Ch. 10-Only A Ghost

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"Y/n? Solnyshko, ty li eto?" ("Sunshine, is that you?")

My head immediately snapped to the man and I flipped up off the table grabbing a scalpel like the trained assassin I was, scaring the group around us. Wanda looked between me and the man carefully trying to figure out what was going on while the rest of the people around seemed to egde away from us.

"Legko, ty menya pomnish', Solnyshka?" He put his hands up, the light reflecting of a dark metal left arm. ("Easy, don't you remember me sunshine?")

My response froze Wanda who had begun to maneuver to stand between us.

"Winter Soldier."


"Winter Soldier." I immediately recognized the metal left arm with the bright red star insignia. Discreetly, I readied the scalpel in my hand, readying to attack. "I thought you were dead."

Wanda noticed your movement immediately against all logic and immediately stepped back, blocking the soldier from my view.

"Absolutely not. You're not attacking Bucky."

"Who the FUCK is Bucky?!"

Bucky shifted in place holding his hands palm side up in surrender, "I am. That's my real name, solnyshko. I'm not here to hurt you." ("Sunshine")

"LIAR! Where is Brashkaar? He sent you, didn't he?! Where is he dragging me this time?! Are you supposed to kill me, because I can promise after the experiments that you will LOSE!!" I edged further back, skirting Wanda and aiming to get a tactical advantage from his side.

"Woah, HEY! I am not here on his orders! Remember I got out? I don't work for Brashkaar, and I don't work for Zola!" He took a step back a strangely familiar twinkle in his eye as he fixed his gaze on me, turning his body to mirror mine.

"Bucky is right! He has been an Avenger for 3 years!" Wanda looked genuinely panicked by the situation.

"You think I'll believe you? You really think I'm that stupid? Just because Wanda was kind while I was locked up this last week, you really think that's enough for me to trust ANY of you?! ARE YOU INSANE?!" They both watched my body sink lower into a trained fighting stance when Wanda spoke up again.

"HEY! Relax! I haven't hurt you a single time here! Just relax okay? Talk with us we aren't going to attack you ARE WE BUCKY?" She leveled a pointed look at him and his own fighting stance making him stand up.

"No. Wanda's right, I'm not here to fight you. I didn't...I thought you were dead y/n." For a moment it almost looked like he was...sad? "I know when we parted it was hard and less than ideal but I thought you were dead this whole time. If I knew you were still there I would have gone back...."

They have seriously got to be kidding me, do they really think I'll believe that? Especially after he left like that. How stupid do they think I am? Wait....if I keep fighting like this then they may lock me up again. If I play this right....maybe I can stay free. Find a way to escape later?....check mate. Okay I'll play...

I let my gaze flicker between the two of them deep in contemplation before relaxing my body language and dropping the scalpel. The action seemed to have done what I wanted for Bucky at least, he relaxed, lowering his arms again, but Wanda looked less convinced. Actually she looked like she was moving to block the window I'd contemplated flipping out of which served to further confuse me. Even Bucky seemed to catch the action and shot her an inquisitive look before they shared an odd look before he turned to look back at me, less relaxed than before.

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