Vitality (One Piece x Zoro x...

By CreativePixels000

233 10 8

"Excuse me?" "You heard what I said." The swordsman replied, in a cold tone. "Well, I dare you to fucking sa... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 Strange Occurences
Chapter 2 Beginnings

Chapter 3 The Unsettling

13 1 0
By CreativePixels000

My vision was blurry, but I could tell I wasn't on the The Going Merry anymore. I was on some other ship, the wood was dark, and the railings reached high making me feel trapped. Rain crashed down upon the deck, making it slick where you stepped. Then, looking up I saw a ginormous mast with a pirate flag.

The flag was a skull, with a red snake wrapping around the white bone. The snake was biting into the head of the skull, making a shiver go down my spine. The ship spoke volumes as it felt like some sort of prison, the dark black wood only added to its theme which coated the entirety of the ship.
The sound of footsteps then echoed behind me, and I wasn't alone anymore.

Turning around as fast as I could; sword unsheathed I was met with a tall cloaked man.
Thunder crashed down on the deck, lighting up the masked man's face. Revealing a tan face with black bandage surrounding his mouth, just leaving me to see a scar streaking across the man's cheek- showcasing his cold black eyes.

"Where do you think you're going?" The man said lowly, grabbing something out of his coat, making a slight clinking noise. I froze for some reason, I was so afraid, I couldn't respond. Or move.

I began to back away as he drew closer, even though my weapon was drawn. Why wasn't I fighting back? Why am I so scared?

"Don't come any closer!" I weakly threatened, holding up my black blade. I continued to back away towards the railing. Footsteps then thundered from the inside of the ship, supposedly the man's crew. Which I knew somehow, and I knew they were coming for me.

"Azyaela, listen to me and come here!" The man shouted, making me shrink further into the railing. His voice was horrifying, and the chains that now wrapped and covered his hands, made me feel numb, and hopeless.

"Don't do this." He warned, stalking closer.

I flinched again and continued to back away, sweeping across the railing as he followed. His dark eyes narrowed at what I was to do. He watched as my hand reached to the railing, but before I could jump off into the raging ocean below a brown whip wrapped around my side and I was thrown to the deck sent skidding across the slippery wood.

"Mal-! Dont!"

Sliding and rolling across the wood I finally slammed into the other side of the ship, leaving the air knocked out of me. I weakly looked over to the person who tossed me aside, and they were just as threatening as the man, but it was a woman.

"You know better than this, Red." The woman sneered, with long hanging braids, and dark tanned skin. She had piercing green eyes that could kill a man, almost as if she were a serpent.

I tried to get up from my position but a cough escaped my lips, but I continued to push it. Slowly getting up from my position I noticed him and his crew sidetracked from me, though I could feel that woman's glare lingering.

She seemed to know me, and I seemed to know her, but I felt betrayed. Sick to my stomach, at what she'd done, but why? Why do I feel this way?

Another cough escaped my lips and I stumbled forward falling on my knees to the floor, blood escaping my lips.

"Captain! An admiral and the Marines are on their way!" A pirate yelled to the black-clothed man.

"Dammit, starboard now! We'll reach cover in the rocky coves!" The man shouted towards his crew, he then began to storm straight towards me with a black hue.

"I don't have fucking time for this!" I heard him snap, reaching for me. I flinched and only could watch as the man approached me with thickening
air. My vision grew foggy once more, and soon a black fog coated my vision and I grew motionless. I felt terrified, of the dark, the man- I felt like I was suffocating. I couldn't breathe- I can't breathe why can't I breathe!?


With a light gasp and startle, I jolted from my sleep and grasped my throat leaning forward, resting on my knees. A cough escaped my lips, and tears now pricked at my eyes. My hands and body trembled as i
I tried to grab my bearings.

"The fuck was that," I whispered, rapidly blinking my eyes as I looked around the room. I found myself covered in blankets and placed on the couch, with new bandages.

I felt a twinge of pain in my side as I brought myself up with a shaky breath. It was dark in the room, meaning it must be late. And some time must've gone by since I blacked out, while Luffy and the boys were giving me a tour.

I closed my eyes and finally rested back against the couch's armrest, thinking over what had happened.

Was it even real? Or was it just some nightmare? But it all just felt to real to be not, it couldn't be fake. It just couldn't. I felt it, I felt that fear, that pain, that foggy feeling. My breath grew a heavy as the thoughts overwhelmed me and I brought a shaky hand to cover my mouth and to hold my breath, attempting to calm myself.

