Radio Prince °alastorXreader °

By _alast0r

6.9K 150 22

A girl, a murderer, revenge, sacrifice. alastor x reader x lucifer... YOU CHOOSE THE ENDING!! • contains 18+... More

° A Rude Introduction °
° Surprise, My Dear °
° Trauma °
° Hatred, Born From Ignorance °
° What's on the Other Side? °
° Existence is Pain °
° Authentic Introductions °
° Who Am I? °
° The Lion & The Lamb °
° Party for Two °
° Isolation °
° Danger & Grace °
° Soul Tie °
° The Moth, The Flame °
° Feelings? What are Those? °
° One to Rule All °
° Heaven Occupancy: Overbooked °
° Envious Prince °
° The King VS The Prince °
° Eden °
° Angel °
• Feathers •

• Missed Call: Heaven •

125 1 0
By _alast0r

Golden swirls of light twisted & turned above me, Lucifer dragging his fingers around to pull the hues into intricate shapes. The air shimmered with enchantment, the golden streams creating pictures of ducks, angels, and fire. Anything he wanted to see was there at his fingertips.

I couldn't help but be drawn further into the magical aura surrounding Lucifer. The air of the garden hummed with magic. It was truly a beautiful spectacle, but I couldn't help but steal glances at the king. The golden light illuminated his features, his eyes glistened with a sense of innocence. The light made his blonde hair seem even brighter.

"It's beautiful," I spoke in barely a whisper. The king chuckled softly. After what seemed like hours of him asking me to come to the garden, I finally relented. Drunkenly stumbling & needing the king to support me on the way out of the hotel, I was glad I finally listened to him. I looked at him again, his deep crimson eyes intently staring back at me.

"I apologize for being rude earlier," I said shamefully, the weight of my earlier irritation making itself comfortable on my shoulders. He was only trying to help. I tucked my hands under my thighs, the cool concrete of the fountain's edge under my palms.

"No need for apologies. Sometimes, we stumble before finding the path meant for us," he laughed that soft, angelic laugh. It was contagious, earning a small laugh from me as well, thinking about how I'd embarrassed myself trying to walk alone.

Lucifer grew quiet, his magic slowly fizzing into nothingness, leaving the garden illuminated by only the pentagram shaped moon. In the soft glow, our glances met again, a surge of heat shooting to my core. Not again...

"I'm starting to get tired," I lied. The air seemed to thicken with unspoken desires, but I couldn't tell if that was the alcohol talking or not. A knowing smile played on his lips, a silent acknowledgment that further fueled the unspoken connection between us. "Would you like some help getting upstairs?"

"Ah, no.. that won't be necessary," I shot to my feet, immediately having to steady myself. There was no way I was making it up those stairs by myself. The ground spun ever so slightly as I stood, a testament to the inebriated state I found myself in yet again. The uneven cobblestone path made it much more difficult to navigate, but with each step, I felt more confident. Too confident.

I'd barely made it ten steps before my balance was thrown off, but Lucifer was trailing me the entire time. His hands wrapped around my waist to steady my balance. The warmth of his touch sent a jolt through my senses.

"Our rooms are close to each other," the king persisted. "Let me help you."

Lucifer gave me no time to argue, one of his arms around my waist & the other lightly holding my hand. He effortlessly guided us back inside & up the stairs. Lucifer's presence, both comforting and magnetic, became my anchor in the dimly lit corridor. I closed my eyes for a moment, realizing I felt safe with him. That feeling was unfamiliar.

We approached the door to my room & I found myself wishing it was further away so I could stay close to him like this. Lucifer's touch lingered for a second before he released me, a smile on his lips yet a slight sadness in his eyes. "Goodnight," he whispered softly.

"Goodnight, Your Highness."

He rolled his eyes slightly. I gave a small smile at his mild annoyance before entering my room. The door clicked closed behind me & I slowly made my way to the bed. Curling under the blankets, my mind swirled with thoughts of the fallen angel. A small flash of light caught my attention.

A golden mist shrouded the ceiling, the magic swirling into the figure of a beautiful dove. Its wings unfurled before turning into golden dust-like shimmers that rained down across the bed, dissipating into nothingness, leaving me in darkness once more.


