Texting Mr.Darcy

By starfishqueen1

152 44 35

Completed short story ! +18 ! If you were to get a friendship request from somebody nicknamed Mr.Darcy,you w... More

Friendship Request !
Who is Blertha?
Well,it's almost Spring,isn't it?
You are hurting my eyes !
Okay,crazy !
In a cellar. Never to be touched or opened.
So, marriage is cancelled then?
Two is better than one.
You are an asshole !
Unadded !

I'm scared of heights,you are scared of falling.

5 4 0
By starfishqueen1

Mr.Darcy: (sent image) his plants.

Me: (sent image) plants from work place.

Mr.Darcy: Your work place is nice and tidy .

Me: Yeah,thanks to the cleaning lady.

Mr.Darcy: Isn't that you?

Me: Nope !

Mr.Darcy: You clean the toilets?

Me: Not in my compentence ,actually,only doctors are qualified to do that.

Mr.Darcy: We do sometimes deal with shit.

Me: I know.

Mr.Darcy: Funny how you find it easy to attack my profession 😂.Like there's no fault in me 😍.

Me: That's why it comes so natural to me,cause it's you cutie pie 😍.

Mr.Darcy: Seems like you were not in a mood to talk to anyone and I got you going .

Me: Nah,I'm just calm cause I got my period and now my feelings are validated.

Mr.Darcy: Should I congratulate you?

Me: Yes.

Mr.Darcy: Congrats to not being a mother for yet another month. I volunteer to make that dream happen for you next month ,if you are in for it 😉.

Me: Carry your child? No ,thanks. I'll pass.

Mr.Darcy: The offer is still on the table if you change your mind.

Me: Never.

Mr.Darcy: Never say never.

Me: Cliché.
Me: I went to the salon and got my manicure off..now my nails are damaged,highly sensitive,and ugly .

Mr.Darcy: Show me ?

Me: (sent image) my poor nails.

Mr.Darcy: So no hand jobs for me then .

Me: Nope. Gotta use your own.

~Hours later~

Mr.Darcy: You gonna provide the content yeah?

Me: What content?
Me: Sorry I forget what we were talking about when some time goes between replies.

Seen by Mr.Darcy.

"23:45 " Mr.Darcy: (sent image)

Whatever ! I rolled on my bed,left him on open and slept.

~Next morning~

Mr.Darcy: Well I guess the conversation is dead.

Me: Guessing whose fault is that.

Mr.Darcy: Then this is goodbye !

Me: Okay.

Mr.Darcy: Okay.

Me: Sad.

Mr.Darcy: What? It makes you sad?

Me: It does.

Mr.Darcy: I'm going out for a coffee. Will meet Blertha.

Me: Cool. Show her to me ,when you see her.

Mr.Darcy: She doesn't want to talk to you.

Me: Why,what did I do?

Mr.Darcy: You broke my heart.
Mr.Darcy: I've been thinking all morning to cut all connections with you.

Me: Well go ahead.

Mr.Darcy: I can't ! I'm afraid to lose you for good.

Me: You werent the first time you unfriended me...What's different this time? Why are you scared to permanently never see my name on your phone again?

Mr.Darcy: I haven't thought about it that way. I move quickly. If something is not working and I'm getting attached, I cut all the links and embrace the short term pain. Go for a run, and get over it. However, I feel like I haven't given enough try here. And that's because I'm old and tired. Younger me would literally swipe you off your feet.
Mr.Darcy: (sent image) another selfie.

Me:You look handsome,even when you feel sad .

Mr.Darcy: I dont feel handsome. Can I see you?

Me:Its not a feeling,its a perception.

Mr.Darcy: Can I perceive you?

Me: I dont know. Can you?
Me: (sent image)

Mr.Darcy: I do. And it's hurting me.You have drawn hard lines And I don't wanna push them boundaries because I like you for many reasons. If it was only sexual, I would have made my intentions clear. If you had declined, I would have moved on. End of story. But now, something holding me back, even though all my sexual energy is concentrated around you and even though you completely chose to ignore it, I still end up seeking it from you.
Mr.Darcy: (sees picture) Well. Fuck me!

Me: No need. You are already fucked.

Mr.Darcy: And you too. We are both fucked.

Me: Damn...It's sadly romantic.

Mr.Darcy: Did what I said mean nothing to you?

Me: I like that you respect me and my boundaries .I only see it fit...I wish you could also understand me ,and where I come from and why I am the way that I am,but I guess nobody has the time for that,right? About the other thing, I think only you can understand what do I trigger inside you,that makes you crave that validation from me .

Mr.Darcy: I don't crave validation from you, or anyone. I want to build an online sexual connection. Mutually driven.

Me: Why online? Cause it's less effort?

Mr.Darcy: You come from Balkan. I'm not your man. Believe me. Cause real life sucks. Reality sucks.You will be bitterly disappointed .

Me: Okay...Lets calm down for a minute. I don't want you to be my man,so yes I believe you when you say you aren't .

