Chapter 9 - The Beauty Of The City

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"No, three days is not fine." Tulio muttered as he nervously paced back and forth.

"Tulio, don't start with the pacing." (Y/N) exasperatedly sighed, with Miguel lounging on some treasure behind her, not really caring about Tulio's worried state.

But her mood shifted to surprise as a pair of golden earrings appeared before her (E/C) eyes. They were beautiful, in a square shape with the middle containing turquoise gems. And, as she looked towards the one holding them, she saw Chel smirking at her.

"I thought they would suit you."

"Thank you."

She gently took them from his hand and began to put them on as Tulio started up with his nervous questioning, "How are we gonna keep this up for three days?"

Miguel hopped off from his lounging spot, shrugging the situation off with a smile as he playfully stated, "You worry too much."

This seemed to fuel Tulio's paranoia and anger as he ran up and grabbed Miguel by the shoulders to face him, frantically responding with, "No, I worry exactly the right amount."

"You definitely worry too much." (Y/N) stated as she admired her new earrings in front of a golden mirror.

"You can never worry too much! We just have to lie low."

While Chel brushed him off, in favour of adoring (Y/N) and her gorgeous smile, while she twirled in front of him, gaging his reaction to her wearing the earrings he gave her, Miguel was different. Though he had heard his friend's concerns, he couldn't help but gaze over the city in awe and wonder. Mesmerized by its beauty and all that was ready for him to explore.

"But, Tulio, this place is amazing. I mean, I wonder what's- "

Tulio immediately cut him off before he could say anything else. "No! Don't even move!"

"Tulio- "

"You're moving!"

"A little, but- "

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

"Come on."


"I gotta... I... I just- "

"Just stand there!"

Miguel stood in an awkward position, having tried to move despite Tulio's apprehension, trying to now balance on one leg with his arms held up and his face riddled with disbelief.

"For three days?"

He couldn't hold his precarious pose and fell over just as Tulio groaned out, "Yes! Exactly. For three days. Don't even breathe. All right?"

"Tulio, you're being ridiculous." (Y/N) stated, walking over to him in annoyance. "We're Gods, remember? No one's going to bat an eye if Miguel goes around the city."

"Yeah. I could even show you all around." Chel chimed in.

"No, we're all lying low until we get out of here." Tulio ordered with finality in his tone. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to gloat over my gold."

The dark-haired man walked away, happily kissing and cooing over his golden treasure. Miguel sighed as he turned to gaze at the city once more, green eyes filled with longing, while (Y/N) crossed her arms and glared at Tulio, (E/C) eyes filled with anger.

The only one who was smiling was Chel.

He casually and slowly made his way over to Miguel, grinning as he questioned, "It's beautiful, isn't it?"


"You know, you really shouldn't miss it. In fact, neither you or (Y/N) should."

Upon hearing her name, (Y/N) turned to curiously gaze at the two men, wondering what Chel was planning.

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