The Ashes

By BiReader22

19 0 0

Nymeria Akatani walked away from her friends and from the love of her life to protect them after the fight ag... More

Wounds heal and life moves on
Baby gets his quirk
Mornings are still chaotic in this household
Letters arrive
Another beginning to an end
The USJ Incident
History is shown and truths are revealed
A rough night and late breakfast
Family and friends
Meeting the "Hell Class"
Sports Festival
Doctor Nymeria is in the building
Breakfast and family expansions
Hospital visits and relaxation

The end to a long meeting

2 0 0
By BiReader22

Hitoshi, Katsuki, and Izuku ended up following them back into the conference room after the short break. Nymeria didn't fight them on it, mainly because all that was left was answering questions anyone may have and Nymeria wanted them there in case anything came up that involved the boys. The room was quiet as they shuffled into their seats and got settled, Nymeria avoiding eye contact with everyone except Cabe and Nedzu. Both gave her slight nods, so she took a deep breath and looked to the rest of the room.

"I know that was a lot of information at once, and am thankful that you all were tolerant during the entire time. I do want to say that there are a few things we were unable to disclose due to the fact that they are still in play. One example is that we have an undercover hero working with us, and can't disclose their information or their history with us due to the fact that we are putting them into the field here very soon. Are there any questions that we can try to answer for anyone at this time?"

She made sure to make eye contact with all of the staff members and Tensei while she spoke and was soothed slightly when her friends all seemed to be doing alright and not too upset. Her eyes trailed from them to Snipe when the man cleared his throat and leaned forward.

"Yeah, I got one." Nymeria nodded as she felt her own little group settle in for the beginning of the questions.

"I feel that we have a pretty good understandin of the history due to your lil presentation, but what are the plans going forward?"

Nymeria glanced at Cabe and nodded, signaling him to answer.

"Well, Nymeria and Kenzo are both joining the staff here at U.A. both to aid in teaching, and to also be on hand and available should anything further arise from the All for One situation. This also helps us keep an eye on the boys-" He nodded his head towards the three teens before continuing- "As it's likely that they could be targeted in an effort to get to us."

Nymeria spoke next after Cabe settled back in his chair.

"Us being employed by U.A. now also gives U.A. access to our task force and resources. We will continue to patrol and do our work with the task force in America as usual, but in the event that it's needed, we have access to some... favors.... That we have accumulated over the years that we will be able to call in if the event calls for it. We also have quite a network we've built up over the years that we can lean on heavier now that we have confirmation that All for One is alive and still active. I was able to get some information out of Tomura during the fight that leads me to believe that even though All for One survived, he didn't walk away without his own injuries. This most likely means he is in Japan, not America. I might be able to sway some of the task force to temporarily moving to the area here to better provide aid."

Snipe nodded and Nymeria looked around the room to see if there were any more questions. She didn't think there would be, really. The info dump they had just received was through and realistically didn't leave much that wasn't explained or known. She could see Cabe opening his mouth, probably to end the meeting, when Nemuri sucked in a breath and drew attention to herself. Making eye contact with the woman, Nymeria could feel her face pale at the intense look she was giving her.

"So, looks like that's all the questions about that situation. What I want to know is with your personality, and Kenzo's personality, how the hell is the shy, timid, innocent little green bean your guyses spawn?!"

Nymeria blinked, and then blinked again, brain going blank and stalling for a moment. The mood in the room had improved with her question, and she thought she heard a few chuckles from some of the other staff members, but she was too busy processing the question to determine who it was. It took about thirty seconds for Nymeria's brain to start working again, and she made brief eye contact with a clearly confused Kenzo before her eyes fell on Izuku.

Izuku was hunched in on himself in his chair, face slowly turning red and eyes firmly on his lap. A quick glance at Hitoshi showed the teen trying not to laugh while staring at him, and Katsuki wouldn't make eye contact with her. Her confusion slowly faded as she figured out what was going on, quickly being replaced with exasperation and a hint of annoyance. She slowly turned back to Nemuri and cleared her throat.

