Oneshot|| ZY

By MOR0__

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A collection of short stories by zhanyi only, there is no yizhan here. I hope you like it You can translate i... More

friend's father
sister's husband
Dean of university 1
Dean of university 2
My psychiatrist
Sugar Baby
Kissing teach
The vibrator
Professor of violin
Láska -1-
Five minutes -1-
Five minute -2-
Five minute -3-
The Doctor
Miracles in December
Play married
Jealous Zhan
Singing Competition
Sexy thighs
How l love u


360 32 4
By MOR0__


He surprised me with his low voice, pleading with his tone, so I stared
  He quickly said, eyes wide.

“It's okay if you don't…”

She interrupted his letters and pulled his small body to between my arms, I stuff him inside my coat

Warmer than cold.

And protect it from anything that might have caused it to turn off.

He unleashed his tears and grabbed my clothes.

The sound of his sparkling gasps reaches the core of my heart.

One of my hands was on his back, walking up and down, and the other was between his silky hair.

You melt and wish for eternity there.

My heart beats hard.

Pulsing with painful violence.

And his tears make me want to kill the one who caused them.

This hug and his little body.

His closeness to me.

Strange feelings overwhelmed me during these minutes.

What is going on with me!!

“Should I die?”

He wasn't talking to me.  He was whispering to himself.  It was as if he was debating with her, “Should I just... join him?”

Thinking about his death made me terrified.  It made me angry and upset

How could he think about death so easily!  Is it really easy to sacrifice his life like that..?  Because of someone's toxic talk!

“No one deserves to die, Wang! And you shouldn't think negatively, no matter how much you suffer! You're not allowed to give in to trivial thoughts and end your life.” I really don't know if my words are of any use and if he will listen to them.

All I care about is that he doesn't occupy his mind with what Zanjin said, and I literally don't care who the person he wants to follow is in exchange for erasing those thoughts from his mind and preventing him from thinking about them.

"You don't know what I've been through, and you don't have the right to judge me."
He attacked me in a weak tone, barely coherent between his sobs.

And I became conscious of myself when I buried my face in his hair.  Inhaling his scent.  “Trust me, I am not passing judgment on people. But logically, why would a young man of your age wish to die?”

“Because he has no reason to live!”

He whispered, biting his lip.

“Because he killed a soul instead of dying instead!”

He gently rubbed his head against my clothes.

“Because he is a young man who has burned out forever and no longer sees pleasure in this miserable life! Sorry... I am miserable here.” He concluded his words and turned back, walking away from me, leaving his scent attached to me and the feeling of his body close to mine.

He understood what he said.. and looked at me for a long second, then quickly got up and looked around lostly while wiping away his tears, “You can just forget what I said, Mr. Xiao...”

Before he gave me a poor look, he hurried inside.  He blames himself because in a weak moment he surrendered to me

And he told me what I shouldn't know.

What do I do now?

When I developed a desire to be the reason Wang Yibo would live for.  To be the reason that will restore the lost pleasure of life in his eyes.!

To be in his eyes a suitable man to protect him and be life and its sweetness.

To be competent to forget the past and support him to overcome it.

And occupy his soul that was extinguished.

Yibo pov

That was extremely stupid of me.

What she did two days ago in Xiao's arms.

Damn why I asked him to hug me in the first place.  !!

What happened to me?  To cry in his presence and pathetically ask him to hug me.!!

That was crazy behavior on my part.  Oh, I wish I had compiled myself a little

Before I collapsed in his presence.

What disgusts me is how I enjoyed his embrace and his distinctive scent.

How I wished not to get away from him!

I'm sorry haikuan dear for letting you down.

I shouldn't have been basking in this warmth.

I'm very sorry .

“Now each of you will draw a piece of paper at random, and the name written on the piece of paper in your hand will buy him a Christmas gift.”

It's really ridiculous what they're doing.  I am forced to participate with them in this lottery because I am an employee here.

I just hope the name Zanjin...or Zhan doesn't appear to me.

He moved the conch bottle with his hand to scatter the papers, then placed it in the middle so that everyone present could take a paper from it.  I was the last one to come forward to pick up the remaining paper, avoiding staring at the store manager, who did not take his eyes off me.

