Minor Piece | Cote x Pokemon

By ThatShouldDoit

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"I hate you. " "Stay alive.... Kiyotaka...For me..." "Nah, id win." Ayanokoji Kiyotaka...Had less than stella... More

Arc 1. Chapter 1. The beginning.
Arc 1. Chapter 2. The first battle.
Arc 1. chapter 3. The princess's delusions
Arc 1. Chapter 5. Aftermath.
Arc 1. Chapter 6. Epilogue
Arc.2 Chapter 1. An ordinary day
Arc 2. Chapter 2. Class B
Arc 2. Chapter 3. Squirtle Squad
Arc 2. Chapter 4. The Ice Queen
Arc 2. Chapter 5. School days
Arc 2.Chapter 6. The water pokemon battle royale
Arc 2 chapter 7. The literature club
SS 1. How difficult could finding a member for the literature club be?
Arc 2. Epilogue. Minor Piece
Arc 3. Chapter 1. Chess board.
Arc 3. Chapter 2. Preparations
Arc 3. Chapter 3. The ruins.
Arc 3. Chapter 3. The journey.
Arc 3. Chapter 4. Funeral for the living.
Arc 3. Chapter 5. Null.
Arc 3. Chapter 6. The flower.
Arc 3. Chapter 7. This god damn elevator-
Arc 3. Chapter 8. The student council president.
Arc 3. Chapter 9. The sparks of black
SS. 2. Double team.
Ss.3 I swear I am not going to do another one of these-
Arc 3. Chapter 10. The burning sensation of Jealousy
Arc 3. Chapter 11. It's time, to cook
Ss.4 Kaguya date

Arc 1. Chapter 4. Fighting against the past.

903 40 10
By ThatShouldDoit

Ayanokoji Pov:

"Garchomp, use earthquake to sent that thing away."

Garchomp stomped his feat on the ground, and pillars of stone pulled out from the ground, knocking the monster away.

"Garchomp, don't let it make a move. Use dragon claw."

Garchomp slashed at the stupid thing. It damaged that thing quite a bit, the creature used rock slide at Garchomp, who managed to dodge it by my perfectly timed shout.

"Garchomp, use earthquake to blow away the debris back at him."

I commanded Garchomp.

The debris flew towards the monster, and was thrown towards the inside of the cav toe.

It got up, and rushed at Garchomp.

Headlong rush huh?

"Garchomp, use dragon rush."

The dragon and the bear rushed at each other.

They clashed and launched each other to the other side.

Alright, time to finish this.

"Garchomp, burn him with flamethrower."

Garchomp breathe out fire and directed it at the creature. The thing was engulfed in flame. After a while, the flames stopped and the monster was standing, though barely.

Suddenly, a beam of light came from the walls and made contact with the demon.

The bear's wounds were getting patched up, as if it had never gotten damaged in the first place. This was a huge problem. I looked over at Arisu, her eyes widened upon seeing the scene. Not able to believe what is happening.

If I had to guess, a team of people are attacking this place. But who would even try to attack ANHS? For a second, his face popped up on my name. But I quickly stopped entertaining that thought. That man is dead. There is no way he can return.

Either way, I had to figure out a way to defeat this thing. If it kept healing, then Garchomp would get worn out very quickly. That will be practically a death sentence for the both me and Arisu.

Dying isn't something I want to do, so I should figure something out very quickly. I ordered Garchomp to use a dragon claw on the stalactites above the creature, making them fall down on him.

Garchomp slashed the Stalactites and they succumbed to gravity. The cone shaped rocks fell on the devil and knocked him to the ground.

The creature threw a barrage of punches at himself, and was enveloped in a red aura. Belly drum? Oh crap.. There is no way I can keep up with it now...

"ROAR!!" The monster yelled.

It went for a headlong rush at garchomp, who managed to dodge it and struck at the red circle on his head with dragon claw. It groaned in pain. So that is his weak point huh?

Just then, the creature went for a play rough at garchomp.

I was caught off guard, so I was not able to command garchmp to dodge the attack. This allowed him to get a clean play rough in. Greatly damaging Garchomp.

