The Way It Should Have Been

By RuneRomanoff

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Read ENTIRE description first!!! I do not own any rights to Marvel, just my own work. EDIT 3---Forgot to say... More

Ch.1-Before the Red
Ch. 2-To Hell and Beyond
Ch. 3-Too Little Too Late
Ch. 4-Hell in a Hand Basket
Ch. 5-I Walk Alone
Ch. 6-Trust?
Ch. 7-A Gesture
Ch. 8-Real Mature
Ch. 9- What In The Actual...
Ch. 10-Only A Ghost
Ch. 11-Well That Was....Something.
Ch. 12-The Star's Gift
Ch. 14- You Broke, It You Fix It.
Ch. 15- Truth or Lies

Ch. 13-Seriously?

64 2 0
By RuneRomanoff








If Y/n had been paying attention, she would have caught the sound of the door opening and closing about 15 minutes before she fell asleep, but she hadn't. She had been so entranced by the sense of tranquility that she felt that she missed the flash of red hair slipping into the shadows of the roof. Natasha walked over, staring down at Y/n's sleeping form for a moment as her mind processed the sight in front of her.

“This idiot really came out on the roof in the middle of the night and passed out…and she is supposed to be the world's deadliest assassin…” She frowned for a few minutes before she shivered, the night air having cooled more the longer the sun was away.

Before she could question herself too much, Natasha rolled her eyes and walked off, going back into the tower only to reappear a bit later with a thick blanket, which she draped over Y/n. When she was satisfied, she turned around again to walk back in, stopping short to look one last time at Y/n before she went inside and mumbled, *“moron….”*




As Y/n awoke, sometime the next day, the sun rose above the horizon, its soft golden rays painting the clouds a vibrant reddish pink. When she looked down and saw the blanket, her mind started to race almost immediately, having fallen asleep without a blanket. She probably would have worried on it longer if her stomach hadn't interrupted before she could really begin to worry. Opting to be respectful she had folded the blanket up and carried it in with her on the way to get herself some breakfast, which was a lot harder for a task than she had thought it would be. She had gotten lost and turned around at least 4 times before running into an all to familiar person.

“Y/n? What are you doing here?” Bucky studied her face looking for some kind of reaction beyond just a response to his question.

She hesitated before she answered, not wanting to admit she was lost to HIM of all people, but when her body made itsdispleasure known again more loudly she finally spoke up, “I was on my way to find the kitchen and I got turned around. This stupid tower has too many rooms and hallways. It's worse that that bloody SHIELD compound was!”

Chuckling to himself for a moment before he spoke up, Bucky responded “Yeah you get used to it, though. Come on, with any luck, Wanda made breakfast.”

Walking off the direction she assumed the elevator was, or maybe the stairs? A girl could hope, right? Before Y/n could hope for a better outcome, though, Bucky had stopped at the elevator and pressed the down button. His movements undeterred by her discomfort, or maybe just not seeing it.

Y/n quietly grumbled to herself, “What do you people have against good old fashioned stairs?…”

That earned a laugh from the soldier in front of her, his shoulder shaking even as he responded. “This tower has 30 floors. There's no way in hell we are going to use the stairs for that. If you wanted a staircase trainer, the training room is on the 7th floor.”

"30 isn't THAT many floors," she mumbled irritably and just a touch annoyed as they stepped into the elevator.

The ride was blissfully silent besides the occasional ding signaling the passing of another floor.  For all his faults, Bucky at least still seemed to value the concept of avoiding meaningless and forced small talk. Something Y/n appreciated more than she would say.

Why would Wanda have cooked breakfast? Is that a thing she does a lot or…I still don't understand what I did wrong for her to avoid me? I guess it doesn't matter, right?

Y/n breathed a sigh of relief as the elevator doors rattled open, eager to escape the nauseating confinement of the metal box. Since a rather unsettling experience involving a Hydra contract gone awry, a cable snapped, and the cable car sufferedfour-floor drop. Ever since, she developed an aversion to elevators. Surviving was one thing, but it was an ordeal she had no desire to relive.

