Blood of the hotel

By temporary_option

233 4 13

A traveler looking for a job finds a peculiar hotel called "J n J's grotto" and as he needs the money, he dec... More

Blood of the hotel chapter 1 : the gory night
Chapter 2 : disheartening arachnophobia
Chapter 4 : operation star girl
Chapter 5 : light of the night sky
Chapter 6 : starfall
Chapter 7 : jupiter
Chapter 8 : supernova
Chapter 9 : ...who are you?...
Chapter 10 : video star

Chapter 3 : change of heart

29 1 3
By temporary_option

As Eron and Jayz stood there in surprise, Eron finally broke down into the floor, his face covered with tears

"NOOOO! We were too late... again..." he broke down onto the floor, covering his face with his hands and his heart racing like a speeding rocket

Jayz, with a worried look on his face, approached Eron and put his hand on his shoulder

"Hey... listen to me" Jayz looked as Eron looked up at him, covered in snot and tears

"I've been working here for a while now... and these type of situations aren't common... but they also aren't rare, we can't give up now, if we do, then Joseph and jasmine will die, I don't want that and I'm most certain you don't as well"

Then Jayz took Eron by his cheeks and looked at him and said

"We, will do this... repeat that"

As Eron heard those words, his eyes teared up again, but he did as Jayz told him

"W-w-we will... d-do this..." he said with a shaky voice, like he was about to go into another breakdown

"Let's do this Eron, there's no time to grief..." Jayz said as he got up from the ground and said

"We have to kill this filthy beast... before it butchers us..."

Eron stumbled from the ground and got behind Jayz, as they began walking down the empty hallway, the green painted walls looked like they were staring at them, the spider cob webs were more intimidating then ever and the only light source was a few lamps and the moon

"Trust me Eron... everything will be okay..." Jayz said with Eron following him close by, and he also added

"These monsters only sometimes show up at night, as the sun is their weakness, if they stay there for too long, they will disintegrate... that's the only way to kill them"

"B-but" Eron was about to say something, but they suddenly heard wood creaking from the next floor

Jayz pulled out his katana's and slowly walked with Eron, to make him less scared of the monster their about to fight

As both of them made their way up, Jayz gulped down his saliva, as the feeling of unease filled the air, as a tall, old man, dressed in white clothing was standing turned around

Jayz eyes shot up with adrenaline, his heart started to pound so hard it nearly exploded

"G-g-g..." Jayz was trying to say something but he barely could do anything, while he was gripping his katana's hard

"Grandpa?" He said, in a shaky voice, as the old man turned around, with a smile on his face

"Jay! My dear grandson... long time no see!" He said he in exited and started walking towards Jayz, but then Jayz took a battle stance and gripped his Katana's even harder

"Get away you faker! Gramps died years ago! I'm not an idiot" Jayz yelled in his battle stance, with eron backing away from him, not wanting to get involved in the conflict

The old man's smile quickly fades away as he says

"Well done..." as his face and body begin to morph , his body changing into a slim, slimy and pale woman, with 4 eyes and 4 sharp as needles claws as hands

"You aren't as dumb as everyone else boy..." she said as she revealed herself fully

"ARCHANE!" Jayz yelled, filled with anger, his eyes blood shot and ready to throw down like never before

"YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" Jayz yelled again, even angrier then before, at which archane simply laughed and said

"Stand down boy, before I eat you and your little "girlfriend" along with you!" And after she said that, she started giggling manically, but Jayz just looked at her, with death in his eyes and said with a monotone voice

"Once you're a bleeding corpse... I'm eradicating your race of demons next..."

As he finished his sentence, he screamed his battle cry, before charging at archane as fast as he can

His face fully red from adrenaline was ready to kill

His blades started to clash with archanes claws, but Jayz was making sure he wouldn't be hit by her claws with the toxin she used to knock out jasmine and Joseph with

"TIRED ALREADY???" Archane yelled maniacally as her claws kept clashing with Jayz katana's

Eron meanwhile was in the back, awestruck by everything happening, like he was frozen in time, but he heard Jayz yell

"Yeah... TIRED OF YOU'RE SORRY ASS STILL BEING ALIVE!" And as he yelled, his katana's pierced Archane's stomach

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" Jayz yelled as blood spattered everywhere from archanes stomach as he starts running towards the wall with her body pinned with his katana

And finally, he pins her to the hard, making a small crack in it, with archane puking blood from the impact

"Eat... SHIT!" Jayz yelled as with his second katana sliced archanes head off, as it started flying in the air, it finally hit the floor

Erin's heart starts pounding violently as he sees the bloody head hit the floor, but before he can think again, Jayz still pinning archane's headless body

"It's still not over... she isn't fully dead... we still have to expose her to the sun... that's in 2 hours... we have to keep her body and... shit.." he said as Eron looked back

The head was gone...

"Eron! Quick! Go after that head! She will regenerate her entire body if you leave it alone!!" Jayz yelled, keeping his position with pinning down archane's headless body

"I'll stay here and keep pinning the body, and you go!"