I was on a ship, a pirate ship. And, then that man. Who the hell was he? And what was that black stuff surrounding him as he grabbed me? Wait that other woman threw me into the ship too, she said I  'knew better,' but what the fuck did that mean?

A million more questions filled my mind until I remembered something, something crucial.

Marines. And an admiral.

A dammed admiral and marines were chasing us for some reason, meaning that's probably how I got stranded out in the ocean. Because a full on battle with an admiral blew out. No wonder shit went so wrong.

I then looked down at my clothes and lifted my shirt over my head and was faced with the same bandaged chest, torso, arms, everything. I looked like a fucking mummy. The bandage stopped at my upper chest thank god, but bruises and scars peeked out from the opening- already giving me an idea what laid beneath.

A frustrated sigh escaped my lips, and I painfully slipped the shirt back on.

I wasn't sure what to do now. I didn't want to go back to bed. And I didn't want to get up, I was still to tired. But, maybe I'd remember something else?

With a grumble I laid back down and stared up at the ceiling despite my inner protests.

I had to sleep, I have to rest in order to get better and remember. But, do I? Do I really want to remember that? Do I really want to remember why I'm so afraid of that man? What I was doing on that ship in the first place? Why a fucking admiral was after us?!

My thoughts started spiraling, and I couldn't breathe again.

"Stop, stop, dammit." muttered out, My trembling hand tightened around my mouth as I tried to stop myself from hyperventilating. I closed my eyes and brought my knees to my chest leaning back.


Breathe. Please.

I'm safe. I'm not there, I'm here.

Not that ship. Not that man, not there.


At the calming thoughts my hand eventually withered back down to my side, and my legs laid back out. I let out a shaky breath and opened my eyes to see the dark room.


With the Straw Hats. The people who saved me, and offered help. The people who lent me their hope, and assurance. I'm here. Here.

I let out another shaky breath and closed my eyes again, feeling exhaustion and assuring feeling wash over me.



"Luffy. Do. Not. Touch. Her." A man ground out quietly, a few curses escaping his lips as the boy drew closer to the girl poking her cheek.

"Luffy!" Sanji snapped, quietly making his way towards the boy as he was squatting down next to the sleeping woman.

"But I want Aylah to wake up!" Luffy whisper yelled, ducking as a sudden kick was sent his way.

"No! She needs rest- and it's Azyaela! Ahh-Zay-Luh!" Sanji whisper yelled right back, driving kicks at him to shoo him away.

Chopper then walked in.

"What are you guys doing!" The little dear cried out quietly, grabbing his head watching as the two fought around her.

Sanji paused and turned to the doctor, after he finally landed a quiet hit on the boy sending him tumbling aways from the couch.

"He wouldn't let her sleep!" Sanji snapped out quietly, immediately shooting the boy a glare.

"Well- She's been sleeping too long!" The boy whined, rubbing his head. He then sprung up as he heard Azyaela stir.

"Damn you!" The cook snapped, leaving the boy unfazed.

"Azyaela! You're up!" Luffy shouted happily, causing the red-haired woman to cover her ears.
"Not so loud.." Azyaela mumbled, cracking open her eyes to meet his.

Chopper then appeared at her side, looking up at her with a worried gaze. "How are you feeling?" He asked urgently, he then asked Sanji to get her some water- which he was already on.

Azyaela paused, and slowly brought her arms down from her ears to rub her eyes. She pulled her closed fists from her eyes and blinked, still adjusting.


Azyaela didn't respond, she pressed her lips in a thin line, averting her gaze from the doctor to the floor. Her eyes closed and she let out a sigh, "Im feeling fine." She said quietly.

Chopper's gaze softened at her and he nodded, "That's good. And, you've been asleep for a few days, just so you know." Chopper added quietly, Luffy then appeared by her side leaning atop the couch looking down at her with a smile.

"Whad'ya remember?" He piped.

Azyaela paused, and turned her head to meet his gaze. "What? How'd you-."

"Chopper told us!" He responded, reaching a hand to gently pat her head. In response she swatted his hand away causing another smile to be drawn across his lips.