Garchomp fell to the ground, groaning in pain. The demon was about to strike garchomp again, but I kicked it in the red circle. Making it groan in pain.

"Garchomp, are you all right?" I asked Garchomp, my words laced with a hint of concern.

"Garr..." He said in a gentle tone, as to reassure me that he was alright.

The devil headed for a headlong rush at me, but garchomp intercepted it by slashing the stalactites right in from of me, which fell and protected me.

"Garchomp, hit multiple dragon claws on the red circle, that is it's weak point."

Garchomp did as he was told, and struck the red circle on the red circle multiple times.

The thing groaned in pain, before the beam returned and brought him back to full health.

"You have got to be kidding me..." I muttered.

Suddenly, a canine struck the bear on the red circle.

"I am not going to let you fight it alone, Kiyotaka. We are fighting it to death together."

She told me.

I sighed. I knew she wasn't going to have it any other way, so I accepted her help.


Third person pov:

The students ran from the rampaging pokemons.

The teachers were fighting against them, trying to stop their rampage.

But of course, not all the people fighting the rampaging pokemons were teachers.

In the mountain area, Facing off against the the exeggutor were a charmander, a chimchar, a torchic and a vulpix.

"chimchar hit him with flame wheels!"

Sudo commanded chimchar.

The monkey turned into a flaming wheel, and struck the exeggutor.

"Why don't you use some brains for once instead of just flame wheeling!?! Berdly use peck on their eyes!"

The bird pecked at the eyes, temporarily making it blind.

"Good work, Ibuki. Atleast you are helping more than that idiot over there."

Ryueen said, as he commanded charmander to use fire fang at the exeggutor.

It chomped on the grass of the exeguttor, setting it on fire.

"Don't forget about me!"
Matsushita yelled. As she commanded her fox to use ember on the exeggutor.

"You are doing nothing!" The rest of the fire team yelled.

Meanwhile, in the snow area Horikita with her vulpix and Hiyori with her Vanilite were facing off against a Rhydon.

"Vulpix, use hail!"

Horikita set up hail against rhydon.

Sadly, this didn't go as planned. The Rhydon use sandstorm to change the whether, a whether where it can thrive.

Horikita clicked her tongue, she acknowledged that she could not face off against this herself. She wondered what her brother would do in a situation like this?

Suddenly, a shiny larvitar used stomping tantrum and threw the rhydon away.

"You seems to be in trouble, Horikita-girl."

"I don't need your help."

Horikita told him.

"Yes you do, Horikita-girl. I must admit not even I can defeat this on my own, there is no way you can! Hahahaha!"

Koenji remarked, just to cause Horikita more annoyance.

"Horkita-san, i believe you do require our help. No matter what you say."

An Riolu jumped at the Rhydon, and struck him with a force palm and went back in front of Hirata.

"...Fine." Horikita admitted, as the three attacked the Rhydon.

In the dungeon, Kushida and her cottonee, Ichinose and Kanzaki with their eevees and Eiichiro with his aipom faced off against the blastoise.

The blastoise used Hydro cannon towards Aipom, who dodged it and used metronome, a thunder punch came out and hit the blastoise.

The two eevees made a combination attack with swift, jumped on them and bit the blastoise.

Finally, the cottonee landed a leech seed on the turtle, stealing away it's energy.

The blastoise fell, and the four fighters took a deep breath. Suddenly, a beam came in contact with the blastoise and healed it.

"You have got to be kidding me.." Kushida muttered.

'I hope Kiyotaka is fine..' Eiichiro thought.

Finally, in the entrance. Chabashira was facing off against the a cloaked man with a mega kangaskhan.

"Kiyotaka, where is that boy?"

The cloaked man asked.

"Like we we will tell you!"

Chabashira Sae said as she commanded her absol to use night slash on the Kangaskhan.

'I hope Chie and Mashima make it to the chairman in time.' She thought.


Ayanokoji Pov:

Garchomp and rockruff knocked the bear down again.

But again, the beam healed him and it kept fighting.

"Why is that thing so damn resilient!?!" Arisu shouted in annoyance.

"Wait a minute, we just have to destroy the thing healing this thing. Then we win, right? I have a plan. We just need to distract this thing for a bit." I told Arisu.

