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Y/ns POV

"What about light pink?" Kate asked me, I shook my head. "This party has to be perfect for Leighton, and her favorite color is purple!" I exclaimed she sighed looking through all the colors.

"Wait so where are we hosting the party again?" She asked, I smiled. "I rented out the art museum she brought me to when she was trying to impress me." I laughed a little bit as I thought of that day.

"Ok well what about this?" Kate said, holding up a lavender looking ballon. I clapped my hands together, "perfect! Let's buy 200 of them." She nodded as we went over to the cashier and placed an order.

They would arrived just before her birthday, January 9th. Me and Kate spent the rest of the day shopping for Leighton's surprise party as I made a couple of texts. I texted Bella first.

Y/n(Leightons gf): surprise party for Leighton at the art museum, u in?


Then Whitney.

Leighton's gf: surprise party for Leighton at the art museum, u in?

Whitney: omg yes!!

And lastly Kimberly.

Y/n Y/l/n: surprise party for Leighton at the art museum, u in?

Kimberly: yes! What's the attire? Is it like casual chic?? Do I have to bring a gift? What's the color scheme? Are there vegan food options there???

Everyone who needed to be texted was texted, as I excitedly went to the nearest mall to try and find a good gift for Leighton.

Everything seemed so cliche and tacky, I needed to get her something special. I went inside a jewelry store and saw a beautiful silver heart necklace that immediately caught my attention.

I went over to the cashier and bought it, not even checking the price.


Leighton's POV

I haven't seen Y/n in a couple days now, and I missed her so much. (Emotionally and physically). My roommates weren't going to be home for another hour or two so what if I just?

No...I probably shouldn't, but, what's the harm? I went over to my room, closing the door behind me.

I trailed my pants down to my pants, fiddling with the button. I slowly started to rub my clit with my thumb before easing a finger inside of me.

Before I could continue the door swung open. Oh shit was Bella really going to catch me doing this? Quick Leighton think!

"Bella! It's not what it- Y/n??" She smirked at me as I sat up slightly. "Hi baby! We haven't seen each other in forever! So I thought I'd stop by," she looked down to my hand that was still in my pants, as I quickly pulled it out. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything?" She questioned with a smirk.

"N-no! Of c-course not!" I stuttered out nervously. She smirked at me, noticing my jeans on the floor she swiftly played with the waistline of my panties.

My breath hitched as she used her fingers to take a swipe through my folds. "You're so wet baby." She smirked again. She sucked my juices of her fingers before getting up.

"Sorry Leighton, can't stay long. I love you bye!" And with that she left, closing the door behind her.

What a fucking tease.


A few days had passed since then it was January 10th, my birthday. I checked my phone to see a few texts from family, Bella Kimberly, and Whitney all wished me a happy birthday as well but none from Y/n.

Maybe she just wants to do it in person I thought to myself, getting ready for the day.

I went to the dinning hall for breakfast and once again my roommates wished me a happy birthday. I thanked them, looking around for any sight of Y/n, but she was nowhere to be seen.

My friends left the dinning hall a bit earlier, then I did, Whitney had to study, Kimberly had some sort of protest at the art museum, and Bella, well who knows.

I sighed, I was alone, and on my birthday of all days!

I was walking around Campus when I got a text from Kimberly.

Kimberly: can you come to my protest? No one is here and it'd mean a lot to me if u came.

Have nothing better to do, I agreed.

Leighton Murray: Sure be there in a sec

I drove over there but no one was outside, weird. Maybe it was an inside protest? I went inside and all the lights were off. What the fuck- "SUPRISE!!!!" Everyone yelled out.

I smiled brightly as Y/n came up and wrapped me in a tight hug, kissing me on the cheek. "Happy birthday my love!" I smiled fondly at her. "I thought you forgot!"

She looked at me slightly offended. "How could I forget my favorite persons birthday?!" She asked.

I smiled again, all my friends were there and the place was decorated in purple balloons and decorations. Everything was so beautiful.

We partied and ate and drank and everything in between. I was having the time of my life! Definitely a birthday for the record books.

When the party died down Y/n came up to me. "Did you have a good birthday?" She asked softly, as she kissed my neck gently.

"I had the best birthday, thank you." I replied, I could feel her smile against my neck. "Well I think I can make it even better."

Authors note!

Get robbed lol


Vote comment and share bc I need online validation 😞

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