Professor of violin

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Monday morning was filled with screams at the Wang family's home

Because the acceptance letter arrived today, their eldest son, Yino, has officially become a student at Armonia University of the Arts

How long had they been waiting for this news?

'Will it be a tour only or will the tables be distributed?'

Yibo asked his brother who was preparing himself excitedly in front of the mirror


We will go around the section assigned to us and receive the schedules because tomorrow begins my first semester

Yino's answer makes Yibo smile happily...

Armonia?  She's a nipple too!

But he is still in his final year of high school

If he completes his level as the top boy in his school like his brother, he will also have the opportunity to enter it!

Yibo was distracted and Yino was looking at him while thinking about something.. Yibo is a high school student. There is no objection to him going on this tour with him, but it will be considered a motivational tour for him!

"Dress up as a classy boy, I'll take you with me."

Just two sentences.. made Yibo come out of his trance and run to his room to change his clothes

He tried to look as much like his brother as possible.  Cotton pants and a wide white shirt, very simple but elegant

He left with Yino a quarter of an hour later

The driver took care of the rest to get them to that university, and it was like a dream when the two brothers stood in front of it, even though they lived in a palace and had no shortage of anything.

However, it looks like a palace inside which you will find your happiness!

yibo Make them a great first impression! Let them see who their next boy is next year.

Yibo nodded with a wide smile at Yino

As soon as they entered, they were met by one of the supervisors who smiled at Yibo because he was a newcomer and had been asked about it more than once!  He just has to finish this year

I took Yino and Yibo towards the desired section and he was specialized in singing since Yino has a sweet, angelic voice.

They were in a group with a few other students, because entering this university is even more difficult than entering the White House

yibo, despite his desire to wander around the place, he desperately wanted to enter the general music department, as it is a place of bliss for him.

The facilities were really nice. The university was decorated in a French aristocratic style and was filled with paintings of democratic nobles from the Middle Ages. It was like a museum, not an art university.

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