Cruel Summer - Johnny Lawren...

By vampire_pete

4.2K 93 81

I've always found life to be quite serendipitous, but this isn't exactly what I expected. Life was simple wo... More

Bette Davis Eyes
Private Eyes
Don't You (Forget About Me)
Eye of the Tiger
Hungry Eyes
Just What I Needed
Hit me with your best shot
Got My Mind Set On You
Dirty Work
State of Attraction
I Think We're Alone Now
Call Me!

Everybody Have Fun Tonight

176 4 13
By vampire_pete

"I think Sensei was jealous!"

"Really?" Sam asked

"Yeah, he did not like that guy talking to Y/n. And she was definitely flirting with him, right in front of Sensei." Miguel continued.

"Wow, and he hasn't said anything about what they talked about in the boat?"

"No, and he hasn't admitted it to me yet, but I can tell he likes her. When he looks at her, he has the same look on his face as when he showed me a picture of his ex from highschool."

"I guess thats something."

"It is, he said she was really great. I don't know why he hasn't asked her out yet, he's always saying strike first."

"Probably because my dad hates him, remember?"

"Oh yeah. I didn't think he'd listen to your dad."

There was a knock at Sam's door.

"I gotta go, I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, I'll see you later."

Sam closed her laptop and looked up.

"Hey honey." Amanda greeted

"Hi mom."

"So." Amanda took a seat on Sam's bed.

"I was just talking to Aisha's mom. We were talking about the Halloween dance."

Sam looked down guiltily.

"What those girls did...that was cruel. It ruined her whole night."

"Mom, I wasn't the one who posted it."

"But you didn't stop them, and it was your friends posting that, making fun of her. I need to take your phone."

"What? Mom!"

"No ifs ands or buts. Sorry."


Later, at Cobra Kai.

"C'mon Miguel, you gotta hit harder than that. You're gonna let your opponent pummel you."

"I'm trying Sensei."

"Its not enough."



Miguel kept hitting the punching bag that Johnny was holding.

"Good! Again! You need to strike first! Stop waiting!"

Miguel stopped in his tracks.
"For someone who says strike first, you sure don't practice that in your real life."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, Sensei." Miguel mumbled and rolled his eyes.

Johnny stopped holding the punching bag, and walked towards Miguel.

"This dojo doesn't accept mumbling and pussy-talk. Say it like a man."

"No offence Sensei, but you aren't striking first. Sam and I set you up with Y/n on the boat and it seems like you like her, and you get along. But you haven't asked her out. I don't get why."

Johnny took a breath.

"Miguel, I wish I could tell you that its all simple, but this one isn't."

"Why, because she's younger than you? Sam is a few months younger than me, so I can totally relate."

"No, Miguel, its not just that."

"Is it the training? Or because Mr. Larusso doesn't want you dating her?"


"Well, you and Mr. Larusso aren't on great terms, right? I figured maybe thats why you haven't asked her out."

"I'll date whoever I want, I don't care about Larusso."

Miguel had a lightbulb moment.

"Really Sensei? Because it seems to me, like you're respecting his boundaries, and doing exactly what Mr. Larusso wants you to do."

"Oh don't give me that modern boundaries crap."

"Well, if he's really not the boss, then-"

"Hey, I'm the Sensei. Larusso doesn't boss me around and neither do you. Give me 50 push ups."

Johnny went into his office slamming the door.

"The kid is right." Johnny thought to himself.

Johnny was not one to sit idly by and let someone like Larusso influence his decisions.

He opened his phone to a text conversation with Y/n.


Meanwhile, at the Larusso house.

"Right, Wax on, wax off." Daniel encouraged Y/n.

Training with Daniel had been going well. Daniel was teaching both Y/n and Sam but made time for both of them to develop their skills.

Daniel said that he had something for the girls.

They hoped it would be a car for Sam or maybe some gift cards to Sephora, but they saw Daniel come around the house with a boy, who looked to be about Sam's age.

He had light brown hair and green eyes. He looked shy.

"This is Robby. He's been working at the dealership, and he's going to be learning karate with you guys."

