Vitality (One Piece x Zoro x...

By CreativePixels000

240 10 8

"Excuse me?" "You heard what I said." The swordsman replied, in a cold tone. "Well, I dare you to fucking sa... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 Strange Occurences
Chapter 3 The Unsettling

Chapter 2 Beginnings

32 1 0
By CreativePixels000

"Look, how about Azyaela decides?"

Zoro rolled his eyes, and once again looked away with a scowl. Azyaela watched him, with a slight glare, not knowing what his problem was with her, but she could understand. Some random person was aboard your ship whom you knew nothing about. It's infuriating I'm sure, not knowing their motives or anything at that.

The crew then diverted their attention to Azyaela for her answer.

"I'm not sure," she replied in answer, "I'd only intrude and cause-."

"Pff- please, you're not going to be causing any trouble." Nami cut her off before she could go on, looking at her with a sincere gaze. She then gestured to the men at the table, "These guys cause the most trouble and continue to, I doubt you'll even make a dent in our already chaotic adventure."

"Hey!" Usopp and Luffy snapped in unison, followed by a quiet grumble from Sanji and Zoro.

"Well, if that is the case I wouldn't mind staying," Azyaela replied, smiling a bit at the scene. She then looked to the captain and he grumbled something, then shot her a smile at the idea.

"Hey, since you're staying with us, you should just join my crew! We could use another swordsman!"

At that statement, Nami sent a fork his way, which whizzed past Usopp who ducked.

"Ow! Nami!"

"No! Luffy she just woke up! That's a big decision too fast and she's just met us!" Nami snapped, sending a glare his way.

"But she'd be a great asset to the crew!" He replied clutching his arm where it had jabbed him, causing Usopp to snicker.

"You don't even know what she's capable of!" Nami once again snapped, trying to shut down his idea. She then stood up and glared down at him through Usopp, which caused him to shrivel away.

Azyaela watched the scene unfold, as she didn't even have a say in it, which she didn't really mind. Joining a pirate crew? Doesn't seem like the best idea, but these people seem kind and- but is that what she really wants? What if she remembers something that brings this idea against them?

God big decisions are scary, and I'm indecisive enough as is.

"Yeah well, she has a cool sword so she must be a good fighter!"

Cool sword, good fighter my ass that doesn't mean a thing. Azyaela grumbled, and went to say something but the swordsman beat her to it.

"That doesn't mean jack shit!" Zoro suddenly barked, cutting Nami off.

"Does too!"

"Does not-!"

"Look, I'll stay with you till my memories come back!" Azyaela shouted, breaking up the three. She had enough of their bickering over what she should do, plus a cool sword does not equal good fighter.

Sanji and Chopper shared a look and shrugged, the doctor let out a sigh knowing Luffy would continue to bring up the idea, and the cook only just loved the idea of another woman on the ship. But, Robin could only smile at the scene, it seemed the woman was already making her dent in the crew's mind.

Zoro scoffed, while Nami let out a sigh, and Luffy jumped up with a yell.


"And that isn't a no!" Luffy added stubbornly with that goofy smile on his face.

"And it isn't a yes," Azyaela grumbled, sinking back down to her seat, with an exasperated sigh.

"But it isn't a no~."

"But it isn't a yes!" Azyaela finally snapped, once again standing up from her seat to send glares in the boy's face. Luffy only laughed and smiled, which ticked her off more.

"Someone has a tempter," A certain first-mate muttered, crossing his arms as he looked at the two of them.

"Excuse me?"

At Azyaela's words, the others shared looks
'Ohh, boy.'

And that's when a rivalry started. But, it was a beginning in the least, what could possibly go wrong?

"You heard what I said."

"Yeah, well I fucking dare you to say it again!" Azyaela snapped, her tone in pure venom as she spoke. 

Zoro instinctively rested his hand on his sword, eyes glaring up at the woman. God he wanted to wipe that look off her face, it just ticked him off.

