Coming out

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Leighton's POV

I was talking with Bella, Kimberly, and Whitney when I decided to announce something. "I'm going to come out to my cousin this weekend."

They all looked at me in shock, I've just recently came out to my roommates so I think it's time to come out to everybody else too. Well slowly of course.

"Oh my god that's great!" Bella exclaimed sitting down next to me.

"How are you going to do it? My uncle proposed with a senior citizen flash mob, slow but moving!" Kimberly asked.

"Uhm...I think I'm just going to tell him, with words..." I replied she looked disappointed.

"Actually I have something to announce as well." Whitney said, looking up from her computer. Without missing a beat Bella replied.

"You're gay too?!"

"What? No! I had sex with Andrew." We all looked at her confused. "My lab partner."

A chorus of 'Oohs' came from us.


"God I love this campus!" My dad sighed. We were sitting on a bench doing our usual once a month catch up. "Yeah, I'm really glad we could catch up." I replied smiley half-heartedly.

"It's just your mom and I are going through a bit of a tough time right now, her charity is getting investigated by the D.A. and I'm not going down for that, and her Japanese hair transplant didn't fully work out so there's a tiny bald spot but just pretended you don't  notice it." He paused to look at me, "So what's up with you?"

I laughed a bit trying to avoid the topic. "Me? Oh uhm..."

I met this really cool girl and I'm trying to be cooler than her but I completely embarrassed myself the other night but she didn't care and we made out in a fucking art museum. Oh yeah and I'm gay by the way.

"Oh you know nothing much," I replied, he nodded then I laughed. "That was a lot."

"Yeah that was a lot." He chuckled.

Later that night my Dad and I had dinner reservations at some fancy off-campus restaurant.

"It shouldn't be a problem that I parked in the fire lane, just this one time right?"

"It's always a problem dad!"

We walked in to get our reservation and I saw
Y/n there with her dad, hopefully they were leaving."Murray? Is that you?" Y/n's dad asked, embracing my dad in a tight hug. "George! What are you doing here?"

"I'm on the commencement committee! I just came up here for a meeting!" Me and Y/n made awkward eye contact.

"Come on! great to see you buddy!"

Y/n's POV

Leighton's dad introduced her to my dad, it was extremely awkward, like I wanted to die.

"Uhm yeah we actually know each other." I said after my dad introduced me to them. We only looked at each other. Jesus Christ. "Oh yeah we're friends- I- uhm acquaintances!" She blurted nervously.

"Heads up Murray! They are packed tonight, couldn't even get a seat at the bar!" My dad spoke, gesturing to the room of people behind us.

"Oh!" Leighton's dad spoke sincerely.

"Oh..." Leighton said at the same time, in a more 'I'm trying to act sad right now is it working' way.

"Well we have a reservation! Why don't you sit with us?"

"Oh no dad they don't want to eat with us!" Leighton tried to say before my dad cut her off, agreeing. The two men left to go get seated and Leighton pulled me aside.

"Hi, sorry this is awkward, my dad doesn't know gay and I'm sure you think that's super closeted  of me and I get it ok? My ex girlfriend Alicia really hated it when it came to that because I could never talk-"

Before she finished her rant I cut her off. "Ok chill, it's fine! There's no time line for coming out also we just started dating so it's cool. I got you." Also who the fuck is Alicia??

She nodded, "ok...thanks,"

Before we could walk back to the table she grabbed my arm. "Wait one more thing." I nodded, encouraging her to continue. "My dad orders a dirty martini in a very uncomfortable way so I just wanna get ahead of that."

I rose my eyebrows in a teasing way, "I will prepare myself."

"You should." She said seriously. How bad can it be?


"Can I get another dirty martini? But like filthy dirty, I want this martini to be ashamed of itself!"

Ok she wasn't kidding, how...nice? My eyes went wide as I looked at Leighton. She nodded mouthing to me 'I told you so!' The waiter smiled and nodded, "This guy gets it!"

My dad and Leighton's dad continued to talk on and on about their time at Essex or whatever. Guess my dad was the king of pranks! Didn't know that one.

"Well this has been fun, but how about we box this up and I can go finish my math homework." Leighton said giving a very forced smile.

"Damn Murray! Raised yourself a real nerd!" My dad spoke out laughing. "Y/n you should find a smart girl like her!" He turned to me, pointing at Leighton with his fork.

"Well I am trying," I replied with a small grin.

"Hey what about that girl Lydia? I miss her!"

I rolled my eyes, glancing over at Leighton for a second. "Ugh! Do not miss Lydia! Her personality is almost as ugly as her name." I scoffed. My dad laughed. "Mean but fair."

"I just gotta say I think it's so cool that you guys can talk about your dating life like this! Whenever I ask Leighton anything about her dating life she completely shuts me out!"

Leighton laughed nervously. "T-that's n-not true."

"It is true! I've asked you like a million times! You are a closed book!" My dad and Leighton's day laughed.

"Well that's b-because I c-" Leighton didn't finish her sentence and the table grew silent. I looked over at her, as she shifted in her seat nervously.

"Because what?" Her dad asked.

"I'm gay!" She lowered her voice. "I'm Gay. And I've uhm actually been dating Y/n." She said pointing to me.

"What! Is that true?" My dad turned to ask me. "It's true!" Not even a second later Leighton spoke again. "We've been going on dates, We've been on like 3 dates? 4 if you include this extremely weird dinner with our dads. But uhm yeah I'm gay and I'm going to order a drink."

"Ok..yeah uhm cool. Will you excuse me for just a second?"

And with that, Leighton's dad walked out.

Authors Note!

Hey yall hope u enjoyed!

U guys want smut next chapter? Bc that's what happens next in the series after Leighton sorts stuff out with her dad.

Vote comment and share if ur gay 😍🥰

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