Short Stories

Por RainyNights95

112K 9K 871

18++ Collection of few shots of fictional and non fictional stories. enjoy Más

[ 1 ] Their Little Secret
[ 2 ] Their Little Secret
[ 3 ] Their Little Secret
[ 1 ] Meant to You Forever
[ 2 ] Meant to You Forever
[ 3 ] Meant to You Forever
[ 4 ] Meant to You Forever
[ 1 ] Hidden Ties of Passion
[ 2 ] Hidden Ties of Passion
[ 3 ] Hidden Ties of Passion
[ 4 ] Hidden Ties of Passion
[ 5 ] Hidden Ties of Passion
[ 6 ] Hidden Ties of Passion
[ 7 ] Hidden Ties of Passion
[ 1 ] A Love Transcending Time
[ 2 ] A Love Transcending Time
[ 3 ] A Love Transcending Time
[ 4 ] A Love Transcending Time
[ 5 ] A Love Transcending Time
[ 6 ] A Love Transcending Time
Sunrise Serenade
[ 1 ] Bound to You
[ 2 ] Bound to You
[ 3 ] Bound to You
[ 4 ] Bound to You
[ 5 ] Bound to You
[ 6 ] Bound to You
[ 7 ] Bound to You
[ 9 ] Bound to You
[ 1 ] Forever Again
[ 2 ] Forever Again
[ 3 ] Forever Again
[ 4 ] Forever Again
[ 5 ] Forever Again
[ 6 ] Forever Again
[ 1 ] Threads of Revenge
[ 2 ] Threads of Revenge
[ 3 ] Threads of Revenge
[ 4 ] Threads of Revenge
[ 5 ] Threads of Revenge
[ 6 ] Threads of Revenge
[ 7 ] Threads of Revenge
[ 8 ] Threads of Revenge
[ 9 ] Threads of Revenge
[ 1 ] Perfection of Imperfection
[ 2 ] Perfection of Imperfection
[ 3 ] Perfection of Imperfection
[ 4 ] Perfection of Imperfection
[ 5 ] Perfection of Imperfection
[ 6 ] Perfection of Imperfection
[ 7 ] Perfection of Imperfection
[ 8 ] Perfection of Imperfection
[ 9 ] Perfection of Imperfection

[ 8 ] Bound to You

1.1K 143 18
Por RainyNights95

Take bunches of tissues...

This chapter is emotional one.

I'm sorry for this chapter but it's needed.

Every relationship demands test. (No Separation.)



It's 11.30 of the morning. Sanyu was alone at the home with Jessie, their maid. Randhir was gone at the funeral of one of his bestfriend's father.

She was laying on the couch and eating fruits as per her husband's order. She don't make fuss when he asked her to eat fruits or healthy food because he fulfills her every demands when she craved for anything. She has enters in her eight month of pregnancy.

"Madam, you need something?" Jessie asked.

"No, Jess. Thank you. Last night I ruined two bedsheets in sleep so I had kept them in laundry basket in the room. Can you wash them in machine?" Sanyu asked feeling shy and embarrassed.

"Yes, madam. And please, don't feel shy about it. You're pregnant and it's normal." Jessie said with a smile and goes upstairs to their room.

She checked in security screen but gets surprised and confused seeing Randhir's mother with one of the guard. She opens the door.

"Hello, Mrs. Shekhawat. This lady is claiming that she is boss's mother. I doubt her since I've never heard about her before." George, the gaurd said.

"Sanyukta, please." She said in pleading in tone.

"It's ok, George. She is not lying though. Come inside, ma'am." Sanyu said thus she walks inside the house.

"Do you want me to stay or go?" George asked.

"No, Just stay here. I've kept the door half open." Sanyu said thus he nodded and stays there with his gun.

She walks back and sits on the couch.

"What brings you here?" Sanyu asked in stern voice.

"For my son. I want to reconcile with him again." She said.

"Really? And you really think that it's easy to reconcile with him after what you did to him? You gave him enough pain and he endured everything given by you." Sanyu said rolling her eyes.

"I know and I want to apologize to him for my deeds." She said looking at the floor.

"It's not easy. Your apology isn't going to work. It's took him years to relieve the life. You blamed him for the crime he never did. You're his mother yet you didn't trusted him and accused him. And now you suddenly realized your mistakes." Sanyu said sarcastically.

