The Goddesses and The Monkey...

By RatioWaves4life

4.3K 83 14

Hyperdimension Neptunia was owned by Compile Heart, Idea Factory The God of Highschool was brought to Yongje... More

Mori Jin's Bio
The Monkey King (Mori) Meet the Goddess of Planeptune (Neptune)
The Terrorist (Lickorrist) of Lowee
A Weekend (Girls+Boy Night) in Leanbox
The Resolve (Turn) Of the Younger Sisters
The Resonance (Limit Break) of the Goddesses and The Monkey King
The Secret(Your-Eyes-Only) of Lastation
The Fruits (Deep Purple) of Revenge
The Paradise (Island) Forbidden

Side Story: Mori Jin Vs Iris Heart (Plutia)

181 4 0
By RatioWaves4life

Iris Heart: Here I come~

Iris Heart charges in at full speed to attack Mori.

Mori: Yeoui.

Mori summons his staff Yeoui to block Iris Heart's attack, causing a huge shockwave.

Purple Sister: Incredible... Mori blocks Plutia's attack and causes a shock wave.

Purple Heart: They're both really on a whole other level.

Iris Heart smirks as she is impressed that Mori blocks her.

Iris Heart: You're more impressive than I thought. How about we spice things up a bit~?

Iris made her move as she used her special attack, Fighting Viper, on Mori.

Mori: Ngh!

Iris Heart: Now you're through! Ha!

Iris Heart flies high and goes down to send a heavy kick to Mori, but Mori blocks her kick with Yeoui.

[Wolwang Swordsmanship Type No.13 Cross]

Mori: Shrink, Yeoui.

Mori's staff shrinks a bit and raises it to special attack Iris Heart.

[Wolwang Swordsmanship Basic Vertical Slash]

Iris was able to react as she blocked Mori's attack, and she was knocked back a bit by the strength of Mori's attack.

Iris Heart: *Chuckles a bit* Is that all~?

Mori: Get bigger, Yeoui.

Iris Heart: ?!

Mori lets go of his staff after he commands it, Iris Heart was holding the heaviness of Yeoui as she was struggling.

Iris Heart: Ngh... how heavy can his staff get?!

Mori appears behind Iris Heart.

Iris Heart: !

Iris Heart turns around and sees Mori using his Taekwondo moves to kick her on the side.

[Renewal Taekwondo: Tae baek]

Iris Heart: Ack!

Iris Heart was pushed back as she was sent flying by the impact of Mori's kick.

Mori: Speed Mode, Ignition.

After Mori commands his Amorsuit to speed mode, he dashes behind her to send another attack with a punch.

[Renewal Taekwondo: Screw Punch]

Iris Heart was heavily impacted by the punch as she was sent to the ground crashing.

Purple Sister: Oh man... Mori is sure he isn't holding anything back.

Purple Heart: It's unbelievable that he is strong just as he is.

IF: Yeah... and Plutia didn't have the time to react.

Compa: I just hope Plutia is doing ok.

Mori's Armorsuit changes back to normal, and he descends to the ground, walking towards Iris Heart to see how she is doing.

Iris Heart: *Groans* You really are fun to spar with. Guess my choice of fighting you was worth it to my satisfaction. *Grins slightly and flies rushes towards him*

Mori rushes in as well, and they both clash into a heavy battle as they exchange their attacks. The audience in the back is in awe of it.

IF: ...Woah...

Compa: ...Incredible...

Nepgear: These two are going at it!

Neptune: They really are. They move so fast it's hard for me to keep watching them.

Iris Heart: Hahahaha!

Mori: Why are you laughing?

Iris Heart: Nothing really... It's been a while since I've felt this satisfied. Not going to lie. I've taken a liking out of you, so I'll show you my special attack.

Mori: ?

Iris Heart raises her weapon and special attacks Mori.

Mori blocks multiple hits from her but gets damaged by it a little.

Mori: (Not yet...)

Iris Heart: What's the matter, Mori? You seemed to be troubled. *Attacks him more*

Mori: (Not yet.)

Iris Heart: Now for my finisher!

Iris Heart raises her weapon as she was about to blow a heavy strike on Mori until he catches it at ease.

Iris Heart: ?!

Nepgear: He just caught her weapon with his hand?!

Iris Heart: What's the meaning of this?

Mori: Clone.

Mori's Clone appeared behind her and tapped her into the shoulder-neck.