As Bucky had been hoping, Wanda had indeed made breakfast. The scent of a savory breakfast assailed the air, wafting its way to the elevators open doors. Y/n's stomach took that opportunity to growl quite a bit louder than before in protest of her still remaining motionless outside the doors. What had stopped her in her tracks, however, was the entirety of the team turning to look at her and Bucky as they climbed from the elevator. Natasha wore an icy expression from her position leaning towards Bruce, as if frozen in mid conversation simply to glare at the pair of them.

The strangest thing happened the moment Bucky seemed to register the iconic glare from the famed widow. Without warning or promoting, he took a few steps forward, half obscuring Y/n from the intense look of hate, forcing Natasha to look at him instead. As if on que the conversations that had died off started up again and the attention was shifted off the late arrivals. Satisfied Bucky made a move to take a seat, but before he took a step, Y/n caught his attentionwhispering almost inaudibly.

“Спасибо, старший….” (”Thank you, bigbro”/—while I'm aware the literal translation is “thank you older”, starshiy also doubles as a nickname for an older brother. That's all on my mini ted-talk, thanks—/)

Softly, he murmured back to her with a ghost of a smile at the use of the nickname, “В любое время, сестричка…” (”Anytime, little sister.”)

The only people that appear to have caught the interaction with the pair were Natasha, who was still subtly casting a frigid glare at them, and Wanda who had rounded the corner holding a rather large plate of bacon for the group already seated. Wanda began looking between Y/n and Bucky, almost in questioning before motioning them to the table. For the slightest moment, it almost looked as if Wanda's eyes had a glow? That wasn't possible, though, right? It's just a trick of the light.

Seeming almost on edge, Wanda broke the silence, “Sit, I just finished cooking. Bucky, I could use your help carrying this in, please.”

Y/n really wanted to disappear right then as Bucky walked away and left her there, again. She was going to get annoyed or even upset, but as she turned to leave, having decided breakfast was not worth the potential fight with the now smirking redhead, someone called her. The guy that had called her was blonde mostly, but for the roots of his hair seeming to be a dark auburn, much like Wanda's hair. He stood up, motioning her over and appeared fit, seemed just shy of 6 foot, and wore a bright, almost welcoming smile.“Y/n, come! You can sit by me!” His accent felt familiar. It sounded like Wanda's.

Hesitantly and against the set of eyes boring hate into her, Y/n walked over and too a seat beside the man that had called her. Almost immediately, he began speaking, practically oozing joy and mischief, and there was something in his expression that felt like more, almost knowing. Knowing what, though, Y/n had no idea.

“We haven't officially met. My name is Pietro. Pietro Maximoff, or Quicksilver, but you can just use Pietro.”

“Hang on, did you say Maximoff?”

He nodded with a bright grin, “Yeah.”

“You're Wanda's…..husband?”

His abrupt laughter drew a lot of glances from the others at the table, and he just shook his head.

“She wishes she could marry someone as cool as me. I'm her older brother Pietro.”

From her new place halfway to the table with additional plates of food, Wanda called out, “You're only older by 12 minutes, Pietro!”

Pieteo's smirk widened even more as he quipped back, “It still counts, don't get jealous you're not the oldest.”

“Just ignore him, I do. Pietro has a knack for causing drama.” Rolling her eyes as her brother's antics.

“How can you SAY that? I’m not even the one with chaos m-” She cut him off with one of the most intimidating looks, slightly tilting her head to the side. Looking around, Y/n noticed a lot of the table shift a bit uncomfortably as she did that too, unease permeating nearly every person's body language. Pietro tried saving the conversation by mumbling an apology and turning back to Y/n. “Uh so…anyway…I'm her twin. I heard you're a bit of a chaotic person yourself, no? Did you really take 3 Veronica rounds from Natasha and Clint before you passed out? How? Did you dodge them or..?”

Setting aside the desire to find out what he was going to say to avoid irritating anyone else, especially the woman that had made the group a meal, Y/n picked up on the new topic flowing easily with Pietro.

“Uh I'm not sure what a Veronica round is, but I took 3 sedatives before going down, yeah.”

This guy almost acts like…no Y/n. Don't. Just…stop right there.