And... yes, my luck was bright as usual.
'Xiao Zhan'

What is the right gift for you?

As soon as I read his name, I raised my head and exchanged looks with him

His gaze that he did not separate from me.

My body shivered and I immediately took my eyes off him.

His eyes confuse me, to be honest.

Especially after I cried in front of him.

Because it seems as if she is looking into my depths and revealing me.

I closed my eyes for a second, ignored Zanjin's hateful stares next to me as much as possible, and left the place, heading for my swing.

I stuffed the paper into my pants pocket and leaned back, closing my eyes so I could enjoy a few minutes of rest.

While I was still in my room.  I used to spend my time lying on my bed, thinking about thoughts that were repeated every day, or asleep.

My day was empty.  Except that I hate myself more after the end of each night.

Of course, I will not forget my many forced visits to many psychiatrists, my mother’s concern about me, and my father’s reprimands towards me.

now only ?  I don't have much time to think about these tragic thoughts.

Which makes me feel guilty.  I live my life and.. he is under the dirt.

I opened my eyes, my break was over

I found a cup of coffee across from me on the table.  I looked around, and the only thing that caught my eye was Xiao Zhan, who was sitting in his office with only glass separating us.

He glanced at me and returned his eyes to the papers in his hand.

Sigh, he was the owner of this cup.

But the second time, I did not pick it up and left it where it was

After I read the phrase written on it.

'You Are Beautiful.'

" mama .. "

I entered the kitchen calling her.  As soon as she saw me, she dropped everything else and looked around, giving me her full attention until her eyes sparkled because I had come here and talked to her.

"Yes, dear?"

I didn't know how to talk to her about this.  The topic was strange to me.

“I...I mean...what do you think would be an appropriate gift for a man in his thirties?” She blinked in surprise and walked towards me.

“A man in his thirties?”

I hummed, avoiding her gaze.  I am nervous in my position for no reason.

I could just buy him a cup of coffee like he's been doing lately.

He did not stop putting the usual cup of coffee in it

A place I stumble upon

like every day .

With a different phrase each time.

Although I refuse to drink it every time.  But he hasn't given up on me yet.

I don't really know what he's going for.  And if he would stop the ridiculousness he was doing.

He thinks he will gain my trust with his words.  It will help me and erase negative thoughts from my mind.

He thinks he will erase ten years from my head in two weeks

“My mother is involved, please don’t exaggerate.”

I can't pretend nothing happened!

I cannot continue with my life as you wish.

What is gone will not come back.  And the fourteen-year-old Wang Yibo no longer existed.

Please accept this fact.  Don't make it difficult for yourself.

“Well...what does this man like?”

She asked me, hiding her smile

I squirmed inside and raised my shoulders up

“How should I know!”

"Think then, what you might like. It's not difficult, Bobo."

“Don’t call me by that name!!”

She warned, dissatisfied, making her features fade, so I left, not wanting a continuation

Discussion, leaving behind a beautiful woman who lost time because of me.  She almost cried forcibly because of me.

Now I am knocking on his office door to give him the gift that I found suitable for him.  After she refused to hand it over to him among all the employees.

".. Come "

I bit my lower lip at the sound of his heavy voice that reached me, and after fighting my hesitation, I entered his office.

His eyes examining me, attacked me first.  So he left his office and came towards me, making me feel how small I am when he stands in front of me.

“Are you okay? Wang!”

Of course, it was not usual for me to visit his office without him summoning me himself.

".. Okay "

I whispered in a voice that I don't think he heard, and I saw him out of the corner of my eye coming towards me to hold my hand, but I turned back, refusing to let us touch.

A disapproving expression appeared on my face.

And I'm upset with him.

“Mr. Xiao, I came for the gift, as your name came to me on the paper...”

I summarized my intention for him, and took out the small box to hand it to him.

He looked at my hand outstretched towards him, then looked at my eyes, then gave a slight smile

It made my heart beat against my will.  His fingers touched the box and he deliberately touched the skin of my palm with his index finger.

I don't understand this man, what does he want from me?

Since I started working here under his management.

I was not spared his uncomfortable stares.

The coffee cups that I have been finding in front of me with these phrases lately.

His strange and meaningless smile.  Is he now trying to touch me?  .