Chopper let out a sigh and nodded, "Yes, it wasn't necessarily injury related when you fainted, but a sign of remembrance of your memories. I almost didn't believe it because it was too soon, but the signs were there." He explained.

Sanji then walked over to Azyaela and handed out a glass of water for her, "A cold glass of water for a beautiful lady," the cook added gently, smiling a bit as she grabbed it from his hands.

"Thank you," Azyaela responded, quickly bringing the glass to her dry lips.

"Of course, anytime Ayzaela~" Sanji fawned, already making his way back to the kitchen to begin making breakfast.

Luffy immediately changed the topic back to what she had remembered which Chopper immediately shut down.

"No. It's too soon and might cause stress to her condition, and it's really none of our business, she can tell us if she wants-." Chopper spoke out, only to be interrupted by Azyaela.

"It's fine, really." She interjected quickly, smiling softly at the doctor.

"I don't mind telling you all, it's the least I could do for you saving me. And, you all deserve to know what happened out there." She said quieter, her tone withering as she continued, though she kept her soft smile.

Chopper nodded, and returned the smile then looked to Luffy who had an even bigger smile.

"Sweet! So what happened?"

Azyaela paused and let out a sigh as she thought of the memory, she thought about how to explain it, and what parts to bring in or not. But, she established with herself that they should know the truth, no lies, and no information left out. And besides, maybe they'd know something about it.

"Uhh, I'd rather wait till everyone can listen in, I don't really want to repeat myself." She finally responded, crossing her arms over her chest as she leaned back against the couch. She let out a sigh at Luffy's impatient grumble but ignored it nonetheless.

Azyaela then closed her eyes thinking once again about the memory, almost feeling to overwhelmed to piece it all together. Maybe she could jot down, or maybe draw it all together.

"Is there maybe a notebook I could use?" She spoke out, looking to Chopper before he walked away.

"Of course! I bet Nami has some extra, I'll go ask." He said quickly, spinning on his feet to go ask the navigator. Azyaela paused at his quick to help attitude and smiled again.

"Thank you, Chopper."

"I- uh no problem!" He said embarrassedly, blushing as he quickly dashed out of the room, leaving Luffy laughing and Sanji to chuckle a bit at the deer's antics.

"Do you dislike anything, Azyaela?" The cook asked, whipping up something.

"Uh, not that I know of. I'm sure I'll eat anything you make though." She responded, freezing as the cook also froze. A blush crossed his cheeks and he went all gloopy on her twirling as he made his food.

"Ah, you are so sweet~ Like strawberries~!"

Azyaela rolled her eyes, and a light blush crossed her cheeks but she ignored his compliment, pushing off from the couch to stretch a bit. A struggled breath left her lips as her chest ached, she still felt sore from last night, whatever that was.

Having not been able to breathe like that sucked, and it hurt a lot. It felt almost impossible to breathe, when her chest tightened, and her head pounded, leaving the overall harshness to just catch her breath. She wasn't exactly sure how to fix that feeling, but she'd probably just ask Chopper later. If she wasn't too embarrassed to.

She then looked towards the few sole windows that were meticulously placed along the walls, catching a glimpse of her appearance.

She had little bags under her eyes, which were easily overlooked by her red hair. It was a little messy to say the least, leaving her curly hair to puff out wildly.

She let out a sigh and ran her fingers through her hair hoping to brush it, which surprisingly worked, but it wasn't the best job. She then just thought to ask Nami if she could let her borrow something. Which was probably the thousandth thing she's asked about.

She felt just like a burden to ask about it, but she wouldn't mind. Right?"

"Oh, you're awake." A gruff voice spoke out, snapping Azyaela out of her thoughts. Her gaze ventured from the window to meet a familiar cold one, and she let her eyes narrow. Though she didn't initiate anything, yet.

"Good morning to you too, Zoro." She replied, crossing her arms back over her stomach. She then watched as the swordsman's eyes also narrowed and walked over to the table letting out a grumble.

"Good morning." He said almost mockingly, leaning back against the wall with his arms crossed.

Azyaela chose not to respond, simply rolling her eyes as she walked up the window, enjoying the view.

"God, I could watch this for hours." She mumbled, her eyes softening as she saw the blue waves crash against the ship. She was once again lost in her thoughts watching the waves, not noticing the gaze of a certain swordsman watching her.

"It's quite beautiful, isn't it? So simple, yet so captivating." Robin suddenly spoke up behind her, causing the woman to yelp and jolt.

