Cooler than you

By SlutForRenee

30.5K 1.3K 1K

Leighton Murray x Fem Reader More

I want her
She is so hot
Coming out
The Text
My next story
I missed you
I love you
What the fuck?!?!
Let me Explain
Forgive me?
I'll miss you
The Letters

Be Cool Leighton

1.9K 79 57
By SlutForRenee

Authors note: my stupid fucking Wattpad is glitching so if the text randomly goes to the center don't ask me why bc I have no clue

Leighton's POV

I was walking with Whitney and Willow, talking about the protest Kimberly was planning, some kind of strike against the food hall for higher pay.

"How long do I have to spend at the protest to not be a bad friend?" I asked the two girls.

"Hopefully zero time I can't go at all, I have to study for my biochem exam." Whitney tells us, Willow laughs. "Since when did you become such a dork?"

I hummed in agreement as Whitney rolls her eyes. "Will you shut up? I love science and it's the final lab of the semester!"

"Yo Leighton, Y/n up ahead." I look up to see Y/n walking towards us smiling, presumably coming from her Pilates class as she had a yoga mat in hand with a water bottle.

"Hey Leighton, where are you coming from?"

"From math, you?"

"Ugh I just finished the most amazing Pilates class, you would have loved it." I nodded smiling at her, deciding to her impress her with my Pilates knowledge.

"Reform or Mat?" I can't believe I thought she wouldn't know what those things are. "Both babe." She replied, smirking at me.

"Hey do you want to get dinner tonight, like a restaurant just to be clear, I'm not a dining hall person." She asked, in that moment I wanted to scream and say yes immediately but I played it cool. "Oooh sorry I can't I have plans with Whitney, maybe we can meet up for coffee in between classes."

With that I walked away, with Whitney and Willow hot on my trail. "What was that? We don't have plans!" Whitney exclaimed confused.

"I know. I lied." I blurted out nervously. "This might be hard to believe but I think Y/n might be cooler than me!"

Willow immediately responded. "She is! She also has a better energy than you." Choosing to ignore the rude comment I continued. "And I've never dated up before so I'm thinking of ways to maintain my high status."

"Like walking away mid conversation?" Whitney snorted out. God she knows nothing, poor clueless Whitney.

"Yes and also not responding to her instagram stories, making my schedule seem crazy busy, and taking at least 4 hours to respond to a text, 24 hours if the text is a question."

They both looked at me like I was crazy, and realistically I probably was, just a little though!

Willow began to speak as soon as I got a text from my phone. "And you're not scared that's going to push her away?" She asked confused.

I smirked at her in victory. "Well I would be...except she just texted 'nice bumping into you'." I turned my phone around to show them. Whitney looked at me impressed.

"That's a slay." I stated walking away, I could hear Whitney talking to Willow. "She's right that was a slay."


I saw Y/n sitting on a bench staring at her phone waiting for me. "Hi." I said walking up to her. She quickly looked up and smiled at me. "Hi, you look cute."

I smiled as butterflies erupted in my stomach. "Thanks," I blushed, sitting down next to her. "So do you!"

"I'm surprised you made it, you seem so busy today." I looked down at the floor, smiling uncomfortably. Was she catching on? I swear I could hear a faint hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"I still am! My phone is like blowing up." I replied, pulling out my phone. I showed her my screen. "Look, 53 notifications! It's like Kapaa chill."  I said putting my phone away. In reality I instructed all of my contacts I had saved on my phone to text me continuously until I told them to stop right before I got there.

"I uhm.." I laughed a little bit nervously. "I uh I just got into Kapaa." Kapaa was a sorority that I had been wanting to get into since birth.

"Yikes! I'm sorry." Y/n replied, I looked at her confused, "uhm why?"

"Oh! Uhm Kapaa tried to tap me last year and the Greeks scene just isn't my thing, it all seems a little basic and fake."

God she's judging me for my sorority know too?

"At least to me!" She stated last second putting her hand on my arm in a sympathetic way.

"Oh yeah! Well Kapaa is like not my entire social life." I replied like it was obvious. "I actually have uhm a few friend groups that I kind of," I couldn't find the right words so I motioned from left to right with my hands. "Bounce around between."

Y/n nodded eyeing me up and down. "Like for example I am going out partying, with my crazy party friends and they are CRAZY."

She was probably judging the amount of times I said crazy. "Well I'm free tomorrow, is it fine if I join?" She asked smiling. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.

I don't know of any parties going around what the fuck was I going to tell her? "Hahahaha," I laughed out nervously. "L-like come to the p-party?" I stuttered out.


I nodded looking off into the distance. "I would literally love that."

She smiled. "Amazing!"


I walked into my dorm to be met with all of my roommates sitting the living room, perfect.