“I wonder what this box contains.”

With an amused voice, he shook it with his hand so that I could look at him from under my eyelashes. I didn’t know if he would like it or not.  And I don't actually care.

" I will go .."

I muttered, not waiting for his response, and I fled from his office in a hurry, managing the palpitations of my heart and its guilty turmoil...

God, that's wrong.  Don't make me fall in love with this man!  The guilt I feel is enough for me.

I will not bear another sin.  And I can barely breathe here.

Zhan Pov

I like the shy look in his eyes as he tries not to show it to me.

How he handed me the gift, focusing his eyes down He avoids staring at me.

And how he still turns me away from him, still refuses to talk between us, refuses a touch from me... not even our eye contact.

I don't know what he went through in his life to make him refuse all employees to approach him.

He doesn't even have a conversation with any of them.

Introverted about himself.  Rude in his responses

At the same time, he hides a weak personality.

Wang Yibo I remember where I saw you before.

You used to come to this place several years ago and look inside from behind the glass.  I saved you because you came almost every day while I was learning the trade under my father.

I even caught a glimpse of you staring at me more than once.  Then suddenly... she disappeared and was no longer present.

I do not deny that, to myself, I wondered about you and whether something bad had happened to you

There was no bond between us, except that I got used to it

Having you facing the store window while I walk around here And there.

As days went by, I lost sight of him.  But in a strange way, you appeared in the same store as an employee after all these years in which you disappeared. What a coincidence this was!

I rolled the ring he gave me, admiring its beauty.  Maybe he noticed my passion for rings and that's why he bought me one

One and nothing else...


I have extensive knowledge of stones and their interesting meanings.  Now I am curious, almost eating away at my bones, whether you know the meaning of this rose quartz stone

Most of the employees left early for their homes to celebrate with their families.

I finished my work quickly as well

I picked up my coat and car keys.

The atmosphere of celebration, the festivals shining with their lights.

The joy that blooms on everyone's faces.

Cold winter weather, falling snow.

I love this atmosphere.

I am a man who loves the cold seasons.  Where I create the warm atmosphere for myself as I desire

And as my mood pleases.

A traditional Hazard chair, a cup of coffee, calm romantic music and a book preside over my wooden table.

"Yes, mom.. I'm on my way.."

I don't really like the loud celebration atmosphere, but it is New Year's Eve and it was our tradition to celebrate

  With the family every year on this day.

When I was about to get into my car, the sound of gasps and crying reached my ears and stopped me in my tracks.

The sound was only coming from the narrow hallway

Adjacent to the store.  I closed the car door and walked to that place.. exploring

The reason for this sound.


My eyes widened when I saw the condition of this poor young man.

With tears covering his face and blood bleeding from his lips, not to mention a bruise in the middle of his cheek.  He sits on the cold floor, hugging his legs to his body

The emaciated person and crying loudly broke my heart.


I called his name so that he might raise his head and notice my presence, and I knelt down facing him.

My hand, which I had placed on his hair, I quickly removed it when he twitched and moved back, creating a distance between us.

" what is happening with you ? "

Who committed a crime against him and left him this bad?

Did he commit a heinous crime in his past to be punished by now?

Why am I unable to believe that this innocent young man is guilty in one way or another?  !

" go from here"

He whispered in a broken voice, as worn out as his body was... He didn't even have the strength to push me away from him.

“You're going to freeze here, get up and go home!”

He did not respond to me, and remained in the same position.

This madman will die by tomorrow... The cold weather will not have mercy on him, nor will he have mercy on himself

Broken.  And maybe this is what he basically wants, death.

“I wish I were like a fly, I could relive the memories and then forget them just seconds later.”

Do you want to forget the past?  If he wanted to forget it, why would he continue to hold on to it?

When he continues to relive his memories every day.

I sighed and did not want to enter into a discussion with him, in this place and in light of this sickening weather.

“Yibo, get up and let me take you home...”

I put my hand on his shoulder, but he pushed it away violently and got up, annoyed by my presence around him

With difficulty, he stood on his trembling feet that had already frozen, staggering his walk left and right.  He almost falls unconscious

Oh no ?  He already signed.

She quickly grabbed him before his body hugged the snow.  I wrapped my arms around his slim waist and pulled him towards me

  To support him on my chest.

