Beneath the Cherry Blossoms (...

By xFallen8

3.8K 163 9

In this story, we'll be following the blunt introverted Saku Ikehara. She is starting her first year of high... More

~Ch. 2~
~Ch. 3~
~Ch. 4~
~Ch. 5~
~Ch. 6~
~Ch. 7~
~Ch. 8~ The Sacrifices Weren't Worth It
~Ch. 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~

~Ch. 1~ A Really... Unique School

435 14 0
By xFallen8

A Really... Unique School

Isn't this just perfect? I just love my nonexistent sense of direction, although it could be worst. Hopefully I don't get too lost. The school looks a lot bigger than I remember. At least I don't have to walk to different classrooms for every single one of my classes like those schools in America. Well, that's what I heard from Ryo. I still need to find out where Class 1-A is... Asking someone will never be an option. I just can't go up to someone I don't know and talk to them. Ugh, my mind is wandering again. This will be a while.

As I wander through the one of the many hallways in the one of the many buildings, I heard some of the strange conversations these rich people have when they strolled by me.

"Have you guys seen Hamako-chan today?"

"I saw her standing by the fountain a couple minutes ago, but I heard that she was going to confess to Tamaki-senpai later today."

"Really? I thought she liked one of the twins, although I get why she'd like Tamaki-kun. He's so handsome." She said dreamily with hearts in her eyes.

"She could never tell the difference between Hikaru and Kaoru anyway."

I guess they have a pair of twins in this school. That's nothing new. I'd always see at least one pair in every school that I've ever been to.

"Look, there's another commoner in the school..."

People are talking about me already. At least it's about something else. Wait, another commoner? There is someone else like me here? Actually, did a random guy really call me a commoner too? Does that arrogant nub really have the audacity to say that?

"She looks pretty cute though." Oh, no. Not in this school too.

"You do know that the commoner is boy like the other one, right?" Now, that'd definitely new. Is it my hair? It may be a pixie cut, but that isn't really masculine at all.

"Are you sure? I mean, look at her. She has a girlish face."

"It's he not she. Come on, it's not that hard to tell that he's a guy even if he's pretty short and has a feminine face. You know some guys have a feminine looking face like Katsumi-kun."

You guys are really bad at whispering. It's not that hard to tell I'm a girl, but I guess I should complain much. Sweatdropping, I mindlessly walk by and noticed a couple of girls that are talking about me and the mysterious other "commoner".

"There's another commoner going to this school?" A girl walking by me, loudly whispered to what I would think to be her friend.

"Are you sure he's a commoner? I saw him get out of a limousine,"

"He would be able to afford a uniform if he wasn't, at least he doesn't have the other commoner's hair. It looks horribly cut."

"It could be worst... Now that I see him better it seems this commoner is actually pretty cute."

"I'm not cute," I pouted.

Come on, is everyone blind? I'm not cute or a guy. If they think I'm cute, that Tamaki guy and those twins the other girls were talking about must be hideous!

"Oh, he heard us!"

"Aw! He's pouting too!"

"Eh! They heard me," I said embarrassed. I guess they aren't going to hide the fact that they thought I was cute.

"Awwww! He's blushing now!" The two girls squealed. These people are weird.

"God damn these rich people" I muttered, sweat dropping.

At least they didn't hear that. Wait a moment. I was blushing? So troublesome.

"Hi guys!" A brunette girl greeted, walking to the two girls that were currently fangirling over me.

"Hey there! Are you new?" The brunette asked, smiling at me.

"Huh? Oh! U-um, yes I am," I stammered, surprised she was talking to me.

"Awww so cute!" The two girls squealed once more, attracting more attention. Can you not? I slightly shrink when I noticed people were starting to stare.

"Oh, so um..."

"Ikehara, Saku Ikehara," I said, suspecting she wanted to know my name.

"Oh! I'm Momoka Kurakano so Ikehara-san if you need to know anything, ask me." Momoka beamed.

"Ok, thanks Momoka-san!" I replied, giving her a closed eyed smile. I don't really want to do this, but I guess this my only chance to find my class quickly. I was about to ask Momoka something, but was interrupted by the sounds of even more squeals.

"What the heck is wrong with this school," I thought, sweatdropping..

"So, Momoka-san I can't find my classroom. It's class 1-A,"

"Ah ok. Class 1-A. Class 1-A. Oh! That's the class I go to! Want to walk over there now?" Momoka offered.

"Yeah," I said, nodding my head and smiled.

As more squeals are heard, we started walking through the halls toward class 1-A. Let's just hope everyone isn't like this.


