Melodies\ a salvis fanfic [𝘿...

Від d3ad_b0n3s

633 34 53

"Melodies" follows the journey of Travis, a closeted gay teenager struggling with his own internalized homoph... Більше

The melodies of the piano
The melodies of the electric guitar
Vivid dreams
when melodies collide
lost in thoughts
Arcade games
Pancakes and Razor blades
Can men have feelings?
The Party
Encounter of the wolves
It was just a dream
A mark was made
A Hospital Visit
Welcome Home

Burn Marks

41 3 13
Від d3ad_b0n3s

TW : child abuse 

TW: mentions or suggests SH

TW: Mentions of medications

Travis' walk home was fine until he entered his home. He saw his father setting over on his chair. Travis' heart felt like it dropped. he felt like he couldn't breath. "So would you like to tell me where you where at today" Kenneth said in a angered tone as he looked up at Travis. Travis went pale, he tried to clear his throat. "I went to the library sir" he muttered nervously. Kenneth slammed his fist onto the table with a loud boom. "Don't lie to me boy" he said but this time I got up straight then walked up to Travis. "You where with that blue haired masked faggot" he said. All Travis could do was stay there in the still air.

His father rammed his fist into Travis' blind eye. Travis fell backwards onto the ground. Travis' body collided with the floor sending a searing pain up the boys back. He got onto the floor and wrapped his arms around his abused body. Kenneth kicked his lip, leaving it busted. Tears streamed down his face like a raging river. "DON'T FUCKIN CRY" Kenneth yelled leading his foot into Travis' ribs. Travis coughed and coughed until blood came up covering parts of his face and the floor. He tried to gasp for air until he did. Travis didn't dare question why his father on why he was getting beaten to death. His father kicked the sons back reopening old cuts. Then Travis sees his dad pull something from his pocket. A lighter Travis thought. his eye widened when he saw his dad flick it on. The flame lighten up the area. All Travis could do there was lay down as his face was lied down his his own blood. Kenneth placed the flame against Travis' shirt letting it burn. Travis covered his mouth and screamed into it. The flame on the shirt burned out. Kenneth placed another flame next to Travis' shin. Travis bit into his arm from the pain. Travis smelt the flesh burning and cringed.

His father finally walked away. All Travis could do was lay there in his blood and cry. He some how found the motivation to get up. he quietly got up and walked to his room. He closed his door and sat on the mattress and opened up his phone.

‎‧₊˚✧ Sal's POV✧˚₊‧
I laid down on my bed. Gizmo sat right by me, cuddling by my chest. My hair was messy and wrapped up in a low bun with little strands sticking out. I feel my flip phone buzz inside the pockets of my pants. I reach it to see who texted me.

hey can I come over

sure of course what happened??

Travis didn't reply. Hmm that's weird I thought to myself then got up off my bed. I go to my bathroom and try to brush my hair out. I decided to leave my hair down. I try to clean the clothes on the floor and throw them into my closet. I already had a pair of basketball shorts on even though I have never played in my life and I had a Deftones shirt on. I clip on my prosthetic and hear the door bell ring. I ran practically tripping over my feet. I look through the peephole to see Travis. Travis was covered in bruises cuts and his bleached hair was blood red. I immediately let him in. "Travis what happened?" I asked in a worried voice. He didn't reply but just looked down at the floor. "Come on I got some first aid in my bathroom" I say in a calm voice. I pull his arm into the bathroom and have him sit up on my sink counter. I go to my closet and grab the first aid. I placed the first aid by his thigh. "so what happened?" I ask. "I just got attacked by dogs" Travis said in an unserious tone. Sal could relate to being attacked by a dog. He was fixing up some of the cuts on Travis's wrist until he noticed a few old scars. He knew where they where from though so he wasn't going to ask Travis. Sal frowned under the prosthetic from the thought. Sal noticed something on Travis' shirt. a hole was in the shirt. It looked like something burned into it. "Hey what's that right there Travis?"  Sal questioned poking his finger at the burn mark in the shirt. Travis didn't answer the question. "Who did this to you" Sal asked in a calm but worried voice.  He looked up at Travis with worry in his eyes.  the room was still and silent. "Do you have any cuts on your back?" Sal asked in a calm soft tone. "Yea I do" Travis muttered.  "Are you okay with your shirt off?" Sal said in an angelic tone. Travis slips his shirt off revealing scars scattered across the face of the skin.   Sal didn't ask any questions since he knew he wouldn't answer.  He got Travis wrapped up in gauze and band aids. Travis' hair was still bloody and the same with his clothes.  "do you wanna wash your hair in the sink since its bloody and you have bandages on?" Sal asked. "Sure I don't mind" Travis said in a cracky voice. "Okay" Sal said in a cheery voice trying to lighten the mood.