The others continued to watch the scene, turning their heads as each said a word. Luffy and Usopp shared look while they snickered at Zoro who had just fired up the woman. Nami, who only grabbed her head in frustration, let out another sigh, While Robin and Chopper shared amused looks for Azyaela.

Sanji was practically seething as the swordsman had insulted a lady and an injured one at that.

"I said. You. Have. A-."

"Haha, alright let's stop there!" Nami interrupted, grabbing Azyaela's arm to pull her away from the table, but her glaring gaze never left the swordsman's and neither did his.

"How about I give you a tour around the ship since it might be awhile?"

At that, Azyaela's attention was averted and she looked at Nami curiously.

"Tour?" Azyaela spoke out, her eyes lighting up a little.

"Ooo, tour!" Luffy shot up, quickly grabbing Azyaela's other arm and pulling her towards the doors.

"Oi Luffy be gentle with her!" Sanji snapped, springing from his seat as the straw-hat-wearing boy pulled her away.

"Luffy be careful! She's still injured!" Chopper shouted, quickly running after the boy, which Usopp followed.

He spun on his heels facing the others sending a smile and pointed fingers, "I'm gonna go make sure they don't mess up anything!" He shouted as he was already spinning back through the door.

"Hey wait for me, you guys!"


"Something's gonna get broken," Nami grumbled, slapping a hand to her face. "If they go in my room I'm gonna ring their necks!"

Robin laughed softly and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I'm sure they'll be fine, besides, our guest needs something to get her mind off things."

Nami could only nod, she then turned to others.

"So, what'd we think?" She questioned, crossing her arms.

"I think she's lovely," Sanji responded immediately, beginning to walk to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

"You think every woman is 'lovely'" Zoro muttered, leaning back in his chair. He didn't trust Azyaela, whatsoever. And he wasn't going to, based on how she was already torn up before they got to her.
I mean, shit, the woman looked like she had been through hell- no wonder she had forgotten who she was. But, still. It just didn't sit right with him.

"I don't like, or trust her." He spoke, his voice cold. His eyes narrowed at the table as he thought of their little 'event' from earlier, that woman easily got on his nerves and he couldn't explain why.

"Yeah, we know."

At that comment, he shrugged his shoulders and pushed off his seat, "Well don't come crying to me if she's some marine spy or something." He said nonchalantly, walking out of the room.

"Oi! She's not a marine spy you shitty swordsman!"


Luffy was still holding my hand as he dragged me along the ship, whose name was apparently The Going Merry. It seemed to be a decent ship, though it was small it offered Luffy's crew the best of memories. Which he explained during the tour.

"Here we have Nami and Robin's room!" He chirped gesturing towards the door, he went to open it but Usopp quickly told him not to.

"Don't, remember the last time we went in there?" He said faintly, reliving the traumatic memory.

I looked at Usopp and my eyebrow rose, "What happened last time?"

"Uhh..Anyways we won't open that room! We'll let Nami and Robin show that to you!" Luffy said quickly, pulling me along the wooden hallway to the next area.

Chopper quickly ran up between us and smacked his hand away from me. I paused and looked down at him with a soft gaze, he seemed very drawn to do that.

"Azyaela is injured! Stop being so pushy!" He snapped, narrowing his eyes up at the boy, trying to intimidate him but to no avail he just seemed very cute.

Luffy and Usopp laughed, and I watched as the deer turned to me with concern. It was strange really, how could a deer dog talk?

"Are you alright? You don't have to let them drag you around you know!"

Are deers supposed to talk? Or that just something I don't remember?


I snapped out of my thoughts and looked to Chopper, quickly squatting down to his level I tilted my head to him.

"How do you talk?"

"Huh?" The boys said, confused at what I meant.

"I mean- like deers can't talk or at least I don't think they do," I muttered, awkwardly bringing my hand to the back of my neck with a slight pain.

"Oh! I ate a devil fruit! It's called the Human, Human-Fruit." He explained quickly, finally understanding what I meant.

"Ah I see."

