Until I Found You

By evrimalasyaa

12.3K 739 832

8 years after spending the night together at a party, fate brings Kivilcim and Ömer back together. Was it a o... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30

Part 9

484 29 18
By evrimalasyaa

Not my favorite chapter, but had to get this out there since a lot of time has passed from the last update. I will try to post another chapter this week. Hope you all enjoy 😊

Kivilcim walks into her home, tossing her bag onto the couch with a tired sigh. Her daughters take off their shoes and run into the shower to clean the day's dirt away. Their mother warned they couldn't have ice cream after dinner if they misbehaved. Kivilcim's mother, Sonmez, is in the kitchen preparing dinner with Fatma, while her sister, Alev, is sitting at the dining table, engrossed in a book.

Kivilcim: (calling out) I'm home!

Sonmez: (smiling) Welcome home, dear. How was your day at work?

Kivilcim: Long and exhausting, as usual. I am so hungry, Mom. Thank you for starting dinner. 

Kivilcim goes up to hug her mom, thankful for the women in her life that support her as a single mom. 

"Kivilcim, let go. You know I don't like hugs." 

"Mom!" Kivilcim rolled her eyes and approached Fatma, who turns to hug Kivilcim, smiling at her. 

"Try this sauce, love. It is to die for." Fatma takes the spoon and feeds Kivilcim a spoonful of sauce. 

Kivilcim's eyes rolled to the back of her head. "Mmm Fatma. That's delicious. Health to your hands."

Kivilcim stopped in her tracks when she saw Alev on the couch. "I never thought I would see the day, Alev."

Alev: Hello to you too, sister.

Kivilcim: Since when do you read?

Alev: What do you mean, I always read!

Kivilcim: That's a.... thriller? That's unexpected. You're more into romance novels, if anything.

Alev: Yeah, well, I thought I'd try something different for a change.

Kivilcim: Is that so? Or could it be because of... someone you recently met?

Alev: (blushing) What? No, I mean... maybe.

Kivilcim squinted her eyes and became interested: Come on, tell me. Who's the lucky guy?

Alev: (hesitantly) His name's Can. He's cute and sweet. I had time to kill before meeting with my client and we met at the bookstore last week, and he mentioned he's a big fan of thrillers. So, I thought I'd give them a try too.

Kivilcim: (grinning) Ah, so you're trying to impress him with your reading choices.

Alev: Maybe just a little, but I am so bored Kivilcim. This is not my thing.

Alev threw the book on the couch

Look, you were once a teacher. You can finish a book in hours. Can you please just read this and tell me what happens? I am so bored already.

Kivilcim: No way, Alev. No way. I will not get involved in this matter.  I hope it works out for you, but remember, don't lose yourself in trying to impress someone else. The right person will like you for who you are. You don't have to change yourself for a man.

Alev: Oof. Ok, Kivilcim.

Kivilcim: Anytime, sister. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go help the girls with the bath before dinner. If I don't, they'll make a big muddy mess. 


One week later. Lunch time.

Kivilcim walked into the employee lounge when she noticed Omer on the phone getting ready to sit down with his lunch. They both nodded at each other, acknowledging each other's presence. Lately, they have only seen each other at their children's soccer practice, so she was honestly surprised to see Omer at the lounge. She had never seen the previous owner of the school this much. While Kivilim approached the fridge to grab her lunch, she noticed it wasn't there.

Just then, she heard Omer laughing on the phone.

"Okay, Leyla. I am a little busy with the contractors, so why don't you stop by and bring Mr. Adem's file to the school. I will sign it then. See you!"

Kivilcim rolled her eyes at the mention of Leyla's name.

Kivilcim sighed heavily, realizing her lunch was missing. She glanced around the lounge, hoping to spot it somewhere else, but it was nowhere to be found.

Just then, Omer finished his call and turned towards her, noticing her perplexed expression. "Everything okay, Kivilcim?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

Kivilcim tried to avoid eye contact with Omer. She shook her head slightly, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Seems like someone took my lunch. Again. What type of place is this that you take another person's lunch?"

Omer smiled and loved how her voice became slightly higher when she was angry: I have some pastries here. Would you like to sit down and drink some tea?

Kivilcim: Thanks for the offer, Omer. But, I have a lot of work today. I'll see you at the soccer camp this weekend?

Omer: Yes, I'll be there of course. 

As Kivilcim was leaving the lounge, one of the history teachers came in to throw away his lunch and she noticed it was the same one she brought in this morning. Mehmet was a cocky teacher that showed interest in her in the past and when she turned him down, he started to bother her. she did not like him at all.

Mehmet: It is nice to see you smile, Kivilcim.

Kivilcim: It is Ms. Kivilcim, Mr. Mehmet. I would like to let you know that the container in your hands belonged to me. Please, I don't mind, but I ask you to look at the sticky note next time. As adults here who are here to teach children how to prepare for the real world, it isn't appropriate for us to go against our teachings and take what isn't ours. I am sure that isn't difficult for you. Have a great day. 

Kivilcim tore off the sticky note with her initials and thew it in the trash as she walked out.

Mehmet scoffed as she walked out the lounge. "She is such a moody woman, am I right? No one likes women to be so emotional. It is such a turn off."

Omer, who had been quietly observing the interaction, couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance at Mehmet's comment. He knew Kivilcim well enough to understand her obvious frustrations, and he wasn't about to let her be criticized unfairly without speaking to him.

"Mehmet, I think you've misunderstood the situation," Omer interjected calmly, but with a firmness in his tone. "Taking someone else's food without permission is simply not acceptable behavior, regardless of the circumstances. We are all adults here. Kivilcim has every right to be upset."