Thank god we're finally in the classroom, although there's still a few of the fangirls in this class I'll probably survive. Maybe I should find a seat by Momoka since she isn't a complete stranger. Looking around the class, I tried finding somewhere I could sit. Looking around with hopeful eyes, I notice Momoka but the seats surrounding her are taken by people that I suspect are her friends. That makes sense from what I've seen, she's quite friendly.

The next thing I saw was a pair of twins with light auburn hair. Considering that they aren't really paying that much attention to other people besides each other, I suspect that wouldn't talk to me which is perfect, although they probably don't want anyone to going to bother them. That's a maybe.

I wonder if they were the twins, those girls were talking about. What were the twins' names? Hideki and Katsu? No. Kaori and Hiraku. No wait! It's Hikaru and Kaoru. I guess I have to see when a teacher calls out attendance. That was then that I saw one of the twins giving me a side glance. Oh, I was staring at them wasn't I. To be honest, they aren't bad on the eyes but still. Now I probably seem extremely weird. Perfect.

At my realization, I blushed from embarrassment. The other twin slightly pops his head beside the twin that was looking unamused. The twin with his bang parted to his left had a questioning look unlike the one that looks annoyed.

Please have mercy on this soul. People are staring at me now. How about I just sit down now? Yeah, that'd be a good idea. The twins aren't an option anymore.

Doing a once-over, I found him, my savior. I found the other commoner! Oh my god. The rich people are getting to me. I quickly walked toward the my possible savior. As I awkwardly pass by the twins, the twin with his hair parted on his right muttered sneering, "You do know it's rude to stare," as he raised an eyebrow.

Woah. Hold on there. This guy seems interesting, even though I'm sure he didn't mean for me to hear. At least I know one person I'll have a different attitude with now. I continued walking but now with a slight smirk on my face. I'm going to enjoy this school besides the fact that I have fangirls.

"U-um, do you mind if I sit here?" I quietly asked the other "commoner".

"No, I don't mind." He said.

"Oh my god. You truly are my savior." I yelled in my head hopefully.

"So are you a special scholarship student?" The other "commoner" asked.

"Ah. Actually, I'm not. They said that the score I got on my entrance exam was good enough to get the scholarship, but they accepted someone else..." I deadpanned.

"Oh." He muttered.

"I'm going to take a wild guess and say you're the student they accepted?" I continued raising an eyebrow.

"I guess I am," He confirmed, laughing nervously.

"How did you get in if you didn't get the scholarship for Ouran?"

"Well, I happened to know some generous people and I wasn't going to give up Ouran. I've been planning to go here for a while now and here I am." I cheered, smiling brightly.

"Wait I'm sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Ikehara Saku." I continued.

"Oh. Ikehara Saku? I was wondering why you look fami-"

"Good morning class! Let's start off the day quickly with an introduction and attendance. I'll be your homeroom teacher for your first year of high school. You may call me Yoshida-sensai. If needed, please ask questions after I finish attendance. Now, Akagi Megumi?" Yoshida interrupted.


I fiddle with my fingers as more names are called.

"Fujioka Haruhi!" Yoshida called.

"Present," The person next to me said.

What? Isn't Haruhi a female name? It sounds familiar though. My eyes quickly widen.



"We've met each other in middle school haven't we?" I asked, deadpanning.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure we have."

"What happened?" I questioned, sweat dropping at my idiocy. I mean, how could I not recognize her voice? How did I not recognize her face? I thought she was a guy too and didn't noticed that she didn't have a Adams apple too. You're on a roll today, Saku.

"My hair? Someone got gum in it and had to cut it then I lost my contacts so I had to use my glasses." Haruhi replied solving the mystery of the badly cut hair.

"What about you?" She asked.

"I just wanted to start off on a new leaf, so I decided to get my hair cut short when I moved away. It's grown a little though." I related.

"Hitachiin Hikaru," Yoshida said.


"Hitachiin Kaoru,"


I glanced at the twins. So actually they were the twins, those girls were talking about. At least I know they aren't extremely hideous, although I noticed something else about Hikaru and Kaoru. It seems that Kaoru has a higher voice than Hikaru. If only I paid attention to them when they were talking, but I know that Kaoru wasn't the one that gave me that look. Well, it's not like I'll become friends with them, so I guess it doesn't matter. It was then that one of the twins turned towards me. Considering his hair was parted on his left, I'd say it was Kaoru. I'm sure it is. My eyes slightly widen as I turn back to Haruhi and went back to quietly catching up with her.


"Ugh. I'm so stiff right now!"I groaned as I stretch.

"Are you planning on doing anything Saku-chan?" Haruhi asked.

"I was planning on checking out the clubs tomorrow so nope. Art and Karate sounded inviting though," I beamed.