And with that, Eron went to look for the head, as he was now all alone, going through the dead and empty hallway, he saw archane's head, now grew legs up from her neck, running up the stairs, laughing maniacally

Shivers went up down and up his spine, as he kept going, repeatedly telling himself

"I can do it... I can do it..." over and over again

As he went up the stairs, a door was slightly creaked open, so he went in

The room was slightly lit by a lamp on a table and the moon, with a window close by and a bed

As Eron approached the lamp, he heard the door close right behind him, as he immediately felt his heart stop for a second, a feminine figure stood right behind him

"Eron... please..." she said as she started to approach Eron, who frantically backed away into the table behind him, his breathing becoming heavy and his heart pounding even faster then Jayz

"I'm sorry... can I make it up to you?" She said calmly approaching Eron gently

"N-NO! GET AWAY FROM ME! YOU ALREADY RUINED MY LIFE... JUST LEAVE!" Eron yelled as he grabbed the lamp from behind him and hit the girl as hard as he could, which made her flinch and methamorph her face back into her original form

Archane has regenerated her body back

"Y-you... dirty... FUCKING BRAT!" She yelled as she began running at Eron, with her claws out and ready to rip him to shreds

And as she was about kill Eron, with him standing there, frozen and not knowing what to do

A large figure quickly stepped in and kicked archane so hard she flew to the wall, making a crack in it and shattering multiple of her bones

As Eron looked at his savior, he realised that it was


"You... thought... your sorry ass excuse of a venom... could keep me knocked out forever?"
She said with blood lust in her voice, clenching her fist and staring at archane with her blood shot eyes

"No mortal... SHALL DEFEAT ME!" She yelled as she tried to pounce onto Jasmine, but she was hit with the meanest kick to the ribs she could have been

The sheer force of the kick made everyone in the hotel hear her entire ribcage crack like nothing

"Guh!" Archane screamed in pain, puking blood onto the floor and struggling to move, Jasmine rapidly moved towards her

As she got before the struggling, bloody archane, Jasmine gripped her by the hair, and with sheer force pulled her up into the air

"Did you pray today?" Jasmine asked as archane answered slowly "y-yes" she responded, thinking Jasmine wouldn't hurt her too badly if she said yes, even if it meant she wasn't telling the truth

"Good.., because your about to meet god today.." Jasmine said as she got a better grip on archane's head and started repeatedly smashing her face onto the wall

Eron watched in horror, as Jasmine was beating the breaks off archane and more, but he couldn't be more grateful for Jasmine saving him

After Jasmine was done hitting archane's head onto the wall, with a giant red stain of blood on Jasmine and the wall, and archane's face looked unrecognisable

"Eron.. move..." she said with a monotone tone, and Eron did as she asked, quickly moving away from the table, Jasmine took another look at archane's face before going into a stance and thunder cunting her into the table, completely destroying it

As archane groaned in pain, and took her by the head again

"I'm not done yet.." Jasmine said as she took her to the opened window and placed her head onto  it, then she grabbed the the window and said

"morir" she said as she violently slammed the window, cracking the glass and cutting off archane's head, making it fall onto the ground outside

"ERON!" She yelled as turns around to him

"Go stall the head until the sun rises! I'll take care of the body" she said while holding the headless body of archane

"Y-yes.. I'm going!" He said with a shaky voice he opened the door and started running down the stairs

As he got down onto the second floor, he saw that  Jayz was clashing with archane... but how?

Right! She has regenerated her head while the head regenerated the body

"Ja-" Eron tried to yell but before he could say or even help Jayz, archane's head suddenly exploded! And her body fell onto the floor

It was Joseph, with his iconic revolver in his hand, starting at both Jayz and Eron

"Go get that demon, kid..." he said as he commanded To Jayz

"Jayz! Give Eron one of your katana's! And we both will take care of the body!" He yelled as Jayz without words quickly gave Eron his katana

And now, it was a race against time

Eron ran down the stairs and finally left the hotel through the lobby doors, he saw the head, trying to grow, he acted quickly and ran to it as fast as he could, and finally as he stood before archane's head, he looked down upon it one final time before he started to repeatedly stabbing it with Jayz katana, he started crying as blood from her head started spilling everywhere

And after so many stabs, too many to count, he stabbed her the final time, leaving the katana in her head

Eron, started panting and crying as he looked at her, but he wouldn't do it for long, as he saw that the sun finally started to rise and archane's head has stared disintegrating

And as he looked back, Jasmine and Jayz were carrying both of archane's body with Joseph behind them

They placed her bodies while waiting for it to start disintegrating, Eron started crying again, and Joseph placed his hand onto his shoulder, with sadness covering his face

After a few hours, everyone was in the kitchen area except for Eron, who was taking a shower

The silence was deafening, with no one being able to look each other in the eyes

But the silence was eventually broken by Jayz, who asked

"So what did y'all see?" He asked curiously

"Like you would like to know you fucking insect..." Jasmine replied aggressively

"Sorry Jayz... but this is personal..." Joseph said while taking another puff with his cigar

Jayz sighed and said "then I guess I won't say myself too"

As the trio was discussing things in the kitchen, Eron was crying in the shower

"Why... why won't she leave me alone... I hate this..." he told himself, with warm water covering him

The shadows of his past aren't yet ready to leave him yet, they only will when he learns to control them

As he got out of the shower, he walked by the kitchen area and wished everyone good night as he walked into his crappy room

As he layer on his bed, alone except for his thoughts he said

"I'll pay you back mom and dad... for every trouble I caused you" and with that... he fell asleep.

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