Mr.Darcy: Ok. I accept that you rejected me. Now let's move on shall we?

Me: Your prespective on life sucks ...If you start something believing that you will be disappointed for sure,guess what? Disappointed you will be,indeed.

Mr.Darcy: Who are you to judge on my perspective of life?

Me: I'm not judging,I'm expressing an opinion. My opinion,based on what you choosed to share with me.

Mr.Darcy: Then why were you so oblivious when I said you broke my heart?

Me: Cause I didn't know you felt like that

Mr.Darcy: Well reality sucks.

Me: Great...That's what you think. And it's because you choosed to believe reality sucks...So reality does suck.

Mr.Darcy:(sent image)

Mr.Darcy: What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you see this?

Me:Happiness. Like pure bliss of happiness

Mr.Darcy: You should not talk to me. I'm not a good influence on your innocent mind.I will spoil the innocence .

Me:What's the first thought that comes to your mind?

Mr.Darcy: There's a 3rd person who took the pic, meaning it was a threesome .

Me:What if they just set the camera?

Mr.Darcy: You asked about my first thought. Camera was my second.

Me: And my first thought was happiness cause she is in the arms of the person she loves.

Mr.Darcy:I'm happy and sad for you simultaneously .
Mr.Darcy:Sorry to disappoint.

Me: Why so?

Mr.Darcy: Happy because you're still hopeful about future, about life and about this thing called romance. Sad because, when you realize that I was right, it will be too late and I won't be there to say "see 🤷🏻‍♂️ reality sucks"
Mr.Darcy: I'm just a bad company 🤷🏻‍♂️.

Me: I told you I don't like doctors.

Mr.Darcy: A doctor you will remember atleast.

Me: Life has ups and downs ,I wouldn't know what happiness is ,if sadness never existed. And I want to experience emotions that make me feel something,make me feel I'm still alive and living life.

Mr.Darcy: (sent image) a bird.
Mr.Darcy: Here she is .

Me: Oh she came !

Me: Wait is this Blertha? Blertha only has one leg.

Mr.Darcy: I transplanted her another leg lol.

Me: Such a savior arent you?

~Later on~

Me: (sent image) Orion's belt stars.

Me: Those are my favorite stars. I always search the sky up for them.

Mr.Darcy: Are you outside?

Me: Yes .Wanna hear smth not so fun?

Mr.Darcy: Hit me.

Me: I stepped on dog shit...My dog's shit in the yard,cause it was dark and I didn't see. Then I saw it and was trying to remove it on the grass and I stepped on some more shit 😔

Mr Darcy: Hahaha. Were you wearing slippers?

Me: Ugh ! Laughing at my pain,I see.
Me: No,sneakers.

Mr.Darcy: So you sitting outside for a specific reason?Or just enjoying darkness ?

Me : I dont enjoy it much...I'm kinda afraid of darkness to be honest.

Mr.Darcy: Come to the room, play with me?

Me: Hahah,are you okay?

Mr.Darcy: No,im a beast.

Me:Aww cute little puppy.

Mr.Darcy: You will be begging to cum .

Me: Why? Are you that bad that I have to beg you? Do you not treat your woman?

Mr.Darcy: Lol. No,I fuck them.

Me: Ah,poor thing ! I like to make love first and be fucked after...Nicely .

Mr.Darcy: I like to fuck first, roughly and then make love afterwards. Kiss the bruises and aftercare .

Me: I'm cool with the sandwhich method as well."Love,fuck,love" and sometimes " fuck,love,fuck".

Mr.Darcy: You will be wet from the moment you see me.

Me: Why? Are you gonna throw a bucket of water at me?

Mr.Darcy: I prefer the "fuck,love,fuck". Round two is when I literally shake the floor and the bed gets it's limit tested .

Me: What did the bed do? Lets take it on the floor.

Mr.Darcy: Your knees will bruise.

Me: Im not kneeling...Im bending.

Mr.Darcy: You are naughty !

Me: But you like it?

Mr.Darcy: Darling,I love it.

Mr.Darcy: Kissing is the doorway to my heart And everything else that comes or cums afterwards .

Me: Hahah good to know. The way to my heart,is food...and great sex.

Mr.Darcy: Well, I have a bbq grill and a steak you'd love to put in your mouth?

Me: Yummy.

Mr.Darcy: Pulling your hair is my dream .I have never felt so attracted or wished so much to do it with ANYONE since like when I was 15. The force is powerful. I literally want you soo bad.

Me: Who did you want to do it at 15?

Mr.Darcy: Oh at 15 I was innocent hahaha.

Me: You know,it's funny,cause until my early 20s I thought sex was just about kissing,and touching boobs hahah everything else did not cross my mind .Until I started reading romance,and dark romance .
Me: So it means hahah you dont want to do it with me at all,cause at 15 you were innocent?