I didn't think for a second when I bent down and picked it up in my hands.  How could his little body bear this harsh cold?  As soon as he felt my warmth, he stuffed himself inside my coat

He groaned in a muffled voice, rubbing his hands together.

He rubs his head against my clothes.

Having him like this in my hands.  Makes me want to protect him forever.  He prevented any creature from touching him and prevented him from anything that might harm him.

I took him home.

I did not know where he lived.

I ignored my mother's calls and then sent her a message saying I couldn't celebrate with them.

I placed him on my bed, and placed heavy sheets over him

I called him several times but he did not wake up, his body seemed to be worn out

So I left him to rest as he wanted.

When I showered, I changed into my other home clothes.

She made me a large cup of coffee, then sat in the rocking chair opposite the bed

He sleeps on it.

To read the book I chose for this evening.

For some reason, I found myself choosing a romantic book about a man who suddenly had love knock on his door without warning.

With every page I finished, I would catch a small glance at the emaciated body curled up between the thick covers of my bed

All I could see of him was his black mass of hair.

Sometimes I hear him repeating the name of something I couldn't

Pick up his letters.

But he slept for about three hours until I felt him

He moves on the bed and raises his body.

I left my book next to the cup of coffee that had been finished for a while and went towards him to check its condition.

“You finally woke up.. Are you feeling okay?” After getting used to the light, he looked at me with brows.

Knotted, wondering where he was.

" where am I ? "

He asked in a whisper, looked around, then returned his eyes to my face, “You lost consciousness a while ago, and I brought you to my house because I don’t know where you are.”

“I have to go...”

He got up, intending to stand on his feet, but I was faster than him. I put him back on the bed and put the covers back over him. “You won’t leave until the morning. There’s a snowstorm outside. The situation is dangerous.”

His perfectly drawn features frowned, and he bit his pale lips, which then softened in pain, feeling the small bandage that I had put on two hours ago when I remembered his wounds.

It's as if he feels embarrassed by me. In the end, he's at his manager's house!  So he avoided staring at me, and I did not take my eyes off him in return and studied his beautiful features inch by inch with precision and attention.

Damn !  What's going on with me?  Why do I like every little detail that this miserable young man does?  Why can't I take my eyes away from him!

“Sh-thank you...”

He whispered, and I don't know what he thanked me for!  To heal his wounds?  Bring it to my house?  Or.. on the warmth that surrounds him.  !

"Do you drink coffee?"

He raised his reddened head to me and nodded uncertainly.

I just hummed to him, smiling at his obvious embarrassment.  “In my closet, there are heavy clothes. You can wear whatever you want... while I bring you coffee.”

Maybe I didn't celebrate New Year's with my family, maybe I lied to him about the snowstorm

But all of that is worth seeing him immersed in my covers that hide his small body in my bed and seeing a slight blush appear on his cheeks.

“My smell?”

I quickly returned with two cups with me, and found him sitting on the edge of my bed, directly opposite the rocking chair, placing a single blanket over his shoulders and tapping the floor with his feet.

" .. Here"

" Thanks ."  He brought the cup close to his nose and inhaled its scent first.

“Your bed is saturated with your scent...even the covers,” he commented, breathing in the scent of the covers around him, as soon as he sat on the chair, placing the second cup of coffee next to the first.

“Yes, your scent is distinctive, a mixture of amber, basil and.. lavender..”

“You are good at distinguishing smells!” He nodded to me with the same impassive expression, drank a little coffee, and then curled up around himself, trembling.

“Do you feel the response?”

" No I'm fine "

I've never seen him smile!  His expressions are always the same, with stagnation, indifference and rigidity of feelings.

I let him sip his coffee slowly, and without drawing his attention, I looked at his small details.  With its unimportant and important details.

For some reason, it felt like he was forcing himself on her bitter taste and not really tasting her.  As if he is not a fan of coffee.

“Was it Zanjin..? Who hit you!” I asked him what came to mind and he flinched again and stomped down.

His head is down.

“So he really is? That damned one, I will teach him a lesson he will never forget.”

".. No "

He protested, eyes wide, and finally raised his head to face me. “He was drunk...and he didn’t realize what he did!”

