On The Trail We Blaze

By Bee_Vomit_Queen

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Before we start
Chapter 1 - A Map
Chapter 2 - Escaping The Ship
Chapter 3 - LAND!!!
Chapter 4 - Blazing A Trail
Chapter 5 - The Handsome Thief And El Dorado
Chapter 6 - Deal
Chapter 7 - It's Tough To Be A God
Chapter 8 - Good And Bad Tributes
Chapter 10 - This Is How The Gods Play Ball
Chapter 11 - Last Days In The City
Chapter 12 - Should I Stay?
Chapter 13 - Stone Jaguar
Chapter 14 - Friends Never Say Good-Bye
Chapter 15 - Time For Something New

Chapter 9 - The Beauty Of The City

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By Bee_Vomit_Queen

"No, three days is not fine." Tulio muttered as he nervously paced back and forth.

"Tulio, don't start with the pacing." (Y/N) exasperatedly sighed, with Miguel lounging on some treasure behind her, not really caring about Tulio's worried state.

But her mood shifted to surprise as a pair of golden earrings appeared before her (E/C) eyes. They were beautiful, in a square shape with the middle containing turquoise gems. And, as she looked towards the one holding them, she saw Chel smirking at her.

"I thought they would suit you."

"Thank you."

She gently took them from his hand and began to put them on as Tulio started up with his nervous questioning, "How are we gonna keep this up for three days?"

Miguel hopped off from his lounging spot, shrugging the situation off with a smile as he playfully stated, "You worry too much."

This seemed to fuel Tulio's paranoia and anger as he ran up and grabbed Miguel by the shoulders to face him, frantically responding with, "No, I worry exactly the right amount."

"You definitely worry too much." (Y/N) stated as she admired her new earrings in front of a golden mirror.

"You can never worry too much! We just have to lie low."

While Chel brushed him off, in favour of adoring (Y/N) and her gorgeous smile, while she twirled in front of him, gaging his reaction to her wearing the earrings he gave her, Miguel was different. Though he had heard his friend's concerns, he couldn't help but gaze over the city in awe and wonder. Mesmerized by its beauty and all that was ready for him to explore.

"But, Tulio, this place is amazing. I mean, I wonder what's- "

Tulio immediately cut him off before he could say anything else. "No! Don't even move!"

"Tulio- "

"You're moving!"

"A little, but- "

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

"Come on."


"I gotta... I... I just- "

"Just stand there!"

Miguel stood in an awkward position, having tried to move despite Tulio's apprehension, trying to now balance on one leg with his arms held up and his face riddled with disbelief.

"For three days?"

He couldn't hold his precarious pose and fell over just as Tulio groaned out, "Yes! Exactly. For three days. Don't even breathe. All right?"

"Tulio, you're being ridiculous." (Y/N) stated, walking over to him in annoyance. "We're Gods, remember? No one's going to bat an eye if Miguel goes around the city."

"Yeah. I could even show you all around." Chel chimed in.

"No, we're all lying low until we get out of here." Tulio ordered with finality in his tone. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to gloat over my gold."

The dark-haired man walked away, happily kissing and cooing over his golden treasure. Miguel sighed as he turned to gaze at the city once more, green eyes filled with longing, while (Y/N) crossed her arms and glared at Tulio, (E/C) eyes filled with anger.

The only one who was smiling was Chel.

He casually and slowly made his way over to Miguel, grinning as he questioned, "It's beautiful, isn't it?"


"You know, you really shouldn't miss it. In fact, neither you or (Y/N) should."

Upon hearing her name, (Y/N) turned to curiously gaze at the two men, wondering what Chel was planning.

"I know. But I-I couldn't."

"Really?" Chel asked, as if he knew something they didn't.

With another grin, he made his way over to Tulio, staring up at the mountains of gold. He plastered a thoughtful look on his face before addressing him.

"Tulio, I just have to wonder if this gold will be enough for all four of us."

The man rolled his eyes as he cradled a golden statue close to his chest, sarcastically replying, "And here I was thinking that a dozen mountains were too little."

(Y/N), picking up on the Mayan man's trick, also stressed, "No, I think he's right. I mean, how would we split it all."

"Well, it's obvious, isn't it?"

Chel shrugged as he gazed towards (Y/N). "I don't think it is, right (Y/N)?"

"Not at all."

Tulio groaned out in exasperation as he began separating the gold into piles, rambling on about who would get what. As he did, all three nodded, with Miguel finally understanding what the other two were doing.

"This would go to Miguel. This to me. Obviously, this is for (Y/N). Oh, wait but I really like this- oh, wait, Chel needs something for his!"

Tulio continued to frantically ramble and sort, growing more focused on the task at hand than watching as his friends slowly made their way out of the temple.

"You seem to be doing well so we won't bother you." Chel stated as Miguel rushed out.