"Hi." he greeted.

"Robby, this is Y/n, and my daughter Sam."

They shared a look, and sweet smiles.

"Lets start training shall we?"

The training went well, and it seemed that they all got along, especially Robby and Sam.

"You two make Robby feel welcome, alright?" Daniel said as he went inside.

"We will." they said in unison.

"So tell us about yourself, Robby." Sam said.

Y/n felt a vibrating in her pocket. She was getting a call from an unsaved number.

"You two keep talking." Y/n said as she went to go answer the call privately.


"Hi, is this miss Y/n?"

"Yes, may I ask who is calling?"

"This is Terry Silver, we met the other night at the were trespassing on my boat." She could practically hear his smirk through the phone.

"Oh yes, about that, I am so sorry, please don't press charges,"

"Please, Ms.Y/n, how about we simply discuss this...say, over drinks?"


"Unless of course you're unavailable..?"

Y/n thought about it. Johnny still hasn't so much as asked her out for drinks. They went to the diner the one time but it seemed platonic to her. And this man, only met her the other day and already asked her out for drinks. Johnny can wait.
'I need to take a page out of Nicole's book and go for it.' she thought to herself.

"Hello?" he said after a moment of Y/n silently thinking.

"Yes. I'm available."


Johnny opened his texts with Y/n again, trying to craft the perfect message.

He slammed his phone down.

"I can't send a text, thats not enough."

He picked up his phone, making a call quickly.

"Hey, its been a long time, lets get drinks tonight."



"Hey, Y/n, my friend Aisha told me theres this party at the beach, wanna come?" Sam didn't mention that she had her phone taken away and snuck a peak at her texts on her laptop earlier.

"I'm much too old for that, but why don't you take Robby?"

"Good idea. I guess I should get to know him better."

"Have fun. And let me know if you need a responsible driver later." Y/n gave Sam a hug and said goodbye to Robby before she left.


Robby and Sam listened to music in the car, bonding over their love of music (though different tastes). They were laughing and making jokes already.

They pulled up at the beach parking lot, coming down the sand hill.

They were giggling, and holding hands because of how fast they were going down the hill.

Miguel spotted Sam with Robby and became infuriated. He walked up to Sam and Robby.

"Oh hi Miguel." Sam smiled.

"Oh hi. I was texting and calling you all day, you can't answer and then you come here with this guy?!" He angrily spews.

"I literally couldn't, my mom took my phone." Sam reasoned.

"Oh how convenient."

"Have you been drinking?"

"No, no, don't turn this around on me. Who is this guy?!"

"This is Robby," before she could finish, Miguel pushed him hard. Robby was calm and collected until this point.

"Hey buddy, you wanna try that again?" He challenged.

"Yeah, I do!" Miguel swung to hit Robby, inadvertently hitting Sam in the face and knocking her down to the sand.

"Ow!" Sam held her face.

"Sam, I'm so sorry!"
"You ASSHOLE!" she yelled.

"Sam," he tried to get closer to her.

"My dad was right about Cobra Kai. Good luck at the tournament, I wont be there." She said with a sense of finality, leaving the beach.

"Sam!" Robby called after her, following her lead.

Sam got in the drivers seat, tears streaming down her face, she put the keys in the ignition through the blur of tears and sobs coming out of her.

Robby quietly got into the passenger side, not wanting to startle Sam.

"Sam," Robby spoke softly.

"What?" she sniffled.

"I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault."


"It totally is!"

"No way, man! Look." Bobby went up to the darts board to point right to where Johnny's dart landed, and Bobby was set on it being only worth 20 points.

"Alright fine. I need another beer anyways."

They both took their seats at the bar, ordering their respective drinks.

"I'm glad you called, Johnny."

"Yeah? Glad I'm beating your ass in darts?"

"Oh yes, of course." he took a sip of his drink. "So whats been going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"You call, after I don't know how long, and as much as I'm happy about it, your mind seems to be elsewhere."

"Is this all that priest crap?"

"You know I'm not a priest."