"I am literally screwed." I said sighing, plopping myself down in a nearby chair.

Whitney was the first to speak up. "You got chlamydia again?!" She asked worriedly.

"No! No, I lied to impress Y/n and now I have to take her to a cool party that doesn't exist."

Kimberly smiled at me, "I know something that exists, my protest!"

"I'm not bringing her to that!"

"But it's going to be epic! I've arranged for five pallets of Cerkland water a whole lot of solidarity and a very special guest."

Whitney looked at her, unamused, "oh yeah she convinced my mom to come!" She turned to look at me. Sometimes I forget Whitney's mom is literally the senator. "None of us are happy about it."

Kimberly ignored this and continued. "This is going to be the biggest news of campus since the Divinity school orgy!"

I looked at her confused, what was the Divinity school orgy? Before Kimberly continued her rant her manager Lila comes in.

"Hey string bean can I talk to you real quick? I don't have all day!" Kimberly walked out of the room nervously and I could hear her yelling at Kimberly about that strike.

I went to the library (per Whitney's suggestion) to go find one of our mutual friends Jocelyn who knew everybody and all events happening on campus.

"Hey Jocelyn can I pick your brain for a sec?" I said sitting down across from her.

"Fine but let's keep it quick, I'm trying to learn Portuguese before my date with an exchange student."

"Right...well, do you know of any cool parties happening on campus tonight, maybe something underground and elite?"

She eyed me suspiciously. "Why you asking like you're a cop?" She leaned in closer to me. "Hold up are you trying to get me busted for selling Adderall??"

I shook my head. "No, that's not it." Her mouth formed an 'O' shape and she looked down contemplating if she had said too much.

"Look I really need to impress someone and I don't know who else to ask."

She smirked at me, fixing her earrings. "Ok so I really shouldn't be telling anyone but I know an intern at the Essex art gallery, and apparently they're sneaking some people in for a secret party there tonight."

"Inside the gallery?" I asked in amazement. She nodded and I smiled broadly. "Oh my god, that's perfect! Well can you get me in?" I rushed out excitedly grabbing her arm

"Well aren't we thirsty today." She hummed. "I'll see what I can do." I smiled at her, letting go of her arm.


"Oh, this is chic!" Y/n said as we walked into the art gallery. "I didn't know they had parties here."

"Yeah not a lot of people do..." I said looking around at all the unfamiliar faces. I turned my attention back to Y/n as she asked, "So how'd you find out about this?"

I stared at the ground. "Oh uh just knowing the right people I guess," I gestured to the crowd of people around us. "My friend's an intern here and they do this sometimes."

"Wow, well I am impressed."

"Get used it!"

Leighton: 1
Y/n: 0

Suddenly a man I didn't recognize approach us, who am I kidding I didn't recognize anyone here. "Y/n?" They called out, wrapping her in a tight hug.

"Laird? What are you doing here!"

"This is my party, isn't she cute." He replied looking around, this man was defiantly gay.

Y/n turned to me, "wait you're Leighton's friend who planned this?"



Y/n turned to me again, "Didn't you say you had a friend who planned this?"

"Yeah but not Laird. I don't know Laird" I stuttered out, "I was actually talking about someone else." I looked between the both of them.

"Wait I'm sorry is someone else trying to take credit for my party? Who said they planned this?"

I said the first name the came to mind, "uhm Jess!"

"Jess who?"

"You know I actually don't know there last name, I'll go find them."

I scurried off somewhere, trying to get as far away from them as possible. I was looking at some random art pieces when Y/n came.

"Hey," I turned around to face her. "So this is awkward but did you lie about knowing who planned this party?"

She already had caught me so there's no point in lying now. "Uh yeah, I did, I lied right to your face. I have never met anyone here, and I barely knew this museum existed."

Y/n laughed, then shot me a comforting smile, "why would you do that?"

"Because, I think, I think maybe you are cooler than me."

"Oh I am." She stated blankly, then laughed a bit. "Leighton I'm not secretly calculating how cool you are and deciding if you're worth my time."

I smiled and shifted nervously as she continue. "I asked you to hang out tonight 'cause I wanted to spend time with you," she paused and smiled again. "Because I already like you."

"Wait so you still like me after this?" I asked confused, "that speaks really poorly of you."

"What can I say, im into damaged woman." She laughed and I gave her a fake hurt look.

"I'm kidding, I like you because you're hot."

"Ooh, really?" I replied and she pushed me up against the wall and kissed me.

It was slow at first until it slowly picked up in speed, in passion.

She's definitely cooler than me.

Authors Note!


How do we feel about it mainly being Leighton's pov? Yall good with that

Vote comment and share if u love Leighton🤭

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