Pokémon: Academy Life

By Supernova121

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Another Pokémon story and this one is similar to my old Pokémon story Pokémon Academy, but I got rid of it si... More

Chapter 1: School Fucking Sucks
Chapter 2: My Roommate is An Idol
Chapter 3: Herper's Dream
Chapter 4: Cliche Shit Are Annoying
Chapter 5: First Battle Class
Chapter 6: Maukana Kau'Oli
Chapter 7: Memories
Chapter 8: Training With Us
Chapter 9: The Girl From Galar
Chapter 10: Class Tournament Start
Chapter 11: Paul vs Alain Which Will Win
Chapter 12: Dalton vs Mitchell Hidden Gem Pt.1
Chapter 13: Dalton vs Mitchell Hidden Gem Pt.2
Chapter 14: Amethyst vs Leaf, Battle of Girls
Chapter 15: Time For a Breather
Chapter 16: The Bad Omen
Chapter 17: Semi Finals Dalton vs Drayton
Chapter 18: Dalton vs Drayton Pt.2
Chapter 19: Dalton vs Amethyst
Chapter 21: School Is Back in Session
Chapter 22: Start of a Nightmare
Chapter 23: Orientation is a Goddam Nightmare
Chapter 24: Clay vs Dalton Who Will Win
Chapter 25: Does This Count as a Date
Chapter 26: The Dangerous Rouge
Chapter 27: Hunting For The Predator
Chapter 28: N The One Who Speaks to Pokémon
Chapter 29: Blood is On My Hands and I Do Not Care

Chapter 20: End of The Class Tournament

66 7 9
By Supernova121

No One POV

The final battle between Dalton and Amethyst is about to begin as Dalton has his shiny Lucario out and as for Amethyst she has her Bisharp out, and it's not a good match up considering that it has a 4x weakness to Fighting type Pokémon.

As throughout this entire battle Dalton had made a fool out of her and pretty much made quick work of the Pokémon she used before hand, Amethyst knew that she can't win against someone like him and it made Maukana annoyed.

"Dammit Bisharp is at a huge disadvantage since he's extremely weak to Fighting type Pokémon, I'm in deep shit right now." She thought to herself.

"I expected more from you Amethyst with all that talk about beating me earlier was nothing but hot fucking air." Satanael had said to her to mock her as she grit her teeth.

"Just you wait Dalton there is someone out there in this school that will beat you and will make you drop that smirk off your face."

"Hahaha I'd like to see that shit happens actually since you said the same thing about you beating me...and look where it's got you."

"Tch, use Night Slash now Bisharp."

"Block it using Bone Rush."

The 2 Pokémon charged at each other as Bisharp's glowing bladed like hand had aimed at Lucario but he created a staff out of aura to block the attack and deliver a kick toward him sending him back a bit.

"Now use Blaze Kick Lucario."

"Quick dodge it Bisharp." Amethyst had said to him a bit desperately.

It was too late as Lucario had already smashed his left leg across its face as he was sent flying backward dealing some great deal of damage from the super effective move, as it wasn't looking good for Bisharp.

"Dammit no matter what I do he'll be able to counter it with an attack that is super effective against him." Amethyst thought to herself.

"Use Dragon Pulse."

"Dodge it Bisharp."

The beam out of dragon energy had hurled its way over toward Bisharp who managed to roll to the side avoiding the attack as it created an explosion as it hit the ground rattling the area a bit from the impact.

"Now Bisharp use Iron Head."

As this time it was Lucario who was too slow to follow as Bisharp's sharp head had glowed a bit as he lunged forward at Lucario and struck him across the chest causing him to slide back a bit gritting his teeth.

Since it was another Steel type move he barely felt that, as it annoyed him more then doing actual damage to him.

"Should've expected that attack wouldn't do a thing to him." She muttered to herself.

"Let's end this already, use Aura Sphere."

"Slice it apart with Night Slash."

Lucario had cupped his hands together and launched the sphere of yellow aura at Bisharp who's blades like hands has glowed the light purple color again and sliced the attack in half as the 2 parts had went behind him and exploded.

"You're just delaying the inevitable you know that right, there's no way that you can win."

"Not unless I manage to make a comeback that is."

"At this point I find that hard to believe unless you have a massive case of Plot Armor."

"What like you then?" Amethyst asked as Dalton has snickered.

"I don't really need Plot Armor...but I do welcome it, now Lucario use Close Combat mixed into Blaze Kick to finish this." Dalton had gave out his command as Lucario had roared in response.

Amethyst had just given up at this point since she knew that she can't win this especially since Dalton still has 2 more Pokémon that is pretty much unharmed in the most part, as Lucario had charged at Bisharp and started to wail on him using the combination of Close Combat + Blaze Kick.

The poor Bisharp couldn't handle the flurry of attacks as he was pushed backwards until he finally gotten sent back with a powerful kick as he bounced off the ground and landed a few meters in front of Amethyst.

