Ch. 2-To Hell and Beyond

68 4 9

1.5 years later
3rd person POV:

"Count your lucky stars, little Y/n, someone decided they wanted to keep you." Kievar said, looking at the child before him tracing the 2 brands on y/n's wrists. "You're going to a special place where they make even more special people."

Just as Kievar finished speaking, Dreykov walked in with a self-satisfied smirk. "Ah, there's my favorite toy. Come, you belong to me now." He looked at the man in the room and said,"I expect no issue with family given the price I paid for her, yes?"

Kievar responds "No her mother sold her to us. She hasn't once tried to check on her, I don't see her suddenly warming up now." Dreykov nods carefully studying the child he had been paying "special" visits to for the last year and a half and smirks "Time to come with me little one, you will be my finest creation. A new breed of widow."

Y/n just looks numbly at him, waiting for her next task. He grips onto your wrists as he drags you away toward a waiting van with armed men inside. Each man inside carefully studied y/n as she was pushed in keeping their features carefully impassive, but their grips tightened on their guns. Y/n didn't care, it was hard to care about anything in the half doped up state she was kept in but even had she not been it was likely she still wouldn't have cared much.

Y/n looked down at her small hands even dazed she was glad she got to keep her brothers ring. She still spun it around on her slender fingers, feeling the familiar weight and comfort. Y/n had begun learning to shut her emotions away, and in some cases, she could stop feeling entirely, which helped some with what happened.

The van drove for what seemed like ages, but the exact timing was iffy given the last course of substances in y/n's veins. It may have only been minutes. Whatever the Dove Society gave the children made moments into an eternity, and the illusion of time evaporate into a mind-numbing continum with no real beginning or end. It helped to keep them from fighting back too much.

Once the van stopped, the men inside the van tensed, waiting for the doors to open, which they did after a few minutes, and Dreykov grabbed y/n's arms again, pulling her towards a bunker set into the lowered ground. The bunker was well hidden, and had the door not been opened, it would have been invisible entirely.

Once they reached the door, it opened to reveal a bunker in the ground that expanded to a vast complex underground with a myriad of rooms and halls. While the building itself was brightly lit, the walls resembled a well-used sterile medical facility. Bright overhead halogen lights flickering occasionally as they passed rooms packed with guards and strange machines, weapons, and surprisingly, a great many girls. It was like a small army of women going through odd lessons. Some had guns, while others seemed to be learning flexibility in hand to hand fighting. Y/n dared to glance around discreetly attempting to observe what she may end up going through soon enough as they approached an elevator.

"An elevator? I thought this place was underground?" Y/n thought quietly as she was pushed forward by an armed guard behind her. A few of the older looking women regarded her with cold, almost clinical curiosity as they passed. They got into the elevator pressing the lowest floor -b12 and began their decent. Before long, the elevator had stopped letting them out into a slightly different styled hallway with only one room towards the end of the hall.

Y/n jumped when she heard Dreykov speak, "As of now, this very moment Renalia Treese Aliatova is no more. That name dies here. You are a widow initiate, a fledgling if you will. You will earn a name if you survive. I have a very special training plan for you, it is much more....-" He paused regarded the small child before him yanking y/n closer "-rigourus. If you succeed and survive this, you will be my crowning achievement. The ultimate widow breed." Smirking, he released her arm and began walking again.

The Way It Should Have Beenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें