A Wallflower's Bloom

By enaganda

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"Are you mad? I would never dream of courting Penelope Featherington." Brokenhearted from the words she heard... More

Chapter 1: London 1815
Chapter 2: Bridgerton House
Chapter 3: Cowper's Ball
Chapter 4: Twenty-four Letters
Chapter 5: Danbury Ball
Chapter 6: The Dances
Chapter 7: The Confrontation
Chapter 8: Calling Hours
Chapter 9: Unexpected Tutor
Chapter 11: Lesson One
Chapter 12: Realization
Chapter 13: Bridgerton Ball
Chapter 14: Lesson Learned
Chapter 15: An Invitation and A Letter
Chapter 16: Tea Party
Chapter 17: Confession
Chapter 18: The Queen's Ball
Chapter 19: Public Confession
Chapter 20: The Aftermath
Chapter 21: Royal Retreat
Chapter 22: A Brawl
Chapter 23: Repercussions
Chapter 24: A Vulnerable Gentleman
Chapter 25: The Long-Awaited Response
Chapter 26: Secret Revealed
Chapter 27: Welcome Back
Chapter 28: Bonding with the Mother-in-law
Chapter 29: The First Kiss
Chapter 30: The Honeymoon
Author's Note

Chapter 10: A Suitor's Gift

2.7K 75 15
By enaganda

A Suitor's Gift

As soon as she enters her bedchambers, Penelope Featherington felt both of her knees gave in. She had to lean back on a dresser to make sure she does not fall.

Penelope closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she re-composes herself and gathers the strength needed to make her way to her bed. She lies down on her side, grabbing a pillow to curl up. The ginger-haired lady felt she is to have a headache as she could feel her pulse throbs at her temples. Her body could not take all that has happened today. It seems like her insides are no longer accustomed to the London air as she felt her breathing become restricted ever since their return in town from the country.

Penelope thought of Cornwall. She instantly remembered her Aunt Virginia. The young Featherington wondered how her benefactor fares right now. Aunt Virginia taught her how to be more confident, strong and how to love herself more. The old widow was instrumental on giving her the courage, the strength and the means to return back to London with pride.

Now that her family was able to settle all their debts, the Featheringtons no longer have to worry about rumors surrounding their family. Penelope tried to look back at all the memories from recent happenings.

Hearing newfound compliments from the ton towards her and having been able to dance so many songs with potential suitors, was a feat Penelope can only dream of. But what was totally unexpected was the Queen's announcement of her being a jewel of the season. Her, Penelope Featherington, an insipid wallflower; becoming the emerald of the ton. Penelope turns as she lets her back lie flat on her bed.

How could she, of all people, become the season's jewel? Her Majesty had not named anyone for the coveted diamond of the first water title, making the young Featherington upped her place on the list of most promising marriage-partners to be, as she holds the Queen's favor.

"Is that why Lord Debling took some interest in me?" Penelope questions herself as her stare goes to the ceiling of her room. She knew that the Queen's favor was to thank for having some of the suitors take notice on her. But Penelope Featherington was not sure if it was the same for the Earl of Beverley.

Seeing him up close and having conversed with the man, she felt he is quite different among the men of the ton. His personality and interests were far opposite from the Bridgerton brothers she had known for years. Penelope finds Thomas Debling a mystery she would like to unfold.

And then there was Colin. Her childhood love, Colin Bridgerton. Penelope Featherington promised herself that she will no longer hold on to her feelings for the Bridgerton boy. She had already accepted the fact that she is no more than just a friend and a sister to Eloise's brother. But even as a friend, she could no longer treat him as such. After what the man said in front of Lord Fife and his friends, Colin had lost her trust.

Penelope tries to avoid seeing Colin as much as she could. With her falling out with her best friend Eloise, that gave the ginger head a breather and limited the chances of her seeing the man who broke her heart. But she never expected the man would come to look for her after refraining to have any communication with him these last six months.

