Only you

By formula_one_addict

160 16 27

"Growing up having racing at the centre of your family, isn't always as exciting as people think. My father l... More



10 1 1
By formula_one_addict


If you described this 'get together' as anything but awkward, I'm sorry but you would be completely wrong.

Usually, I am not the type of person to sit back and wait around for others to start, but I felt entirely out of place.

I had no idea where to begin or what to ask. You just can't force people to get to know each other, let alone make them friends.


Carlos said, trying to break the silence.

We had probably been sitting here in silence for 15 minutes. I guess I wasn't the only one feeling like this was the weirdest meeting.

"Well, since you've already gotten to know this muppet, I'll start us off by telling you a little bit about myself. I'm not sure if you've been informed, but this is my home GP, and I am really looking forward to it. I grew up in Madrid, though, not Barcelona. Nonetheless, this is still my home GP. I am the son of Carlos Sainz Sr, a World Rally Champion. I made my Formula One debut back in 2015. I have one sister, who I adore the most, but I equally love everyone in my family. I have a girlfriend, her name is Isa, and I love her dearly. You'll actually get a chance to meet her in the paddock. I reckon you two will be good friends."

Nodding my head as he finished talking. I realised that it was then my turn to share stuff about myself.

"My name is Lucia Rossi, which, omg, you already know."

I avoided eye contact with both of them so they couldn't see how stupid I felt for saying the one thing they already knew, in a meeting designed for us to be telling each other things we don't know.

"I am a full-time model, recently signing a contract with Ferrari Fashion. I have previously worked with brands such as Dior, Chanel, and many others, but I won't bore you with that. I recently moved to Monaco with the help of my best friend, Max. I have started working with Vogue to present a historical analysis of the art of jewellery for other upcoming exhibitions."

With both of them looking satisfied with my introduction, I was ready to sit here in silence for the rest of the time we had left being stuck in this room.

I was almost convinced we wouldn't continue talking when Charles decided to pipe up.

"Rossi, that's your last name right?"

Please don't be thinking what I think he is thinking.

"a yeah"

I sheepishly responded.

"As in the same Rossi and Romero Rossi."

yeah fuck.

"Oh my god, I didn't even realise."

Carlos said, whilst his eyes looked like they would pop out of his head.

"He must be like what? Your brother?"

"Unfortunately, yes"

I said rather bluntly and too quickly.


They both looked at each other, confused by my response. But before they could say anything, I continued.

"You Know, because he only talks about Formula One and nothing else."

I said whilst fake laughing, hoping it would convince them.

"Right, well, he's also a dick."

Charles said. Immediately my eyes shot up to his and to my surprise he was already looking at me.

I wasn't expecting him to say that.

Carlos started laughing again.

"Yeah he really is, especially when you try to pass him out on the track. He loses his cool really fast. But don't worry we won't tell him you think he's a dick too."

Oh, if only they knew how much my brother knew that I thought he was a dick.

"Thanks I'll keep that in mind."

I said whilst slightly laughing to hide the fact that he wasn't oblivious to me hating now he acted.

"So do you enjoy Formula one still?"

Carlos asked me.

"Of course, I love it. It was the first thing I've ever known, especially because it's my father's first love. He bleeds Formula one and therefore so do I. The thrill of the races and the competition is my favourite part. But seeing my brother in the car, always upsets me, because I don't know whether he'll always make it home. That's the only part I don't like. How dangerous it can be."

I said looking at them both. They had a look that said they understood where I was coming from.

"You said your best friend's name was Max?"

Carlos asked again.

"Yeah, um, Max Verstappen"

Carlos jaw quite literally hit the floor.

"No way is your brothers rival your best friend"

I just nodded my head, as I quickly glanced at Charles to see his reaction. I'll be honest he look really pissed off at hearing Max's name. But he doesn't have a reason to be pissed off right?

Carlos and Charles didn't really want to get into why Max was my best friend and I was thankful.

We fell into small talk, just learning about their racing journeys. We didn't realise that the 2 hours had passed, and we had only realised when we saw Bella unlocking the door.

"I hope you all learnt interesting things about each other"

"We are like peas in a pod now, don't you worry"

I said, trying to rile her up as pay back for locking me in the room with them.

She didn't seem pleased but I wasn't bothered.

"Right well I'll catch you tomorrow Lucia, it's getting really late"

I hadn't even realised the time yet. It was a quarter to midnight.

"I better rest up too, since we have a lot of meetings tomorrow, preparing us for the race weekend ahead. I'll see you later."

And just like that, Bella and Carlos run into the elevator, leaving Charles and I still walking out of the meeting room.

"Well that was weird."

He said and I slowly turned around to face him.

"Yeah you could say that again."

Now we were waiting for the next elevator. And let me just tell you it was taking its jolly old time to arrive.

Charles suddenly spoke up again, scaring me a little. He was starting to make a bad habit of doing that.

"You've walked lots of red carpets right?"

"Um yeah why?"

"It's just that- I- never mind."

He was stuttering, trying to figure out what to say.

"Omg, you're nervous aren't you?"

I said whilst being completely shocked and also laughing slightly.

"I am not."

Charles said trying to defend himself but he was failing as he couldn't make eye contact with me.

"I can't believe it, the brave, handsome and notorious Charles Leclerc is afraid to walk the Ferrari red carpet."

I couldn't hold back my laugh anymore and I didn't have to, it was just us two in the lift.

"Fine, fine. You got me. I'm a little nervous. But that's only because it's a massive event and it's straight after the race."

He then couldn't hold back his own laughs.

Once we had both calmed down, the lift doors opened to our floor.

I started walking down to my room, when Charles called out to me again.

"Wait, you think I'm handsome?"

Oh fuckkkkkkk.

Caught red handed and I didn't even notice I had said that. It just slipped out.

Thanks brain, thanks a lot.

"Oh shut up"

I said as I shoved him a little bit.

I continued walking but so did Charles.

"Are you following me to my room or something. God I'm not one of your girls."

I said trying to make him laugh.

To my surprise he didn't find it funny and kind of looked a little hurt. But I don't know why.


He scratched the back of his neck.

"My room is also down this way."

"Oh, well, now this is awkward."

We both continued walking until I reached mine. I went to say goodbye and to see him continue down the hallway to his room but he stopped as well.

And when he looked at me with wide eyes, I realised what was happening.

His room was directly across from mine. Not 3 doors across or even one room. No. Directly across.

I was too exhausted to argue or even talk about this odd situation and I think he was too. We could deal with this tomorrow morning.

"Good night Charles"

I said, as I put the keycard into the slot.

"Good night Lucia."

And as I walked into my room, I heard him say one last thing.

"You never denied thinking I was handsome."

I had my back to him as pointed my middle finger at him as the door closed behind me and I could faintly hear his laugh and then his door close.

All I could think about was what had I gotten myself into by signing this Ferrari Fashion deal.

But that didn't ruin the fact that I had a massive smile on my face.

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