"What. What do you mean by that?"

The woman shrugged and pointed at Kenzo, Izuku, and Nymeria.

"Well, from what I know of Kenzo, he's a flirt. Outgoing, loud, energetic, sassy, and..well.. A shithead. You are quiet but definitely confident in yourself, smart, and take no shit. Not to mention your own shithead side."

Nemuri mumbled the last part loud enough for everyone to hear and Nymeria ignored the chuckles that sounded around the room and Nemuri continued, waving a hand towards Izuku again.

"So how the hell is your child so....not? Like, he's quiet, shy, blushes any time anyone talks to him. He stutters in class and just seems- well, the complete opposite of both of you. No offense Kid."

Izuku ducked his head down further at that and Nymeria closed her eyes and rubbed at her face, looking up when Kenzo tapped on the table with his knuckles with a shit eating grin on his face. She took another deep breath before turning to look at Nedzu.

"Rat. What did I say about your stupid little social experiments?"

Nedzu chuckled and held his paws up, eyes sparkling in a way that immediately gave Nymeria a headache.

"I did not start this, Nymeria. You have banned me from taking him on as a personal student until his second semester, remember?"

Nymeria narrowed her eyes and glanced at the still-hiding Izuku before glaring back at Nedzu.

"I swear- ugh. Izuku."

The boy looked up at her, eyes wide and face set to an innocent and nervous expression. Kenzo began laughing as Cabe released a long sigh, shaking his head as he watched the situation.

"Knock it off with the fake shit brat. Stop messing with your teachers and peers. No social experiments of any kind until your second year. I told you that. Unless you want me to push back your lessons with Nedzu until your second year?"

Izuku's face quickly dropped at that, returning to his usual expression of bored curiosity before he smiled slightly and rubbed the back of his neck.

"No! Sorry mom, just thought it would be interesting to see how everyone acts around the whole 'small and innocent' act, ya know?"

Nymeria groaned as she heard the staff all make small noises of disbelief at the change in Izuku. She poked the teen in the forehead and turned her glare to Kenzo.

"I blame you. You never should've been left alone with the kids, ever. This is 100% your fault."

Kenzo just laughed louder as Hitoshi turned to face Nymeria with a grin on his face.

"To be fair, we learned a lot of this from you too. Besides, Izu's been doing this whole act all through middle school too."

Nymeria groaned and let her head fall to the table with a thunk. Izuku chuckled and poked at her side.

"If I have to stop, does that mean Hito and Kacchan have to stop now too?"

Nymeria turned her head to shoot him a glare, raising an eyebrow at him in question.

"Do I even want to know?"

"Ah, Hito doesn't act much different, just more..well.. Rude I guess. Kacchan just acts like an even bigger ass than he already is."



Nymeria sat up at her automatic prompt and shot a glare at Katsuki who had shouted.

"Okay. New rule. No more faking personalities for any of you. I swear to the gods I will ground all three of you. Got it?"

The three teens mumbled their agreements and Nymeria rubbed her eyes before turning to address the other staff in the room who were watching the interaction with interest.

"Forgive the gremlins. Let me explain some. Izuku is very much like us, and that includes his smarts. Someone spent dinner one night a few years back discussing different types of social experiments with him, and even though I remember explicitly stating that they drop it, it appears Izuku, and by extension, Hitoshi and Katsuki, took a private interest in them. Hitoshi is typically quiet, sleepy, and grouchy. He will snark, he is sarcastic, and he does have a bit of an attitude problem at times that we are working on."

She shot him a look at that, the teen just smirking back at her.

"Izuku, like I said, is smart. Scarily so at times. His analytical skills are better than my own, and he is usually pretty balanced between loud and energetic, and quiet and reserved. He's also an ass, and can out sass the best of them. Sorry in advance for unleashing him upon you all."

Izuku chuckled at that and leaned into Hitoshi's side as Nymeria made brief eye contact with Katsuki. The blonde teen curled his lip but nodded before looking away.