Her heart aches whenever she hears the mention of the name Colin, more so when she sees his face. Penelope could not erase from her mind the Bridgerton boy's speech at her mama's ball last year. And so, she plans to continue to take her distance away from the Bridgertons, hoping that his lack of presence will help her resolve. But how can she even imagine to do that now?

Colin keeps on acting friends with her, despite her expressing her disappointment in him. He even had the gall to show up on their estate bringing flowers as if the act could return back time and retract his words to Fife. Penelope Featherington could not help but regret accepting Colin's offer of lessons in courtship.

She exhales deeply and closes her eyes to force her sleep. The young miss badly needs to rest and recover her energy to prepare tomorrow.

At the Bridgertons

Colin merrily entered their house and asked the servants where his mother was. He knocked and opened the doors at his mother's drawing room and saw her sitting at one of the sofas enjoying her cup of tea.

"Hmm. Colin. What brings you here, my son?" Violet Bridgerton smiles wickedly at her third born almost teasing. She knew or rather, she already had an idea what Colin might have to say. After all, she saw his return from the Featheringtons as she watched from outside of their window.

"I have news to share mother." Colin occupies the chair beside where his dear mother is seated. One of the maids entered the room to bring him his own cup and poured him a tea.

"Oh, pray tell." Violet takes a sip from her own cup as she tries to hide the smile forming on her lips.

"I just returned from the Featheringtons, as you have advised for me to apologize to Pen."

"Uh-huh." Violet's reaction was just minimal as to let her son continue his news.

"I'm beginning to think that I can finally make amends with Penelope. Lady Featherington had accepted my proposition to tutor our dear Pen on the lessons of courtship."

"Uff." Violet Bridgerton almost choked from her drink as she heard Colin's statement.

"You? Lessons on courtship? Is that really what you offered to Penelope and Lady Featherington?" There was a hint of disbelief on the former viscountess' voice. Is her son truly oblivious?

"Yes, mother. Just as what Benedict pointed out, the Featheringtons lack a man-figure to help them with the suitors. And so, as Penelope's friend, I am the best candidate to help her learn how to capture a man's hand for marriage."

Violet could only blankly stare at her son's face. He is a lost cause, she thought.

"Mother, are you well?" Colin asks Lady Bridgerton as he saw the lack of response. He grabs a bite of sandwich as he continues to wait for his mother's words.

"Yes, my dear. So, does that mean we can have Miss Featherington over back again here at our home? I am beginning to miss her presence." Violet could not help but admit that her afternoon has become quite different since Penelope's absence. For the last few years, the young Featherington spends time with their whole family over a tea party which made the hour more enjoyable.

"I am sorry to disappoint mother. Lady Featherington strictly wanted to have our lessons on their estate. It will be not possible to have her here." Colin noticed a hint of sadness formed on his mother's eyes. "But if she were to be invited just for tea, maybe."

Colin's assuage did not truly work as there was still an obvious disappointment on his mother's face.

"Sigh. That would be more unlikely."

"And why is that, mother?"

"For reasons I do not know, Pen and Eloise have stopped talking with each other. Pen comes to visit our house because of El. But now that they are not in speaking terms, how can I expect Miss Featherington to accept my invitation? It just feels so bored now that I cannot enjoy tea with the both of them."

Colin felt guilty upon hearing about Eloise and Penelope's falling out. He thought it was his fault as he imagined his last year's mistake being the reason for the two girls' withdrawal from each other.

"I promise you mother, I will sincerely ask Pen for her forgiveness, so she can come visit you again."

