The found italian mafia princ...

By MsKittycatred

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Camilla Bianchi was a happy 6 year old with her 7 older brothers, father and mother, she had everything every... More

Chapter 1 -Getting found by family
Chapter 2 -finding out
Chapter 3- getting comfortable
Chapter 4 -almost dying
Chapter 5 -the unknown men
Chapter 7 -Family time
Chapter 8 -Destination
Chapter 9 -Bahamas
Chapter 10 -Our bonding time
Chapter 11 -The boys
Chapter 12 - Father-daughter day
Chapter 13 -Phone calls
Chapter 14 - Enemies 1
Chapter 15 - Dangerous
Chapter 16 - Anger
Chapter 17 - Enemies 2
Chapter 18 - Hurting
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 6 -telling them what happened

187 4 0
By MsKittycatred

Salvatore Pov

After what my sons said I was furious.
How did I not know that happened to my little baby?

Right now we just have to find her, and tell that everything will be alright, and that she isn't alone anymore.

We have already called her alot, and she still isn't picking up. And I'm starting to get worried, what if our enemies got to her. There's just too many 'what ifs'.

We are all now sitting in my office, calling Cami over and over again. They also brought a guy called Luca, saying that he's a friend and also knows about Cami. I don't know if I like that he knows her or not.

"We have been calling her for the past hour and a half, why the fuck isn't she answering?"my son Santino asks getting annoyed and standing up.

When I called her again she answered this time. "Yes Papa."like she knew it was me.

"Where the fuck are you baby?"I ask with a calm voice though inside I was fuming. "I'm on my way back ill probably be there in half an hour.she says as I sigh, knowing she's on her way back.

"When you get back we have to talk about...something...and please don't lie about it."I say as my sons listen to our conversation.

"Fi-"she was cut off when we all heard a crash and bang. It sounded like cars...I couldn't hear correctly?? What is happening??

Just then we heard heavy breathing and grunting. All my sons immediately shot up and so did I.

"BABY WHAT HAPPENED, STAY AWAKE!!"I scream as me and my sons, and that Luca boy run outside and track her phone.... I really don't know why I didn't think about that sooner.

We were all driving to where her phone said she was. We were all driving like maniacs. I just hope my little baby is ok.

After 3 minutes we arrive, and the scene infront of us wasn't good. It was my little baby's car flipped and I could see blood and a...body, I immediately ran toward her car.

I then saw her laying there, on the car hood, I pull her out and my sons are already by my side and Luca.

She's bloody and when I feel her pulse, it was atleast there but it was fading. "We need to take her to our private hospital, her pulse is fading."I say as I was about to stand up with her in my arms but she was taken out my arms by oldest son who never show emotion, he was the one who took her out my arms and took her to the car as we drove to the hospital.

He was the one who kept driving even with her in his lap. He kept on looking at her from time to time and even made sure she still had a pulse atleast. We were all shocked about what he had done. I mean he never did this, with anyone ever. But I guess for his baby sister be made an occasion.

After 10 minutes we arrived and Gio went inside with her in his arms and the doctor took her. We were all waiting fir what felt like years. The doctor still didn't come back with anything.

No-one said anything, we were all in our own world, and when I looked at that boy Luca, he seemed kinda familiar, now that I take a good look at him, but I couldn't pin point who he looked like.

"I'm the leader of the American mafia."he says as he looks at me and I was shocked. How could a 15 year old boy be a leader to a mafia.

Right then the doctor finally came and we all stood up and went right infront of him to wait for what he was going to say. I just hope it's nothing bad.

"Well she's alive, she is out surgery. She had a internal bleeding to the head, but we stopped it. He body also has cuts probably from class, right now she just needs to rest, I will also give you painkillers, cuz her body will be in pain. Her right leg also took damage. It might be broken or...not but we'll need to do an x-ray first. She's resting now, but you can all go see her."we immediately went to the room she was in and we saw her laying there.

Wires was connected to her body, and there was also a big bandaid on her right leg as it was ontop of 2 pillows.

We all went towards her bed but Luca just stood there, with sadness, anger, shock and something else I couldn't really pin point.

We were all sitting around her the whole time, hoping she would wake up and we could see her beautiful eyes. The only think that kept us assuring she was alive was the monitor. We were all slowly falling asleep.

Santino Pov

I was sleeping on this really hard couch when I heard a quiet cough and u immediately shoot up hoping my baby sister was ok.

I saw she was looking at me and with a soft smile. "Hi."she said softly as I walked towards her. "You ok?"I ask and she shakes her head and I frown.

"Why what's wrong?"I ask and look at her worriedly. "Why do you hate me?" She said looking at me with sadness in her eyes.

"I don't hate you baby, I just didn't want to get to attached, cuz I was scared you will be taken away again, and I would break all over again."I said softly and brushed her hair with me fingers and she looked at me with a small smile.

"I don't think it was an accident."she said after a while of us 2 just sitting there and not saying anything.

I sit beside her on the bed and pull her close to my chest and hug her Luke my life depented on it. "What do you mean baby?"I ask confused.

"The car crash, a car came straight at me from ahead with full speed and..."she stopped and I was frowning now. What was she about to say??

"And what baby?"I ask while hugging her even closer to me. "The guy that was driving the car came at me with full speed while looking me dead in the eyes...those eyes, it keeps replaying in my mind over and over again scares me."she saw and I was livid with anger.

I was so angry I could punch anyone infront of me, but I would rather stay with my baby topolino.

(Topolino- mouse/little mouse)

"Don't worry baby, we will find this son of a bitch."I say in a cold voice.

After a while of just us laying there while the others were sleeping they all started to wake up. And they saw that Cami was awake. But they were all looking at me shocked. And I know for a fact it's because I'm laying in the hospital bed with my topolino and that I'm showing affection. I really could care less right now.

After they all got awake more, Cami told them about the whole car thing, and they were all angry. Cuz now this means someone is after her, and it could possibly our enemies.

It was silent right now, we all still had questions, yet still didn't answer any. Until Gio broke it, "babygirl, what happened in you past?"and I felt her tense and I hugged her closer if it's even possible.

"It was bad."she quietly said think no-one heard but we all heard and we all tensed up. Even that guy Luca. What is his intentions with my baby sister?

"I was abused."she simply said and we all were now more furious then ever. My baby sister was fucking abused. I will killed every fucking person that layed a finger on her.

"What."Luciano said with tears in his eyes. "I was abused all my life. Every second of every day, I was abused, by Vince. Hell he even made it a habit. He even had these friends come over every month, they-they"then she started crying.

I hugged her close to me not liking one but about what I'm hearing. Inside I was raging. I could hit anyone who is in my way. But for now I just want to be with my sister holding her close to me.

"They what baby?"Orlando asked calm but he is just like me, in fact everyone is probably raging inside aswell. Hell even that Luca guy isn't even hiding his raging self. If he even dies anything with my sister I'll kill him.

"They raped me."and suddenly the entire world stopped just like that. Just those 3 words, made hell fall on this world. I am at the moment holding all my rage inside for when I go to the warehouse later. And it's fucking hard keeping my rage inside.

No-one knew what to say when she said those words. Carlo and Luciano were crying, but trying not too.

1557 words

Yes I know it's short but don't worry I already started another chapter.

Please tell me what you all think about this chapter.

Next chapter....whenever.

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