Sal sees Travis look over at the fat orange cat coming over by Travis' foot. He saw Travis move uncomfortably and shift to the side. "Oh  Gizmo" Sal said with a giggle at the end. Travis gave a short smile. Sal got the water running to a warm temperature. "Cmon Travis" Sal said. Travis got up and leaned his head under the sink.  He felt the warm water leak from his hair and into the sink. He scrubbed his hair and the water turned a reddish color. Sal  turned off the water.  Travis' hair was soaked and Sal got him a towel. Travis wrapped and scraped the towel across his hair until his hair was damp. " I'll go get you some clothes Trav" Sal said as he walked out of the room. Travis sat down on top of the side of the bathtub. the orange cat jumped on top of his lap and leaned his head into Travis' stomach, making a purring sound. "He seems to like you"  Sal says with a giggle. Travis jumped at the voice before calming back down. "Ya I guess he does" Travis said with a grin. The grin on Travis' face made butterflies glide around Sal's stomach. Sal felt his face heat up (or what was left of it).  Sal tossed some extra clothes he had on Travis which contained a black shirt with some skulls stacked on top of each other and some black basketball shorts. Travis caught them and Sal left the room with Gizmo in his arms. Travis slipped on the clothing  and gazed down at the scars left on his wrists. A blue band aid covered the area with the text on it saying get better.  Travis smiled at the message and walked out of the bathroom. He walked to Sal's room and sat on his bed. Band posters almost completely covered the room walls. He saw masks on the walls and looked over at the nightstand.  A glass eye looks back at him. Travis jumps a bit then lets his eyes wander the room again. His eyes landed on the orange pill containers on the nightstand. He squinted at the words he wouldn't dare to pronounce.  A frown came to his face knowing now that  Sal takes medication. Sal walks into the room and sat next to Travis.  "you can spend the night if you want" Sal said in a sleepy voice. Travis only hummed in response before petting Gizmo. 

" I'll sleep on the floor if you want my bed" Sal said with a sleepy yawn. "No you can take it I'm fine" Travis replied. "But you're the guest" Sal said. "No Its fine-" Travis stopped his sentence when Sal interrupted it. "Then we can both sleep in my bed then okay" Sal stated standing on his knees at the end of the bed. Travis felt uneasy about the idea but part of him wanted to sleep with Sal. "But isn't that kinda gay" Travis said looking up at Sal. "Not unless you make it that way" Sal said. Red spread across Travis' face, he covered it with his forearm. Travis laid in the corner of the bed with Sal's blanket.  He heard something  unclip. "Okay I need you to not look at my face okay" Sal said in a serious tone. "Okay" Travis said in a tired voice. Sal wouldn't know what to do if Travis caught a glimpse of his mangled ugly face since he loved Travis and didn't want him to run away like the others. Wait did Sal just say he loved Travis? 

                                                                    ⛧°。 ⋆༺♱༻⋆。 °⛧

Words: 1506

(also thanks for 130 views that's crazy)

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