"Katsuki is brash, loud, explosive, and has a tendency to cuss with every sentence just like his mother." Nymeria turned and looked at the rest of the room, happy to see they all picked up that she was turning the topic serious once more.

"When Katsuki got his quirk, it became clear very fast that it was affecting his health. He's been on medications since for it, and while Nedzu and Chiyo both know, it's a good idea for the rest of you to know as well. Katsuki's quirk produces Nitroglycerin sweat that then ignites and explodes on his hands. But, his whole body produces this sweat. Nitroglycerin's effects on the body slows down heart rates. Due to this, Katsuki's body has created a natural defense to prevent his heart rate from dropping too low by constantly keeping his heart rate elevated. This essentially puts him in a constant fight-or-flight state, and as a result, he tends to be louder and angrier. He literally has medically induced anger issues. He's been going to therapy for it for years, and is on medication that lowers his blood pressure to a more reasonable and safe level, as his natural state puts too much pressure on his heart and body. The medication levels get adjusted when his quirk grows or if the situation calls for it, so if he ever appears to be more subdued or quiet in class please let him be, as it's probably a result of the change of dosage."

Nymeria paused and glanced at Izuku and Hitoshi before continuing.

"While I'm on the topic of the boy's and some of the details surrounding their health, let me touch on Izuku's and Hitoshi's. Hitoshi has extreme insomnia due to a mutation in his brain from his quirk. Please be understanding of that if he appears to be more tired in classes, and let us know if he's frequently spacing out or falling asleep so we can get his sleep aids adjusted." She shot Toshinori a look before continuing.

"Izuku is a late bloomer as far as getting his quirk."

She paused for a minute to check the staff's reactions, looking at Hizashi when he cleared his throat and spoke up.

"Like, how late of a bloomer are we talking? Did he develop it when he was eight?"

"No. He got his quirk when he was fourteen, so last year."

Nymeria was quiet as everyone who didn't know made noises of surprise, only Shota was quiet, and he just studied her with narrowed eyes.

"Anyways, due to him getting his quirk so late, he still occasionally struggles with control, thus the broken arm at the USJ. We've been working on it, but be patient with him as well, he hasn't had the time his peers have to work with it, and we are still learning the ins and outs of it. Besides that, all three boys regularly attend therapy and will continue to do so. Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugo attend frequent trips out of the country for their fashion business, so most of the time Kenzo, Cabe, or I will be the ones taking care of Hito and Kats."

The adults all nodded and it was silent for another moment before Cabe spoke up.

"If that is all, I believe we've taken up enough of your time. If any new information becomes available, we will update you all as needed. Any other smaller issues can be taken to Kenzo, Nymeria, or Nedzu."

With his words the staff began standing and stretching before slowly trickling out of the room. Hizashi, Nemuri, Tensei, and Shota remained hovering by the door and the room remained quiet until the door shut behind the last person. Nymeria released a breath as she sat back in her chair as she looked at the weary and exhausted looking teens. She could feel her own mental and physical exhaustion building up, and she nodded to Cabe before turning to her friends.

"I had fully planned on speaking with you all in depth after this meeting, but it ran longer than I anticipated. I should really get the kids home and settled after today. If it's alright with you guys, can you all come to my house for a late lunch tomorrow? We can talk then and any other questions you might have I can answer then?"

She could hear the strain in her own voice and relaxed slightly when all four of her friends nodded with understanding looks on their faces.

"Yeah Ny, of course. We understand. Just shoot Sho a message with your address and a time and we will see you tomorrow!"

Nymeria smiled at Tensei and nodded, watching as they shuffled out of the room as well, Shota giving her one last look before the door closed behind him. It was quiet for a moment, Izuku shuffling closer to her and leaning into her side with Hitoshi still clinging from his other side.

"Alright. Today was a long day. Go home, rest, recover. Let me know if you need anything at all. School will be out for the rest of the week, and I will see you all come Monday morning bright and early in my office to touch base."