The ref had made his way over toward the down and defeated Pokémon to make sure that he's been defeated before making the announcement.

"Bisharp is unable to battle Lucario is the winner, therefore the winner of this battle and the Class Tournament is Dalton Satanael of Mr.Sanchez's class." The referee has announced as he raises the flags.

"This is for the Class Tournament as after all of the battles Dalton has gone through he managed to come out on top as he's now the Champion for his class....but how long will that last?" The announcer had said into the mic, as Dalton raised an eyebrow at that.

"So I was right this so called Champion title is temporary, but when will the next tournament be held?" He wondered to himself, as he glanced back at Amethyst.

He just stared at her for a bit as Amethyst had also looked back at him as all she saw was his dark blue eyes staring down at her.....it was until something had flashed through her mind when she seen those blue eyes of despair and no emotion.


It was when she was younger she was all by herself when her mom had gotten killed all of a sudden and by a powerful Pokémon as well. Her whole hometown was set to flames by one person and his Pokémon, as she walked around the town aimlessly.

"DAAAADD...WHERE ARE YYOOUUUU?" A younger Amethyst had shouted as she walked around.

She kept walking until she seen something in the distance as it slowly swam up toward her in a trail of fire as she stepped back in fear until it stopped a few meters in front of her as she seen what it was.

It was a small Pokémon and had a goldfish like appearance to it as she was really confused but knew this was the Pokémon who set the entire town ablaze. It's the one responsible for what happened along with its trainer.

"Wh-what kind of Pokémon is that?" She stuttered at the strange sight.

"Well what do we have here? It seems there's been a survivor left alive after this massacre." An eerie makes voice had entered the fray.

She turned toward the person to see that he stands at 6'1 has long black hair and dark blue nightlights and deep blue eyes who look very familiar. He also has a somewhat fair skin tone and has a cold and dark look In his eyes.

This person is Abyss Satanael, the father of Dalton,Nero and Verosika.

"How interesting so your Aurora's daughter hmm." 

"Who-who are you?" 

"Ohh who I am is nothing of you concern little girl but what will happen to you if you don't run....well you'll find out sooner or later."

Without any second thought Amethyst has ran away fast and far as her legs could take her as the last thing she could remember before she passed out was a giant wall of fire coming towards her.

*End Flashback*

Dalton stood there confused to see the terrified look on Amethyst's face as he raised an eyebrow but shrugged It off and walked away not giving a crap at what she just seen from her past, even Josiah and Paul seen the scared look oh her face and questioned it.

"I was hoping you'd be more of a challenge here Amethyst but you've just been a disappointment, but I do look forward to battling you in the future whenever this dam school decides to make another tournament." He said as he walked away leaving her alone thinking back in her memories.

Timeskip brought to you by a chibi Tobias sneaking out after the battle had ended.

Change POV Dalton 

That was weird asf after the battle I had with Amethyst as for some reason she looked like she was gonna shit herself, and well it wasn't I was gonna physically beat her unless she came to attack me first then of course I'm gonna attack back but she looked...weird.

"So how does it feel to be the Class Champion?" Josiah asked curiously.

"Nothing changed."

"What? So you don't feel prideful at all? Like any sort of accomplishment?" 

"No why would I feel accomplished if there's gonna have another one like this In who knows how long, this was just a test to see our progress and the next one will be the real deal." 

"The more you think about it the more he's right about that." Paul has also jumped in agreeing with me.

Sure winning this has been proven to be...helpful I guess for not only me but for the other classes as well as they'll most likely come up with different strategies to defeat me and anyone else who participated. The ones who has the advantage Is the class who didn't participate and both Maukana and Josiah.

"Anyways now that we've gotten this bullshit done and over with how about we head to the mall and get something to eat?" I offered up since I've gotten quite hungry after standing around giving out commands.

"Sure I guess we can do that but your not gonna go talk to that Ai and Lacey chicks?" Josiah asked a bit confused.

"No why the hell would I do that? I see Ai pretty much every dam day since we share the same dorm room and as for Lacey we're in different classes." 

"Dude...bro is so dense he doesn't even see it." I heard Paul say to Josiah...I'm right here you know.

"That or he just doesn't care at all." 

"I hardly believe that, he probably knows and cares about it but won't admit it since he's being a tsundere." 

"I'm right here goddammit I can hear your asses talking about me." I said to them with an annoyed look on my face as I sent them a half glare.

"Excuse me do you mind if we talk for a bit." We suddenly stopped when we heard a voice call out to us or more specifically...me.

The 3 of us tuned around to see a good looking male who seems a bit older then us like I'll say about 19-20 as he has bluish black hair tied in a wolfs tail as the sides of his head is buzzed short as he also has light green eyes and feminine looking eyelashes.