"Yeah, it gives me the ability to talk, and transform like a human." He added with a nod.

I returned the nod, and stood up to face the others.
"Yep! I also ate a devil fruit, the gum-gum fruit which gives me the ability to stretch like rubber!" Luffy said quickly, Usopp took Luffy's motion and grabbed his arm stretching it aways.

"Wow, does it hurt when you do that though?" I asked, watching as Usopp continued to walk aways as he stretched Luffy's arm.

"Haha nope!" He chirped once again, smiling. A snap echoed and Usopp suddenly came flying our way, "Luffy!"

At the yell I quickly grabbed Chopper and jumped out of the way, tumbling into the wall with him close in my grasp. "Woah!"

I shut my eyes as the sudden pain in my head, leaving a hiss of pain to escaped my lips. I heard Usopp and Luffy tumbling towards the floor with a loud thud and yell, rolling aways.

The pain didn't subside and I felt motionless as my vision blurred with Chopper in my grasp, I heard a quick "Sorry!" From Luffy and a loud "You idiot!" From Usopp.

I then opened my eyes to meet Choppers, as he had peaked out from my arms.

"Thank you," he said quickly climbing out of my lap. I only nodded with a faint forced smile, and closed my eyes and leaning my head back.

It felt like my eyes and head were on fire.

"Azyaela?" I could hear him say worriedly, placing a hoof to my shoulder.

"I'm okay, just a little dizzy from the fall." I said quickly, forcing my eyes open to shakily stand up.

Luffy and Usopp then quickly made their way back to me, somehow in tip top shape. This probably happens often to them, knowing them. I'd have been surprised if I didn't happen often.

"That was so cool Zae!" Luffy said with stars in his eyes, "You rolled out of the way and saved Chopper like a ninja!" Usopp agreed, stars also filling his eyes.

"Uhm, it was nothing really." I said quickly running a hand through my hair as I regained composure.

"No- it was awesome! It was so fast like pshew! Pshew!" The captain then made fast punching motion with his hands and Usopp followed.
A chuckle escaped my lips, and I only shook my head, "We should get back to the tour, yeah?"

"Oh right! We just need to check out storage, but that can wait for later." Usopp responded, with a hand to his chin.

"Yeah, our storage room is booring." Luffy dragged out, I nodded and once again began to grow fuzzy.

"Oh we haven't taken you up aboard yet?"

"No, you haven't." I managed out, growing foggier by the second.

"Oh well let's go then!" He beamed, grabbing my hand as he quickly pulled me along upstairs onto the deck. Chopper let out a shout of protest as he once again manhandled me, but I didn't mind, and it wasn't as if I could stop him.

I watched as the wooded ceiling, steps, and walls blurred around me until I was faced with orange and red hues, complimented with a dark blue shine of the water.

The smell of fresh salt and oranges filled my nose, and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.
My vision was blurry, but I could make out some waist length railings and a small but open area.

A breeze blew by, and my curly hair flew in my face causing me to shake my head with closed eyes. Blowing some hair out of my face I opened my eyes and saw orange trees covering the top of The Going Merry.

Soft laughter then filled my ears and I turned my head to see the boys laughing at something, though I didn't mind what. Then the peaceful sound of waves and wind filled my ears, bringing me a free feeling.

As my vision fogged over I took a slight step back losing my balance. I then looked up to the setting sun, which seeped through the ship's sails turning its natural color of white to a light orange. I followed the sails outline and managed out a straw-hat wearing...skull.

My gaze drooped and my body fell back into, a wall?

"Oi. Zae you alright?" Someone spoke out behind me, but I couldn't tell who. My body grew all tingly, like needles were pricking it from head to toe, and inch by inch.

"Ah! Azyaela!" I could hear someone else shout, but it quickly blurred followed by other voices around me.

My eyes closed, and my hearing rang, until everything fell dark.



"Oi! She's not a marine spy you shitty swordsman!"