He defended him with emotion, and I don't understand why

His brown eyes sparkled, and he bit his lips, forcing himself not to cry in front of me.  He did not succeed in this charade.  Although he got up from the bed and walked to the library next to the small windows.

He touches books with his fingertips, pretending to be interested in them.

I could not bear it when I saw his shoulders shaking, and small gasps leaving his mouth.

I left everything and went to him, and before he understood the situation, I pulled him to my chest and hugged him tightly.

I buried my face in his hair, and he did not move away from me, but rather curled up in my arms and cried freely without biting his lips or suppressing his voice.

I don't know how long we stayed like this, but minutes passed

Long I think.  I try to calm him down and relieve him of his sadness and stress

“You can tell me whatever you want, I will be a good listener and I will not judge you.”

I patted his back softly, giving him the courage to talk

There is nothing that bothers him and hurts him.  Maybe I am a strange man to him.  But hiding the problems inside him and beating himself up over them over and over again will not help him, but rather will make his condition worse

I don't really know why I had the determination to help him and stand up

beside him .  But I realize that from the first moment he entered my office, he caught my attention and I did not dare take my eyes off him

He wiped his tears with his palms and took two steps back, "I have never told anyone my story before."

“But I will be the first then!”

He moistened his lips and went to sit in the middle of my bed and covered himself well. It seemed that he felt cold.  He was clearly debating whether he should

Tell me or not.

I walked to him and sat on the edge of the bed close to him, patting him on the shoulder, urging him to trust me.

“I was fourteen, when I fell in love with a man...” he muttered after a long hesitation, not looking at me, just looking at his stone.  He looks pained as he resumes the story.

“I used to go to see him, every day... I watch him from afar. Sometimes I hear his harsh voice and my body trembles and my lens sparkles. I was fond of him.”

“And I only spoke about it with my brother, Haikuan.” I didn’t speak and let him speak alone, so he could feel comfortable and let out his weak voice.

“My brother Haikuan, six years older than me, already had a fiancé and was getting married soon. Their relationship was what I wished for with the man I loved.”

“Literally, they were like love birds, understanding each other through looks only. They always dreamed of building their house together, and living under its roof for warm nights...”

His voice cracked a little, he wasn't sure where to proceed, but he continued anyway.

“And I destroyed everything. Because of me, all her dreams became a mirage.” He cried again and I closed my eyes. I couldn’t bear his tears.  I become weaker in front of him when he cries.

“Because of my foolish love, one day ten years ago I called my brother and asked him to come downstairs... where I was waiting for him under the house to go with me to meet that man, after I had only been looking at him from afar...”

His voice broke, and his sobs increased, so I sighed and pulled his small body into my embrace again.

E: “The elevator was out of order, and his fiancé, Haikuan, insisted not to take it and use the stairs. But out of stupidity on my part, I lied to him... and told him that I had used it a while ago and that there was nothing in it.”

He planted his face in my chest and cried hard there, until I felt the wetness penetrating my thick clothes. “I lied to him even though I used the stairs at the time... I lied to him and my brother died because of me.”

“The elevator went down hard and did not stop. It broke. My brother died in it. Zhan, my brother died because of me. I lost him forever.”

“Yibo, calm down...” She patted his back and hugged him tightly, but he was broken and collapsed.

"I separated Zanjin from his lover. I made my mother cry for years over him. I broke my father's heart. I destroyed a family because of me. I was the reason. I killed my brother. I should have been dead here, not him."

“Hush, yibo, listen to me... stop... you were young... stop blaming yourself! God... stop it!” I don’t know what I should do at this time, he is shaking like crazy.  And the sound of his crying rose loudly.

He hit my chest with his fist, and then called his brother's name. I never expected to see him so weak and this painfully broken.

“Yibo, just calm down a little.. look at me... listen to what I have to say.!” It is as if he is in another world, he does not hear me, he does not see me.  Only in a world alone echoes

"I must die"

I cupped his cheeks with both hands and wiped away his tears

That refuses to stop!  Damn !  He's been blaming himself all this time!  All this time he has been living in the hell he put himself in.  !

How many times did he cry and collapse like this!  Where was I to protect him and save him from the horror of what he threw himself into?  ?