"I know I did wrong but you're also doing wrong. You've trapped my son in this fake relationship. This isn't even his child." She said accusing her.

"You can never change. Get out before I call George. He will drag you out of this mansion." Sanyu snapped at her angrily.

"You can't throw me out of my son's house. I'll give you money. Just get out his life with this shitty child." She said loudly.

Jessie heard noises coming from the hall and walks out of the laundry room.

"How fucking dare you to accuse me and my child? George Georg... aaaahhh..."

She stabbed Sanyu's stomach and George rushes there. He hit his mother's head and holds Sanyu.

"Madamm..." Jessie screamed running down while Sanyu bleed heavily and closes her eyes.


Randhir was pacing back and forth out of the OT. He had left the funeral after receiving the call from George. He was scared and tried not fell weak but it's not working anymore.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Shekhawat. We tried but couldn't save the child. The mother's condition is critical. If you want then you can see the baby." The doctor said.

Randhir stumbles on his feet hearing this and George supports him. Later, he was taken to the room where their babygirl was kept and he took her in his trembling hands. Tears rolls on his cheeks seeing his almost grown babygirl who is no more alive. He cried hugging his little princess.


Randhir enters the room and his mother looks at him. She was in the prison.

"My son, finally. You're here." She said happily.

"Why did you do that?" He asked straightway.

"She is not good girl for you. She is bitch. That baby is not yours." She replied.

"And who you to decide?" He asked back.

"I'm your mother. I was just protecting you from that bitch." She said.

"Enough. Do you even realized what fucking you did? You killed my unborn baby. You fucking killed my baby." Randhir said loudly.

"But I want to protect you." He said trying to reach him but the chains around her wrists don't let her touch.

"Fucking stop. You didn't protect me. You ruined my life. Always. I was happy. You snatched my happiness. You snatched everything from me." Randhir said angrily and banged his hands on the table.

"I... Randhir..."

"You killed my daughter. You hurt my wife. You ruined my family. Why? What's my fault? Why you can't see my happiness?" He asked as tears rolls on his cheeks.

"Daughter?" She asked in cracked voice.

"We're having babygirl but you killed her. What kind of mother you are? You ruined your own son's happy life. I'll never forgive you for this. Not in this life nor in next lives. May you get what you actually deserves and I'll make sure you see the hell from the earth. No child deserve a mother like you." Randhir said wiping his tears.

"I carried you for nine months and in return you're giving this to me?" She asked with teary eyes.

"For that, I'm grateful to you. But killing my unborn baby isn't forgivable. You carried me for nine months and what about my baby? She was in her mother's womb but you didn't think for a once before stabbing her. You hurt the woman who is my wife. You hurt my family. So you'll get what actually you deserve." He said going from there.

She stands there crying and regretting her deeds but it's too late. It's too late to regret that can't be mend ever.


Three Months Later

It's been three months passed to that incident. Things have changed a lot. Sanyukta has stopped talking to everyone. She don't smile nor she cry. All the time she just starred at random things in front of her eyes.

What has not changed? Randhir's care for her. Even though she don't reply, he continues to talk with her. He spends more time with her. He is supporting her and doing his best to bring her back to normal life. He is hiding his pain to make her smile.

It's just another night and Randhir was cracking silly jokes.

"Stop, Randhir." Sanyu said getting up and about to go inside but he held her hand.

"It's just 8 o'clock. Stay more." He said pulling her in his lap.

"Why are you doing all this? Where are divorce papers?" She asked getting up from his lap.

"Divorce papers? Why?" He asked confused.

"We got married for the baby. Now when the baby isn't here then why this marriage? It means nothing." She replied trying not to cry.

"Good then pack your stuff and leave this house right now." He said calmly.

"At this time?" She asked feeling hurt by his cruelty.

"Yes. Strangers are not allow in my house." He mouthed coldly.

She goes into the closet and pulls out her bag and starts throwing her clothes in while crying continuously. How easily he got agreed for the divorce. It's hurt her that he didn't even try to stop her. She can't live without him. She wasn't with him just for the baby. Her feelings can't describe in words for him. It's really hurt her to lose him. How will she able to live without him?

She was about to grabs another dress but felt a grip on her wrist and saw him standing in front of her.

"What? Why are you touching me?" She asked trying to remove her wrist out of his grip but he pulls her closer.