"Fine...There's this chick." he started.

Bobby leaned in to listen.

"She's pretty cool, and I've kinda thought, she could be cool to go out with...but theres a problem."

"What is it?"

"Two things. She's younger and she's a family friend of that Larusso loser."

"Daniel? From highschool?"

Johnny nodded

"How much younger is she?"

"She's 25."

Bobby silently thanked God.

"But you haven't asked her out?"

"No. Its weird with Larusso, and I don't know, I don't want to ruin everything. I train her at the dojo too."


"I know."

"What did you mean that you don't want to ruin everything?"

"Well, she might get freaked out and never come back to the dojo. If Larusso found out, he'd flip, which is a plus, but I can't deal with him being up my ass all the time. And she's so..."

"She's so what? C'mon."

Johnny took a swig of his beer.

"Johnny, what do you like about her?"

"She's hot. But she's not a bimbo, she's actually funny," Johnny started to smile thinking of the things Y/n would say. "She's got this humour, its kinda messed up sometimes but I like it. And she really tries in training. She doesn't let anything stop her. I can see something in her eyes like.." he thought of the right words.

"She's passionate?" Bobby asked.

"Yeah. She's got this fire."

"Y'know, I know someone who's quite a fire starter." He looked at Johnny knowingly.

"Yeah, well. I don't know if I've been one lately."

"It sounds like you really like her."


"You seem happy."

Johnny grinned.

"If you want my advice, I think you should go for it."

"Aren't you supposed to be celebratory or something?"

"Celibate, is what you're trying to say, and no, I'm not a priest."

"Right, so you can fu-"


"Alright fine."

"You should tell her how you feel."

"I guess."

"You guess? Tell her what you told me. She sounds great, so whatever she says I'm sure it'll be fine."

"Listen to your friend here." the bartender spoke up.

Johnny and Bobby looked up at the man pouring a whiskey sour.
He looked more homely than most bartenders, older too, and he spoke with a subtle Boston accent.
He nonchalantly slid the glass down the bar to another patron, who caught it with ease.

"You'll never regret time spent with her. But sulking here, you will. Going for that girl is worth it all."

"How do you know?"

"I met my wife many years ago. She was special. I don't regret a second I spent with her. And when you know, you know."

"When did you know your wife was the one for you?" Bobby asked, sipping his drink.

"October 21st, 1975."

"Down to the day, huh?" Johnny said

"Of course, I had tickets to see Game 6 of the world series that day."

"No way!" Bobby said enthusiastically.

"I was waiting in a bar for the game to start, and in walked this girl. It was an amazing game. I remember watching...Carlton Fisk steps up to the plate, he clocks it, 35'000 people on the edge of their seats, Fisk is goin' wild, it hits the foul pole, and everybody goes apeshit! And 35'000 fans rush the field." He described the story with such animation Johnny and Bobby felt like they were there.

"You rushed the field?" Johnny excitedly asked.

"No." The man answered


"No, I was sitting in a bar with my future wife."

"And your friends didn't stop you?" Bobby asked

"They knew I was serious. I said I gotta see about a girl."

Johnny thought for a minute and set down his coors and sped off to his car.

"Yeah!" Bobby and the bartender laughed and cheered him on.

"So this is on your tab then?" the bartender asked.




Terry took Y/n to a nice place, thankfully it wasn't too intimidating.

He was a real gentleman, pulling out the chair for her, opening doors for her, the works.

"So, tell me, how does a girl as beautiful as you find herself trespassing on a boat, rather than being wined and dined?"

"Oh its so silly, really."

"Tell me, I'm interested."

"Well, it was my friend, she's sort of like a little sister to me, and her boyfriend, they've been trying to get me together with someone."

"The man you were with?"

"Yeah. I've known him for a few months and the boy knows him too. I guess they thought we would make a good couple."

"Is that what you think?"

"Oh, I don't know." she played it off.

"So what were you all doing in the boat?"

"They had told us, individually, to come pick them up at the docks and that they were in that boat, your boat. And once we were inside, they locked the doors on us."