"You're defending her attitude?"

Omer squinted as his stupidity, but he wasn't finished. He walked up to him and looked down at his hands. "Let's make sure this doesn't happen again, alright?"

With that, Omer turned and left the lounge. About a half hour later, he headed towards her office, where he found her buried in paperwork.

"Kivilcim," Omer said smiling, knocking lightly on the door before entering. "I brought you... some lunch after what happened in there."

Kivilcim looked up, surprised and speechless. "Oh, Omer, I... you didn't have to do that," she said, a soft smile spreading across her face."

Omer set the bag on her desk and pulled up a chair. "Well, that man was an idiot for doing that. And, we have the children's practice tonight. You can't function this way." he replied, returning her smile.

Kivilcim scanned Omer's face, her smile failing to disappear. "You're such a thoughtful man." Kivilcim shook herself out of her thought's not realizing she said out loud what she was thinking.

Kivilcim: "Sorry... I meant it was very kind of you to do this. You really didn't have to. 

Omer: "It's no problem at all. I'll go now, I don't want to bother you."

Kivilcim: No, I can't let you leave. Here, let me grab you a plate too. We can have lunch together."

Omer: "Sure, I'd like that.... Can I ask you something?"

Kivilcim: Sure, go ahead

Omer: "You're the principal here and he is just a teacher. That is, you have more authority than him. Is he always like that?"

"Actually, he wasn't always like that." Kivilcim said while playing with her food.

Omer: "Why, what happened. If he speaks so freely around you like that, maybe he should be warned or fired.

Kivilcim: Because he liked me and I turned him down. He is too proud for rejection.

Omer: ah, I understand now.

Omer looked at Kivilcim. He began to think about all the difficulties she has been through all her life. He wanted to learn everything about her. He wanted to share everything on his mind and most of all, he didn't ever want to see her disappointed. 

After spending time together and having lunch together, Kivilcim noticed how Omer couldn't keep his eyes off her. She began to feel warm and butterflies in her stomach.

Kivilcim: Omer, thank you.

Omer: What for?

Kivilcim: For this and the conversation. It has been awhile since I have spoken to anyone like this. It felt nice and... calming. I feel like I can say anything and you won't judge."

Omer: That means a lot.

Kivilcim: Actually, I just surprised myself confessing that to you.

Omer and Kivilcim laughed, aware of this new change in their relationship.

Omer: I like you like this--

Their moment was interrupted when Omer received a phone call. Kivilcim's gaze went to the screen and she noticed it was Leyla. She began to feel like she was being silly for feeling jealous.

Omer: Yes, Ms. Leyla. Yes, I am currently in Kivilcim's office. Meet me in front of the auditorium, I will be there soon. 

Omer: Kivilcim, I have some work to do and some contracts to sign. I will see you later.

Kivilcim: See you, don't keep Leyla waiting. 

Omer smiled, sensing a difference in Kivilcim's tone. 


Soccer practice

Kivilcim walked onto the field with Doga and Cimen wearing a skin tight jacket and leggings that hugged her curves. The cool breeze rustled through her hair as she greeted other parents and players. It was a sight that caught Omer's attention immediately. 

"Mom, look! There's Mr. Omer and Metehan!" Doga exclaimed, pointing excitedly.

Kivilcim smiled at her daughter's enthusiasm. "Yes, sweetheart. Let's go say hi."

As they approached, Omer turned towards them, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Hey there, Doga, Cimen. Ready for practice, Cimen?"

Cimen nodded eagerly, while Doga gave a shy smile. Kivilcim couldn't help but notice how Omer's eyes lingered on her for a moment longer than necessary before turning back to the girls. Kivilcim couldn't shake the feeling of tension in the air. She excused herself shortly after, citing the need to help set up for practice. She grabbed the neon cones and set them up in a straight line for their warm up.

Throughout the practice, Kivilcim found herself stealing glances at Omer, unable to shake the warmth that spread through her whenever their eyes met at the sidelines. She couldn't deny the growing attraction she felt towards him, but she also couldn't ignore the complexities of their situation.

As the sun began to set and practice came to an end, Kivilcim gathered her daughters' belongings at the bench, preparing to head home.

Cimen ran to Kivilcim, "MOM!"

Without turning as she was busy with putting away the water bottles in her bag, she replied "Yes, my sweetheart?"

"Mom, is that Dad?" Cimen asked, tugging at Kivilcim's sleeve.

"What?" Kivilcim's heart skipped a beat when she turned and saw a familiar figure approaching them. It was, in fact, Kayhan.

As Kayhan approached, Kivilcim forced a smile, trying to maintain a sense of civility for the sake of their daughter and not to cause a scene in front of everyone..

"Kayhan, what are you doing here?" Kivilcim asked, her tone guarded.

Kayhan's expression softened as he looked at his daughter. "I wanted to see Cimen. Do I have to ask to see my own daughter. It's been too long since I've spent time with her."

Kivilcim's jaw tightened slightly at his words. "After a year? That is your own fault. You know you can't just show up whenever you feel like it, Kayhan. Cimen has a schedule, and we agreed on certain things."

Kayhan's gaze shifted to Doga who was playing with Metehan. Kivilcim felt a tinge of guilt as her gaze went towards Doga and Omer. "I know, Kivilcim. I just... I miss Cimen"

Just as the tension threatened to reach its breaking point, Omer walked up, his brow furrowed with concern. "Is everything okay here?" he asked, his voice cutting through like a knife. Kivilcim's heart skipped a beat at the sight of Omer and shifted her gaze towards Kayhan.

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