"Do well. I miss her badly. Now, I can only see her at the balls but she no longer finds me." Violet reminisces Penelope's visage at the Danbury ball. The young lady was truly beautiful. She might be a stone heavier compared to the other ladies her age, but her charm and looks outshine others especially with the color tone she chose for her dress that night. Violet wanted to hug dear Penelope tightly at that time to congratulate her for becoming an emerald, but she could not do so. She knew that the young Featherington had been avoiding them in all ways she can. She and Pen had accidentally crossed their eyes at the banquet last time, but before Violet can smile at her, Penelope turned away to avert her gaze. Lady Violet Bridgerton had been treating Penelope as her very own daughter and it just breaks her heart seeing Pen's relationship with her children fall apart.

"I will. I will not let this season end without someone asking Pen for her hand in marriage." Colin boastfully says. Violet returns a blank stare at him.

The next morning

There were still a handful of men that came to visit the Featheringtons' estate. Some were sons of landed gentry, member of a merchant family, and younger sons of nobility. Each of them trying their chance for a match with Penelope Featherington, thinking that they have a shot in winning the lady's hand, as they see their competition on equal from their statuses; not knowing that a certain earl has already been getting ahead of the race.

"Is your earl not coming today?" Prudence Featherington asks her younger sister as the flock of callers had left their estate more than half an hour ago. The eldest miss was tasked by her mama to check up on Penelope as the latter brought herself to her bedchambers after the morning visit of her suitors.

Penelope takes her eyes off away from the book she's holding as her sister occupies the space on her doorway.

"I.. I am not too sure sister.." Penelope's voice felt so small as she could not hide the disappointment on her words. Just like her mama, she had been expecting the arrival of Lord Debling since the early morn as the gentleman had come to say yesterday.

Prudence, not wanting to be the cause of her younger sister's gloom, tried to avert the conversation. The eldest miss knew better to avoid their mother's chastise if the baroness were to learn that she is to put negative thoughts on her sister's mind.

"Hmm. Well, the day has not yet come to a close, Penelope. He might just be coming at a later time." With that, Prudence Featherington left her sister and closed the door to Penelope's bedchambers.

Having her room alone to her once more, Penelope lets out a deep sigh. She closes the book she was reading before Prudence came up to her. Her sister's words could not help bother her mind. Did Thomas Debling change his mind and lost interest in her? She tries to relive the words the Earl of Beverley said to her.

"I like you, Miss Featherington." It was the first time Penelope Featherington heard such affectionate words towards her, from a man no less. She had heard nice words and compliments from Madame Delacroix, Mrs. Bridgerton, and the Queen herself. But having a gentleman speak such words directly to her is encouraging. The ginger head could not help think if it is alright to feel a bit of romantic excitement towards this lord. But then, she felt a tinge of sadness once more, when she thought of the difference between their standing.

Lord Debling is an Earl by his own right. He is wealthy, has good looks, a gentleman with good birth, kind and articulate. A very eligible bachelor indeed. Whilst she, a mere third daughter from a lordless house, plump and short compared to what the standards of a lady in society is, and an unlikeable lady to court. A fact that has been reiterated to the ton by Colin Bridgerton, her childhood friend and one of the most charming men in London. Penelope realized that having Lord Thomas Debling as a husband is a far too stretched dream she can only hope for. As he is way too far above her level. But still, thinking about herself and Debling as a couple, makes her feel to have butterflies in her stomach.

Just before her mood can go any lower, Penelope Featherington heard noises from outside her bedchambers. Almost a squeal, Miss Featherington have guessed it should be her mama from downstairs. A minute later, their housekeeper, Mrs. Varley came knocking on her door.

"Lord Thomas Debling is downstairs to see you, miss. Your mama is entertaining him at the drawing room as we speak."

Penelope's eyes widen in surprise as she heard who the visitor was. No wonder her mama's high pitched voiced echoed through the halls. As the youngest Featherington was at loss on words, Mrs. Varley, inquired if she will to see the earl downstairs.

"Shall I make an excuse, if you are feeling unwell Miss Penelope?"

The ginger head rattled as she stands up from her sitting. She can make and pretend for a lame excuse not to see a suitor whom she is not comfortable and interested in, but not to Lord Thomas Debling. If anything, he is the man she had been truly waiting out for during house calls.