Azyaela immediately flipped around to meet the sudden archeologist's appearance with a shaky breath.

"Don't, don't do that." She mumbled quickly, placing a hand over her heart.

A chuckle escaped Robin's lips and she smiled at the woman, "Sorry Azyaela, I didn't mean to startle you." She added softly.

"It's, it's, fine, but yeah. It is." She responded, averting her gaze from the woman's back to the water. But her admirance was cut short.

"Here's that notebook you wanted Azyaela, and I'm glad you're up," Nami spoke up, lightly tapping the book against her shoulder almost sisterly. A soft smile crossed her lips and Azyaela turned back around to gently take it from her, as if it was almost a treasure.

"Thank you, Nami," she said quickly almost shooting to hug her with gratitude. "Thank you a lot, this means...everything," she said quietly, looking down at the black-leathered book.

It looked expensive, and very well taken care of, given the gold accents that littered the tan paper.

"Yeah- sure. It's just a journal," she said fondly, smiling a bit as it seemed the journal meant a lot more to the girl than she thought. But an evil look then crossed her face and Robin sighed, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"But it'll cost ya-."

"What Nami means to say is she's glad you like it and it's free."


Azyaela's gaze shifted from the book to Nami and Robin, "Really? I could pay you. No, I mean- I don't have money but I'm sure I can make up for it some other way." She quickly suggested, not understanding the naviatgor's greedy obsession with Beli.

"I wouldn't worry-." Robin went to say something but Nami now cut her off.

"Fine. The journal's free, but you do owe me." She said stubbornly crossing her arms, as she leaned to her hip.

Robin let out another sigh thinking, that this was the best Azyaela was going to get.

"Deal," Azyaela said quickly extending her hand to make the promise. Nami smiled almost slyly and she returned the gesture sealing her fate.

Usopp then walked in and paused seeing the two exchange hands and a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead, "Sealing a deal with the devil, your screwed." he mumbled walking up to Chopper and Luffy who sat at the table building mini forts out of forks and spoons.

"Hey stop ruining my silverware!" Sanji snapped, grabbing the utensils from the boys which caused an eruption of grumbles.

The girls then turned their attention to the commotion and laughed a bit. Azyaela then walked over and plopped down into a seat next to Luffy and Chopper across from Zoro, once again sealing her fate.

She opened the plain journal, and skimmed across the variety of pages, measly excited by paper.
"Anything I can use to write with?" She spoke out to Nami, who had already grabbed one for her.

"Ah, thank you." She said quickly leaning to grab it.

Azyaela then quickly plopped back down in her seat and began writing things, seeming to scribble and draw in the journal.

The others exchanged curious glances, and Luffy quickly peeked over her shoulder.

"Woah! I didn't know you could draw!" He shouted, causing the other's attention to be drawn back to the girl. Azyaela didn't react, still looking down at the journal sketching.

"I didn't really know either." She mumbled, continuing to sketch. Chopper then peeked over her arm to catch a glimpse and his eyes lit up, "Woah! Luffy's right, how'd you do that so fast?!"

Azyaela's cheeks eventually became a light pink at the compliments, and she awkwardly brought a hand up to rub her neck.

"Uh, it's not really that good, and it's just a quick sketch." She mumbled quietly, Nami then peeked over and smiled, "Just a sketch? Girl, your an artist." She added.

The others then began to steal glances at her journal and agreed. But Robin didn't seem to pleased she seemed skeptical, as she looked over her drawing. It consisted of a ship, with darkly shaded wood, in a storm. But what really caught her eye was the familiar Jolly Roger with a skull and snake.

Her gaze then followed across the page, seeing little bulleted notes across the paper, until her eyes skimmed over the words 'Admiral' and 'pirates' making her pause.

But, before she could say anything a line that caused chaos in the crew was said.

"Breakfast is ready!"


Holy moly, spring break for me is finally here 😭

I will be updating chapters more often which should ATLEAST be once or twice a week. Thank you for reading, and do vote on my chapters! It gives me an idea on who's actually reading my book lol.

This is also a slow burn book if you haven't noticed- but I will be having some tense moments with Azyaela and Zoro, they are always so fun to write!

Reading over everything again and again is EXHAUSTING. But it's so accomplishing finishing something like this, which is why I continue making chapters!

(Word Count: 3473)

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