TMNT Season 4: Sweet Little S...

By AnimeKokoroLover100

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The turtles, Myra, and the others set out into space with the help of a being named Fugitoid to go back in ti... More

Chapter 1: Beyond the Known Universe
Chapter 2: The Moons Of Thalos 3
Chapter 3: The Weird World Of Wyrm
Chapter 4: The Outlaw Armaggon
Chapter 5: Riddle Of The Ancient Aeons
Chapter 6: Journey To The Center Of Myra's Mind
Chapter 8: The War For Dimension X
Chapter 9: The Cosmic Ocean
Chapter 10: Trans-Dimensional Turtles
Chapter 11: Revenge Of The Triceratons
Chapter 12: The Evil Of Dregg
Chapter 13: The Ever-Burning Fire
Chapter 14: Earth's Last Stand
Chapter 15: City At War
Chapter 16: Broken Foot
Chapter 17: The Insecta Trifecta
Chapter 18: Mutant Gangland
Chapter 19: Bat In The Belfry
Chapter 20: Super Shredder
Chapter 21: Darkest Plight
Chapter 22: The Power Inside Them
Chapter 23: Tokka VS The World
Chapter 24: Tale Of Tiger Claw
Chapter 25: Requiem
Chapter 26: Owari

Chapter 7: The Arena Of Carnage

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By AnimeKokoroLover100

We were currently in the Holo training room, getting in a video styled fighting match with, weirdly enough, Shredder at the referee. I don't know whythey guys wanted it programmed liked that, but I was just desperate to get a match in.

Leo was up first as we cheered him on. "Let's see if these upgrades are as good as Fugitoid promised." He got in his battle stance as a hologram of Tiger Claw appeared for him to fight against.


"Shoryuken!" Leo shouted, making me roll my eyes at the Street Fighter call out as he easily fought against Tiger Claw and won. It was a good match even though it wasn't the real deal.

"Totally wrong game for 'shoryukens', bro." Mikey said to him before he was up next, facing against Rahzar.

"Hey! Maybe later we can play Street Fighter! Then you can yell out all the 'shoryukens' you want." I offered, smirking over at Leo as I nudged his arm.

"Sure. If you're prepared to lose." He retorted playfully, making me roll my eyes.

We watched as Mikey fight against Rahzar, using a strange way to defeat him, but at least it was a win.

"Balloonality. Michelangelo wins."

Raph and smirked at each other as we were the next ones up. But before we could even start our battle, the Holo room was quickly shut off from the outside, making us groan.

"Apologies, everyone. You are needed on the bridge immediately." Fugitoid called out to us.

We all exited the training room and headed out to the main area, walking up beside him as he typed away on his screen.

"What's up, Professor?" I asked.

"We are closing on the Triceraton mothership." He stated.

"Our best entry point is the auxiliary air lock. We'll take the stealth shuttle to sneak aboard." Leo planned out.

"I am certain with 99. 98% certainty that the first piece of the black hole generator is being stored in their main armory. April, Myra, and Casey will remain on the ship with me and monitor your progress." Fugitoid explained.

"Are you kidding? I'm not getting left behind like a chump." Casey complained.

"He has a point, Casey. We're just not as stealthy as the turtles. But I'm getting close." April said with a smirk.

"Ha, jokes on you two. Im on the same level. But I'll remain here in case the guys need saving from us. Again." I smirked over at them.

"Ha ha. Very funny, princess." Raph playfully rolled his eyes.

"Alright, guys. Operation Infiltrate Mothership is a go." Leo said and he and the guys left to get suited up before taking the scout ship out and sneakily made their way to the Mothership that was nearby while we kept track on them.

We watched on the tracking screens as the guys made their way into the ship. "We're at the airlock, Professor." Donnie said over the coms.

"It appears unguarded but remain cautious." Fugitoid warned them.

"Relax, Fugitoid. We're ninjas, bro." Mikey reassured, but he didn't do a good job in doing so.

They snuck their way down the hall, staying out of sight.

"Okay, we're in. Lead the way, Professor."

"Head down that corridor and you'll find the passage that leads directly to the armory."

We kept track as they sneakily made their way down the hall and to the airlock. Until they ran into a problem. Seems like they were spotted. Just as I suspected. And what are the odds that Mozar himself was there?!

They tried to fight back against the couple of soldiers that had appeared while Fugitoid called out to them. "Might I suggest a tactical retreat?"

"What? I'm not running!" A normal response from Raph as always. Didn't expect anything less.

"Do what Fugitoid says, back to the airlock!" Leo ordered.

"Easier said than done, dude!" Mikey called out when more Triceratons blocked their path.

"Bring it on, horn-heads!" Raph challenged.

They tried their best to fight against them but the Triceratons proved to be stronger.