Wanda tilted her head again from her place on the other side of Pietro, in a much less terrifying way, then refocused on her conversation with Vision. Bruce, however, had been eavesdropping and instantly spoke up.

“You took 3 of those shots? How? The other half of me takes 2 and takes a nice long nap. How did you manage 3?” His sudden addition to the conversation set Y/n on edge, which was not made any better by the now livid redhead whose conversation appeared to have been cut off.

“I…well….uh-” a sudden resounding clap cut Y/n’s reply off, which was fine by her because she hadn't wanted to answer anyway. The source of the interruption stood up and, in a bit of a show, took the tables' attention, earning a mumbled, “Seriously Tony?….” from Natasha.

“So as you all I would HOPE noticed given you're all HERE, the tower is done! That's not the only news, and while obvious, I think it still warrants an introduction. You may have noticed a new face this morning at our table. This is Y/n. We aren't positive if she is joining us permanently just yet, but after the mission tomorrow, we will have a more solid answer to that. As such, in the interest of information, Natasha, I want you, Bucky, and Steve to test her hand to hand.”

Abruptly standing and biting back, “NO! Why me?! Can't you make Clint do it?!”

Clint tugged her arm, hoping to get her to settle from the looks of it, which surprisingly seemed to work. She at least sat back down, but she did not look any happier, which was made doubly worse by the answer she got.

“You're our best at hand to hand. You've studied nearly every martial arts style there is. You will be the best person to test her so we can determine how she handles more drawn-out combat. I understand that as an assassin, she had SOME skill, but Fury wants to know exactly how she does in a more lengthy situation.” His answer left no room for debate, and the mention of Fury seemed to shut her down further.

I have the weirdest feeling I'm going to die today…why the hell do I have to do a skills check? And seriously, stay permanently? Why would I want that?!…I hate to agree with the psycho сука, but I really wish it was the 3 guys. (”Bitch”)

“Oh I almost forgot, you probably don't even know all fo us yet officially do you? Everyone mind introducing yourselves to Y/n here?”

The first to stand up was a blonde guy with bright blue eyes. “Hey Y/n, my name is Steve Rogers. Most know me as Captain America, but just Steve is okay.”

Clint stood up next with a smile, “You know me already, I'm Clint, but my other name is Hawkeye in case you didn't know already.”

Next to speak was a man with soft brown eyes and an almost mischievous grin, “Hey, I'm Sam Wilson, otherwise known as the Falcon. It's really great to meet you. Anyone with the skill to get under Romanoff's skin they way you do has my respect.”

“Shut up, Sam.”

“There, see? And you didn't even have to do anything!” He sat back down with an even bigger grin than before, purposefully avoiding eye contact with Natasha.

Pietro got up next, making Wanda roll her eyes and pull him back into his seat, muttering, “Knock it off Pietro, she already knows both of us quite well enough.”

Her wording caught Y/n's attention. It struck her as odd, but she didn't have any time before another blonde man stood up beside a thinner man with long black hair.

“Hello! I am Thor Odinson, God of Thunder little midgardian! This is my brother Loki Laufeyson, the God of Mischief.” Loki looked less than amused at being introduced but still winked at Y/n and popped off, “Don't worry, brother, I'm sure I'll be getting to know this one quite well.”

Tony got up next, “Obviously you already know me. I mean, who doesn't. We are missing 3 others right now, Peter, Yelena, and Kate, but I expect they should be back before too long. Peter doesn't live here like the rest of us. He lives with his aunt May.”

Bucky just nodded over at her, not needing to introduce himself. Y/n gave a shirt hum in acknowledgment of him before the red android spoke up. “You and I have met, but for the sake of consistency, my name is Vision.”

The only person left to speak was Natasha, who seemed content to ignore the situation and Y/n until Tony spoke up, “Romanoff this team includes you, make a proper introduction.”

“Fine. You'd better listen well because I won't repeat myself. I'm Natasha Romanoff,  the Black Widow, and I don't expect you to be here long enough for that to matter. I expect you gone by the weeks end, because you don't belong here. You belong in a prison, you're a murderer and a criminal, and this little charade has gone on quite long enough.”

The entire table went dead silent staring in shock at her for the longest time before Wanda spoke up, “What the fuck Nat…”

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