"There will be no need, Mrs. Varley. Can you tell my mama and Lord Debling that I'll be down in ten minutes. Just tell them I am just finishing a book I am reading." Penelope took a gulp on her throat. Will she be able to prepare herself in ten minutes? She wants to show herself at her most presentable but does not want to make the man wait for that long either.

As if getting a queue from her words, Mrs. Varley then motioned for the young miss' maid Lily to help prepare the lady. Since Penelope is still dressed fitting for receiving guests, her maid just helped her combed her hair and redo the pink tint on her lips.

"Forgive my daughter, Lord Debling. Sometimes I wonder where she picked up this reading as a hobby of hers. But I assure you, my Penelope is well-versed in ladylike pursuits." Portia Featherington tries to make good of her daughter's impression to the Earl of Beverley. She had long reminded Penelope to stop reading books at once as it shall only confuse her thoughts. But there was no stopping Penelope Featherington from immersing herself on a book, she was a very inquisitive lady thirsty for knowledge after all.

Debling just smiled as the dowager baroness explains the peculiar interest her daughter has. But little does Lady Featherington know, it actually made the earl more comfortable with what he has brought to offer today.

And just as they were conversing, the youngest Featherington finally arrived to welcome her golden-haired suitor.

"Mama, Lord Debling." Penelope curtsied to greet the Earl of Beverley.

Debling were wonderstruck upon seeing the youngest ginger of the Featherington family. Penelope was wearing a sage green dress adorned by silver butterfly stitches on the fabric; the Featherington family's crest. Waves of her ginger hair were flowing freely with only two silver butterfly pins clipping her head just on top of both of ears. He was not too keen on liking butterflies before but his preference has now changed upon seeing how terribly beautiful Penelope Featherington is with such adornments.

Even with lack of words from his mouth, the Earl of Beverly was able to nod back at the young lady on reflex as a proof of him being a true gentleman.

Seeing that her daughter has finally arrived to accept their visitor, Portia then excused herself from the drawing room as she had to go visit the town for an appointment with the modiste. She made sure to have Penelope's maid Lily, be present to chaperone the two.

"My lord, are you well?" Penelope asks the man with concern. Her mama had already left them at the care of her maid but she still has not heard any word from Lord Debling.

As he saw the worried look on her face, Thomas Debling came to address her attention as if waking up from a dream.

"Ah.. Forgive me, Miss Featherington. I was just at loss at the presence of your beauty." Penelope's cheeks reddened as she hears the compliment from the earl. She then leads the both of them at the sofa, where a platter of biscuits and sandwiches await them with their cups of tea.

Lord Debling then handed off the bouquet of fresh white Gardenia to the Featherington miss. As Penelope reaches to accept it, their fingers accidentally touched. Penelope could not help but smile upon seeing the blush on Thomas' face. After all, Penelope's hands were ungloved as she is dressing comfortably at home.

"I thank you for the flowers, my lord. They're beautiful."

"I am glad to hear it does suit to your liking, Miss Featherington. I must give a tip to the florist next time I visit as they do not disappoint."

"They would surely be ecstatic if you are to, my lord. But you not need to give me flowers every time you visit Lord Debling. I worry that going to town just to buy these blossoms take too much of your time." Penelope carefully chooses her words that might prompt the lord to tell on her why for the second time, it was a late house call. The young Featherington is delighted to have the earl as a suitor but could not help but wonder what makes the man occupied during the normal calling hours.

"Nonsense. A lady like you are, deserves to have all the beautiful flowers in the world." Debling quickly says on his defense. "As for my time, well." There was a bit of hesitance on his tone as he became honest on his reason.

"Forgive me my lady. I do not want you to have the thought that you are not my priority on these mornings. But rather, I would like to humor myself by becoming yours instead."