Charlie paced the hotel lobby, and the plush carpet muffled each step. Vaggie was close by, trying to calm Charlie's anxious nerves. Today was the day of the meeting & as much as Charlie begged me to go so she could prove to the angels she had someone that was making progress to redemption, I constantly declined. The fear of my dark secret slipping out made me worried & I preferred avoiding anything that could expose any of it.

Lucifer took the initiative to help calm his daughter, telling her she was going to do great. Charlie graciously smiled at her father before pulling him into a hug.

With the snap of his fingers, Lucifer opened a celestial portal directly to heaven's gates for his daughter. Beyond the portal, a bright vista unfolded-huge, fluffy clouds adorned the azure sky, and golden gates stood tall, radiating divinity. Was this what all the redemption fuss was about? Surely it was only a glimpse, but... it seemed so.. plain. Dull in comparison to the intricacies of hell. Charlie hesitated, but with a smile, she stepped through the portal with Vaggie before it closed behind them.

Lucifer & I stood in the now empty lobby. My head pounded from the night before & I felt nauseous. I drank too much, yet the memories of last night stayed prominent in my thoughts. Lucifer was kind, soft even. I wondered why he had disappeared for so long. The stories Charlie told of her father weren't shining enough light on him. Despite being the most powerful being in hell, he didn't flaunt his power over others like the overlords I'd met.

"Sooooo..." Lucifer clasped his hands behind his back, rocking onto his heels. I smiled at the king despite the throbbing pain behind my eyes. "How did you sleep?" I asked. I was desperate for more conversation with him. His presence was calming, but he also made my mind less focused on Alastor & that's definitely what I needed.

"I didn't, really," he replied, rubbing the back of his neck. "Nerves. Anxiety for Charlie, heaven doesn't listen & I know she's going to be devastated when she returns."

"Hey, we don't know that for sure."

"They didn't listen to me."

As much as I wanted to comfort him, I had the unnerving feeling that he was right. The idea of redeeming sinners was very far-fetched. Despite Charlie putting her all into this, it didn't seem likely that it would work. Angel's contract with Valentino & my contract with Alastor made it impossible for either of us to prove it was possible.

"We won't know until she returns."

"I'm starved," Lucifer was insistent on ending the conversation & I didn't argue. I agreed with him & he offered to make breakfast for us.


"Hey! Not fair!" I wiped at the pancake batter on my shirt, Lucifer grinning with the spoon he launched it at me with still in his hand.

The king insisted he could prepare breakfast on his own, but I felt bad making him do all the work. I opted for making the eggs & toast at least, but he was making it difficult to focus. In response, I found the perfect counterattack - a sizeable dollop of strawberry jam gracing his impeccable white suit. He slipped it off quickly, tossing it to one of the chairs by the table.

Lucifer's playful protests echoed in the kitchen & I couldn't help but laugh. Moments later, he launched another glob of pancake batter at me, landing on my shirt once more. "Oh, Lucifer.." I mumbled, stepping closer to him. "You have something.. right there!" Before he could react, I smeared strawberry jam across his cheek. He blinked in surprise, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected turn. A mischievous grin spread across his face before he slid his hand across the flour covered counter, clapping in my face & sending a cloud of flour into my face. Caught off guard, I coughed & sputtered as the flour cloud enveloped me. Lucifer's laughter filled the air before my laughter soon followed.

Through the flurry of flour-haze, our eyes met & I felt an odd sensation stir within my chest. The king of hell, most powerful being in this realm, was having a food fight with me while we made breakfast. An unexpected flutter of emotions almost knocked me off my feet. I reached behind me to grab the counter's edge, wondering if this was real.

"Are you alright?" His smile faded, concern filling his eyes. I nodded my head quickly, "Yeah, I.. I think I just drank too much last night or something."

Lucifer's concerned gaze deepened before he put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. Was it wrong for me to feel this way? Alastor.. memories of him flooded back, but they felt so far away. Lucifer's gaze deepened before he leaned slightly closer. Expecting reassurance or comforting words like he usually offered, I felt my heart drop when his lips brushed against mine.

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