Elevator Game ( BTS UNIVERSE~...

נכתב על ידי chandni2009

179 27 3

One day Kim TaeHyung and SeokJin told about elevator game ritual to his friends. which opens the gate of the... עוד

Episode 1 (the beginning+introduction)
episode 2 (the beginning+introduction,part 2)
Episode 3 (the talk)
episode 4 (The game begins)
episode 5 ( welcome to the parallel world)
Episode 7
episode 8 (go away)
Episode 9 (kidnapped)
Episode 10 (TAEHYUNG!!)
Episode 11
Episode 12

episode 6 ( HOW??)

11 2 1
נכתב על ידי chandni2009

Jungkook- all of you just stand and look at your watches AND the clock for just One minute.....Do it....

(Y/N's pov)

We all do what jungkook said..... And we were struggling to breathe from fear......

SeokJin - Oh God......every minute....is really half an hour......

Namjoon- well....damn...everyone have watches right?

HoeSeok - yeah..... we do...

TaeHyung what do we do now?...

Y/n- hide and cool down.

Jungkook- Hide??? Shouldn't we serch for a way out????

Y/n - yes but look at us! We're barely standing from fear and confusion!! We're not thinking straight and we'll just waste time and get in danger!!!!
And according to what YoonGi said.we, must stay away from our respective doppelgangers! That's why we must hide and clam down so we can think straight!!!!!!

YoonGi- I agree with y/n.

Namjoon - so let's hide on jungkook and y/n's office. It's on this floor.

We started moving as silently as possible to the office..... that dark office..
Throughout the dark.....cold corridors...

We all took our respective corners to cool down......we all were so tensed..
I was so scared...and I don't really like being alone when I'm scared....it scares me more....I'm really scared...

Suddenly someone patted my head... then sits beside me..I look behind me...

Namjoon- if you want to stay alone just tell me and I'll go back to my spot.

Y/n- no.... just stay..... here I don't want being alone now of all times...it scares me more....

Namjoon-oh okay then I'll stay with you.

Y/n- hmm..

We both talked about so many things to calm down and relax...

Namjoon- I'm beside you, so just relax, don't worry.

I smile at him...but he doesn't smile back......as usual....... I trust him....😌

Jungkook- hey I know we're definitely will shaken...But you saw it yourselves,
In 30 minutes 15 hours passed we need to go find a way.

HoeSeok- but what can we do? Our only way back was that elevator....

SeokJin - then we look for clues to find that elevator.

TaeHyung - and how do we do that?....

Y/n- we found our doppelgangers.

TaeHyung- ????

YoonGi- hell no!! Weren't you listening to any word I said??? If you meet your doppelganger you'll die!!!!

Y/n- who said anything about meeting them?

YoonGi- what the hell are you talking about??

Namjoon- I think I get what you mean.
You want us to ACT as our doppelgangers to each others doppelgangers. Am I right?

Y/n- Exactly!

HoeSeok- I still don't get it.

Y/n - if you make eye contact with YOUR doppelganger, YOU DIE. So, any of us other than you will interact with your doppelganger, etc.this way,each one if us will stay away from each other doppelganger and we will get information. They looked like us and we can't be distinguished, right? So we'll act as our doppelgangers. Do you understand?

HoeSeok- yeah I get it now.

Jungkook- but you all said that our doppelgangers are evil. In other words they don't have the same interactions as we do how will we act what we don't know??

SeokJin- that's actually a good point...
and the only answer to that is watching.....

Jungkook- watching?

SeokJin- we need to find our doppelgangers and watch their behavior. We need to understand the relationship between them so we can act and get information.

YoonGi - I'm still so against that!!! That's tooo dangerous!!! You don't know anything about those things!!! Those doppelgangers are soo damnn freaking dangerous!!!

TaeHyung- YoonGi.....how do you know all of that about doppelgangers?... there
Are no information about them on internet or in books... there always black pages.....no one knows about them! How do you know all of that??

YoonGi- The books weren't-?????

Suddenly.....someone was running and coming towards the office we we're in.
We all were terrified....

HoeSeok- Hurry!!!!hide!!!!

All of us took positions and hid.... Except me....I didn't know where to go...

HoeSeok- come with me!!!

HoeSeok wisper shouted,grabbing my hand and hiding me with him... we stayed hidden...all of us....... Until the running got too close to our door ,and...
The door opens and closes..... someone ... got in.... it's heavy breathing
.......I was afraid to look...but....

?? - I told them not to!!!! I told them!!

The person was speaking while trying to take his breath from running......but...
that voice.....I look...?!!?!??!!?! JIMIN??!!!!! No maybe he's the doppelganger? It's definitely him!!! JIMin didn't come with us!!! All of us were thinking the same because none of us moved...

JIMin- Damn it.... it's really scary coming here alone.... and the elevator just had to vanished.....Great....Just great....

Wait.... what?

JIMin- I came to save them but I'm trapped and I need to be saved as well now..... how can this get any worse....
Adding the fact that that monster is chasing me . What am I going to do now?... Guess I have no choice other than going back out there to find them.

Before he walks out.

HoeSeok- JIMin?

HoeSeok got out of his hiding place suddenly..... we all stayed hidden...we don't know if it really is the real JIMin.

JIMin- HoeSeok??? Wait.....How do I know it's really you???

HoeSeok- I sent you the wrong reports of another site by mistaking and you yelled at me.... that was the last time I saw you in your office......

JIMin- !!!! OH GOD!!! Are you okay???

HoeSeok- Uhh....yeah-

JIMin- where are the others???!!

HoeSeok- They're.....

TaeHyung- how the hell did you make it here??!!!

All of us got out from our hiding place once we confirmed it's JIMin.....
He signs in relief once he sees the 7 of us.....

SeokJin- how did you get here??!!

Jungkook- And how long have you actually been here?!?!

JIMin- I came like how you all came using the ritual. And yes,the elevator was still in its place normal in our world. That's how I came. And about long I have been her. In our time? 10 minutes. Which means 5 hours there.

Namjoon- why did you suddenly decide that?

JIMin- you guys are "missing" in our world. And I knew you did this stupid ritual. So I knew where you were.
And don't tell me why I haven't told the police. Because I'm sure as hell they don't believe me when I tell them that my employees are trapped in a hell world in the other side.

HoeSeok- you said we're missing. How??

JIMin-You've been missing for two days.

TaeHyung- what??!!! We've only here for approximately an hour and a half!!
That's in our time....but here it's 45 hours......

SeokJin- OH GOD....

Jungkook- guys!!! We haven't eaten anything ot drunk anything for roughly 2 days!!!!!

Namjoon- not I get why you said we'll DIE of dehydration and starvation if we don't keep track of time.

SeokJin- we didn't even notice that we're hungry or thirsty!!!!

YoonGi- because you will only fell the time of your own world. But your body reacts with the time here.

Y/n- in other words......

To be continued.....

המשך קריאה

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