"You want the airlock? You shall have it." Mozar opened up the airlock and tossed the guys inside after taking off each of their helmets and locking them inside. "Open the airlock, slowly. I want to watch them suffer."

I gasped as the airlock was slightly opened ajar, sucking out the oxygen out into space as the guys started panicking, fearing they won't survive without air. Until Leo stepped up and got them to calm down.

"Stay calm, guys. Concentrate. Remember your training." They sat on the edge of the cage and started to meditate, calming their minds and slowing their breathing.

We all watched on the screen from the ship, seeing how they were able to immediately calm themselves down and think rationally while using their skills and training to remain alive and alert.

"Look, it's Sendou jutsu, a meditative breathing technique father taught them. They're slowing their body functions to go without oxygen." I explained.

"We should formulate a rescue plan quickly." Fugitoid said to us to which I nodded at.

We had to step away from the security screen, coming up with a full proof plan of action to rescue them. It was going to be easier said than done. A sudden blaring alarm caught my attention and I rushed back to the screen to see that we were no longer able to see the guys on camera, causing me to panic as Fugitoid began to frantically type on the computer.

"Uh oh. It appears that their signal has been lost."

"What do you mean you can't find them?!" April exclaimed.

"What if they're being de-shelled, or deep-fried? Or boiled into a Triceraton-sized-" Casey ranted in, causing me to panic the more stupid ideas of torture he came up with.

"UGH! We get it!" I cut him off.

"Found them!" Fugitoid pulled up a map of the Mothership, showing the cameras where the guys were locked up in a cell, having lost their space suits while an arena waited them on the other side. "Oh, dear, it seems the turtles are scheduled to fight in the Triceraton Arena." Fugitoid stated.

"You mean like gladiators? Wicked!" Casey exclaimed.

"Yes, wicked and cruel. There is no telling what monsters they'll be forced to fight."

"NO! We can't just sit here! We have to think of a plan to save them fast!" I shouted.

"I could remote-pilot the shuttle. If we sneak aboard while everyone is watching the games, we should have little trouble finding their prison cell. Assuming they survive their first battle."

"FUGITOID! Don't say that, please!" I yelled worriedly.



We made our way onto the Mothership, sneaking our way around the corridors but I'm not sure we were headed in the right direction.

"Well, we're completely lost. Way to go, Fuigi... nuts." Casey groaned when Mozar and a few Triceratons appeared in front of us, blocking our path.

"Blast them! Capture the Fugitoid alive. Disintegrate the others." He ordered.

"Not happening, horn- head!" I shouted and got my tessens out, ready to attack him. I dodged a hit but was quickly knocked back into the hands of one of the Triceratons. "Let me go! I will bite! And my venom is potent!"

"Admiral, I believe this Terran could be a prize given to Emperor Zonmoran." He stated, causing my eyes to widen.

"Hmm... so be it. I shall personally deliver her and the Fugitoid myself." I was then taken by Mozar, being held up in the air like some doll as I kicked and thrashed around.

"April, Casey, run! Go to the black hole device. I'll find the turtles and help Myrina!" Fugitoid ordered.

April tried to protest but Casey quickly grabbed her hand and they ran off back down the hall as Fugitoid was knocked down by a Triceraton and he too was captured.

We were taken to the arena, the sights of hundreds of Triceratons in the stands watching and waiting for the next round to begin. I gasped in horror until Fugitoid and I were thrown down onto the ground just behind a stone built throne where a much larger Triceraton figure sat, wearing more royal styled armor.

"On your knees!" Mozar demanded.

I groaned and glared up at him before my attention was turn to the more important looking Triceraton. From how he looks, I'm guessing this guy was the emperor.

"Professor Honeycutt, welcome! Witness the destruction of your turtle friends. And you, a fellow Terran. What purpose do you bring?" He asked, standing up to look at us.

"I'm not just a human! I'm much more! Let us go and I promise you that you won't have to find out what toxic venom tastes like as it enters your bloodstream and into your intestines, making you bleed internally!" I threatened.

"You have a firey spirit inside you. I like that. Perhaps you could be of use to me. Or, better yet, every emperor needs an empress." He cackled, making my eyes widen in horror and disgust.

"YOU ARE SICK!" I yelled then gasped loudly when I saw that the guys had entered the arena, immediately making eye contact with them.

"And now, the vile mutant terrapins face your Triceraton champion. The great! The merciless, Zeno the Undefeatable!" A Triceraton announced over the loud speakers.

A Triceraton that was much much larger in size, even stronger and bigger than the emperor himself walked out in the middle of the arena, standing in front of the guys who looked taken aback. Did they know this guys? If he has to fight then he must be a prisoner like them. The crowd cheered loudly for the Triceraton who prepared himself for battle.

"NO! GUYS!" I called out before turning my attention back at the emperor, glaring at him harshly. "LET THEM GO!"