“yibo, please.. just look at me...”

It was of no use to him, no talking, no hugging, he completely lost consciousness!

And I was reckless, and I did not find anything else.  I found myself rushing towards him and kissing him, and I placed my lips on his wounded lips.

At first it was just touching, until he calmed down and his eyes widened as he stared into my eyes.

Then it was no longer a light kiss. I found myself pulling him into my lap and from a superficial kiss to bring him back to his senses, it became another deep kiss in which I enjoyed the delicious taste of his lips.

I was never a lustful man, and I did not have many emotional or sexual relationships.

I have never been so tempted by someone's lips that all my senses were stimulated by them.

And my heart beats harshly against my rib cage.

I didn't like separating this kiss, I didn't like separating my lips from his.  Not only did I taste his lips, but I also tasted his quickening breath, which became my breath.

Xiao Zhan, pull yourself together!  The young man is crying here, remembering his past, and you are thinking about another kiss

“It was my first kiss...”
What a sweet innocence, his cute blush when he was buried

His face in my neck It made me want to kiss him again.
“I'm sorry, Yibo..I wanted to comfort you...”

I excused myself from him, feigning false remorse.  I wish those small seconds would come back and I would taste heaven from his lips.

and he .. ?

His reaction was strange

Compared to a young man who suddenly lost his first kiss.  !!

Unless I am the man Wang Yibo fell in love with ten years ago.

Yibo Pov

What brought us together became a warm embrace

I cannot deny how my insides were filled with relief and how I told him what I had hidden for years.

Calm down.

And how I cried on his chest.

How he kissed me, my first kiss, which when I was young I imagined and dreamed of with him

How he found another way to recover from my attack.  I usually take tranquilizers.

I feel simple happiness inside.  And just as if a rose was sprouting in the middle of the desert inside me.

“Can I read.. a book?”

I asked hesitantly after he left me to regain my self and brought a cup of hot cocoa with him.

“I think you don't really like coffee!”

My eyes widened and I turned to him, "How did you know?"

He smiled and moistened his lips, “I don’t know, just a feeling...”

He's right, I wasn't a coffee fan.  I hate its bitter taste but haikuan liked it and I'm drinking it now as punishment.

“And yes, you can choose any book you like.”

I couldn't express my gratitude to him, I couldn't smile.  So I turned around and went towards the library to pick out a book.

He then grabbed his book and held it up in front of his face, so as not to embarrass me.

This man is just too good for me.

And no matter what I do, I will not deserve it.

“I haven't read a book since I left school.”

I don't really know why I opened up in my conversation with him.  I am an introverted young man who isolates himself and hates gossip.

Because this man is completely different from everyone around me

Even though we are strangers to each other.

He still understands me wonderfully.

He gives me security, even though he does not know me. He embraces me and listens to me, and there is no relationship between him and me

We are connected only by a manager and his employee.

He did not comment on my leaving my studies.
He whispered to me with a smile, “You will feel strange at first, but then you will be drawn to reading a second and third book.”

" Good"

We literally didn't talk after that

Complete silence, but not stifling.

Comfortable silence.

He steals a glance at me from time to time, and so do I.

At the time, nothing was on my mind except that this man and I were spending a nice time alone.  There is no third party between us

No past, no future

Just this moment

I know I won't be strong along the way, so I need you to take my hand and lead me to the right path, please.

Be with me and let's go together to the end of the journey~

These words, made me stare at Zhan.

It is not a passing glance like its counterparts.

But others are meaningful.  With these looks, I begged him with all my heart to save me.  And he holds my hand.

Please don't leave me alone.

Don't turn your back on me.

Straighten me up and fix my brokenness. Save me from my wreckage and the tragedy of my thoughts.

Be the imaginary commando hero.  Which comes from where we do not know

To turn hell into paradise.

At this time, I realized that I would regret it sooner

Or later.

“Oh, the new year has begun...”

Zhan said after he heard the sounds of fireworks

The outside whispered to him and I looked away from him in shame.
“I’m sorry.. because I kept you busy...”

He interrupted my letters and extended his hand to ruffle my hair, "Don't be sorry. Basically, I don't like the atmosphere of celebrations. You saved me."