Mr.Darcy: Hahahah no madam. I want to do it with you like I have never done with anyone else. Ever.
Mr.Darcy:Is dark romance like arousable? Does it talk about when it slips in?

Me:Dark is dark,and it's cool...I should have said smutt...The smutt part does turn you on,cause it's detailed.

Mr.Darcy: What is smutt?

Me: The graphic part of love making.

Mr.Darcy: Oh,I see. Thanks.

Me: Always here to enlighten you doctor.

Mr.Darcy: You wont act like such a brat, after I'm done with you.

Me: I know I will regret telling you this but, actually I've never had an orgasm .

Mr.Darcy: We will try together. I will keep your concentration but I have a requirement .

Me: That is?

Mr.Darcy: I want you to completely let go and leave yourself in my hands. I know it's hard for you but I will dig it out of you. Believe me.

Me:Well at least you got that right from me,I don't easily let go,I want to know that I still got it under control.It's a fake belief though,but it calms me down.

Mr.Darcy:This is something that kept my hopes alive.Cause I know you're softer under the hardcore.

Me: Awe,soo sweet...and true !

Mr.Darcy: Achieving orgasm is partly giving control. I guess what you call distraction is the bridge you couldn't cross because you couldn't let go of control .

Me:No,it's because I was too much in my head,calculating everything and just worrying myself,what's right what's wrong etc, etc.

Mr.Darcy:I must tell you something ,but promise not to judge?

Me: I won't judge.

Mr.Darcy: Not all girls are the same. Girls who have to prove themselves in a male dominated society, often times find it difficult to submit to her man like she really means it. Because in her mind, it resonates with weakness. Which is why Girls in higher jobs at directorate level and where they have alot of control and power, find it hard to meet her own sexual demands in the bed with her own partner. I had one such experience.
Mr.Darcy: The point I'm trying to make Is that- orgasm requires a connection. With self or with the person .It just doesn't happen be default during sex.

Me: Don't you think I know that?

Mr.Darcy: For some people, intercourse is an orgasm.

Me:I'm not people...It's pleasurable but not orgasmic.

Mr.Darcy:They haven't experienced the legs jerking and eyes rolling back or almost loosing consciousness .

Me: That is what I want.

Mr.Darcy: It comes with a connection .And then the mere thought of that person makes you wet . Do you want to experience that?

Me: Of course I do.

Mr.Darcy: Take some extra panties with you to the office. You will thank me later.

Me:Why the office?

Mr.Darcy: Cause one of these days, that moment will come and you will be at work. I will be relentless and you will be soaking wet.

Me: I don't believe that will happen. How am i going to orgasm out of thin air?

Mr.Darcy: You will not orgasm. You will build towards it. You can only orgasm when you're in bed and touch yourself after being edged all day.

Me: Oh,okay,I get it.

Mr.Darcy: You not sleeping?

Me: I will sleep in awhile. You?

Mr.Darcy: I just wanna turn off the lights and talk to you.

Me:You'll get addicted,I will get addicted,nothing good comes from addiction.

Mr.Darcy: Yeah ,I don't care anymore.

Me: Have you ever cared?

Mr.Darcy: Yeah ! Look ! I wanna love you. Even if it's for one day.And I'm so tired of withholding my feelings .Thinking oh what if this happens what if that happens. Fuck it. Fuck it .

Me: You are telling that to an overthinker sir.
Me:Also don't play with the love part.

Mr.Darcy:Yeah but one of us has to jump.

Me:I'm scared of heights,you are scared of falling.

Mr.Darcy: I'm not scared of anything. I won many swimming competitions. Little bit afraid of heights though. But I can fake it until I pass out haha.

Me: Fake it until you make it. Thats a good mentor.

Mr.Darcy:Do you like the idea of having sex like twice a year with a person who connects well with you and fucks you the way you always wanted?

Me: Hmm I don't know...I mean what would be the point behind it?

Mr.Darcy:I don't know 🤷🏻‍♂️ to be honest .For all I know is that You make my heart beat fast .

Me: And like fuck me twice a year?😂hahaha

Mr.Darcy: I'm sure the frequency will change once you feel me inside you and around you. I will let you decide how many times you want it then .

Me: As above so below.

Mr.Darcy: As above so below?

Me: Well you said inside and around and I said up and down.

Mr.Darcy :Didn't know you'd be horny on 2nd day of your periods.What days you usually just can't control it?

Me:During ovulation,it becomes a physical need.

Mr.Darcy: I wanna do the right thing with you as well. Bend you over and slip it in until you can't take it anymore

Me: We talk a lot about sex.

Mr.Darcy: It's an energy. It will cancel itself.

Mr.Darcy: Can I call you?

Me: Okay.

He calls and I can see his handsome face. He is lying in his bed with his eyes starring straight through my heart,and I can feel the first butterfly spreading her wings in my stomach. Ugh! This just should not be happening.

-Hi !-he says ,and lifts his lip in a smirk.

-Hi !- I say back ,feeling my rosy cheeks burning.

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