"Good job, Tulio." (Y/N) praised before her and Chel also exited.

All without Tulio even noticing. They all turned to stare at one another, giggling at Chel's quick thinking and how easily they had managed to slip out.

"Where to first?" Miguel asked.


They walked along a bridge, crossing over beautifully clear water and even seeing some of those giant, colourful fish swim by.

"This is just wonderful!" Miguel gushed.

A couple of interesting-looking birds flew over their heads, making them all chuckle at the sight.

"I couldn't have said it better. Thank you for being our guide." (Y/N) sweetly added.

"My pleasure, Goddess." Chel jokingly bowed before her, making her giggle but also blush at the nickname. "Though, there's not a lot of people around."

"Is that unusual?" Miguel questioned.

"Yeah. The city is always so full of life."

As they went further into the city, walking between buildings, they noticed a few people rush down one of the pathways. It was sudden and strange, and it was almost as if they were trying not to be spotted.

They all stared in confusion but continued onwards. But, the emptiness of the city became more apparent as they entered a small part of it, where stone houses stood on either side of the pathway they walked down, and not a soul was seen.

The only person they came across, after a long while, was the guard with the jaguar skin over him.

Miguel decided to walk over to him and politely asked, "Excuse me?"

The man turned around and was shocked to see him, as well as the Goddess, almost as if not expecting to see them walking about the city.

"Hey, where is everybody?"

"They've been cleared from the streets, my lord, so the city can be cleansed, as you and the other Gods ordered."

"Cleansed?" (Y/N) questioned.

"Yes. So, the Age of the Jaguar can begin, as you all ordered, my lady."

Before either could argue, and even clear themselves of these so-called orders, they were distracted by a commotion in the street. Two guards cornered a helpless man by the stairs, ordering him to go back inside.

"Hey! Hey, stop that!" Miguel ordered rushing over to them, with (Y/N) and Chel right behind.

"Stand back!" (Y/N) added with fury in her tone.

When they reached them, Chel and Miguel pushed the guards aside, breaking them away from the scared man and allowing him some much needed space.

"What are you doing? Stop that!"

"But, my lord and lady, anyone who disobeys your orders must be punished, as you ordered." The main guard stepped in.

"It seems we've been giving a lot of orders, haven't we?" Miguel questioned.

"Tzekel-Kan has made all your commands clear, my lord."

"Really? Here's an order: Take the day off."

The guards were confused but neither dared to question him, slowly backing off in the process. As they did, Chel noticed (Y/N) slowly moving towards the frightened man, her hand outstretched in a careful manner, and trying not to scare him further.

"Are you alright?" She softly asked. 

He only looked up at her, taking deep breaths and nothing more. She held out her hand more, offering it to him but he only backed away, still too scared to even get close to her. Out of desperation, he offered her his golden earrings which she quickly shook off.

"You don't have to give me those. Please, it's all right."

Though she tried to be gentle, the man saw it as something different. He was so scared of facing punishment that he just left his earrings and sprinted off. He crashed into a stall, making the small group wince, but he was soon back on his feet and ran off once more.

But, out of the chaos, Miguel noticed a few instruments, and smiled.


(Y/N) giggled as Miguel tuned his make-shift lute, that he had made from all the other instruments that had laid on the ground. Chel was a little confused by it, but didn't question it much, understanding that it probably came from this 'Spain' they kept talking about.

The clacking of hooves was heard behind them and (Y/N) grinned as she turned, happy to see Altivo.

"Hey, Altivo. There you are."

She rushed over to him but was surprised when she saw a few kids had been tagging along with the horse. They were surprised to see her, hiding behind the horse's legs but she just smiled kindly at them. Without warning, she scooped up one of the kids, making him giggle in surprise, before placing him on Altivo.

The other children began to giggle, wanting her to do the same with them when Miguel began playing his lute. They all stared at him, amazed at the new sound they just heard. He just chuckled before playing on.

They came in closer, drawn in by the alluring sound, as did many other citizens. All came out of hiding, staring in awe at the beautiful music that the blond man created.

The two girls giggled as they grabbed each other's hands, dancing cutely to the tune and others chuckled at their adorable nature. Altivo began to move along to the beat as well, bouncing the little boy on his back.

Chel chuckled at the sight but was caught off guard as (Y/N) grabbed his hand, having him stand before her as she made a flamenco-style pose. "You showed me your moves, now I show you mine."

He laughed as she began to dance, in a way he had never seen before, but tried his best to follow along. It was a dance that was expressive, intense, and passionate but he enjoyed it nonetheless.

Others began to join in, either trying to copy (Y/N) or doing their own thing. The mood lightened considerably and what had once been empty and cold, was now full of life and joy.

A man leaned in closer, staring curiously at Miguel's instrument. The blond man just smiled as he stood up, showing the other how to play before handing it over to him. The Mayan man was a little surprised but easily took to the instrument, strumming the strings to create a beautiful melody.

