Anguish (Jikook/vmin)

By xpensive_girl00

34.1K 2.5K 560

Drowned in anguish, how long until he screams, 'Enough'? Contains dark stuffs, violence, bullying, bulimia, e... More



419 48 19
By xpensive_girl00

'Jimin, you have to come to our wedding! Jungkook is your childhood best friend after all! He would have surely been with you if not for what hoseok did! He is feeling immense guilt and on top of it, he misses you! So would you mind attending our wedding? It would make our day, for real!'

The audacity the bitch had, to call me after manipulating me so badly, I would love to attend her funeral someday as well, not just the bloody wedding!

I agreed but there was something to be done before the whole marriage thing, which was supposed to take place exactly a week later!

They played with me and it was my turn to do the same!

I patiently waited for the D-Day!

Lexi was being walked through the altar by her mom. jungkook was at a distance, with a joyous smile in his face, his eyes lost in lexi who looked ethereal in her custom made wedding dress. I admit, she was looking great, her face and her figure were top notch, no wonder jungkook fell for her.

But he was too badly manipulated and lied to by her and I had no sort of empathy for him.

He stabbed me in the back and called himself a friend of mine. I mean, who tf in their sane mind lies that he/she was raped!
OH! I forgot... it's lexi we are talking about in here,.....

Jungkook was practically drooling with his gaze, his eyes fell onto mine for a second, but he averted it so quickly...

A shameless bastard, that's what he was!

Taehyung was by my side, his hand clenching on my shoulders, consoling me for lexi being in place of mine, as if I loved jungkook and I was dying to get married to him....

Another shameless bastard, consoling me, tryna act nice as if he was oh -so nice to me...

Right before they were about to take their vows, jungkook's mom climbed on the stage, as the attendees in there looked at each other, confused on what she was about to do....

She screamed right at lexi's face, striked her, snatched the bouquet from her hand, threw it in the sky, caught her hair and pushed her to the ground in such a vicious way, that her veil came off along with her hair extensions.

People were flabbergasted, as they all raised up from the seat to have a clear look at the ongoing soap opera on the stage....

'Mom!' Needless to say, jungkook was bamboozled, his to be bride was facing the rage of his mother for god knows what reason..

Jungkook's mom took me off by surprise when she striked jungkook as well. I almost laughed out loud..

The slap was so strong that he rolled down the stage, his body coming to rest right infront of my feet....
Oh! The benefit of being in the first table of the very first row....
God, bless my soul!!

'Such a fool!' She exclaimed, continuing right off to where she left,
meaning... beating the shit out of lexi..

Lexi's mom soon joined the scene as she pulled jungkook's mom from behind by her hair, screaming profanities at the crazy woman right infront of her..

Taehyung was glued to his seat, and jungkook was groaning down at my feet.

Mr.Kim quietly left the scene, being too embarassed of his wife. He didn't interfere in the shit-show his wife initiated...

Jungkook turned his head upwards me, while I simply stood up, and crossed over his laid body, heading towards my car...

I would not have been able to witness such choas had I not emailed jungkook's mom the copy of lexi's pregnancy report right half an hour before the wedding.

All it needed was some paper notes to fill the staffs' pocket and I so easily received the copy of lexi's pregnancy report from the hospital she delivered her baby in...

Jungkook's mom was a regressive bitch with a narrow mentality. Though by luck, she acquired a rich husband with a very powerful background, she was yet to be evolved from her stereotypical mindset. And I was clever enough to take advantage of that.

Even though she would be yet again lied to, by lexi claiming that the child was the result of forced sex, she would definitely turn a deaf ear to that slut.

Lexi should rather be thankful to me. I saved her from her witch of a
to-be mother-in-law!

'Is this your doing?' As I was about to enter my car, jungkook hurriedly ran behind me, banging my car door shut.

I seemed so unaffected and unbothered with the whole act that it must have made him doubt me. And there was no point in lying to him as well. He would come to know about it today or tomorrow!

'Yes!' He was speechless for a moment, maybe for the way dangerously indifferent I seemed!

He couldn't even ask 'Why?' to me, he lowered his gaze and suddenly looked up, and shot me a glare...

'So, that c**t told you afterall?' He scoffed!

'Yes, he tattletaled me everything from how you took advantage of the deal that hoseok initially offered! He never was against the Park and Kim's merger but you hated marrying me so much that you showed that f***ing video to your parents, implied that he was against our marriage and let your mother humiliate me and pretended to console me afterwards? You are a c*** as well, you know that right?'

'You think I would let you be, after causing this commotion?'

'What more can you do, jungkook? I thought that you would fall to my feet as I saved you from marrying that slut! She was never raped, it's in her character to jump from one guy's lap to other guy's lap? You think you are so clever, right? Haven't you read the articles about Hoseok's uncle's bankruptcy? Why do you think lexi even came on to you leaving the Jung's family heir? It was because hoseok's cousin had no inheritance left in his name!'

'And you think I will believe you?'

It was my turn to scoff at the overconfidence oozing out from him. He really trusted that girl a bit too much!

'Well, I am not manipulative and backstabber like you, so you can probably believe me if you want, not that you have to! I am 100 percent sure, she seduced taehyung first knowing he was the eldest son of Kim's family but when she came to know about your dad preferring you above him, she left him again, and came to you. She wasn't drunk when she slept with taehyung! She was in her senses but she had to cover it up later to be with you!'

A punch in my face was what followed right after I finished speaking. It was expected to be honest!

'It can't be true!' He yelled as he shook me up, maybe waiting for me to say that whatever I said was a lie I made up just to hurt him...

'It's amazing how you have the time and energy to waste on me when your father must be exploding with rage..Well, I happened to email him the same thing, I emailed your mom which is Lexi's pregnancy report. And on top of it, hoseok's cousin texted him a long ass message about hoseok's ordeal and what he really wanted inexchange of permanently deleting that video of mine. It's written in clear words regarding how you were the one who was against the marriage and not them! He instantly did what I asked of him as he was feeling immense guilt of what hoseok did to me to get him his son back.. Such a nice guy he is, ain't he?'
I wiggled my eyebrows at him mischievously provoking him deliberately!

'Are you happy now that you have ruined it all? I won't believe a word you said about Lexi as I know what she is like.. I would stay single all my life than getting tied with someone like you. All of your plotting has gone to void, as I won't be marrying you at all, Park Jimin!'His belittling gaze pierced me through my soul, he was trying and applying every bit of his energy to intimidate me but I wasn't going to back off as well...

Finally, he showed his true colours...Atleast he got honest with me at some point, otherwise I was completely tired of his fakeness. Glad, I was encountering a new side of him.

Taehyung arrived right at the scene, all huffed up and puffed up, immediately screeching at jungkook to not to hurt me...

'Who said anything about marrying you, jungkook?' He scrunched up his eyebrows in bewilderment trying to take a guess at what I meant but his eyes widened with shock as he saw me staring right at the figure behind him...

'Kim Taehyung, wanna marry me?' I shouted on top of my lungs maintaining a stern eye contact with jungkook, irking him on purpose..

'Run off to lexi, idiot! Who knows what might your psychotic family must have done to her till now!!' I whispered in jungkook's ear, leaving him mute and unmoving for a second, but him being a lovestruck fool he didn't spare a moment afterwards to run off to his lover....

'This is just the beginning, jungkook!' I thought as I flashed a gentle smile infront of taehyung, with teary eyes acting all pitiful...

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