Iris Heart: ?!... I can't move...

The girls in the back were surprised and confused about what Mori did.

Compa: Woah! What did he just do?!

IF: He must've paralyzed her.

Nepgear: He could do that?!

Neptune: Just how many abilities does he have?! I demand to have more abilities, author!

Iris Heart: How did you-

Before Iris Heart finishes her last sentence, Mori quickly rushes to her to deliver a kick.

[Renewal Taekwondo: Recoiless Kick]

Iris Heart: Aughh!

She was impacted by Mori's kick as she was knocked back and stopped herself and dashed toward Mori.

Iris Heart: Huh?!

Mori appears right in front of her.

Iris Heart: ?!

Mori uses his last move as he raises his leg, 3 after images of him appear.

[Recoiless Third Stage Hwechook]

Iris Heart tries to evade but gets heavily damaged, and after the third kick, Iris Heart reverts to Plutia as she is finished.

Nepgear: No way...!

Compa: He-

Neptune & IF: He won!

After the final attack, Mori did Plutia she was about to fall to the ground until Mori caught her and carried her and descended to the ground where Neptune and the others were at.

Nepgear: Plutia!

Compa: Is she going to be okay?

Mori: She will be so don't worry.

IF: Mori, what's that kick you just when you finished off Plutia?

Neptune: Yeah, there were like three of you kicking her, taking turn after turn.

Mori: It's called Hwechook. Essentially, Hwechook executed three times in a row either from left or right, followed straight away from the opposite direction, and then from behind. If the person flinches and tries to evade by going back, damage increases. It aims at the person's brain after the kicks.

IF: I see... so that's why Plutie was knocked out by that move. She was trying to avoid that attack but gets defeated in the end.

Neptune: So, I'm curious, Mori. You said that you're kick "Hwechook" or whatever that's called, it directly aims at a person's brain?

Mori: Correct.

Neptune: Is there a possible way not to get hurt by it?

Mori: Yes, you don't move.

Neptune: Really? That's convenient.

Mori: We should all head back home since all this mess is over.

Mori puts Plutia on Geundoowun.

Neptune: Mori, are you sure you wanted to put Plutie on your cloud?

Mori: Of course, don't worry, she's not gonna slip.

Neptune: If you say so.

Timeskip is brought to you by Chibi Iris Heart posing.

Mori and the others go back to Planeptune's Basilicom, Mori puts Plutia on the sofa. Mori takes his sleeping mask off to put it on Plutia so she can rest more peacefully as she is smiling.

Histoire: I see that you guys brought back IF and Compa.

Nepgear: Uh-huh, guess what we saw?

Histoire: What is it that you all saw?

Neptune: We saw Plutie's transformation!

Histoire: Really? Could you describe what her CPU form looks like?

After hearing Histoire's question, everyone but Mori felt ambivalent about how Plutia's CPU form looked like and the way she acted.

Nepgear: Um, well...

IF: You gonna have to find it very hard to believe once we tell you.

Histoire: Okay?

After explaining.

Histoire: Oh my gosh... that's strangely terrifying. O_O

Neptune: Totally.

IF: That wasn't all. She suddenly made a purpose for Mori by fighting him.

Nepgear: And in the end, he won.

Histoire: Not that surprising since he is indeed strong. So how's Plutia?

Neptune: She's doing fine she's just asleep after Mori beat her.

Histoire: That's good to hear, As for Mori, are you ok?

Mori: I'm fine, She did put up a good fight. Her demeanor was something.

Neptune: Yeah, It's no wonder why everyone doesn't want Plutia to transform.

Nepgear: Just seeing her in a transformed state made me feel uneasy.

IF: And seeing how she treated that Mouse and laughed so hysterically...

Compa: It was very amusing to watch.

All Girls & Mori: What?!/Huh?

Compa: Yeah! Mr.Mouse was all stretchy and stuff. *smiles and giggles*

IF: You know what I'm not even gonna ask how were you enjoying that...

2 hours later Plutia has finally woken up she raises Mori's sleeping mask a bit, rubs her eyes, and yawns.

Plutia: I sure had a good nap... hm? How did I end up back here at Neppy's place...?

Mori: Nice to see you awake, Plutia. How are ya feeling?

Plutia: I feel all better now Mori. But, I'm confused about how did I get back here?

Mori: We both fought each other and I knocked you out with my final attack.