"How about you Haruhi-chan? Did you think about anything to do?" I continued.

"I never thought about joining clubs yet so I was gonna find a place to study." Haruhi said.

"Oh ok. Let's go to the library then. I heard that there's four. Hopefully, we can find one that isn't too crowded." I suggested.

"Aw, I forgot! I was supposed to go home early today to help out with something. Sorry Haruhi-chan," I remembered.

"It's fine. Let's check out the clubs tomorrow. I'll see you,"

"Ok. I'll see you tomorrow!" I said

I started walking down the hallway trying to remember the way out. I'll probably be able to get out with no trouble. This school is really big though.

"Ah, wasn't I supposed to go down that hall? No... Ugh. Well, isn't this just perfect?" I muttered to myself, sweat dropping.

"You seem lost. Do you need help with anything?"

"E-eeh!" I said startled, looking for where the voice came from.

Turning around I see a tall raven-haired boy with glasses. Oh my god. This guy practically gave me a heart attack! Where the heck did he come from? Actually now that I look at him. He looks slightly familiar. Have I seen him somewhere? Meh. I've probably seen him at a one of the many "parties" Ryo's parents have held.

From the looks of him, he's most likely a 2nd or 3rd year. Maybe I'm wrong but he looks tall to me besides the fact that I'm short. Yes, I admit it. I am extremely short! Although Haruhi is actually an inch or two shorter than me. There I go getting off topic. I should ask him how I get out of this huge maze of a school.

"Uh, yes. Do you happen to know how exactly do I get out?" I asked, embarrassed from a stupid question.

"Just go straight until you see another hallway. You should then turn right and continue down that hall. You'll see a staircase on the way. Go down there and you'd see the front door of this building. I'm sure you'll know the rest of the way, correct?" He responded, smiling.

There's something about that smile. It didn't reach his eyes. It was fake in every way. Why exactly was this random guy helping me out? I'm sure he wouldn't want anything from me. I mean I'm a "commoner" and all.

"Thank you very much,"

"Oh and if I may, I recommend that you visit Music Room 3,"

That was probably what he wanted from me. I guess I could check it out tomorrow with Haruhi if she's fine with coming.

"Hmm? Ok. I'll see if I can come tomorrow," I said, flashing him a fake smile.

I managed to follow the directions I was told and got out of the school. However, I saw Haruhi on the way home.

"Haruhi-chan?" I asked confused.

"Saku-chan? Wouldn't you be at home by now?"

"I kind of got lost," I said laughing nervously and rubbing the back of my neck.

"Ah ok."

"What are you doing out here anyway? Weren't you going to study?"

"I got into something and had to get coffee,"She responded, sweat dropping.

"Oh. Well, tomorrow do you want to check Music Room 3 out? Someone told me to go over there,"

She seems to slump over a little bit and replies, "I guess so... Why not,"

"I guess I should get going. I used up a lot of time wandering the halls, trying to get out. I'll see you tomorrow Haruhi-chan,"

"See you,"


"Obachan? Sorry I'm late. I got a little lost along the way." I yelled, opening the apartment door.

"Saku! I was wondering where you were. I should've expected that you got lost again," my grandma chuckled.

"Oh, Ryo's parents called today. They said that they wanted you to visit the mansion sometime. It has been a while since you've visited them." She continued.

"I'll probably go to the mansion sometime next week. Do you still need help with anything Obachan?"

"No, no Saku. One of the neighbors helped me out a little bit when you were at school. Tell me how was Ouran? Was there any cute guys you're interested in going there?"

"What? Obachan why do you keep doing this to me? Of course not!" I pouted, blushing from embarrassment.

"Whatever you say Saku. Now, do you want to help me cook dinner?"

~~~~~~~~~~Author's note~~~~~~~~~~
Hi guys. It's xFallen8 again! I'm so surprised that this many people have read the prologue after only a few days. Thank you for the two votes! I really appreciate it. I'm planning on publishing chapters once every week. If I'm late, don't fret I've been going through a little bit of things right now. I'll most likely be working on the story besides that stuff and if you haven't noticed the ~~~ represent time skips. Usually the time skips I have in the chapter itself will be fairly short. If you have any recommendations or criticism for the story, please tell whether it is in the comments or on my profile! I'll try replying to any of them or at least read them. I also made an extremely small change with Saku. All I did was change Saku's last name from Kurosawa to Ikehara. Also please let me know if you see "twins, those" somewhere. Something happened that caused for that to be in random parts of the story. I fixed the ones I found but I don't know if there's anymore. That's all I need to say now. I hope you guys have a good day.

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