NO! You cared for her out of pity of killing her mother! I saw it! I saw it with my own eyes! Time travel exists! You were a creep! You pushed my mother aside like she was nuisance just so you could try and get Shen to be with you! You're a vile, disgusting creep! You're no man! YOU ARE A MONSTER AND WILL ALWAYS BE ONE!" I screamed, feeling my power surging around me.

"Wretched child-"

"They are right! Your transformation into a monster is complete!" Karai shouted.

Upset, Super Shredder lowered his head before his blades came out from his own skin. He charged and attacked father who dodged, trying to land a hit back, but due to his mutation, he couldn't. Mutant Shredder knocked father back into the wall before turning his attention to me.

"I never planned for you to be a part of this. But I suppose now is the perfect chance to kill you like I should've done to your mother!" He came charging at me but I slammed my foot down hard on the ground.

My power caused the concert to be pushed up and flung back against him. My eyes turned a hazy white as I was subconsciously levitating in the hair, my hair now fallen out from its braid and flowing elegantly around me. I used my powers to pick up the massive slabs of debris and sent it flying his way.

Shredder easily slashed the concrete into dust as he slowly approached closer.

"A demon such as you does not belong in this world! It so saddening to see that someone who was taken into a loving family has become such a wretched monster. You are no man! You are no human! A MONSTER IS ALL I SEE!  A DEVIL I MUST CLENSE! SNUFF OUT THE UNCLEAN! DESTROY THE UNWANTED! KILL THE WRETCHED SINNER!" I shouted in my now distorted voice, hearing it echo around the area.

I could see from my full white eyes that father and Karai looked shocked and horrified to see how powerful I was becoming.

Shredder lunged to attack me but father jumped in and kicked him back.

"You are deranged, Saki. But I can help you. We can end this fight." Father tried to reason with him.

"Now that I am your master, you'll do anything to stop this!" Super Shredder grabbed him by his tail and threw him aside as Karai watched in horror that her father has been beaten up.

I growled and used my power to pull him back and off from my father, repeatedly sending him flying into every wall, smacking him around like a ball in a pin ball machine.


I tossed him down harshly before turning my attention to Karai. I helped freed her and gently set her down, now losing my power before weakly collapsing to the ground. That was the most power I've ever used before.

Shredder went after father, ready to crush him with a final blow before he used a smoke bomb to aid him in escape but Shredder followed after him.

"Go, father! Go!" I urged him, groaning in pain as Karai had to help me stand.

"Karai! Myra!"

The others had finally arrived with Leo rushing to my side and helping me up into his arms.

"Guys, the Shredder, he's just too powerful. Splinter couldn't even fight him." Karai stated. "Even Myra went all possessed. She couldn't even beat him."

"Possessed?" Leo questioned as he looked down at me with a worried expression.

I brushed it off and forced myself to stand up straight, using my powers to try and track down my father despite my splitting headache.

"We saw what Shredder's become. What if we can't stop him? It's gonna be, like, weeks before my latest batch of retro-mutagen is ready!" Donnie exclaimed.

"I... I can sense him, somewhere, deep underground. I think I can track him..." I replied, trying not to seem weak.

"Great. Then let's head down and kick some bladed freak butt." Raph growled. "But Myra, you have to be diligent. We can't have you passing out on us, princess."

"I'll be fine. Now let's-" I was cut off when the lights go the underground area suddenly turned off, leaving us in the dark as the new Chrome Dome Foot bots had appeared.

This was going to be a long fight. One we do not have time for as every second that passes, father will continued to get beaten by Shredder. I didn't have enough power to go super mode, but I did have enough to levitate each of my weapons and sent them flying through the air and cutting down robot after robot. Even April was doing the same.

"Stay out of my way!" She said to me.

"Not now, O'Neil!" I replied angrily before slicing down another robot. Yeah, like I said, we still weren't fully back onto good terms.

Once all the robots were finally taken down we were able to catch our breaths.

"I've got a fix on Splinter. He's in the undercity." April stated.

"That's where he fought the Rat King. Come on, I know a shortcut!" Donnie rushed down the tunnel as we followed him.

I was worrying and panicking for my father's safety the whole time. The dream he told us about, I feared that it was actually coming true. I won't allow that to happen!

We made it to the opening of the undercity, a part of the sewers where one fall can lead to your demise.

"Super Shredder's kicking Sensei's tail in!" Mikey exclaimed.

"FATHER!" Karai and I both yelled.

We watched in horror as father was being tossed and thrown around like a rag doll, unable to gather his strength and fight back. We rushed over to try and help but more Foot bots blocked our way. We tried to take them down as fast as we could, but I watched from the side as father was continued to be beaten.

Shredder harshly stepped down on his leg, hearing a concerning crack as father yelled in pain.

"You will die. And then all of your loved ones." Shredder growled.

Father gazed back at us with a longing look on us, his family, before grabbing a kunai and throwing it right at the center of a the slab, causing it to break and fall apart. I screamed in horror as Super Shredder tried to escape to safety so he can chase after us, but father grabbed hold of him and pulled him back right before they fell to the abyss.

"SAKI! WE DIE TOGETHER!" Father shouted as he and Shredder went falling down into the darkness.

"FATHER!" I cried loudly and tried to use my powers to levitate him back to safety, but he was too far out of reach. I would've gone jumping down after him if Leo hadn't stopped me.

"MYRA, NO! Don't! It's too late! We have to go!" He urged, dragging me away as we escaped from the Foot bots that began shooting arrows at us.

"FATHER! YOU BETTER STILL BE ALIVE! We will find you!" I shouted as I cried and sobbed.

"That drop is at least a thousand feet down. Even he couldn't survive a fall like that." Donnie stated.

"We have to keep going. For Splinter." Karai said determinedly.

Everyone leaves as they close the doors behind us when Rocksteady appeared and started shooting at the doors with his minigun. We made a run for it before I skid to a stop which caught their attention.

"Myra! What are you doing, princess?!" Raph shouted.

"GO! I'll stall them! My father isn't dead! I can't sense him, but he isn't dead!" I didn't care if I was weak. I don't care if I'm hurt or injured. I concentrated my powers once more, feeling it surge around all over my body. My eyes turned back into a hazy white as I easily stopped Ivan and Zeck by lifting them up into the air and using my powers to simply crush the Foot bots like soda cans.

"Oh, snap! She's a demon, yo!" Zeck screamed.

"The demon here is Shredder! SNUFF OUT THE UNCLEAN!  DESTROY THE UNWANTED! KILL THE WRETCHED SINNER!" I repeated my phrase before tossing them back harshly and using my powers to destroy the concrete walls and block off the only entrance to the area.

I then slowly turned around, facing the others who looked shocked and terrified. "M-Myra?..." Leo stuttered.

"Myrina, I am. A daughter, I will always be. A saint and a sinner. Good and evil. Nothing is perfect. I shall remain. A goddess in the eyes of those who seek peace. I. Will. Protect. And. Damage." I spoke in riddles that I didn't even realize what I was saying. I could see everything clearly, but when it came to my voice, I had no control over what I was saying.

My surging and glowing power then slowly began to fade, allowing myself to drop to the ground and collapse until I was caught in a pair of strong arms. "MYRA!" I weakly opened my blurry eyes and saw Leo's worried face above mine before I lost consciousness and blacks out.

What was to come of all of this?

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