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After they finished eating, Phaedrus challenged them to each deliver a sermon in which he described and praised love.

Fully bellied and half drunk, each of them set out to try to capture that ethereal feeling represented by Eros, the god of love, and give it a body of words.  "

I never happened to talk about love in a deep or detailed way

I had never included him in my conversations in a continuous manner, except that an entire week in which my troubled heart accompanied me made me think only of him.

That little boy who stole my mind in a few hours and escaped, disappearing like a fantasy.

“What Plato and his friends did that night is no different from what we do in our intimate sessions with friends, where we always find that love and relationships have their reserved place in almost any discussion. Sometimes, quickly and without warning.”

We find that what started as lighthearted humor and harmless gossip soon turns into heavy questions about...

Our emotional life and our relationship with those we love.  The discussion ends

Each goes to his home, but inside each head is still

"Questions are swirling."
I blushed and raised my shoulders as I walked around the spacious place

Here and there, the looks of my audience travel with me wherever I go

"And since Plato's banquet in the fourth century BC

To this day, there is nothing new under the sun of love.

It is still the same intoxicating and painful feeling at the same time, in whose sweetness we drown some days and barely escape its hurricanes other days.

Between this and that, we keep wondering, where did this love come from?  Do we really love who we think we love?  Will our love be able to last long and one day build a successful marriage?  "

I talked about many aspects of love and the opinions of philosophers about them until I reached the last paragraph to smile at the screen, and my smile and looks were directed only to one person.

He might see me now, anticipating my viewing, as eager as I am to see him

“I heard from someone that whoever loves does not fall! This made me feel an overwhelming desire to investigate his belief and eventually reached absolute conviction...”

If you are sitting facing the screen, you will realize that my words are about you

And that longing tortured me and that I would reach your lips with a bloody kiss as soon as I found you

A severe punishment.

“The word falling in love is not correct. Love is a positive action, and in it a person rises, steps, walks and learns.”

I arranged the papers in my hand and adjusted my stance

I inhaled deeply into my chest and moistened my lips as I concluded today's episode, "End your night with great love, my dear audience, and be careful not to neglect the rare love when you find it, and do not let it slip away from your hands, for before love a person is one thing, and with love is everything, and after love?" ..  " nothing "

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