Penelope's eyes showed bewilderment on her face. Ah, those lovely crystal blue eyes. Debling could no more than be pulled close by her gazes. Coughing by himself, he tried to stare away by an inch just to maintain propriety.

"What can you mean, my lord?" Penelope could not fully reference what the man meant. The words "becoming yours" are too vague for her understanding.

"What I mean to say, Miss Featherington, is that I've been intending to come visit you late for my own selfish reasons."

"Selfish reasons? Care to share them with me, Lord Debling?"

The Earl of Beverley took a gulp and tightens his hand's hold on his knee. He had just confessed to the young lady how he likes her the day before, but now he seems to have to confess another truth.

"The truth is, I am well aware that I have too many of competition for your hand and interest. And so, I've been purposely timing my visit when all of them are gone, so I can have your attention all alone. Well not really alone as we are with a chaperone." He chuckled at his own statement. "And that my lady, is me being selfish and should apologize for." Thomas Debling softly smiles at Penelope. His ocean blue eyes stares at Penelope with fervor and the ginger head young lady can only blush in return.

"I.. I do not think it is something sinful that you have to apologize for Lord Debling." Penelope looks away and grabs a piece of biscuit to avert her gaze back at the earl. She could not explain in words but seeing their eyes meet makes her want to close their gap from each other.

"Your words are very kind, my lady." Penelope's heart rate goes faster whenever she hears Thomas address her as "my lady". It is not truly the fitting term for her as she is not titled, and only a third daughter of the honorable lady of the Featherington house. But since he is a lord and he calls her as such, it gives her an impression that Debling is addressing her as his counterpart.

The two continued to converse on different things with Penelope sharing stories on how their family vacation went on their trip to Cornwall. As curious as she is, Penelope Featherington then inquired about how Thomas had spent his vacations away from the social events with the ton. She was very curious about the man as there were not much gossips and rumors circulating about him as he just re-entered the society. She remembered a story that Debling just shared about himself. That he was born and grew up in Northumberland, a ceremonial county in North East of England. It made Penelope wonder why as the territory of the Earl of Beverley lies in the county of York. And so, she had just so many questions about that country side, which made her suitor bring out something from the inside of his waistcoat.

"Lest I forgot, I have been meaning to hand this to you Miss Featherington." Lord Debling extends his right hand with a book tied up by a blue silk ribbon.

Penelope graciously accepts the gift. She looks at it with excited eyes as her hands feel the emboss designs on its hard cover.

"It is a book about Northumberland. I figured this may be good to read as the place comes in between England and Scotland. I know Scotland is one of the places you've been wanting to see. I have also been made aware that you love your books, as what your mama said this morning. I hope this comes to your liking."

Penelope just gave the earl the sweetest smile he had seen so far. Seeing the young lady's expression, Thomas Debling knew that he had brought the right gift to put his place on Penelope's heart at an advantage.

"I surely do, Lord Debling. I could not wait to learn all there is to this book." Penelope's eyes were sparkling as she looks at the man with gratitude. She had long been curious and wanted to travel to different places, but were limited to just the family trips from their estate to their relatives' abode. She can only feel the sensation of having adventures from Colin's letters but that has already been stopped as she no longer entertains their correspondence. And so, her chance of getting to learn about new places have just been lowered to that from reading a book.

"Then, may I request a favor from you, my lady?"

"A favor? If it's within my capabilities, I do not see why not."

"Once you have completed the contents of this book, will you lend me one of yours, that I can also read?"

Though it was an unusual request, Penelope was not surprised by Lord Debling's entreat. She has figured the man had also the same interest in books as he speaks eloquently, and has a wide variety of knowledge unknown to many men among the ton.

"I can get you one now from our library, if that would suffice Lord Debling."

The Earl of Beverley politely declined Penelope Featherington's offer. He explained it would be more pleasurable if she finishes his book first. With that, Penelope could no longer argue as they continue to spend an enjoyable conversation together.

Under the watchful eye of a chaperone, of course. 

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