Plutia: Really?

Mori: Yeah, when you were in your transform state.

Plutia: I did?

Neptune: Yeah, you were all fearsome, Imposing, and Dras- hrmf!

IF covers her mouth

IF: Forget everything that she said, we're just glad to see you awake.

Plutia: Oh alright.

Mori: But Seriously, I had a good time fighting with you, let's battle again someday kay?

Mori Smiles brightly and raises a fist for a fist bump as Plutia is taken back a bit looks at Mori's fist and then looks at his smiley face and she smiles back as she raises her arm to fist bump Mori.

Plutia: Okay!

Neptune: Wow... Such a moment between the two.

IF: I agree.

Compa and Nepgear walk in holding a plate of eggplant stir-fry.

Compa: Come on everybody the food is ready!

Nepgear: Food time yay!

They both put it on the plate, and Neptune took a look closer at the food, she was repugnant about the eggplants after everything that happened.

Neptune: What the?! Eggplant stir-fry?!

Compa: Yep.

Neptune: Why would you make eggplant after what we just went through?

Compa: It was a special request from Peashy and couldn't say no.

Nepgear: I guess she really liked yesterday's back.

Peashy: Eggplant, Eggplant, yum! *hops excitedly*

Mori: I wonder how they taste?

Mori pulled out a fork to stick in the eggplant put it in his mouth and chewed on it.

Mori: It's good! That request you made Peashy was excellent! *grabs another bite*

Peashy: Tee-hee-hee!

Also grabs a fork to eat it.

Mori & Peashy: So Yummy!

Compa: *Giggles a bit* I'm glad you two like it so far.

Nepgear: H-Hey! You two should save some for everyone.

Neptune: I don't understand how two like to eat them...

Compa: Besides that, I heard you conquered your eggplant phobia and I wanted to celebrate Nep-Nep.

Neptune: I wouldn't say that, it was more of an adrenaline-fueled burst of strength type thing you know?


Everyone but Peashy looks at IF cause of her overreaction while Peashy is not paying attention to it as she keeps eating the food.

IF: They're Scary! I hate them I never want to eat them! AGGGGH!

Histoire: IF, Calm down, please!

Mori: What's up with her?

Compa: So now Iffy has an eggplant phobia too?

Nepgear: Actually, I can kind of understand that.

Neptune: Iffy, now we're kindred spirits!

Peashy: Eggplants are yummy!

Mori: I think your reaction to eggplants is way more amusing Nep.

Mori laughed a bit after saying that but hearing that to Neptune caused her to pout and blush.

Neptune: Hey don't go saying that enjoyed me being repulsive to eggplants.

Peashy: But it's hilarious to see you that.

Peashy sticks the eggplant with her fork to face it in front of Neptune's causing her to shriek like IF.

Neptune: Aaaaaaah!

Mori & Peashy, Compa, and Nepgear laugh.

Nepgear: Peashy, you shouldn't do that.

Mori: It's funny that she did!

Neptune angrily blushed and stared down Mori and Peashy.

Neptune: You two are gonna get it, you will taste my wrath of the mighty eggplant-hater Neptune!

Mori: Let's run Peashy!

Peahsy: Right behind ya!

They both skedaddle causing Neptune chasing after them.

Neptune: You two get back here! You're not getting away with this after humiliating me.

Compa and Nepgear were watching from the distance.

Nepgear: They sure are having fun over there.

Compa: Yeah...

Nepgear noticed something was off about Compa.

Nepgear: Is there something wrong Compa?

Compa: Huh? Oh no, nothing is wrong everything is fine is just...

Nepgear: ?

Compa: *Sigh* After talking to Mr.Mouse he has a thing for me but I rejected him because he's a bad guy...

Nepgear: There's nothing wrong with that, that was the right thing.

Compa: I know but it's not just that, I told Mr.Mouse that I already have someone w-who... I'm in love with... *blush intensifies*

Nepgear: Really?! Who-

After Nepgear pauses in her sentence she begins to realize and finds out who that person Compa has a crush on.

Nepgear: Is it... Mori?

After hearing that Compa blushes so heavily after Nepgear figures out the person who's she loves.

Compa: U-Um... yes.

Nepgear: W-Wow... that's surprising.

Compa: I know...

Nepgear: You want to know what's more surprising?

Compa: What is it?

Nepgear: I... also like Mori. *blushes*

Compa: W-What?!

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