"When I kissed you for the first time, I've known that I want you. Forever." He said wiping her corner tears.

"You don't leave me?" She asked crying.

"Not now. Not ever. I told you that I'll always choose you. I'll choose you over the baby. No matter what. I'm not going to leave you. I want you in my life. We can create more babies together. I want to have family with you." He said touching their foreheads.

"Then why you're hiding your pain? You're trying to make me smile but you, yourself hiding your pain. Why? Your pain is bigger than mine." She said holding his face.

They slowly collapsed on the floor and embraced each other tightly. He was crying and she was crying too. She knew his pain. Pain of losing their baby. But his pain was more. Because his own mother killed their baby. She can't imagine what he has gone through. It's him, who always had endured the pain. His own people gave him this pain. He don't deserve all these.

"She can't be my mother. That woman... how can she? Am I that bad?" He asked crying and she too cry with him.

"You're not bad. You're world's best human. It's bad phase of our life. We lived and survived. We have to forget this incident. And never blamed yourself for the thing you've not did. You're my husband and I'm proud of you." She said kissing his forehead and eyes then hugs him.

"I've never said this but I love you." He said hugging her tightly.

"I love you too. I'm sorry that I asked you for the divorce. I'm sorry that I couldn't protect our baby. I'm sorry that I failed as mother." She said sobbing in his neck.

He pulls her face between his palms and made her looks at him.

"No, don't apologize. It's not your fault. It's never your fault. If you want to see what kind of failed mother looks then see my mother. You didn't knew her real intentions. So never blame yourself for that incident. Let's just try to forget about it. Let's just try." He said kissing her lips and she cried kissing him back.

That night... they just absorbed their pain staying in each other warmth.


In the Loving Memories of

Angel Shekhawat

Date : 17 - 02 - 2023 to 28 - 10 - 2023

Father : Randhir Singh Shekhawat

Mother : Sanyukta Shekhawat

You're the most beautiful and precious chapter of our life. We'll always cherish you till the last breathe.

Sanyukta and Randhir placed flowers on the stone and prayed for better life. They even cried in each other arms but they've to move on.

After spending time they comes out and got into the car. He drove the car and she kept her head on his shoulder.

"Can we go somewhere?" She asked.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked back.

"Away from this place. Away from everyone. I don't want meet anyone. I want to be alone with you somewhere. I want to forget this pain." She said closing her eyes and tears comes out of her eyes.

"Ok. I'll take you away from everyone." He said kissing her hair.

He stops the car and they comes out of it. George approached to them and they gave him confused look when he forward them a box and a file.

"What's this?" Randhir asked.

"Your father left it for you. It's no harm." George said.

He took the box and file and they went into the mansion. Sanyu checked the file and saw him. He opens the box and found a letter in it.

Dear son,

                  I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry that I couldn't became a good father. I'm sorry that I didn't trusted you. I'm sorry with all my heart. I know my sorry isn't enough to heal your wound.

                 What your mother did was totally wrong. I didn't had any idea about her intentions too. Anyways, it's all my fault. I've always supported her.

                 I'm your culprit. I don't have strength to face you. I'm giving my everything to you. You can do anything with it. May be in next life, I'll become the father you want. I don't know where I'm going but I'm going at better place.

Sanyu placed her hand on his shoulder and he looks into the box. It has his toys, gifts and many more things. Sanyu was amazed seeing his childhood memories while he was looking less interested in it.

"Stop looking at it. It's not worth enough." He said pushing herand she slapped his shoulder.

"Shut up. It's so precious. Let me see it properly." She said trying to pushes him but he lifted her in his arms and starts going upstairs to their room.

"We have whole life to see that precious thing. Don't forget we're going away from this memories." He said laying her on the bed and comes over her.

"Then let's start packing." She said struggling but he held her wrists.

"We can do the packing later." He said smashing his lips on her and she smiled between the kiss.

Soon their rest of the clothes lying on the floor and their nakrness got covered under the satin sheet. The room again witnessed of their beautiful togetherness and echoed with their heavy moans and groans.

To be continued...

So how's the chapter?

Already apologized so forgive me.

Every phase of life take test of relationship.

If your partner stays by your side in your bad phase then you choose the right one.

One more chapter to go.

Do likes and comments...

Thank you...

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