"Stupid cook," Zoro grumbled under his breath, he continued to walk down the hallway to get up deck and enjoy the peace and quiet since the 'guest' was downstairs getting a tour with the boys. He continued to walk down the wooded hallways until he heard a familiar yell.


The swordsman quickly peeked his head around the corner and saw a glimpse of Usopp flying straight towards Azyaela, and Chopper. He about went to help but chose to watch. Azyaela had then jumped out of the way, leaving.. no taking the little doctor with her. The two hit against the wall before they were sent flying with Usopp and Luffy down the hall.

Zoro tightened his grip on his swords and quickly left before they noticed him, he practically stomped up the stairs onto the higher deck before taking another wrong turn.

The woman had cared enough to take Chopper with her, though that didn't mean anything. She was just repaying him, or whatever. He hadn't really expected her to do that, sacrifice a little scrape and bruise on herself so doctor wasn't hurt didn't mean a damn thing.

But it showed she cared, he thought stubbornly.

"Damn woman." He muttered, pausing as he was face to face with the kitchen, yet again.

With a curse, he then watched as Luffy dragged Azyaela up the stairs, which was followed by a protesting Chopper and laughing Usopp, as they went to the deck. He slowly followed after them, feeling the least bit of remorse for the woman.

Though it must suck, losing everything, not knowing who you are or were, your dreams, or goals. He still had a crew to protect and watch over. So, anything that did come in the waves of worse, he'd be there.

After he made it to the deck, he watched as the boys walked off not noticing Azyaela stayed behind. He watched her suspiciously as she looked around the place, but he froze when he saw her face.

The orange sunset, glimpsing over her red hair made it shine a brighter red. And he sucked in a breath as he saw her soft smile, looking towards the boys.

There was no hostility, no...anything.

He took a step forward as he watched her eyes close and lose balance but he waited, he continued to watch her his gaze softening.

A peaceful look crossed her tanned face, and she once again began to take a few steps back.

"Oi-" he muttered out, but he saw her tip back and immediately went up to catch her. It was too quick, too fast to mutter her name-

"Oi. Zae you alright?" Zoro blurted out, his tone still cold. Her now limp body, rested back against his chest and he grew tense, not sure what to do.

"Ah! Azyaela!" Chopper shouted running up to the two, which quickly followed Usopp and Luffy.

"Zoro killed her!" Usopp said with dread in his voice, Zoro immediately sent him a glare.

"I did not! She just tipped over and blacked out!"

"I knew you guys were pushing her too far! This is serious!" Chopper squeaked, meeting the swordsman's side immediately placing a hoof to her neck.

Luffy peaked over Usopp's shoulder growing serious,
"Will she be alright?"

"Her pulse is irregular I'm not sure," Chopper said quietly.

"Dammit, I wish I knew more about this." The doctor added worriedly. Then placing his free hoof to her head to feel her temperature. Zoro only tightened his grip, when he heard Chopper's words. He didn't know what was happening, and apparently neither did Chopper, so it was serious to say in the least.

"I'm not sure what's wrong. It isn't exhaustion, her injuries seem to be healing quite well and it's to soon for her to-." Chopper paused, and brought his hooves back to place on his chin and mouth.

"Her memories might be re-surfacing. Something must have caused it." He said quietly, his eyes softening as he looked to Azyaela's sleeping face.

"Well what do we do to help her?" Luffy piped, squatting down next to the deer.

"We can't. It's not something that is in our control, Azyaela can only remember on her own terms." The doctor added, placing a hoof back to her pulse.

"Oh, it's slowing down. Thank goodness." He breathed out, letting his head droop.

"Should we bring her back inside?" Usopp questioned, peering over Luffy's shoulder.

Chopper nodded, and looked to Zoro. In response, the swordsman slowly stood up with the woman in his arms and took her back towards her 'designated couch.'

With the boys quickly following behind.


How tf did Hamilton write like 51 essays in a few months man. Like?? What were they feeding this man, cause give me some.

Anyways hope you enjoyed! Azyaela's memories might be resurfacinggg.

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