"You are in no position to give me orders, Terran."

"Even when you just wanted to crown me empress. Make up your mind." I scoffed.

"Why let your friends suffer? I might consider sparing them if you complete the Heart of Darkness." He turned to look at Fugitoid. But what he said confused me.

"I will never build such a weapon for you, Zanramon." Fugitoid responded with hate in his robotic voice.

"Look! If you stop this fight and let my brothers and the Professor go, then... I'll become your empress!" I even shocked myself when I made that offer.

"Myrina! No!" Fugitoid tried to argue but I wouldn't listen.

"Hmm... a tempting offer. But how do I know you won't try to trick me in the end?" He looked back at me, giving me a suspicious look.

I couldn't respond as I was too busy thinking of a reply and watching the guys fight. They were getting easily beaten while seeming to try to reason with the Triceraton. Even the emperor was drawn back to the battle, watching with anticipation.

"Do it, Zeno! Finish the aliens and you will have earned your freedom!" He called out.

"NO!" I pleaded.

Zeno stood still as the guys dropped their weapons, seeming to plead and beg him to understand and listen. What shocked me was that it worked. Zeno turned and threw his giant hammer weapon right at the emperor who dodged it, embedding the hammer into his throne instead.


"These are honorable beings. We are here because we wish the Heart of Darkness destroyed. But you would use it like some cowardly Kraang!" Zeno shouted.

I was surprised that their own soldier actually turned against his own kind. It made me realize that these beings aren't bad aliens. They just have evil intentions while others don't.

"DESTROY HIM!" The emperor ordered.

Zeno fought against the soldiers which allowed the guys to escape from the arena. They grabbed hold of a satellite and hacked into it to fly them up to where the emperor stood on his high podium.

"Surprise!" They all yelled with cocky smirks on their faces which made me laugh, jumping over Mozar and landing on the emperor.

"One move, and King Dino-Breath gets it!" Raph warned, holding up a laser gun he had probably stole from one of the Triceratons.

"Let the Fugitoid and our sister go, and we walk out of here." Leo ordered, to which Mozar had no choice but to lower his head.

"My friends! I was just formulating a most excellent rescue plan." Fugitoid stepped in front of them, making me roll my eyes.

"No you weren't. No offense."

We immediately took off, still having the emperor held hostage as Mozar followed behind us down the corridor.

"Fools! You have made a grave enemy of the Triceraton Empire."

"Enemy?! You already were our enemy when you said you want to destroy Earth! And you even wanted me to be your stupid empress!" I shouted at him.

"WHAT?!" Raph exclaimed angrily.

"Long story!"

"Even if you get off this ship, there is nowhere in the ten dimensions we will not find you." Mozar added.

"Doesn't matter! We'll find a way to stop you!" I retorted.

We kept running down the hallway when we noticed that Casey and April came rushing our way, having the first fragment of the black hole generator on a portable force field with them in hand.

"Watch out! Triceratons behind us!" Casey warned as they were being chased by the alien soldiers.

"Triceratons behind us!" Raph retorted.

We couldn't do anything but luckily the Triceratons stopped firing when hey realized that they would've put their emperor in harms way.

"No! They have the Heart of Darkness!" The emperor exclaimed.

"Wipe them out!" Mozar ordered.

"This way my friends! Beep!" Fugitoid popped us and gathered us up before leading us down another way, turning to an exit.

"I hoped you parked close!" Leo said.

"Hold your breath, guys!" I urged before April pressed the button to the airlock, blocking us out from the Triceratons and trapped in the small room that began to open up.

"Oh, you got to be kidding!" Raph yelled.

April and I gave each other a small nod and combined our powers with the help of the glowing Aeon crystal that helped us focus our powers even more, creating a massive sized force field to accommodate all of us and the first fragment. Holding our breath, we made our way back to the scout ship before securing the fragment and taking off back to the Ulixes.

Once we were safely inside the Professor immediately started up the ship and went blasting light speed away from the Mothership before the Triceratons had a chance to come after us in their aircrafts. Once we were out of their sights, we cheered loudly in triumphant victory.

"I can't believe we fought our way through the Triceraton mothership and back out again!" Raph exclaimed excitedly, grabbing hold of my hand.

"I can't believe I missed your awesome gladiator battles!" Casey complained.

"I can't believe I almost agreed to be an empress to an alien dinosaur! Never get your butts captures ever again!" I shouted at them all before laughing aloud.

"We wouldn't have made it without Zeno." Mikey added.

"And one piece down, two more to go. Where do you think we'll find the next one, Professor?" I asked.

"I have an idea where to start." He replied.

"YES! Things are finally looking up! Up top!" I held my hand up for April and we high fived, looking down at our crystals that really came in handy this time. We discovered today that we are both even more powerful when we combine our growing powers together. We were a force to be reckoned with.

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