He also stands at 5'8 which makes him no taller then me and has a somewhat lean muscular build to him as well....for some reason he looks quite familiar, but it's hard to tell since his ass has glasses on him.

"Is there something you need?" I decided to ask a bit cautiously.

"Well I was wondering if you'd like to have...a sponsorship?" He asked me as I stood there surprised and so was Paul and Josiah.

"Ok what?"

"Did you not hear me? I asked if you wanted to have a sponsorship from me?"

"Hold on so you were one of the sponsors up in the stands?" 

"Yes i was." 

This was something I wasn't expecting at all, to think my ass would get offered a sponsorship....but to me it just seems odd since I never thought I'd get this opportunity at all, but then again this can be quite useful to me.

"Well..l don't really mind but I never gotten your name." I said back to him as he seemed to understand.

"Oh It seems I have forgotten to introduce myself, my name is Lehua Kamalani Lucifer it's nice to meet you Dalton Satanael." He introduced himself as my eyes widened in surprise...he's related to Haleakala.

"Hold on so your related to Haleakala the Alola Champion? So your the little brother he's been telling me about." I said to him surprised at he suddenness.

"Hahaha well yeah he does seem to talk a lot about me and Maukana which is to be expected." He laughed a bit nervously.

"If your related to Maukana then why are you offering Dalton a sponsorship instead of him?" Paul asked confused and curiously.

When he asked that I also was interested in that and even Josiah as well, but when I looked at Lehua he looked....somewhat comfortable, does that mean that aside Haleakala talking about his brothers they don't really get along with each other?

"It's kinda a complicated thing to explain but, our dad has gotten around quite a lot in the past and has gotten multiple woman pregnant as a result. Although Maukana is our brother he's only mines and Haleakala's half brother, which is why you see him with black hair instead of our bluish black." He told us still somewhat uncomfortable.

"So you don't get along with each other is that it? I did sorta told him that Haleakala will always be better than him and he'll be nothing but a shadow trying to chase after him or trying to catch up." I told him as I could see Lehua wince a bit.

"Yeeahhh he tends to get defensive whenever somebody compares him to Haleakala or even me at that matter, but long story short our dad isn't really liked him since he viewed Maukana as a "failed child" for not living up to his expectations." 

"Geez talk about one fucked up yet interested family, definitely not like mines that's for sure." Josiah said while scratching his head.

"To say I do have a lot of siblings and even my younger brother Keenan is off doing his own thing, you probably heard of him."

"Um yeah not really sure to be honest but onto that offer."

"Oh right we gotten off topic, but I wanted to ask you if you want to be sponsored by me? It's a relatively new company as I decided to make a drink called Hawaiian Punch which is slowly but surely getting popular."

"Isn't there a drink like that existing in the real world?"

"Please don't breaks the 4th wall." 

Hmm I do see this as a win since I can get free drinks from this...Hawaiian punch thing, but why didn't he named it Alolan Punch? Meh it's not my business since I wasn't the one who created it but I guess getting free drinks does sound lit tho I'll admit. Just hope his ass doesn't send too many tho.

"Well...I guess I'll accept then, there's nothing better than getting free drinks and I'm curious as to what this Hawaiian Punch taste like." I agreed to it as he seemed to be quite happy with it.

"Splendid I'll have the school deliver the first batch to your dorm room whenever it's ready and aside from the drinks I'll also be sending a few...side gifts as well." 

"Do I have to sign something?"

"Don't worry about that it'll be delivered with the free package."

I just nodded at him as he nodded farewell to us and walked away seemingly to his hotel room before he heads back to Alola....or wherever the hell he'll go after all of this as my ass is still surprised that I gotten a sponsorship especially with my attitude.

Perhaps Amethyst is right...my ass does have Plot Armor, and to be honest I'm not sure how to feel about that, to me it feels...somewhat cheating but ohh well.

"Dam dude you managed to get your first sponsorship and by the dude who owns Hawaiian Punch as well."

"Wait you know about it?" I asked Josiah since he's also from Alola.

"I've seen It a couple of times In stores and there actually pretty good, whenever they come in do you mind if I have some?" 

"Sure but it depends how much his ass sends me tho since I want some as well." 

"What about you Paul?" 

"Not much of a drink guy but I guess I'll take a few." He replied to him as I just shrugged...still hoping he won't send too much.

A/N:yes I know that this battle had went by relatively fast but I wanted to get this dam arc done and over with already and take a small break from battles in this story, as the next arc will be more calm as it'll be the day when parents can come.

A small flashback of Amethyst as she has met Dalton's dad named Abyss who is the one went missing all those years ago(tbh I'm not sure if i introduced him at all in the story)

Like I said before the case from Grand Journeys will be in this story and will be shown in the future, and well...Haleakala and Lehua are not Tobias's sons but are his brothers. Their dad has been going around breeding like rabbits.

Next chapter is gonna be "School is Back in Session"

Stay tuned👍

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