Chapter 6 - Deal

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It took them all quite a while to climb up all those steps. And, after a while, the guys were growing tired, eventually starting to crawl up rather than walk. The chief and Tzekel-Kan, however, didn't even break a sweat, making it to the top of the temple with ease.

They turned to check on the "Gods", who quickly stood and acted like the climb had not been a challenge at all to them. They stood nobly, allowing themselves to be admired. (Y/N) was the only one who did not need to pretend, as she took the smart option of using Altivo to get her to the top, much to Miguel and Tulio's grief - as she had also refused to share the steed.

She hopped off Altivo as the chief and priest both opened some curtains, gesturing for the trio to enter. The temple was very fitting. It looked cozy yet also contained a few luxuries for them to enjoy. Not bad accommodations for a couple of con artists/thieves.

"To commemorate your arrival, I propose a reverent ceremony at dawn." Tzekel-Kan suggested to them.

The chief then added, "Ah, then perhaps I could prepare a glorious feast for you tonight."

Tzekel-Kan glared sourly but, trying to be civil, he instead asked the trio, "Which would you prefer?"

They each stared at one another before (Y/N) shyly suggested, "Both?"



"Both." They all agreed.

"Both is good." (Y/N) confirmed.

The men both nodded, pleased by the group's answers as they bowed and left, with both giving one final, "My lords and lady."

They shut the curtains, giving the "Gods" some privacy before halting at the top of the stairs. Tzekel-Kan smiled, pleased with how everything turned out, glancing teasingly over to the chief.

"And so dawns the Age of the Jaguar." He chuckled. "Happy new year."

The chief rolled his eyes, while Tzekel-Kan descended. He was unamused by the priest's chipper and rather uncivil demeanour, but began to step down as well, not bothering to deal with the insufferable man further.


Back inside the temple, the trio looked around in complete awe, giant smiles on their faces.

Miguel was happy to be in a glorious temple, surrounded by cool things and quite pleased with the turn to their great journey. Tulio was just delighted to be surrounded by so much gold and riches, more than he had ever seen in his entire life. And (Y/N) was just thankful not to be killed and she couldn't deny that she was happy with how everything had worked out for them.

They glanced at each other, grinning from ear-to-ear as Miguel teased, "Hey."

"Hey, hey." Tulio teased back.

(Y/N) couldn't hold it in and began to laugh in pure delight, causing the guys to join her. They were beyond thrilled, and their joy had no bounds at this point, only seeming to grow by the second. Even Altivo neighed happily and joined them in their merriment.

"Tulio. Tulio, they actually think we're Gods." Miguel chuckled as he made the dark-haired man face him.

"It's an entire city of suckers!" He laughed.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes at them, glad they were optimistic about the whole thing but even she was more worried about getting caught rather than scoring big. Her main goal was for them to just keep it up long enough to get some gold and get out before they were all caught.

But it seemed luck wasn't on their side, her eyes widening in horror when she noticed the thief from before, glancing at her and the boys, having just heard the whole conversation.

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