Nymeria nodded to Nedzu and pulled Izuku and Hitoshi to stand beside her, watching as Kenzo poked at a distracted Katsuki until he too stood. They all shuffled out a side door and made their way to Nymeria's car to head home.

Once home Cabe ordered take out for an early dinner and all three teens showered before going to bed at 7:00. It was early but understandable following the stress from the long day, especially since Izuku had started complaining of a headache halfway through dinner and Katsuki was withdrawn and quiet. Cabe settled in what was deemed to be his lazy boy with his laptop. What was he doing? Nymeria was too tired to care.

She plopped herself on a couch next to Kenzo and curled into his side, letting out a sigh as she allowed her body to relax fully thinking that maybe a quick nap on the couch before she tried to go to bed for the night was a good idea.

Four hours later she jolted awake on the couch to the sound of a crash upstairs followed by a cut off screech of terror from Izuku. Her and Kenzo both untangled their limbs and bolted upstairs despite both having just woken up, Cabe following based on the sound behind them. As they were rounding the top of the stairs into the hallway, they could see Katsuki holding Izuku's bedroom door open and could hear Hitoshi soothing a sobbing Izuku.

Nymeria gently but urgently shoved Katsuki back to Cabe and scanned Izuku's room for threats as she entered. Izuku was curled into a ball and crying on his bed, Hitoshi gently holding him and trying to get him to verbally respond while kicking the twisted blankets out of the way. Izuku's quirk was active, green sparks providing light to the room and erratically zipping across the boy. Nymeria sat on the bed as she eyed his desk on the floor, realizing that it had gotten knocked over and that must've been the crash they heard.

She quickly but gently pulled the boy into her arms, letting her quirk out to loosely surround the boy in a comforting pressure as she began quietly speaking to calm him. She shot Kenzo a look, and he stepped forward and pulled Hito into his arms, calming the boy who was clearly startled and scared.

It took ten minutes to get Izuku to calm down enough for his quirk to shut off and for him to stop sobbing. Cabe and Kenzo had led the other two teens downstairs after five, and Nymeria had switched to humming under her breath and slowly rocking Izuku at that point, realizing that talking wasn't doing anything for him. He sniffled a few times and slowly uncurled from his position in her lap, raising his head enough that she could meet his red and watery eyes.

"Hey love bug. There you are. You're okay. I've got you. We are home, Hito and Kats are downstairs with Cabe and ZoZo. Everyone's safe."

Izuku sniffed again and reached a shaky hand up to wipe away his tears before he cleared his throat, voice coming out scratchy from his scream and sobs.

"I-I kk-know. It wasn't a ni-nightmare. It wasn't a d-dream, mom."

Nymeria furrowed her brows and helped Izuku to sit up more.

"What do you mean, Bug?"

Izuku took a few deep breaths before meeting her eyes.

"I was asleep, and I- well. I think. No. I know- I talked with the p-past holders of One for All, mom. I t-talked with them, and they.. They told me I'm gonna get their quirks."

Nymeria sucked in a breath and stared at Izuku. His face made it clear that he was being honest, and she knew he was smart enough to tell the difference between what was a dream and what was real. She slowly nodded and released a breath.

"Okay. Okay. Lets.. lets go downstairs and join the others. We can call Toshi and talk about this with everyone."

Izuku sniffed again before nodding and Nymeria helped him to his feet, pulling him into her side as they walked downstairs. As she watched Katsuki and Hitoshi both leap on Izuku once they entered the front room, she stepped over to Cabe and Kenzo.

"Cabe, get some tea for us please? Kenzo, call Toshi and wake him up and then go get him. Something is going on with Izuku's quirk."

They both nodded, Cabe going into the kitchen as Kenzo pulled his phone out and walked towards the door to grab his shoes. Nymeria took a settling breath as she sat on the couch, Izuku immediately settled next to her and clung to her side as Hitoshi sat beside him and Katsuki sat on her other side.

Tonight was going to be a long night. 

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