His tone was joking and I was supposed to laugh or at least smile.  But I couldn't, except a slight nod!  And I lowered my eyes to my lap.

He sighs and gets up, sitting on his knees in front of me where I sit on the edge of the bed.

“I will not tell you. Smile and you will be forced to do so, and I realize that the wound in your heart is not easy. But I will wait to see your sincere smile that comes from the depths of your heart. I will wait for it impatiently... and until that time comes, allow me to be by your side.”

I don't know if his intention was the same as what I understood, but I am grateful to him.  This man still sees hope in me even when I look at my reflection.  I see a young man who died years ago but was not buried as punishment.

“I am lost, Mr. Xiao.”

“Please, just leave it as Zhan Ge...”

  zhan ge!  Just zhan ge!  This is difficult. For me, it is a dangerous step. I do not know if I am qualified to take it forward.

“I will not belittle what you experienced, and I will not mock and describe your actions as exaggerated, but I will make them the past, and the past will not govern the future.”

He was silent again and grabbed my palms to stroke them gently, taking my mind away.  "Let me greet you wang yibo"

He realizes that I am dormant and dead.  So I say.  This man is special, and always has been.

“I fear that your spirit will die down because of me, and that I will not survive.”

Frankly, I said, I will not draw you a false map.

But the confident look in his eyes silenced me, “Xiao Zhan is unbeatable, my dear.”

And his sideways, amused smile confused me

I obliged the next morning

To accompany him to his family home.

I don't know what put me there!

And what am I going to do with them!!

But while I was sleeping, he called my family without my knowledge and asked their permission.

In fact, I was not angry when I found out.  But I was afraid in return.

“You'll enjoy it, trust me.” I didn't refuse, but my face showed clear dissatisfaction and tension.

“And if.. you don’t like it, just tell me, and I will take you home myself.”

Today is the celebration of the beginning of the New Year.  I usually spend this time in my room every day of the year.

So suddenly going out and sharing people's joy with my face

Frowning, it wasn't an interesting plan

“I'll do what you want, and if you insist...I won't force you, yibo...let's go wherever you like!” How can I just, act as if all of this doesn't matter to me.  It is as if I am not affected, and every word that leaves this man’s mouth has a romantic, emotional reality in my heart.

Very difficult, yibo, impossible to the point of impossibility.

" What did you say ? "

I nodded with my usual calm, obeying him, so he smiled at me and ruffled my hair.  Then he went and took his coat and came back to me, put his hand on my back and urged me to walk beside him outside the house.

wang yibo, you will regret it.  Don't be fooled by just the beginning.

“Mom this is yibo, my friend..”

He introduced me to his family, his father, his mother, and many of his family members and relatives, both near and far.

He did not leave my side for a moment.

Whoever asks me will answer for me.  He acts as if he is responsible for me.

“Are you good with alcohol?”

He handed me a glass of champagne and took one for himself.  In the hall that inhabits his family's mansion where you get

Elegant party and luxurious atmosphere.

“Yes, I can resist her well.”

He hummed approvingly and tapped his cup lightly against mine. “Tell me what you like, bodi!”

Well bodi is a hundred times better than bobo as haikuan used to call me.

I pursed my lips and looked around, “I don’t know...”

I have retired from the world for quite some time.  “Um, maybe reading books. I was an avid reader in the past.”

“So how did you feel when you read last night?”

my feeling ?  I was cheerful.

A feeling I haven't experienced for a long time.  For a moment, my soul cried out loudly.

"It's like I escaped death"

Zhan is not a psychiatrist.

Zhan is not like the other doctors I have visited

I sat with them silently, not uttering a word.

“Let's meet every Friday at my house, then...and read a book together, hmm?” I left my empty cup on the small circular table and followed him as he led me to the small balcony overlooking the pool and the garden decorated with Christmas trees.

“Why are you doing this to me?”

He smiled that bright smile of his and leaned slightly to lean on the balcony railing and turn his face towards me. “I don’t know. I personally don’t know why I care about you. All I want is to bring you back to how you used to be instead of this dark personality.” I felt heat creeping up my cheeks at the thought of him caring about me.

Then he teased me and leaned towards me, laughing, “You're blushing, wang!”

" I do not .. "

I turned my face to the other side, but I was already ashamed.



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