🎵My Man Elton: "The more I learn, the more I see."

As everyone did their own thing, Miguel grinned as he slipped away. (Y/N), being the only one to notice, just chuckled as she pulled Chel close to her and began spinning them both away, in order to follow Miguel.

🎵My Man Elton: "The less the world impassions me."

They didn't go far, just out of view of everyone as they walked on the side of the river. (Y/N) skipped her way to the edge, showing Miguel all the pretty fish as Chel stood back, admiring only her.

🎵My Man Elton: "The hungry heart, the roving eye."

But, as they stared into the river, they noticed other reflections staring back at them from the other side. Confused, they looked up and were shocked to see more people, all smiling at them and waving them all over to join them.

🎵My Man Elton: "Have come to rest, do not apply."

Miguel smiled as he didn't hesitate to go over to them. (Y/N) moved to join him but was surprised when Chel grabbed her hand. He smiled as he stood by her side and she could only smile back, squeezing his hand as they made their way over to the large gathering of people.


Miguel watched as men spun around on a giant device, held to it by a rope attached to their feet. Another man on the ground offered him to have a go at it and he didn't hesitate to take the opportunity.

🎵My Man Elton: "The frantic chase, the crazy ride."

Exhilaration coursed through his blood as the wind whipped at his blond hair. He felt so alive, so free, and it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that he was so happy to be a part of.


🎵My Man Elton: "The thrill has gone, I step aside."

Meanwhile, Chel introduced (Y/N) to some natives who were feeding the birds. They offered her a large bowl filled with seeds and she excitedly accepted it.

Without care, she threw some on the ground but almost jumped out of her skin as birds, the size of giraffes, came over and ate out of her bowl. Despite her initial shock, she laughed and held out the bowl for them to enjoy, amazed by the extremely large and fascinating creatures.

All the while Chel stood off to the side, enamoured by her beautiful smile...unable to get enough of it.


🎵My Man Elton: "I'd believe in anything were it not for you."

The trio followed a guard and a guide as they led them to one of the many banks of the river. To Miguel and (Y/N)'s amazement they two men helped them onto the back of a giant turtle, allowing them all to ride over the river atop of the marvellous creature.

🎵My Man Elton: "Showing me by just existing only this is true."

(Y/N) leaned over to try and get a better look into the water when she lost her footing and stumbled forward. Luckily Chel was there to catch her, bringing her into his chest.

She was surprised by the sudden action but, as they both gazed into each other's eyes, everything seemed to slip away. Both lost but unable to help themselves as smiles tugged at the corners of their lips.

🎵My Man Elton: "I love you, I love you without question, I love you."


They were now in an open part of the city, carefully stacking small tiles on the floor, with the help of some city folk. Miguel grinned as he placed down one tile as Chel directed (Y/N)'s hand, allowing her to put down the last one.

Miguel gazed at his friend, who grinned back excitedly and urged him to do the honours. He tipped the tiles, all falling in a domino effect. This transformed the image they had created with them. And, what had once been a blue moon with stars, was now a vibrant, golden sun.

🎵My Man Elton: "I'd believe in anything were it not for you."

They were in awe at what they had just created before Miguel ran off to explore some more. Chel and (Y/N) didn't hesitate to follow, walking hand-in-hand.

🎵My Man Elton: "Showing me by just existing only this is true."

They met up with Altivo once more, who was once again playing with a group of kids. The kids stopped to stare at up at the Gods, but this time, instead of hiding away, they smiled. One even held up the ball they had been playing with, wanting Miguel to play along.

🎵My Man Elton: "Oh, I love you."

Miguel didn't hesitate to join in, watching as the kids bumped the ball with their hips and heads, before he kicked it away, making them all run after it. Some other kids joined in, and even the chief was there, noticing the shift in mood, and allowed his own excited children to join in on the fun.

Meanwhile, (Y/N) waved at the chief, chuckling as she danced passed him. Chel joined her as one musician came closer and, just like at the beginning, many others participated, dancing along with the couple.

Today had been full of wonder and exciting new experiences...not to mention a little romance.

All were well...except for Tzekel-Kan, who watched from a high point at all the merriment and festivities going on. He gazed in confusion, watching how Miguel played happily with the children and how freely (Y/N) danced while even encouraging others to join her. He then gazed down at one of his books, showing a menacing looking God with a strong build, a sword clasped tightly in his grip, and wearing a death-like mask.

"Hmm. This is not what I expected. Perhaps Lord Tulio will enlighten me." He straightened his vest and sleeked back his eyebrows before posing in front of the guard. "How do I look?"

The guard had been distracted by the pleasantries below and quickly tried to rectify his mistake by stumbling out, "Oh, uh, well, you..."

"Oh, shut up." The priest interjected, with an annoyed roll of his eyes, as he made his way toward the temple.

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