"Alright, I want to end this." Arisu said.

I called drillbur out of it's pokeball.

"Drillbur, dig out of this cave and look for the machine that is healing that thing. Please be quick, we are depending on you."

I ordered drillbur. He gave a nod in understanding and dug out of the cave.

"And now..."

"We just have to stall this creature right? If that is the case, then lets go!"

Garchomp and Rockruff rushed at the monster.


3rd person pov:

Drillbur was nervous, he was worried that he might get caught while trying to destroy that machine. But he knew that he must do this. For his trainer and his girlfriend!

For a second, Drillbur saw a female drillbur and was enchanted, he was going to follow her but stopped himself. He must destroy the machine. He climbed the rocky cave and got to the top. The machine was right there, Drillbur was about to destroy it but an excadrill appeared!

Drillbur gulped. He knew he stood no chance against this guy.

Suddenly, a ball of magic hit the excadrill!

Beldum had used gyro ball on the excadrill!

Drillbur went to beldum and thanked him for his help. He asked for assistance to beat his cousin, Beldum accepted and they jumped excadrill.

Excadrill used earthquake to throw tham away. Beldum used magnet rise to fly over it, and drillbur used slash to destroy the pillars.

Beldum got close to the excadrill, and hit a point-blank gyro ball. Sadly, since excadrill was also a steel type it didn't do much damage.

Drillbur saw beldum was in danger, and jumped to slash at excadrill. Swish! Saving beldum from a huge hit.

The excadrill roared in anger.

The excadrill used earthquake, this time drillbur jumped to dodge the attacks. Then he jumped from pillar to pillar getting close to the machine.

Excadrill was going to stop him from destroying the machine, but Beldum hit a gyro ball on the ground around excadrill. Forcing dirt to come into his eyes. Beldum used this chance to launch excadrill to the air using take down, the excadrill clutched onto the edge of the cave's roof.

Beldum used one last gyro ball to sent excadrill off the roof.

Finally, drillbur destroyed the healing machine with slash.

Meanwhile, on the entrance-

"What the.. How-.......That Kiyotaka...That lucky bastard...I will get him next time!"

The cloaked man said before throwing a smoke bomb on the ground.

"You are not getting awa- cough..."

Chabashira tried to catch him, but had no success. The cloaked man send out his crobat, and flew away.

"I will find you soon...Kiyotaka."


Ayanokoji pov:

I had sent out beldum to help drillbur and it seems like they had managed to destroy the machine. How did I know? Because the monster was wounded and not getting healed.

However, there was a problem. Garchomp was wounded as well, and since the beast used belly drum, Garchomp can't overpower it.

And that is where Arisu comes in.

I jumped and kicked the beast on it's weak spot. Rockruff used rock throw at the stalactites, encasing the bear in the stones.

"Garchomp, finish it with dragon claw."

Garchomp jumped and slashed at the bear, this cause the beast to fall down.

"Did we... Do it?"

Arisu asked.

Wait that's a red fla-

"ROAR!!" The beast yelled.

You have got to be kidding me....

It seems to be on it's last legs, as it was trembling.

Alright, pherhaps I can win this...

"Garchomp, dragon rush!"

AS garchomp rushed at that monster, the demon used headlong rush to match it.

The dragon and the bear clashed, and launched each other towards the other side of the cave.

I rushed towards Garchomp.

"You alright?"

I asked garchomp, it seems to have fainted. Thank god it was not worse.

I looked around to see the devil had also fainted.

"Catch it Arisu." I asked her.

"M- me? You battled it. It would be unfair for me to catch it..."
"Do it anyways. I don't care."

" if you say so..."


Third person Pov:

Chimchar finally struck exeggutor down with flame wheel.

"I did it!"

"You did nothing I carried! You just stole the final hit!"

"Are you forgetting about the one who planned it all?Kukuku."

Just when they were talking, Matsushita went behind them and caught the exeggutor.

Aside from that, Koenji Rokusuke caught the rhydon,(To Horikita's displeasure.) And the blastoise escaped.


AN:Yes, I wrote 3 chapters in one day. I need help.

Word count:2283

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