"Those are some scheming kids."

"That they are. But enough about me, I want to know about this mysterious boat owner." she smirked, leaning towards him.


Johnny's car rumbled and quieted as it stopped in front of Y/n's apartment.

He noticed her '76 Buick Skylark parked, as cherry red as ever.

He walked in what he called a "straight line" to her door.

He knocked confidently, only to be met with no answer but Kramer, her sphinx cat meowing from inside.

He waited for a moment.

A fancy black car drove into the parking lot, unveiling a laughing Y/n.

"Thanks so much, Terry." Y/n said to the driver, a silver haired man who looked vaguely familiar to Johnny.

He held her hand for a moment and that set Johnny off.

She nodded and smiled, before the man drove away to a presumably luxurious mansion.

Walking to her door, she saw Johnny, and looked surprised.

"Johnny? What are you doing here? Spontaneous sparring?" She smiled, reaching for her keys to unlock the door.

"No. Who was that guy you were with?"

"Oh, that was Terry. He was the owner of that boat, remember?"

"He didn't press charges did he? If he did I'll beat his ass."

"No, no. We just went for drinks." She unlocked the front door, opening it for herself and Johnny.

"What do you mean?" He asked in the doorway.

"I mean," she pulled him inside. "We went for drinks." She closed the door, slipping off her shoes and jacket.

"You don't mean a date, do you?"

"Well, not necessarily, but it wasn't exactly a night at the bingo hall." She joked, tying up her hair, getting more comfortable.

"Did he try anything? If he did, I'll teach him a lesson."

"God, no! You don't need to teach him a lesson. Why don't you sit down?" she offered, sitting on the couch.

"How can I sit, when I know you're out with a guy like that." He muttered, reluctantly sitting down.

She sat beside him and could start to smell the beer on his breath. 'Great.' she thought.

"How about I get you some water."

"Waters for pussies."

She only sighed.

"How can you even go out with that guy?" His jealousy was coming out with more ferocity.


"That old guy, he's not good enough and you can't go out with him."

"Why can't I?"

" can't...Because...I gotta see a girl."

"You gotta see a girl?"

"No, I gotta see about a girl."

"Johnny, you're drunk."

"No, you're out of line! You're all out of line! You can't handle the truth!" He stood and stumbled. She grabbed him by the arm, hoisting him up.

She looked up at him.
"Johnny! What has gotten into you?"

"Nothing, but apparently that guy is getting into your p-"

"Thats enough." Y/n sternly said.

"Is that what you told the old guy?"

"Y'know you are being a real jerk right now. I know you're drunk, but even for you, this is a lot." She walked him to the door, still holding him up for stability.

"I'm gonna drive you home." she said.

"Thats fine, I can drive."

"No, you can't. Now give me your keys." she held out her hands but like a child, he looked away and wouldn't hand over his keys.

Y/n put her hands in his front pants pockets, searching for his keys. She had thought about what it would be like to get this close to him, but it never happened in her mind like this.

Johnny pulled his keys out of his shirt pocket, dangling it above her head.

"Looking for something?"

"Yes, now give me that!"

"Magic word."


He dropped the keys in her hand.

"Lets go."

She drove him home, and walked him to his bed.
She had hoped to get close enough to see his bed, but not under these circumstances.

"You're home and you're safe. My job is done."

"It all got messed up, I was trying to," Johnny started before she cut him off.
"I don't want to hear it. Now goodnight, Johnny." she said, closing his door.

"I gotta see about a girl..." he said to himself, drifting off to sleep.

Y/n got back into Johnny's car to drive herself home. Hoping to distract herself, she turned on the radio, which was set to an 80s station.
The radio announcer cheerily came on to introduce the next song.

"Alright folks, next up, Wang Chung, Everybody Have Fun Tonight, for 105.6."

She scoffed and thought to herself.

Everybody have fun. Yeah right.



I hope you guys like it. <3
tysm for all of the comments, its very kind of you, feel free to comment any thoughts! i love hearing from all of you <3
also follow me on tumblr for more - scorpioncobrababe84

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